Chapter Twenty Four

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~The Next Day~

Today was finally here. I wasn't too excited at first but, now I'm drowning with excitement. I woke up a couple minutes earlier than my alarm clock rang. I hopped out of my and quickly made it. I ran out of my room to the bathroom and took a quick a quick shower.

Once I was out of the shower I wrapped a towel around my body. I quickly excited the bathroom and went back into my room. I put on a new bra and new panties, which I learned that over here they call it 'knickers'. I took my favorite bell bottom jeans and throw them on. Same thing I did with my The Who shirt that I got from their show a few years ago. I put my wet hair into a simple ponytail braid. I grabbed my dad's old green cashmere sweater and purse and exited my room. It was only six thirty by the time I was already so I decide to make Lisa, Sarah and myself a thing of pancakes.

As I was almost done mixing the pancake batter, I had also turned on the stove so that the pan was warm, Lisa came from the living room. She pretty much looked like me but with blonde straight hair, hazel eyes (AN:// I don't remember if I gave Lisa description before... if I did I'm sorry for the inconvenience). She was wearing a Beatles shirt that I got for her a while ago, bell bottom jeans (like mine but mine looked better) and a pair of blue converse that weren't as worn out as my red ones. After breakfast was made, Sarah came out of her room looking a bit ill.

"Hey Sarah are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry" she assured me while sitting down at the table.

"Oh alright just making sure" I said while putting the pancakes on the table and sitting down.

Lisa didn't stop to hesitate and grabbed three pancakes. She put a small amount of butter on top on the pancakes. She also put almost a whole thing of syrup on her pancakes. I grabbed one pancake cause I wasn't that hunger and put chocolate spread on it. Sarah also grabbed one pancake but only ate a quarter of it. Lisa seen that she was done with eating and grabbed the rest of the pancake off Sarah's plate.

After breakfast I wrapped up the rest of the pancakes and put them in the freezer. I walked into my room making sure that I had everything, which I did. I walked out of my room towards the door where Lisa was standing there irritated. I tried carrying all of my bags but I could only carry my two guitar cases.

"Hey Lisa before we go happy 13th birthday. Your finally a teenager!"

"Oh thank you I thought you forgot."


"Oh okay we'll thank you again"

"Your welcome."

"Hey Lisa do you mind grabbing my other bags for me?" I asked her.

"Yeah sure why not I just want to go."

"Where's Sarah?" I asked her before closing the door.

"She's at her car already" Lisa answered me, "She brought my suitcase down with her."

"Oh alright" I softly said while closing the door and locking it, "Now are you ready?"

"Yes!" she screamed while running down the stairs.

We got to the studio in like twenty minutes. Traffic was a bit bad this morning but at least we made it. I seen Jimmy outside smoking a fag, which is what they call cigarettes here. He was probably waiting for us. I hoped out of Sarah's car, Lisa did the same, and I walked over towards the trunk getting our suitcases out and my guitar cases out. My purse was getting in the way and it was quiet annoying. There wasn't much in it but The Lord of The Rings part one, Lisa and mine passports, my camera, bubble gum, Sarah's inhaler and lipstick. I closed the trunk after grabbing all the bags out of the trunk and waved her off as she left. As I started to walk, struggling with every step, Jimmy notice me.

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