Chapter Four

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Today was my first day working at Atlantic Records. I was really nervous. I could feel butterflies in my stomach. I could feel my anxiety level rising.

What if I mess up? What if I do the wrong thing? What if I forget how to do something? What if I suck at working?

The series of never ending questions swimming through my head. Normally I wouldn’t get so worried. Was I even ready to work or not? It sucks when I’m taking a shower on an empty mind. I just had to keep telling myself to just think happy thoughts.

When I got out of the shower I dried up my hair and put it into a bun. My hair was naturally curly so the only thing that would make my hair stay was a bun. So I put my hair into a bun and let me tell you I used to many hairpins and used so much hairspray so it would stay.  

When I was done with my hair I decided to get dress. I had my clothes picked out and spread on my bed. I was going to wear a nice peach sleeve less shirt with a small black cardigan to go over it. I had a black pencil skirt that came just above my knees. I had stockings on so my legs didn’t look so pale. I put on a simple pair of black flats. I didn’t want to wear heels just incase I had to do a lot of walking and also the fact that my black heels broke so flats it was. I didn’t put much make up on. Only mascara, to make my eyelashes fuller: I have really long eyelashes, eyeliner, to make my brown golden eyes pop out more, and nude-ish lip gloss, just to make my lips shiny.

I looked in the mirror to see if I looked fine. I looked amazing and felt amazing and ready for this day to come.

~Thirty Minutes Later~

Atlantic Records wasn't all that far. It was a nice walking distance actually. It was quite nice two. It wasn't too nor to warm. There was a small nice breeze which was nice. I stopped at a small cafe I walked upon. I had gotten a medium cup of tea with honey and lemon, my usual. Tea always calmed me down. I more a coffee kind of gal than tea. I also got a chocolate-chip cookie ‘cause why not.

As I got to the front door of Atlantic Records. My stomach was turning inside out and I felt like I was going to be sick. My feet didn't seem to wanna move. My anxiety getting worse by the second. My chest started to feel tight.

Deep breaths… in through your nose… out through your mouth… in through your nose… out through your mouth…

I was starting to get calmer by the second, I had remembered what my brother would say to me when I was getting like this. I never told my parents because I had a feeling that they will freak so Christopher always told me what to do. I grabbed a smoke from my purse and light it up. I took a long well needed drag. I never really smoked. Only after these “attacks”. After I smoked till the bud of the cigarette I tossed it away and put my hand on the door knob.

Here I go…  

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