paisley and her brothers

By GenGenetics

326K 5.4K 2.9K

paisley, being a freshman? no problem...well that's what she thought. she is super excited to be in high sc... More

meet the hayes family
long year
what a day
tic tac toe
the text
movie time
getting ready
kareoke disaster
nathan and i
that night
job interview
The Bus Ride
updated character list
Amu Park
character list #3
The Party
Ice Cream Shop
The Dinner
Cramps (Ashers POV)
The Mall
Bianchi Siblings


6.4K 107 85
By GenGenetics

Recap of the last chapter 'Ice Cream Shop':

As soon as I got into the car, I could feel the tension.

"Whose Jace?" Cooper asked bluntly.

My face went red.

How the heck-

I can tell you one thing-

Elliot is a goner.


We rode in the car awkwardly until we got home.

I was freaking out.

Like literally about to cry.

This is it.

No more Jace, no more phone, probably no more freedom.

My heart started to beat really fast.

I pulled my phone out and started to text Jace about everything.

"Put your phone away or I'm taking it," Nathan said seriously.

I quickly put my phone away.

I looked at Asher.

"You're dead, I hope you know that" he mouthed.


That's not helping that's Asher.

I ignored him and turned to the car door and laid my head on it.

After a while, we pulled up at home.

Luke and Dan were already home, which made me get even more nervous.

I got out of the car and walked into the house fast.

Luke and Dan were in the kitchen cooking.

Hoping they wouldn't see me.

I quickly- but quietly, made my way to the stairs.

Unfortunately, before I could even step on the step, Luke saw me and spoke.

"Paisley Rylan Hayes, come here and sit on this couch right now," He said, seriously, coming out of the kitchen and pointing to the couch.

I dreadfully turned from the stairs and walked to the couch where I sat, just waiting for the lecture because when he says my full name, that means I'm in big trouble.

Yes, Rylan is my middle name.

I honestly like it. It sounds weird, but I like it because it's different and not the same old middle name everyone else has.

The rest of my brothers came into the living room with me just to look at me get in trouble.

"What did we tell you about boys?" Luke asked.

I didn't say anything for a while.

"Hello?" Luke asked.

"No boys" I said, with my head down.

"Okay, then explain to me why Asher told me, that someone told him you had a boyfriend with the name Jace?" Luke said.

I looked fiercely at Asher.

"You might want to be careful who you tell stuff to," Asher said, shrugging.

Geez thanks Asher.

Why would Asher tell Luke that someone told him that?  It's not fair, Asher is a jerk.

But- I was confused for a second.

Did Elliot tell Asher?

I thought about how Elliot didn't really talk to Asher that much and how Elliot never even sees Asher during school.

So, there has to be another snitch because, I do actually trust Elliot.

Now thinking about it, I don't think he was the one who told Asher.

I thought about all the people who I told about Jace and I.

The boys at lunch, but I don't think it was them.

They swore they would never tell.

Or did they lie...?


Everything is just so confusing right now.

"First of all, how do you know that the information is true?" I asked.

"We dont know, that's why we're asking you" Nathan said.

"And we are expecting you to tell the truth," Cooper said.

"You know we will find out if you lied or not" Dan said, shrugging.

I looked down for a little bit. I need to know who told him.

"Who told you Asher?" I asked.

"So you ARE admitting that you have a boyfriend and you didn't tell us?" Luke asked.

I stayed quiet.

"Hello?" Luke asked again.

Knowing how much this relationship meant to me, I was stupid in the moment and told them.

Can't believe I did it, but it was no use.

If I lied they would've found out anyways and I would've been in bigger might as well just tell them now.

"Yes, okay, I do have a boyfriend. I didn't want to tell you guys because you all would freak out and kill me and him, or not let me date him." I said.

All my brothers faces looked annoyed and/or angry.. I couldn't really tell which one.

They were all silent until Luke spoke.

"You know Paisley, maybe if you told us, we would've given you a chance" Dan said.

