Chapter Sixteen

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        I just couldn’t fall asleep for the life of me. I’m still in amaze over last night or tonight or whatever you wanna call it and how wonderful it was. I’m actually pretty tired but I just couldn’t fall asleep. I got off my bed and went over to the light switch. When I turned on the light it kinda hurt my eyes a bit so I had to quickly get over towards the chords hanging off the celling light and pull the string for the fan and turn off the light with the other. Usually when my fan was on it made me fall asleep because of the coolness it let off. I laid back down on my bed allowing sleep take over.

~Thirty Minutes Later~



            The phone started to ring. Ugh I was just about to fully go to sleep to. Who would be calling at three in the morning? It better be important. I stumble off my bed and stumbled over toward my desk where my rotary phone was sitting. I answered it before it woke up Sarah.

“Hello” I answered in a somewhat sleepy tone.

“Is this Hazel” the person on the phone asked

“Speaking” I answered trying to wake up a bit

“Oh this is Stella”

“Oh my god Stella how is it going?”

“Not so well Hazel” she answered in a sigh “I don’t know what to do”

“Why? What happened?” I asked bring the phone towards my bed while laying down in it.

“Hazel….” She said quietly “I’m pregnant and I haven’t told Mike yet”

“Who else knows?”

“Just Jess, my mom, my doctor, me and well know you”

“Stella you need to tell Mike” I sighed.

“He probably doesn’t want a baby” she said frantically “I’m scared Hazel and I don’t want the alternative”

“Stella I um don’t know what to say but you’re going to be a mom.”

“I know Hazel I’m pretty excited you have no idea” she said with excitement “I mean you always got something first besides a boyfriend and your first kiss I would of thought you were going to be a mom before me.”

“That is true” I chuckled “I’m so happy for you Stella. I promise when I come down for Christmas I will come and she you, please have the baby shower during that week I wouldn’t want to miss it”

“Alright I promise and great” she still sounded excited “So what’s happening in Hazels life right now?”

“Well I went on my first date” I said a bit excited

“Ohhh do tell”

“It was amazing. He took me to an restaurant that was by the river and well it was an amazing night”

“What’s he like? What’s his name? Is he a great kisser?”

“His name is Jimmy and he plays guitar for a band called Led Zeppelin and we meet at work. He’s really sweet and adorable and shy and a gentleman” I told her “We didn’t kiss I didn’t want to seem like a hussy but next date I will and I will tell you.”

“Aww that’s really cute and he seems perfect for you I can’t wait to meet him” she said “So how’s London?”

“It’s really great. Nothing like home but the weather is like the spring time at home”

“Oh that’s lovely.”

“So what about you?” I asked since I haven’t talked to her or seen her in like a month.

“Well Mike got a job working with your dad and brother, were going to move into an apartment soon, I’m getting fat, I’m pregnant and I throw up a lot lately”

“Good for you two and congrats to Mike and Eww gross.” I joked “How about Frankie?”

“Frankie is doing fine, she just had kittens and they are so adorably Hazel.”

“AWWWW I bet they are save one for me name it something cute”

“Will do. I’ll keep one for you and give it to you when you come down.”

“Alright thanks Stella” I said looking over towards the clock and it read three thrity “Hey Stella I hate to cut this a pit short but it’s kinda three thirty over here and I’m really tired.”

“Oh alright no I understand. Bye Hazel I’ll talk to you later don’t forget to write and call everyone misses you here.”

“I won’t forget bye Stella”

            And with that the line went dead. I can’t believe Stella’s going to be a mom. That means I’m going to be an aunt. You see Stella was also like a sister. We been with each other since we were like five. We did pretty much everything together. We only had one fight over how I got so much attention from guys and how I didn’t care about that and she kinda envied me she still does but Mike is really hot and only wanted to be with her. 

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