Chapter Twenty Three

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As we walked into the studio, Robert came speed walking towards us looking a bit pissed.

            “Jimmy where were you?” he asked/ yelled at him like a mother would do, “You should’ve been here at six not eight.”

            “Relax Robert, I was with Hazel last night and over slept” he lied answering him knowing damn well he was really with me and was hanged over this morning.

            Robert looked at me “Is this true?”

            “Um yeah” I said a bit uneasy.

            “I’ll talk to you later I have to ask you something about the tour later.” He told me knowing that I knew what was up.

            “And who is this?” Robert asked while looking at Lisa who was extremely quiet

            “Oh that’s my sister Lisa” I answered for her, “Say hello to Robert Lisa.”

            “Hello Mr. Plant it’s a pleasure to meet you I’m a fan of your work” Lisa said with a smile trying to cover up her shyness.

            “A pleasure to meet you two” he gave her one of his Robert smiles, “Now if you two don’t mind we have work to do”

            “You’re both excused, Go make music” I chuckled as they walked towards the studio.

            I kinda wonder what Robert had to talk to me about. I sure do hope it is about the tour. I walked over towards the desk and put my stuff down. I walked over towards the spear closet and grabbed a chair for Lisa. It wasn’t like mine but a metal chair. She’ll just have to deal with it. After I got Lisa all situated I sat in my chair and pulled out my Rolling Stones magazine I was reading the other day. Lisa sat down and started to read the Lord of the Rings.

~Three Thirty That Same Day~         


            Today was finally over with. Thank God. It was quiet a boring, dragged out day. I answered a few phone calls, some pointless and others not. I was just really happy it was finally time to go. I can finally go home. Wait never mind I still had to go out and by an Electric Guitar. I’ll probably most likely take Lisa out for dinner. I didn’t feel like making anything dinner so why not. Lisa but her chair back away and I put the Lord of the Rings book in my purse. Surprisingly it fit perfectly in there. Once Lisa came back from putting the chair away, we started to head towards the door. I put on my pair of sunglasses cause well it was sunny out. Even though I had brown eyes the sun still bothered me.

            “Hazel wait I have to talk to you” I heard Roberts voice yelled out for me.

            “Yes?” I asked/ answered him while facing towards him   

            “Is it true that Jimmy stayed with you last night?”

            “Yeah it is but he didn’t come over till ten thirty at night drunk as a skunk.” I sighed but smiled remembering what happened last night.

            “Seems like him.” He laughed, “Alright I just wanted to know”

            “No problem, bye Robert I’ll see you tomorrow.”

            “Bye Hazel, Bye Lisa” he waved to us as we walked out the door.

~Five Thirty~

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