"Would you though?" I asked.

"You never know, but you still should've told us," Luke said.

Surprisingly, my brothers weren't as steaming hot as I thought they would be.

They were still mad, but pretty calm about it at the same time.

"This is another situation like you sneaking out. You need to tell us things Paisley." Cooper said.

"Yeah but-"

"I don't need an explanation, I just want you to break up with this Jace guy tomorrow and then be done with it." Luke said, "And if you don't, we'll find out, and things are going to be much worse," Luke said.

"You're lucky we're not furious right now," Dan said.

I can't let that happen. I can't let Jace and I break up, I just can't.

I gotta fight for this.

"Guys, I'm in high school! I think it's time for you guys to let me have a boyfriend!" I pleaded.

"You don't understand. Guys are not good. They play people, they aren't loyal.. especially in high school," Nathan said.

"And trust us, coming from us 5 boys, we would know," Cooper said.

"But all guys aren't like that though!" I argued. "Cooper you aren't like that! You've been with Amber for how many months?" I asked.

"That's different. I matured." Cooper said.

"Okay? Nathan should be mature too but look at him!" I said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Nathan asked offended.

"Nathan hasn't matured in that area yet" Luke shrugged.

"Yeah, Nathan needs to learn" Dan said.

"I'm literally right here" Nathan said, rolling his eyes.

"Okay but Jace is mature! You guys haven't even met him!" I exclaimed. "Just give him a chance, please guys. You don't understand!" I pleaded.

My brothers all looked at each other and stayed quiet for what felt like a long time.

I think they were talking to each other but by using eye contact, if you understand what I mean.

Dan shrugged.

Finally, Luke spoke.

"Okay Paisley," Luke said, "You can date him" Luke said again.

My face lit up. I was beyond happy.

I don't even know. I couldn't find the right words to express my happiness.

I was more surprised.

"SERIOUSLY?" I asked.

I was beyond shocked. Literally couldn't believe it. My brothers were acting so different- but in a good way! They actually being my brothers and letting me be free and do stuff!

First, they didn't get mad especially since I kept the secret from them, and second, they're letting me date him still...I think I heard right.

Did I? Because I can't believe it.

Maybe my words did make a difference. I feel so accomplished. This was probably the best day ever.

There had to be a catch though, because I know my brothers..

"BUT-" he said, "we have to meet him and if we approve, you can still date him, but if we don't like him, then no."

All of my brothers nodded their heads.

I knew there was a catch. But it's not as bad as I thought it would be.

I'm sure Jace would pass and I know for a fact my brothers would love him.

"Okay, that's fine by me. I know you guys will like him. " I said.

"Tomorrow night at 6:30, let him know, be at our place for dinner," Dan said.

"Okay!" I said. "thank you guys so much, please give him a chance, you'll like him" I said again.

Luke nodded his head.

Before going upstairs, there was still something bugging me that I needed to know.

I looked at Asher.

"But Asher, who told you?" I asked.

Asher looked at me for a second debating if he should tell me or not.

He finally gave in.

"I don't know, I talked to a hot new girl today and I asked her if she made any friends yet. She said she met a guy named Jace and his girlfriend and she told me your name." Asher said, shrugging. "I showed her a picture of you and asked if you were the girlfriend and she said yeah," Asher shrugged again.


That new girl.

I don't think she meant to tell Asher that though because she probably didn't even know he was my brother in the first place.

"Okay even though it was true, why did you believe her so easily? She could've been lying," I asked.

"I just know you," Asher said.

"Um, okay, that really doesn't answer the question..." I said again.

"I just know how you are and you would do some sneaky shit like that." Asher said. "Plus, you're not very good a hiding hickeys" Asher said whispering.


"When in the heck did you see a hickey on me?" I whispered.

"Ice Cream Shop" He shrugged.

"Do the rest of them know?" I asked.

"Nope, if they knew they would've absolutely murdered the guy AND ground you forever" Asher said.

"Well, thanks for not telling them everything." I said, giving a half smile.

"Yep, if you were grounded, I wouldn't have anyone to push around" He said winking and walking up to his room.

I grinned.

I then went upstairs and texted Jace.

I was lowkey surprised that my brothers weren't so pissed about it.

This was a first. They're finally letting me grow up.

Jace is going to be so happy about everything.

I texted Jace and told him about the plans.


jace: hey what's up rosy?

me: so long story short, my brothers found out about who you are. they didn't approve at first but then i convinced them to and now they're letting us stay together but only if you come to dinner w us tomorrow night @6:30 and if they like you!!

jace: woah, that's a lot but thats good babe!!! but i'm kinda scared ngl.

me: what why? :(

jace: because, what if your brothers DON'T like me... what's the case then?

me: then i can't date you

jace: that's my point

me: trust me, just be yourself and they'll 100% like you.

jace: you sure?

me: positive!

jace: okay baby, i'll be there tomorrow at 6:30 for dinner.

me: great

jace: but you finally had the guts to tell them huh? 😂

me: oh no way. i wasn't the one who told them.

jace: then who did ?

me: new girl

jace: what, how?

me: i'll explain to you later, just call me later tonight.

jace: okay, i'll FaceTime you.

me: okay

This felt like a movie. Everything was going so great in my life right now.

I had great friends, a great boyfriend, nice brothers (for now), etc.

I washed up, and went back downstairs to eat dinner after my brothers called me 50 times to hurry up and come down.

All of my siblings were already at the table, except me.

"Geez, it took you long enough" Nathan said, starting to eat his food.

"Nope, put the fork down. You know the drill," Luke said.

We all joined hands together and prayed together.

"God is great,
God is good
Let us thank Him for our food
By His hands we shall be fed
Give us the Lord our daily bread

The usual prayer we normally say.

After we got done saying our prayers we started to eat.

My brothers had their typical stupid conversations while I enjoyed my meal.

"So Paisley" Luke said, interrupting me eating peacefully, "We need some background about this guy" Luke said.

"Aren't you going to ask him all of that tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yes, but before we meet him we need to know more about him than just his name right?" Luke said.

"Okay." I said. "What do you want to know?" I asked.

"Is he a freshman?" Luke asked.

"Yeah" I said, "What kinda question is that?" I asked.

"A good one" Dan said.

"How though?" I asked.

"Because if you would've said junior or higher, he would've been dead and there would be no meeting him," Nathan said.

"Geez okay" I said.

"Does he have any siblings?" Cooper asked.

"Yeah, a younger sister and brother" I said.

"Hmm," Luke hummed, "he must be responsible then" Luke said.

"Yeah, he is pretty responsible." I said.

"How long have you guys been dating?" Dan asked.

Tough one.

Debated on whether I should tell them the truth or not.

Whatever, fuck it.

"3 months" I spit out.

All of my brothers froze right then in there.

It went silent for a good bit.

"3 months Paisley?" Luke said, seriously.

I hesitantly nodded my head.

"Seriously?" Dan asked.

"How the hell did we not know or find out?" Cooper asked.

"Sneaky little girl, " Asher shrugged, eyeing me.

"Gets it from the blood, we're all sneaky" Nathan said shrugging.

"You should feel like the luckiest sister in the world because we're letting you still have a chance with him.... even after you broke our rules consistently" Luke said.

"Yeah, and I'm extremely happy you guys are letting me date him and being a little bit more lenient" I said, smiling.

Like gave me the "yeah whatever" look.

I actually was really grateful.

"Okay so what about his personality? Is he nice? Caring? Funny?" Cooper asked.

"Yes, he is" I said.

"Does he show any aggression towards you? Does he get angry easily?" Nathan asked.

"No?" I said.

"Hit you? Force you to do anything ?" Dan asked.

"Guys what?" I asked, "No, if he did, I wouldn't be with him right now," I said.

"Alright" Nathan said, looking suspicious.

"Please don't ask him these type of questions tomorrow" I said, annoyed.

"We gotta look out for you baby sis" Dan said.

"If he ever hits you, or touches you, you let us know." Luke said.

"We're serious Paisley, we know how you don't tell us things," Cooper said.

"Yeah like tell him that we-"

"Wait wait, we don't even know if we like the dude yet, so let's give her all these rules if we like him," Asher said, cutting Nathan off.

"Fine by me" Luke shrugged.

"Why are you guys so overprotective?" I asked, "Chill out."

"Because we're your brothers," they all said together.

"Creepy" I said, creeped out.

"You know you love us," Asher said punching me on the arm hard.

"Okay um ow" I said, rubbing my arm.

"Not when you abuse her!" Cooper said, flicking Asher in the head.

"Ow!" Asher said, "You're supposed to be on my side, not hers," Asher said rubbing his head.

"Paisley is my favorite sister, of course I'm going to be on her side" Cooper, said smiling at me.

"I'm your only sister smart one" I said.

All of my brothers laughed except Cooper.

"Paisley loves me better than any of you guys" Nathan said, winking at me.

"No way, I'm her favorite!" Dan said.

"I think I am actually, because the oldest is always the favorite," Luke said.

"No, it's definitely me. We're the closest in age and closest in relationship out of all of you guys," Asher said.

"You guys sound delusional. I'm Paisleys' favorite... OBVIOUSLY." Cooper said.

They all then looked at me.. like I was supposed to make a decision or something.

Yeah...I'm not doing that.

They do this all the time, fight about who I like more.

"You all are my favorite," I said shrugging.

"Bullshit" Nathan said.

"It's true, it's what I always tell you guys!" I said.

"Yeah, but we know it's not true" Asher said.

"It is, you're not going to get one exact name out of me no matter how hard you try!" I said, shrugging.

"Maybe if we tickle her?" Luke said, looking at my other brothers, wanting them to confirm.

As soon as he said that, I knew to run.

"Yeah" I heard Nathan say.

I fell out my chair and ran upstairs.

They followed me.

I reached my room (surprisingly without my brothers reaching me) and when I went in, I locked the door so they couldn't get in.

I actually escaped from them

"You can't stay in there forever!" Asher yelled.

"Watch me!" I yelled back.

I'll stay in here the whole night, watch me.

They'll forget about this in the morning, so it'll be fine.

After a little while, I heard doors closing from there rooms and they kinda forgot about it.

Sooner than I expected.

But, I stayed in my room the whole night like I said.

I laid in my bed thinking about different things.

I was a little aggravated with the new girl, but at the end of the day, I know she didn't meant to rat me out like that.

Jace face-timed me like he said he would and I explained everything to him.

He seemed pretty nervous to meet my brothers.

After a while, he got kinda excited and he was ready for it.

I would be scared.

My brothers are intimidating, and they do it on purpose too. 

Heck I'm scared for myself, they'll embarrass the crap out of me. I know they will.

Jace acted very unbothered with the new girl telling Asher everything.

He thinks it actually helped us because if my brothers like him, we won't have to hide relationship anymore.

I guess he has a point.

But if they don't like him, then she wouldn't have helped us at all.

We would talk about it later.

We hung up after a while because I got sleepy.

I went to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Today was a tiring, yet super amazing day.

I just Pray that life continues to be this way...
But nothing lasts forever

Hi! This chapter is soo late and I'm soo sorry. Especially with that good cliffhanger that ended the last chapter.
Spirit week just started at my school and you know that week is always fun and hectic. I haven't been that active because of that. 
I also have a lot of stuff going on because I am also doing activities outside of school along with writing.
I will try to get back on my regular schedule soon. Sorry again guys! I will try to fit two short chapters in (including this one, 2000+) this week. Just this week though! It'll go back to normal hopefully next week or the next next week from now.
Anyways, see you soon.

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