Choices We Make | Antonio Daw...

By Kaneeeeeeee

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OC x Antonio Dawson ✨Complete✨ More

1 | Stepping Stone
2 | Wrong Side of the Bars
3 | Chin Check
4 | Now is Always Temporary
5 | Thirty Balloons
6 | Conventions
7 | The Price We Pay
8 | Different Mistakes
9 | At Least It's Justice
10 | Turn The Light Off
11 | 8:30 P.M.
12 | My Way
13 | The Docks
14 | A Beautiful Friendship
15 | Call It Macaroni
16 | Get My Cigarettes
17 | The Weigh Station
18 | An Honest Woman
19 | Called in Dead
20 | Shouldn't Have Been Alone
21 | Welcome Back
22 | Officer Down
23 | Push The Pain Away
24 | Life is Fluid
25 | Forget My Name
27 | Knocked The Family Right Out
28 | Where Are You?
29 | Descent
30 | Brotherhood
31 | Confession
32| Reckoning
33 | Depart
34 | Complete


3.1K 62 25
By Kaneeeeeeee

"You're getting married? You choose to do this while my face looks like this?"

"Shut it, Halstead."

"Hey, me and you can go right now." He pointed outside.

"Then let's go."

"Enough you two." Toni chuckled, pointing at both of us.

"Anyway, the kids don't really want a big wedding-"

"Diego doesn't want to wear a tux." Erin added.

"Right, that too. They would like that it just be the four of us. We want to respect their decision, also including our decision to do something simple."

"We totally get it, man. As long as you two enjoy your day and tie the knot, we're all happy."

"Thanks, Adam."

"Anytime, Anastasia." He smirked.

"I am going to kill him."

"Before you do that, let's solve the murder we have already." Hank smiled, pointing to the board.

"What do we have so far?"

While Adam started giving information, I felt a tap on my shoulder before Erin whispered in my ear.

"We are going dress shopping tomorrow because I know you don't have a dress." I nodded, smiling.

After shift, I headed over to the hospital where my mom was. We hadn't spoken in a minute but last I heard, she was stagnant in her condition. It wasn't getting worse but it wasn't getting better.

"Mom." I said, walking in the room.

"Oh my God, I haven't seen you in a while, honey. How are you?" She smiled, putting down the tablet.

"I'm doing okay, how are you?"

"I'm still here so, I think that's a good sign. What are you doing here, is your father with you?"

"Hank? No, he's at work. Ashton, he is actually on his way."

"Ana, please. How many times do I have to apologize for not telling you?"

"So now I don't have the right to be mad at the fact that you lied to me about who my father was."

"I'm not saying that, I'm just sorry, honey."

"I came to tell you that I'm getting married. We're not having a big ceremony, just something simple at the courthouse. It'll be just us and his children."

"You're marrying a man with kids?"

"Yes, is there something wrong?"

"What does their mother think? Honey, I don't think that's a good idea. Did he talk you into it?" I scoffed.

"I come to tell you one good thing happening in my life and you can't even be happy for me. Are you kidding me?"

"I'm happy, I just wish it were different circumstances."

"Do you have anything judgemental to say about the child we're having together or can you just say congratulations?"

"You're pregnant? Oh, congratulations! I can't believe it."

"Can't believe what?" Ashton said, coming through the door.

"She's pregnant. Did you know?"

"What? No. You're pregnant?"


"I can't believe it. Our little girl is having a baby." He said, smiling and hugging me.

I looked my mom's way, giving her a look. I wondered why she hadn't told him the truth yet. This was something that she couldn't take to the grave.

"I'm so happy, I'm going to be a grandfather. Is it that Dawsing fella you're always with?"

"It's Dawson." I corrected him.

"And yes, he's the one I'm marrying."

"Oh, you shouldn't be on your feet, why don't you sit down?"

"You know what, I actually have to go. I'm pretty tired and I need to rest before my next shift."

"Oh, of course. Bye, sweetheart, we love you."



Nervous, anxious, frightened, scared..those were just a few emotions that I was feeling. Today was the day that I married the love of my life--outside of my head, of course.

"Hey, are you almost ready? Ana, why are you crying?"

"I don't know.."

"Everything is gonna be okay, sweetie.  All you need to do is change into your dress, throw a little makeup on and let's go. The boys are on their way." I nodded, wiping my face.

"You good?"

"Yeah." I took my clothes off, grabbing the dress off the hanger.

"What the hell is that?"

"What?!" I shouted. She pointed to my stomach which now presented a little pouch.

"You're pregnant? Are you serious?" She exclaimed, smiling from ear to ear.

"Yeah. We didn't want to tell anyone, it's still a little early."

"I understand. I just can't believe I'm going to be an aunt!"

"Hey, I'm excited too but maybe a little less jumping and a little more helping me into my dress."

"Oh, right."

Once I was ready, we headed over to the courthouse. My mind raced and my heart pounded against my chest. The thought of walking into the building was scary enough.

"Hey. Hey. We're here." I snapped out of my thoughts, looking at the building.

"Is it too late to turn back?"

"Yes, it is. Don't worry, you got this."

"Right, I do have this. What do I have?" I asked. She laughed.

"You have the ability to gain the courage to walk into this courtroom and marry the man of your dreams and the father of your child."

"I got this!"

"Hell yeah, you do!"

We walked inside, slowly entering the courtroom. Toni stood at the front, Diego beside him and Eva on the other side. He spoke with the man before looking my way and stopping in his tracks.

"Holy.." I heard Jay.

