The will of the Gilbert's (An...

By calebdouglas74

16.3K 635 120

33 year old Brantley Gilbert is happy being away from the whole world. He likes being up on his mountain. Bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 26

307 15 6
By calebdouglas74

Lydia's Pov 

I was laying in bed not wanting to get up at all. It's been 3 days since I found out that Anderson is working for my daddy and let me tell you this much I'm in a better mood because of that. I need to be getting up so I can help mama feed everyone before we go to church. I got out of bed and wrapped my shawl around me as I walked out of my room. I'm so glad we don't have to use the outhouse any more. Daddy and Mr. Ludwig built us a inside restroom. Thanks to mama and Mrs. Ludwig that's why. 

After I went to the bathroom I walked over to the kitchen and saw mama was up already drinking on her coffee. I walked over to the sink so I can wash my hands before I get me a small cup of coffee. After I got my cup I sat down next to mama. She looked at me and smiled. 

"You are up early." Mama told me. I looked at her. What time is it then, I was wondering?

"It's only 5 in the morning why can't you sleep." Mama asked me. I took a sip from my coffee. 

"I can't sleep. You." I asked her. I already know what she is going to say. 

"I'm old and I have so many worries to think about." Mama told me. Told you. 

"What is worrying you so mama?" I asked her. Mama smiled at me. 

"I don't know. Woke up with this funny feeling." Mama told me. I looked at her. Mama is one of the bravest women I've ever got to know in my life. Look at her, she does it all. Works, takes care of 6 children, and keep my papa in line. That right there is a job. 

"Maybe you and pa are havin another baby." I said to her. Mama looked at me. 

"We better not. No ma'am. I told that old man 6 children and that's what we have. No more babies from me. But you my dear when am I going to become a grandmother." Mama asked me. Most girls I went to school with are happily married or married with a babe or two. I'm 18 years old and I'm still single. 

"Mama, you might have go wait on the twins or the younger children before you become a grandmother." I told her. Mama held my hand. 

"Why don't you think you'll ever get married love. I know there's someone out there that is going to love you and---" I cut mama off. 

"Do mean like fat girls mama." I asked her. Mama looked at me and gave a sad smile. 

"Honey you are not fat. Yes you are bigger then most girls, but you aren't fat at all." Mama told me. I smiled at her. 

"Mama, I've tried everything. Might as well face it, I'll be living here with you and papa for ever." I told my mama. 

"Well that works for me. I love you Lydia Genevieve." Mama said to me. I smiled at her. 

"I love you too mama. I'm going to get dressed then I'll help you with breakfast." I told my mama, getting up. 

"Who knows maybe Cap would be your husband." Mama told me. As much as I do like Anderson, he don't want me. Look at me. I'm short and fat. And he's very nice looking. He's tall. His dark blond hair. His blue eye, and the capped eye make me weak at times. 

"Mama, Anderson and I are just friends. Plus I don't know if pa would like that." I told her. Mama smiled at me. 

I walked out of the kitchen, heading to the steps when I heard noises outside. I walked out to the front deck and saw someone walking into the barn. I don't know why I walked off the deck without a weapon, but I did. As I was getting closer to the barn door I heard a voice coming from the inside. 

"There you go old girl. I know the boss will feed you when he got up, but you look like you need to eat now." I walked inside and saw Anderson standing there. 

"What are you doing Mr. Hatfield." I asked him. Anderson turned around and looked at me. 

"Morning Lyddy. Hope you slept good." Anderson said to me. I smiled at him. 

"I did thank you. Now what are you doing here? It's only little after 5 in the morning." I said to him. Anderson walked over to me. 

"I didn't wake you up did I Lyddy. If I did I'm so sorry." Anderson said to me. I looked up at him. 

"No. But why are you doing all of this?" I asked him. Anderson went over to the feed, so he can feed the pigs next. 

"I wanted to help. Plus your pa asked if I want to go to church with all of you. So I was repaying all of your kindness." Anderson said to me. If I was a married woman to him I would pull him down to my level and kiss his lips off. 

