The Story Remains the Same ~...

By jewelsTHEbatkid

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its about a girl named Hazel Cunningham shes from america, which means its gonna be written in americsaness a... More

The Story Remains the Same ~ A Led Zeppelin Story
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifthteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eightteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Authors Note....Sequel is Up

Chapter Twenty Six

357 16 10
By jewelsTHEbatkid

        After the concert last night I stopped a couple times by waiting fans for an autograph and a picture or two. It was pretty cool that I got to do that. Some of the fans that were waiting spoke nothing but French, which I understood what they were saying. The other fans spoke some English but not really well but hey at least I didn’t have to speak French. They all loved me…me. That pretty much just added extra sprinkles to my sundae. They said that they hope I make an album so they can buy it. All in all, last night was amazing and I wish I could go back.

         I lied in my bed just staring at the ceiling for no reason at all. Well no that was a lie, I was replaying ‘Thank You´ in my head. Snoring snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked next to me and saw a shirtless Jimmy laying on his side facing me. Panic struck over me. I don’t remember what happened when we got to the hotel.

I ripped the covers quickly off of me and I looked down to myself wearing my Mike Ditka, a guy from the bears, jersey number that I had since 1965 and my brothers old plaid pajama pants, don’t ask why. I sighed in relief and sat up on the bed. I looked over towards the alarm clock that read seven forty-five. Pretty early since we didn’t leave the theater till eleven fifteen. I was sharing a room with Jimmy and Lisa. I was just suppose share a room with Lisa but Jimmy wanted to be with me. I went to go use the bathroom and looked at Lisa’s bed. It was strangely never messed up. The bathroom door was open and she was nowhere to been seen. I kinda wonder where she is…

“Fuck!” I slightly yelled in annoyance making Jimmy star in his sleep.

I grabbed my room key off the small table and walked out the door. I closed the door lightly so that I wouldn’t wake jimmy up. I walked towards Robert’s room, which was two doors down across the hall. He had the ‘Do Not Disturbed’ sign up. I started to bang on the door hoping it would wake him.

“Robert open up this god damn door right now!” I shouted loudly.

Jonesy must’ve heard me ‘cause he came out of his room holding a cup. I looked at me and knew what to do. He held up one finger, you know the one that signals one second, and walked back into his room. He came out a second later with Bonzo’s pants. He went through his pants pocket and pulled out a key that had Roberts’s room number on it.

“Here” he said quickly tossing me the key, “You might need this.”

“Thanks” I said quickly before he returned back to his room like nothing happened.

I opened the door without hesitation. Lisa was sleeping in his bed, clothes thrown around the bed. I’m guessing Robert was in the shower.

“WHAT THE FUCK?” I yelled as loud as I could to wake Lisa up and I could really care less she was in deep shit.

Lisa jolted up clenching the cover over her chest.  Her eyes where wide and her eyes said ‘Oh shit’. The shower stopped. Good his out. A couple seconds later Robert walks out of the bathroom with just a towel on.

“Hey doll.  I think you should…” Robert stopped saying what he was going to say when he saw me standing there.

“…go…” he whispered wide eye.

“Um…hey Hazel I can um explain” he said but I shook him off.

“Save it, I really don’t fucking care” I said shushing him up “Lisa put your clothes on your coming with me.”

“But Haze…” Lisa said sweetly

“But Haze nothing. I don’t want to hear it from you either.” I said a bit aggravated, “Get dressed now.”

She did what I told her to do. I really didn’t care if she was uncomfortable. I watched her like a hawk. Kinda pedo-ish if you ask me but I don’t care. When she’s done putting on her clothes I grabbed her by her arm. Before I left I looks at Robert

“I hope you used a condom.”

With that I slammed the door and walked back to my room. I grabbed Lisa’s suitcase. She was begging me not to let her go back home but I wouldn’t listen. I was just too pissed off. I grabbed my purse and room key. Before I left I grabbed a notepad I keep in my purse and pen and wrote a note to Jimmy.

Dear Jimmy,

            I’ll be back. I have to take Lisa to the airport. She was getting quiet homesick and woke up crying. Plus she started to not feel good so I thought it would be okay for her to go home. I’ll try to be quick love.

                                                                                                Peace and Love,

Hazel   xoxo

I left the hotel with Lisa in my hand. With my free hand I hailed a cab. I hailed within two minutes.

               “Où voulez-vous aller?” the taxi man asked in French.

               “à l'aéroport s’il vous plaît. Rapide” I told him to take us to the airport fast. Ah it’s so good I knew French.

~The Night Before… Lisa’s POV~

               Mr. Page was playing his solo for Dazed and Confused. I really liked the song and it was one of my favorites on the album. Mr. Plant came up to me and handed me a beer and cigarette. I took both from him and thanked him. I knew I shouldn’t have taken them from him but I didn’t really care. I was still shy around Mr. Plant even though I’ve known him for two days.

“So love I have a question.” He said to me while I nodded not saying anything, “Would you like to come to my room after the show so I can get to know you better?”

“I don’t know Mr. Plant. Hazel would be pissed if I did.”

“Nonsense doll, she won’t have to know.” He whisper into my ear seductively like the devil himself making my spine shiver, “You leave once Hazel falls asleep and come to my room for some fun.”

“Why the fuck not” I sighed while taking a nice swig from the beer bottle.    

~Later That Night~

            It was eleven twenty-five. Hazel fell asleep after her head hit the pillow. Same thing with Mr. Page since he was snoring. I quickly got up from my bed, grabbed my key to the room and walked out. I went to Mr. Plant’s room that was two doors down across the hall from my room. I knocked on his door, which I guess he knew it was me since he open the door.

            “Come on in doll.” he whispered making sure no one heard us.

