Chapter Thirteen

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The next day was like Monday except there wasn't a ride home from Jimmy or a surprise of orchids. Just a regular old Tuesday. Today was my favorite day of the week, Wednesday because Wednesday was pasta night and pasta night was my favorite.

This morning was a hassle though. My alarm clock didn't go off at six thirty like every morning but at seven thirty. I only had thirty minutes to get ready and it kinda freaked me out cause I'm never late for anything. Plus I had to get coffee and tea for everyone today at the record studio so that was going to kill me. I didn't have time to take a shower but I didn't smell that bad. Not like the hippies back at home who smelled really really bad.

“Hey there she is” I heard Jimmy voice joked.

“Ah fuck off Jimmy” I said walking towards the door with three trays in my hands. “Good morning Mr. Bonham”

“Good morning Ms. Cunningham but please call me Bonzo love. Everybody calls me Bonzo or John depending if I'm with Jonesy or not.”

“Alright um call me Hazel” I said trying to open the door with my elbow. “Um any help please?”

“Oh yes” they both said while taking a tray each

“Thank you” I said to them as I opened the door with my finally free hand.

“I see you made the coffee rounds” Bonzo said “Did you get one for me?”

“Got one for everyone but myself”

“Did you put vodka in mine?” he asked

“No” I answered bluntly “Sorry”

“Nah it’s okay I'm just joking with you.” he laughed.

“Oh okay” I said quietly as walked towards my desk the phone rang.

‘Good Morning, thank you for calling Atlantic Records Hazel speaking’

‘Good Morning Ms. Hazel’ I heard a somewhat familiar voice say ‘I was wondering what time your open till?’

‘Three Thirty’ I lied were open much later but that the time I worked till.  

‘Ah yes okay thank you’ the familiar voice said before the line went dead.

Um that was weird. I wonder who was that? I couldn’t put a name to the voice. I just shrugged it off and grabbed the trays of coffee from Bonzo and Jimmy. They insisted on helping since they didn't have to be in the studio right now since they are just tracking Roberts voice right now. I personally could of done it by myself but hey its free help. We went around the building giving who ever ordered coffee or tea to them.  

“So Hazel” Bonzo said “Where are you from you don't sound like the folks around here.”

“Oh I'm from a small town in New Jersey” I answered without hesitation

“What’s it like there?” Bonzo asked “Jimmy’s been to America before but I haven’t”

“Well it’s quite different” I answered “ The cars drive on the right side of the road, the weather is okay depending where you are where I'm from it's like here but probably a little better. New York City is just amazing and like half an hour away from my house and it's just home.”

“Thats pretty cool.” he said “What about family, brothers, sisters…”

“I have an older brother who’s two years older than me and I have a younger sister whos going to be thirteen in August” I answered “Oh theres my mom and dad. I miss them all so much.”

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