"Your going to church with all of us." I asked him. Anderson looked at me. 

"Yes ma'am. Said something about you, Mrs. Cobb and I taking the buggy, while they take the wagon." Anderson told me. I looked down and relies I was still in my night gown. 

"I better go in and change. I got to help mama with the cookin." I told him, running out of the barn. 

"Lyddy!" Anderson called on me. I looked back at him. 

"Yes." I said to him. Anderson gave a smile. 

"I'm glad I'm going to church with you ma'am." Anderson said to me. I smiled at him. 

"Me too. After I get dressed I'll bring you out some coffee." I told him. 

"I would like that. Thank you ma'am." Anderson said to me. 

"You can call me 'Lydia' or 'Lyddy' you don't have too or anything." I told him. 

"I like callin you 'Lyddy' Lydia." Anderson said to me. I have the biggest smile on my face. 

"I do too. Bye." I said to him, running back to the house. I ran inside the house almost hitting my father. 

"Oh I'm so sorry pa." I said to him. 

"That's fine love, why was you outside?" Papa asked me. I looked up at him. 

"I heard a noise outside and I went out there and Anderson is feeding the animals. He's going to church with us." I told my father. Mama walked over to pa and wrapped her arms around him. 

"Yes I know he is. You better get dressed and help mama I'm going outside to help Cap." Pa said to me, kissing mama on her lips. 

"Yell when it's time for us to come in." Pa said to mama and I as he walked out of the house. I looked over at mama. Who was smiling from ear to ear. 

"What?" I asked her. 

"Nothing. Go and get dressed. I bet that young man needs a cup of coffee and you can take your father out a cup as well. Make it look like I sent you out there." Mama said to me, giving me a wink before she walked back into the kitchen. I ran up the steps so I can hurry up and get into my room, so I can hurry up and get back out there to see what daddy and Anderson are talking about. 

"Wait, you and Mrs. Gilbert was there when the Indians attacked the town." I heard Anderson asked my pa. 

"Yes we was. Let me tell you this, I'm still glad we left that place." I heard my daddy telling Anderson. 

"Yes sir. I would have done that too." Anderson said to my daddy. 

"Mama wanted to know if you men want some coffee." I said to my pa and Anderson. Anderson was the first person to stand next to me. 

"Thank you Lyddy." Anderson said to me. I looked up at him and smiled. 

"Your welcome Anderson. Here you go daddy." I said to my father giving him his cup of coffee. 

"Mama said breakfast will be done in 20 minutes." I told them. 

"What is the old girl makin Lydia?" Pa asked me. I looked up at him. 

"Biscuits, gravy, fried tatters, and eggs." I told them what we are having. 

"Sounds good to me. Lyddy please tell Mrs. Gilbert I said thank you again." Anderson told me. I was about to say something when my daddy talked before me. 

"Cap, stop sayin thank you all the time. You work for me, so my girls can feed you. You don't have to be that thankful all the time." Daddy said to Anderson. Anderson smiled at my father. 

"Well, thank you anyway Mr. Gilbert." Anderson said to my father. 

"Your welcome son. Come on let's go in. I want to see my wife work her bottom off." Pa said to Anderson and myself. 

"Lyddy you look might fine today." Anderson said to me. I looked up at him. 

"Thank you Anderson. I like that shade of blue on you." I said to him walking inside the house. I looked back and saw Anderson smiling. We walked into the kitchen and we saw mama and daddy dancing around the kitchen. Anderson bent down and whisphered to my ear. 

"One day we will dance just like that." Anderson said to me. I had the biggest smile on face, plus my face went all red. 

"I like that I can make you all---" Anderson was cut off. 

"Mama can we eat now." I looked over and saw all of my brothers and Dorothy Mae. 

"Yes. Leave me alone you old fool. Go sit down." Mama said to our daddy. 

"Yes mama. Boys come on. Come here baby girl." Daddy said to the children and to Anderson, as he picked up Dorothy Mae. They walked over to the table and sat down. I helped mama moved all the food to the table. 

"Mama, where's maw at?" Henry asked. 

