Chapter Nine

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I had finally got out of work for the weekend. It was a beautiful cool Friday. It surely felt like it was the spring time back at home. Boy did I miss home a lot. I’ve hadn’t called home in a while they must be so worried about me. What can I say I’m busy like a bee. I made a note to myself to ‘call home’  when I have the time. But back to the weather. It was perfect. Not too cold, not too hot, a nice cool breeze here and there and clearest blue sky. Maybe I should go for a jog. I haven’t jogged in a while so I probably should do it.

I made it back to Sarah’s flat. Sarah had a guy over. They were in the living room just watching the news. Typical Sarah. I had said my hellos, to be polite of course and told Sarah I was going for a jog. She was cool with it. I went to my room and changed my clothes. I put on a black pair of shorts that had bright green on the sides an old Chicago Bears shirt that my dad gave me before I left, we were big Chicago Bear fans. I put on my worn out black converse and a white sweatshirt. I grabbed some cash, fifteenth bucks to be exact just for a bottle of water and like sixty-nine cents for a bus ride.

I went out of the door and made my way towards the Westminster Bridge and The River Thames. There was a little jogging path over there that I had seen when I came here during spring break. It was a little long walk so I decide to take the bus over there. Yeah I know I’m lazy but I could really care less.

Once I got there I hopped off the bus and started to jog. I was a little stiff  at first but once I jogged for a good five minutes I was all good.

~Two Hours and Thirty Minutes Left~

I ran for a good two hours and thirty minutes. It felt so nice. The wind blowing through my hair while I was running. Sweat dripping down my face that was well worth it. I did take my sweatshirt off when it got hot and tied it around my waist. I didn’t want to take the bus home cause well I had so much energy in me.

I walked a good distance till I got a bit thirsty. There was a corner store right by me so I walked in and got a cold bottle of water. I paid for the water and headed out the store. I held the bottle by my lips and I was about to take a massive sip of water when someone bumped into me.

“Fuck man!” I screamed/yelled as the cold water ran down my my neck and down the front of my shirt. “Whats wrong with you don’t you watch were your…”

“Hazel?” Jimmy’s voiced asked

“Jimmy?” I asked

“Oh my god I’m sorry Hazel. I’m a bit clumsy” he said handing me a pocket tissue “we need to stop meeting like this”

“No shit” I joked while cleaning up the water even though it felt nice having cold water go down my neck “What are you doing here”

“Oh well my and the mates finished recording for today, we got a lot down plus we somewhat started on the second album. Also I live around the corner from here”

“That good and great” I looked at my watch “I'm sorry for cutting this short but I have to go. Nice meeting you out of the blue again tell the ‘mates’ I said hello if you see them”

“Oh yeah sure ill do it. Bye” he said quietly.

He looked a little sad when I said I had to go. What was up with that. I wasn’t such a talkative person I'm a really shy person believe it or not. I was walking away when I heard my name being called by Jimmy

“Hazel wait” I heard Jimmy yell.

I stopped walking and turned around seeing Jimmy running toward me. His curly hair bouncing as he ran was a little funny if you ask me.

“I was um… wonder if maybe um…” I could tell that he was nervous his voice said it all “well um the band is having a small show coming up soon and maybe you can come?”

“Um yeah sure I guess I don’t have much to do around here I would love to” I said looking at him. His face lit up like a kid getting candy when I said ‘yeah’.

“Great. It’s next Saturday six o’clock at the English Maid.”

“Okay. Bye jimmy see you Monday at work.”

And with that we went our separate ways.

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