"You look so amazing." He smiled, hugging me.

"Thanks, Halstead."

"Hey, Antonio, no disrespect-"

"Do not finish that sentence! We're going. We are so happy for you guys."

"Thanks." She grabbed his arm, pulling him out of the room and shutting the door.

"You look hot. I mean like hotter than usual."

"Eva." Toni said.


"Thanks, Eva. I have to say that we all look great."

"Are you ready to get started?"

"Yes." We said together.

"As this ceremony will go: you will speak your vows, you must sign this document and then, you will be allowed to kiss your bride."

"Great. Let's get started."

"Good. Anastasia will start first." I rolled my eyes at him calling my full name.

"Antonio, I promise to always be your biggest fan and continue to be your partner in crime." He laughed.

"I promise to create and support a family with you, in a household filled with laughter, patience, understanding, and love. I vow not just to grow old together, but to grow together.  I will care for you, stand beside you, and share with you all of life’s downs and all of its joys from this day forward, and all the days of my life. I love you."

"Anastasia, today, I promise you this: I will laugh with you in times of joy, and comfort you in times of sorrow. I will share in your dreams and support you as you strive to achieve your goals. I will listen to you with compassion and understanding, and speak to you with encouragement. Together, let us be partners, friends, and lovers, today and all of the days that follow.

"Do you, Anastasia and Antonio, pledge to create a life of mutual respect, compassion, generosity, and patience toward each other as you grow together in years?"

"We do."

"Do you pledge to recognize each other’s individuality and celebrate each other’s uniqueness as a strength in marriage?"

"We do."

"And do you pledge to share the love you have for each other with all living beings? To be a couple that lets their marriage radiate into others, making their lives more beautiful because of it?"

"We do."

"Antonio and Anastasia, if you will face each other and repeat after me. I give you my life. With all that I am and all that I have, I honor you."

"Ana, I give you my life. With all that I am and all that I have, I honor you."

"My love, I give you my life. With all that I am and all that I have, I honor you."

"One last thing; if you may, sign this document to legalize this bond." We both signed, grinning at each other.

"If there be nothing else, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

"I've been waiting for this." He smashed his lips onto mine, wrapping his arms around my waist and dipping me.

Cheers and applause erupted. I pulled away, looked towards the door to see the team. I looked at Toni, who shrugged and went back to kissing me.


Instead of renting a fancy hall, we decided to have the reception at Molly's. As soon as we entered the bar, cheer erupted, people whistling and shouting.

"Oh my God!" Gabby shouted, hugging me.

"I am so happy for you guys. What are you drinking, it's on the house."

"I'll take a bourbon, my beautiful wife will take a sparkling or just a water."

"Oh, I forgot about my little niece."

"She means nephew." Matt said.

"Hey, come on in, get comfortable."

"Hi!" Kim practically yelled.

"Hey, Burgess."

"I am in love with this dress. It's beautiful."

"Thank you."

Music played, some danced, we cut the cake, Toni smiling before we put cake in each other's face. This was the best day of my life..

Wiping icing off my face, I looked around the bar. Everyone was happy, dancing, talking, laughing; it was a great site.

"Am I allowed to speak with my daughter or is this a bad time?"

"You're fine."

"You know, you looked beautiful today. Congratulations to the both of you, really."

"So you're not mad? Not that I care but you've got the whole 'no in-house relationships' thing."

"I can make an exception. Judging by that belly sticking out, I can tell I'm gonna have to change a few more things around here."

"It's somewhere to start." He smiled, wrapping his arms around me.

We talked a little more before Al pulled me away. We walked to Antonio, who looked like he was a little tipsy.

"Hey, I know that this is your wedding day and I don't want to ruin anything.."

"What is it?"

"It's a big ask."

"Come on, Al. Anything you need." Al nodded.

"Michelle needs a place to stay and Meredith isn't too fond of her. Do you think she could stay with you guys for a minute?"

"Sure, that'll be fine."

"Who's Michelle?" Toni asked.

"She's my daughter. I- I promise I'll make sure she doesn't cause any trouble or anything, I just..she's my daughter, you know?"

"Yeah, we got you."

"Thank you guys, really. I mean it."


The music suddenly stopped, Herrmann's voice sounding over the mic.

"I know we're all having a good time but I think it's time we let the happy couple do their thing, okay?! Plus, I'm tired of you all stinking up my bar."

Everyone laughed, looking our way. Toni looked at me, smiling before raising his almost empty glass.

"We want to say thank you. Thank you for celebrating with us, thank you for being here, thank you for being our family. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have our own little party to attend to."

"Hey, you already got one bun in the oven, we don't need to add another." Adam joked.

"I'll consider that."

Everyone laughed before clapping and drinking. Eva and Diego grabbed their jackets, leaving out the door before us.

"I am so exhausted!" Eva said.

"Me too." I added.

"Well, that's why we're going home. My girls need rest. That finally gives Diego and i time to play the game."


They got in the backseat, quickly putting on their seatbelts. I leaned against the car, my face only a couple inches away from Toni's.

"I love you, Mr. Dawson."

"I love you too, Mrs. Dawson." I grabbed his chin, pulling him down to kiss him.

"Ew, guys, I think we've seen enough for one day."

"That's why you're going to bed when we get home."

"But Dad-"

"I don't want to hear it." I giggled, looking at my beautiful and extended family.


Let me know what you thought of this chapter. Sorry if it was a little trashy, I suck at writing weddings😭

I appreciate all the love that this book is getting, I can say that I honestly did not expect it but thanks guys❤️

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