            I went in his room without hesitation. Once Mr. Plant closed the door it was completely black. The moon light was the only lighting but it wasn’t so bright, just enough to see each other. I sat down on the bed and started at the moon. God this is probably gonna be the best birthday ever. I was only sixteen but I knew I was ready for this. I mean it’s my hot body I’ll do what I want with it.

            Mr. Plant sat next to me on the bed. He put his hand on my cheek. I looked into his ocean like blue eyes and I just kissed him. I kissed a bunch of guys before but nothing was amazing as kissing Mr. Plant. We continued to kiss until Mr. Plant had me underneath him.

            “You sure you’re ready?” he asked. I nodded in response. 

            “I do have to say this is going to be the best birthday ever.” I told him between kisses, “Thank you Mr. Plant.”

            “Oh I’ll make sure you never forget it.” he whispered, sending shivers down my spine while undressing each other.

            “I’m going to enter you, okay?” he said and I nodded, “Tell me if this hurts.”

            When he entered me it was a bit painful. I’m not gonna lie but it was also felt really good. I would wince a few times when he thrusted into me. After a while the pain stopped and was just pleasure. It was just pure ecstasy at this point.

~Two Hours Later~

            My body went really stiff for the fourth time in two hours. I couldn’t feel my body but that was fine. Mr. Plant rolled off from being on top of me. He took off the condom we used and threw it out. He came back and slid back under the covers. When he laid back down I moved closer to him and laid my head on his chest.

            “Thank you Mr. Plant tonight was amazing.”

            “No problem doll” he said softly, “Now go to bed your probably very tired from what we did.”

            “Uhha” was all that came from my mouth before I went to sleep.


~The Next Day~

            I swear I heard banging on the door while the shower was running. I was so numb from last night I didn’t even bother to see if it wasn’t a dream. It went quiet for a couple seconds. Well not quiet since the shower was running. I heard keys go into the door and the door opened with force.

 “WHAT THE FUCK?” I heard Hazel yell as loud as she could waking me up.

I jolted right up clenching the cover over my chest. My eyes went wide and felt like they were popping out of my skull. The shower stopped. A couple seconds later Mr. Plant walked out of the bathroom with just a towel on.

“Hey doll.  I think you should…” Robert stopped saying what he was going to say when he saw Hazel standing there.

“…go…” he whispered wide eye.

“Um…hey Hazel I can um explain” he said but she shook him off.

“Save it, I really don’t fucking care” Hazel said shushing him up “Lisa put your clothes on your coming with me.”

“But Haze…” I said kinda sweetly

“But Haze nothing. I don’t want to hear it from you either.” she said a bit aggravated, “Get dressed now.”

I did what she told me to do. I was really uncomfortable. She watched me like a hawk. When I was done putting on my clothes she grabbed me by my arm. Before we left she looked at Mr. Plant…

“I hope you used a condom.”

            Hazel partially dragged me to her and Jimmy’s room. We got into her room she grabbed my suitcase. I tried to reason with her and beg her to let me stay but she wasn’t having any of it. She grabbed her purse and pulled out a pen and a notepad. She wrote a note for Jimmy before grabbing my suitcase and my arm dragging me once again. We walked out the door and she hailed a taxi for us. We got in. Hazel said something in French that I didn’t understand. I guess I’m going home now.

~Hazels POV~

            I was so pissed at Lisa it’s unbelievable. I’m not only pissed at her but Robert also. Lisa should of known better. The taxi driver pulled up to the airport in about fifteen minutes. Pretty fast if you ask me.  

               “Merci. Euh ça vous dérange attendre ici pour moi pendant que je reçois ma sœur sur le plan?” I asked him kindly.

               “Oui aucun problème.” The taxi driver answered my question.

               “Merci beaucoup”

                I walked away from the taxi and went into the airport. I went up to the nearest payphone I could see. I don’t really care if it’s some weird time back home but I’m calling. The phone was ringing till Chris picked up. Thank god it he picked the phone up. I told him what happened and told him not to tell mom and dad ‘cause well they wouldn’t trust me again. He was as pissed as I was. He said that he had no problem picking Lisa up at Newark and would talk to her on the way home. After the call I went up to the plane ticket place so I could pay for Lisa’s ticket.

               “Excuse Me Miss , puis-je obtenir un billet d'avion ici pour ma soeur à l'aéroport international de Newark? Elle est un peu le mal du pays et aimerait être de retour avec nos parents.” I asked the lady while lying a bit.

               “Pas de problème.” She said sweetly, “Votre billet devrait être prêt dans dix minutes.”

               “Merci beaucoup”  

               The lady who was helping us got Lisa a ticket for here flight back home within ten minutes. I thanked her and walked over towards Lisa’s gate with her suitcase in my hand. Once we got to the gate I dropped her suitcase by her feet. She started to talk but this time I listened.

               “Look Hazel, I’m sorry but I really wanted to do it. Mr. Plant had nothing to do with it I told him it was okay. It was my choice.”

               “I bet it was. I’m not doing this cause I hate you and feel that you shouldn’t of done that, which I do, its ‘cause I didn’t want you to get hurt when he drops you and goes back for his wife.” She just stood there understanding what I was saying.

               “Look next time I see you, you probably have a boyfriend of your own and could do whatever your heart desires with him but don’t do it with a man half your age, married, and as a little girl. You need to go home. I love you and please don’t do anything like this ever again. I’ll see you in like two weeks anyways. So be good.”               

               She hugged me while thanking me with a little tear running down her cheeks. I didn’t say any other thing or do anything besides hugging her. Before I could say anything else she had to board the plane. She picked up her suitcase and boarded the flight. I waved to her before she left holding up a peace sign.              

               I just hope they used a condom.

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