"She's resting. Don't worry she'll be up and ready for church. Dear Lord thank you for this beautiful day. Hope everyone is safe and this and so much more. Amen." Mama said to all of us. 

"Amen." We all said. I was sitting next to Anderson. 

After we all ate our breakfast, the boys went up to there rooms so they can get into there Sunday best. Papa and Anderson are still at the table taking to each other. I was helpin mama in the kitchen. I looked over at mama and she didn't look that good. 

"Mama you okay." I asked her. Mama smiled at me. 

"I'm just nervous for some reason." Mama told me. I've only seen mama this worried once before and that is when she was giving birth to the twins. I was so scared that night she had my brother's Dylan and Dalton. Mama was in so much pain that night. Maw, Aunt Sally and the doctors were all in the room when she had them. Pa took my outside to the barn to [play with Minnie and her puppies. I wish we stay had Minnie. She died 2 years ago. Old age. Best dog we ever had. She loved mama so much and mama was in bed for 2 days after Minnie died. 

"Can I help you with anything." I asked her. Mama smiled at me. 

"No. I'll be fine once we get to the church. Will you help Dorothy Mae." Mama asked me. I looked at her. 

"Yes mama." I said to her. I walked out of the kitchen but not before I saw Anderson looking at me. I smiled at him and walked away. 

After I got Dorothy Mae all dressed up we walked out of her room and down the steps where everyone was waiting on us. Dorothy Mae ran over to mama. 

"Lydia, you and Mrs. Cobb are riding with Cap in the buggy. The rest of you all get in the wagon." Daddy told all of us. I looked over and saw that I'll be sitting in the middle of the buggy between Anderson and Maw. I walked over to the buggy.

"Here Lyddy I'll help you up there." Anderson said to me. 

"Thank you Anderson." I said to him. I moved closer to Maw who smiled at me. 

"Can we get this wagon train going Gilbert! I'll like to go to church before I die." Maw said to my daddy. Anderson and I looked at each with out trying to laugh. 

"Yes Mrs. Cobb we are going." Pa said to Maw. 

"Go boys!" Pa said to his horse. Anderson Tsked to the horses and they followed pa's wagon. 

"Did you sleep good Maw." I asked her. Maw looked over to me.

"You know y'all are going to get married." Maw said to Anderson and myself. I looked down when she said that. 

"Maybe your right Mrs. Cobb. Lyddy can cook up a storm." Anderson said to my Maw. I looked at him and he gave me a wink. I knew he was just being nice when he said that to my maw. 

"Plus you don't want no working gal for a wife." Maw said to Anderson. 

"No ma'am not at all." He told her. I can't believe I'm listening to all of this. I'm not saying a word until we get to the church. 

"If I was 50 years younger I'll give Lydia here a run for your love." Maw said to Anderson. I looked over at Anderson who had a big smile on his. 

"Well, Mrs. Cobb if you was younger you would have a hard race with this one." Anderson said to me and Mrs. Cobb. 

"Nah I would win. I'm a better cook then Ms. Lydia here." Maw said to Anderson. Anderson looked over at maw with a big smile. 

"I don't know Mrs. Cobb I've had a lot of Lyddy's cookin and I like it." Anderson said to my Maw. Maw just smiled at him. Maw was looking around. I looked up at Anderson. 

"I'm sorry about Maw." I told him. Anderson was watching the path we are riding on. 

"Don't be. She's just a lonely old woman. Plus I'm falling for your cookin more and more." Anderson told me. I smiled at him. 

"I guess I'm going to have to bake you my blue berry pie one day." I told Anderson. Anderson looked down at me and smiled. 

"I haven't had a good blue berry pie since my ma passed on. My ma made the best. Now I can't wait to try yours Ms. Lyddy." Anderson said to to me. I smiled at him. I have to get more blue berry's because some time this week I'm making Anderson his own blue berry pie. 

The rest of the ride to town Maw, Anderson and myself all talked. Maw said she was going to visit Mr. Cobb's grave after church. Like she does once a week. We pulled up next to mama and daddy's wagon. Anderson jumped down and ran over to Maw and helped her down the buggy before he helped me. 

