The Doctor's Daughter (#Watty...

By I_am_Pendy

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"I am part were cat, part Time Lord. When I was two, my mother was murdered in front of me by a Dalek. I stop... More

The Doctor's Daughter
Summer Break and Loads of Suprises
Traveling (Again)
I meet River
A Satellite Heading to Death
The Weeping Angels
Transported Back in Time
The Voices In My Head
The Silent City
The Meeting
The Blix
Chasing Karen
The Dry Town
Author's Note
Planet Thorn
The Mansion
The List
Queen Alexandra Visits
Fighting the Daleks (and Some Cybermen)
A Battle Won but Not for Long
Merry Christmas
The Warning
What To Do?
Ella Goes Into Labor
Planet Thorn (Yet Again)

Visiting the Cemetery

70 4 6
By I_am_Pendy

Doctor's POV

Despite Jasmine's protests, I decided to take a walk. To the cemetery. Melody decided to tag along at the last minute.

"Do you have to visit her grave?" Melody asked. She had been picking flowers to put on her grave and now had a large bouquet.


"You really miss her, don't you?" Melody said. I nodded. "Why shouldn't I?"

Melody sighed and pushed open the gate to the cemetery. She automatically walked over to a large obsidian plaque. She ran her fingers through the list. "Can you believe this list will be extended so much?"

"It's horrible," I agreed. I searched the names until I found her name. Cassandra May Piper. Kat. My throat closed. I didn't know why I had to visit the cemetery.

"I wish she was here," Melody said. I nodded. "If you only remembered her, Melody."

"I do," she said abruptly. "I remember the night when she died. I don't why I remember that, but I do."

I reached over and wrapped an arm around Melody's shoulders. "Come, let's go find her grave."

Melody nodded, but laid a flower at base of the plaque. She then led me through the cemetery. I decided to ask her, "You've been to Thorn before."

"Yeah, for my birth and Mum's funeral," she replied.

"Other than that, smarty."

She smiled faintly. "Yeah, Grandma Piper took me to see the family. She said it was good for me." 

"Was it?"

"Not really. It kinda turned into a sob fest. Here's her grave."

I took the flowers from Melody and bent down to lay them on the grave. It was a large tombstone, and in large letters, the people who made the tombstone had engraved:

Here lies beloved Cassandra May Piper
Born August 4, 1585
Died July 24, 1997
Courage is a resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear

I knew the last quote very well. It was a Mark Twain quote, and Kat's favourite quote. Was.

"She didn't deserve to die," I said quietly.

"I know, Dad. Maybe we should go..." her voice faltered.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked.

"I've gotta go," she said abruptly, and without another word, she took off sprinting. I watched her leave with some confusion. Something had scared her, badly. I looked at the sky. I noticed some black spots in the sky.

They were wrong. The enemy hadn't gotten here at noon. They got here at ten in the morning.

I took off running.


"But where's Melody?" Ella asked.

"I don't know," I replied glumly. Melody had disappeared somewhere in the mansion. According to Jasmine, she had opened the door to Melody, and she just brushed past her without saying anything and had ran up the stairs.

"Maybe she's in her room?" Alex suggested. "Either way, we've got to get to the palace. She's fighting. Oh, come on, don't look like that-" for Ella looked upset at this-"she's gonna fight anyways, if it means being with her lovely boyfriend."

"I'll go find her," I offered, standing up.

"Fine, Time Lord," Jasmine said. "But I know she's not on the third floor?"

"What's with the third floor?" I asked.

"Just avoid it," she snapped.

"Okay..." I left the dining room. We had been talking about what happened. Jasmine had sent word to Queen Alexandra about the enemies' early arrival. I climbed the stairs, hoping that Melody had changed her mind, or Queen Alexandra decided to let Melody stay, but I knew better. Were-cats don't change their minds.

I stopped suddenly at the top of the staircase. I heard voices. I recognized one as Melody's. With a jolt, I realized this was the third floor. I slowly followed the voices.

They came from the last door. I pressed my ear to it. "...I'm being serious," Melody was saying. Almost pleading. "Please, Anastasia, I'm not going to hurt you. I've seen her. She's manipulated me too." 

"I don't believe you," a girl-Anastasia-said. "You're just here to get me, aren't you? Alright, it's clever, but so am I!"

"Listen to me," Melody pleaded. "She visited me. At the cemetery. She told me I needed to talk to you."

"You're lying," Anastasia whined. She was silent for a moment, then she said, "You're not lying. She tells me."

At this point, I pulled away from the door. I bumped against the door-knob and it rattled. The two girls were silent. Then I heard footsteps and I quickly back away. Too late. Melody had ripped open the door and slammed it behind her fast, but not before I saw a girl with raven black hair. "What the hell are you doing?" Melody demanded.

"Who were you talking about? Who visited you? No one was at the cemetery, Melody."

"That's none of your damn business," she snapped.

"Really? I'm your-"

"I don't care if you're my father or not! It's none of your business, so just keep your nose out of it!" Now Melody was angry. No.

She was scared.

"What's wrong?" I asked quietly.

"Nothing's wrong," she said quickly.

"Okay... change of subject. Queen Alexandra wants all participating soldiers at the palace."

"Why?" Melody asked.

"The enemy," I said calmly. She paled and ran down the hall. I watched her disappear down the stairs, then I followed her. I had to get something from the TARDIS.


I pulled out an old leather book from an old box. The box was filled with baby stuff. Melody's old stuff. I opened the book to the first page.

October 19th, 1994

I just found Kat's pregnant. I was happy for her until she told me it was with my child. I didn't quite like that. I told her that, and why, and she replied, "I can raise the baby on Thorn."

"I want to be able to be with the child while it learns the basic stuff," I said. 

"You can stay with us," she suggested.

I knew better. Were-cats hated me with a burning passion. But I didn't say that. Instead, I said, "I don't like settling down. Life gets boring."

"That's a little...I don't know...selfish? That you'd rather run around than stay with your own child?" Kat sounded hurt.

"No, that's not... why can't we run around together?" I suggested.

"That's ridiculous," she snapped.

"You can stay in the TARDIS. I also know a bunch of kid-friendly places," I protested.

"Just-just take me home," she said. I guess I'm fortunate enough that she gave me a good-bye kiss.

October 20th

We decided on a name. Melody if it's a girl, Micheal if it's a boy.

October 23rd

She looked really surprised to see me today. When I asked her why, she just said, "It's nothing. Really."

I don't really believe her.

July 24th, 1995

Kat went into labor. I took her to Thorn, because she wanted to have the baby there. They wouldn't let me in with her while she gave birth, which kind of annoyed me. I wanted to be with her while she gave birth to my child.

It's a girl. I just found out. Melody Jane Piper. I was so happy when I got to hold the tiny baby. Kat passed out right after giving birth. I guess after having seven kids, it gets tiring. She's also staying on Thorn. Her family had been visiting her all day, so I got to meet some of her other children, Jasmine, Colette, Sebastian, Melissa, Alexander, Jasper, and Marilyn.

July 24th, 1996

It's Melody's first birthday. I went to Thorn to celebrate it with the Pipers. It would've been great, if Jasmine, Kat's daughter, hadn't been shooting me dirty looks the whole time. Melody enjoyed herself, bouncing up and down in her high-chair, burbling, "Bah bah bah bah...." She also learned her first word, "love". She also kept on saying it over and over.

September 14th

 Melody finally learned how to walk. She was constantly toddling all over the place, so Kat and I had to follow her and make sure she didn't get hurt (this meaning I followed the toddler around while Kat sat on the jump-seat, laughing her head off).

July 24th, 1997

Kat died today. Exterminated by a Dalek. Melody watched the whole thing. 

August 14th

Today was the funeral. Melody was silent through the whole thing. Halfway through, I couldn't take it. I went back to the TARDIS.

I heard a knock on the door. It was Jasmine.I don't really know very well, so I couldn't think of anything to say except, "I'm so, so sorry."

"You shouldn't have taken her with you." Jasmine was mad. "If you hadn't taken her with you, she wouldn't have died, Time Lord!"

"It wasn't my fault," I said quietly. "I told to stay in the TARDIS with Melody. I told her."

"So it's her fault, now is it? Maybe you're not fit to raise a child. You can that that deformity with you and I pray I never see this box again!" With that, she slammed the door. I picked up Melody, who had her chubby arms around my leg. It wasn't right for Jasmine to call her half sister a 'deformity'. It was just plain horrible. Melody buried her face into my chest. I could feel her tears through my shirt. Maybe it was right for me not to return to Thorn. Were-cats did not like Time Lords.

January 6th, 2003

Melody disappeared. I looked everywhere for her, even places I knew she wouldn't be, like the pool. I think it may have to do with the fact that she hadn't spoken for five years. I've never met someone with that bad PTSD. It makes me worried about her.

February 2nd

I've given up. She's nowhere to be found. I feel like I should never have taken Melody with me, but I had no one to leave her with. I can only travel and hope I can shake off the guilt.

July 18th

 Melody has returned! I was so happy, then upset to realize that she had ran off. She didn't explain why. We had a bigger problem, though. A Dalek ship has crash-landed in the middle of London.

November 24th

I can't continue traveling with Melody anymore. I have to leave her with Ella and Stella. I would've done it earlier, after Kat died, but they were too young. Maybe I should've left her with Micheal. After raising the twins, he knew how to raise a baby. