Chapter Twelve

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The weekend was actually quite nice. I got to talk to my brother. Got to go to a show. Got to listen to a new album that I can't stop listening to. But sadly the weekend was over and today is sadly Monday. I really don't mind Mondays but today felt like it was going to be a drag.

The weather was kinda bad. It was pouring out there. It hasn’t stopped pouring since last night. Sarah offered me a ride to work today, which I gladly took. I did take an umbrella with me because I didn't know if I had to walk home or not.

Today I decided to wear a dress. It was like a black top that went into a grey skirt that had black buttons going down the front with a pair of black flats. I had my hair straightened but that probably won't last through the day. I do have to say rain was my favorite type of weather, next snow.  I could really care less about the sun but here and there I enjoyed the sun.

~Twenty Minutes Later~

Sarah dropped me off at work just in time to. She doesn't really know how to tell time well but how am I to judge I don't either. I got out of the car and headed towards the doors.

Once I was inside I closed my umbrella and walked over towards my desk. As I was walking towards my desk I had notice there was something new on my desk. There were flowers on their. They were really pretty. I believe that they were Cymbidium and Japhet Orchids. They were absolutely beautiful. Mr. Richards probably bought them in to lighten up the room. I put my stuff down, underneath my desk because you never know if someone would look through it, and went to get water for the Orchids.

I came back with a small cup of water cause who knows when they were last watered. As I was watering them I seen a little white card that had something had written. It strangely had my name written on it.

‘To Hazel,

These orchids are exactly  like you…


That was it. No name from who it was. Strange if you ask me. Nobody sends me flowers except for this kid who really liked me back at home who I have a restraining order against. I do have to say, whoever picked the orchids out had amazing taste. They even had a little bit of glitter on them which made them even more beautiful.

~Later That Day~

I was right. Today was a drag. I answered a bunch of pointless phone calls. Accepted one from Sarah confirming that she was not going to be able to pick me up. Just fucking great. It was still pouring out but not as bad as before but still coming down like cats and dogs. I decided on not to bring the flowers home cause of the rain. I finished up the last of my paperwork that I had to do before I leave. I was grabbed my stuff from my desk and got up from my chair. I walked over to my umbrella from the umbrella holder thing rack that was near me. I walked out the door and stood underneath the awning so I could have a smoke. I checked my bag for it but I didn't have any cigarettes which I didn't have any. Great.

“What you looking for” I heard Jimmy’s voice that made me jump a bit.

“A smoke, thats all” I answered seeing that he was on the other side of the awning.

“Here” he offered one of his walking towards me.

“Thanks” I said grabbing it from him and lighting it up.

“I didn't know you smoked” he said after taking a drag of his almost finished cigarette.

“Once again there’s a lot of things you don't know about me” I reminded him “And plus I only smoke when I feel stressed”

“Ah yes you did say that” he chuckled “Aren’t you cold?”

“No I don't get cold only when I'm sick.” I stated finishing up my smoke “It was nice talking to you but I have to go home and make dinner I'm kinda hungry”

“Oh alright. Bye” I heard him say quietly

I opened my umbrella and started to walk home till I heard Jimmy yell my name.

“Hazel wait” I heard him yell my name “Do you need a ride?”

“Um yes and no” I said bluntly

“Come on let me drive you home. Its raining cats and dogs” he somewhat yelled as he walked under my umbrella “Pus I don't want you to get sick”

“Thank you but I have to pass on your offer.” I bluntly said “Plus you're still probably working its sweet of you but you don't have to.”

“Were actually done for today” he said “I insist it pouring out here please?”

He was right. Plus he kinda gave me those stupid puppy dog eyes little kids give you when they want something.

“Alright fine”

His face lit up when I somewhat said yes. We walked towards his car. It felt a little weird but hey its a ride home. I told him where I lived and he started to drive. It was silent for a while. The only thing that was making noise was the engine and the radio that was playing My Generation by The Who that I was humming along to. It went on like this for about three or five minutes till Jimmy started to talk.

“Those flowers on your desk were beautiful”

“mhm yeah they were” I quietly said “Who ever picked them had great taste in flowers.”

“Oh yeah” he chuckled “Do you know who they’re from?”

“Nope. The card only said ‘To Hazel. These orchids are exactly like you, beautiful.’” I chucked “Who ever sent them must of been high”

Jimmy let out a small sigh and his face went from happy to somewhat upset. What was with that?

“Why do you say that?” he asked

“Cause its true. I'm not really that beautiful. I don't think I can be compared to orchids” I answered “Plus my self esteem is somewhat not so good”

It was quite. Maybe I should of not had said that. I was going to say something till the car stopped in front of Sarah’s flat.

“Hazel” Jimmy sighed “You shouldn’t feel that way about yourself or that way. I'm sure who ever sent them did think you were beautiful like the orchids and probably wasn't high even though it is the sixties.”

“Your right Jimmy” I lied “Well thank you for the ride and I will see you tomorrow”

“You're very welcome and yeah I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Hazel.”

“Goodnight Jimmy” I said before getting out of his car.

I got out of his car and ran underneath the awning. I turned around and say that Jimmy was leaving. What was that about. Ehh it’s probably nothing. Or maybe it was something.

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