"Thank you Anderson." I said to him. 

"Your welcome---" Anderson was cut off.

"Lydia!" I turned around and saw Ruby Harris walking over to me. 

"Great." I said. I don't like this woman at all. She was my best friend when we was little, but now not at all. 

"My, my, my, my Lydia Gilbert you looking unwell dear. Are you feeling okay." Ruby asked me. I looked at her. If mama didn't raise me to be a lady I would slap her across her pretty face. 

"I'm fine Ruby. How are you doing?" I asked her. I saw my family talking to Rev Meyer and the new minster all talking together. 

"I'm good. Who is this handsome man. I'm Ruby Harris. And you are." Ruby asked Anderson. 

"Cap." He said to her. 

"Cap nice to meet you. You must stop by my restaurant. Best cooking on this side of Kansas." Ruby said to Anderson. 

"Thank you. Ms. Lyddy you ready." Anderson asked me. Before I could say anything Ruby walked over to Anderson. 

"She will be sitting with her family. Why don't you please come with me. I live here in town and well, my family well, Lydia why don't you tell him. You know him more." Ruby said to me. I looked at her. 

"Right. Well Cap, Ruby and her family are rich. Spoiled ass rich. Have a good day Ruby. I see my family leaving" I said to them walking away. 

"Excuse me Lydia Gilbert." I heard Ruby saying to me. 

"Lyddy, Lyddy wait." Anderson called after me. I stopped walking. 

"Don't ever leave me alone with that woman again." Anderson said to me. I looked up at him. 

"Not your type Anderson." I asked him walking inside the church. 

"Nope." He said to me. I looked up at him. 

"She can't cook." I told him. Anderson had a big smile on his face. 

"See why would I want to be friends with her. At least you feed me." Cap said to me. I smiled at him. Anderson and I sat next to mama and daddy. 

"After church I was thinking maybe you and Anderson could butcher us a few chickens----" Mama was cut off. 

"Brantley. Brantley Gilbert is that you." I looked up and saw some woman and man standing there. 

"Yes. Do I know you?" My father said to the people. 

"It's me. Opal White. Well, Opal Judd now. Is this your new wife." The woman said about my mama. Mama looked really mad right now. 

"Nope. Still me Luci Gilbert, Opal." Mama said to the woman. This Opal woman looked at my father. 

"Brantley I would wish you come over and visit me. I've missed you so much. Where is that daughter of yours." Mrs. Judd said to my family. 

"Opal leave us be." Mama said to the woman. The woman looked at my mama, then she looked at me. 

"You must be there daughter. You look like your mama. Short and fat." The woman said to me. Before I could say anything Anderson was standing up. Mama and daddy was also standing up.  

"What did you just call Ms. Lyddy?" Anderson said to Mrs. Judd. 

"Anderson please sit down." I said to him. 

"No. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert might take this from this old hussy but I won't let her say nothing bad about you Lydia. Now tell Ms. Gilbert you are sorry." Anderson said to Mrs. Judd. She looked at Anderson. 

"What did you just call my wife boy?" Mr. Judd said to Anderson. Mrs. Judd smiled at Anderson.

"Where did you get this animal from. He looks like a one eye gorilla." Mrs. Judd said to Anderson and myself.

"The kid is better then you will ever be Opal." Mama said to the woman. Mrs. Judd smiled at my mama. 

"Well come on we need to be going. Brantley it was great to see you again." The woman said to my father before her and her husband walked out. I looked over at mama who was almost in tears. 

"Mama are you okay." I asked her. Mama smiled at me. 

"I'm fine." Mama said to me. I was about to say something when Mrs. Ludwig walked over to us. 

"Was that who I think it was Luci." Mrs. Ludwig asked me mama. Sally Ludwig and my mama are best friends now. Mama's best best friend is aunt Meadow. Her and her sons are still living in Texas. They should be stopping by in a few weeks for 2 weeks like they do each year. 

"Yes it was Sally. I hate her so much." Mama said to her best friend. Mama looked at me. 

"Honey don't listen to that hussy." Mama said to me. Sally looked at me. 

"What did she say to Lydia?" Mrs. Ludwig asked my mama. 

"Mrs. Ludwig it's nothing for you and mama to get all mad about." I told her. Lord help us. If mama and Mrs. Ludwig wanted too they would kill that hussy right now if they could get by with it. 

"We should have beat the tar out of her when we was all younger. You know this is true Luci. Now come on girls. We need to pray and pray hard." Mrs. Ludwig said to her 3 daughters. The oldest girl who is 11 looked over at my brother Dylan and waved at him. He waved back at her. 

I was trying not to crying any more then what I was already doing. Anderson patted my leg. I looked at him. 

"Thank you for standing up for me." I said to him. Anderson smiled at me. 

"Yes Cap, thank you. You beat me to the punch with that old hag. Just let me do it the next time. This is still my family and I'm still the head of this family." Pa said to Anderson. 

"Yes sir. I didn't mean to make you upset sir." Anderson said to my father. Papa smiled at Anderson. 

"Don't be. Thanks again son." Pa said to Anderson shaking his hand. I looked over at my mama who wiped her eyes clean of her tears. Wish there was something I could do to help mama out more. She does everything for all of us and she does a lot for this town. The last thing she needed was that old hussy talking to her and my father like that. 

After church was over we all walked outside. I saw Maw walking over to the small cemetery to visit with Mr. Cobb. Mama, Dorothy Mae, Sally and her 3 daughters where all standing there talking to each other. Pa and Mr. Ludwig are most likely talking about work. I saw my brother's all playing with some of the other children. I looked up and saw Anderson looking around our small town. 

"Did you enjoy Rev. Meyer and brother Paul sermon today Mr. Hatfield." I asked him. Anderson looked down at me and smiled. 

"Yes ma'am. Not going to lie that was the first time I've been to church since my mama died. I was glad I could go with you Ms. Lyddy." Anderson said to me. I looked up at him. Why do I have to be so short. Even with my shoes on with the heel I'm still way shorter then Mr. Hatfield.

"Well, I'm glad you had a good time. Why did you quit going to church Anderson?" I asked him. He looked around. All most like he didn't want no one to hear him. 

"Mama always made me go with her. After she died, well, let's just say mama was the last of my family. I think your father is waiting on all of us." Anderson said to me. I looked over and saw my pa looking at us. I smiled at him. 

"I'm sorry about your mama." I told him walking away from him. I walked over to my mama. 

"Now the second you want to do this just let me know. I loved that old place." I heard Mrs. Ludwig tell my mama. I looked at both of them. 

"Thank you Sally. I know it will mean a lot and I will pay you." Mama said to Mrs. Sally. 

"Please you don't owe me nothing. We help what is ours. Now come on girls we need to get your daddy home so we can feed him." Mrs. Ludwig said to her 3 prettiest girls. After they walked over to there wagon I looked back at mama. 

"What do you and Aunt Sally have planed now mama?" I asked her. Mama smiled at me and was about to say something when daddy walked over to us. 

"Whatever it is, it's going to coast us a lot of money." My pa said to mama. Mama just looked at my daddy. 

"You want to do all the cookin Brantley." Mama asked him. Daddy pulled mama into a hug. 

"Nope. I haven't cooked in 18 years and I don't plan on cookin now." Pa said to mama kissing her on the top of the head. Mama slap him on his chest. 

"Come on. Let's go home." Mama said to all of us. I looked and saw Maw and Anderson walking over to the buggy. I walked over to them. 

"Thanks again Cap. I hate getting old." Maw said to Anderson. Anderson smiled at her. 

"Don't be Mrs. Cobb. Glad I can help ya." Cap said to my Maw. He looked down at me. 

"You ready to go home Ms. Lyddy." Cap asked me. I looked at him. 

"Yes Anderson I am." I said to him. He helped me in the wagon. 

I just hope we don't have to see Mrs. Opal Judd any more. And maybe we don't have to see Ruby Harris anytime soon either. That would be a dream come true for me. 










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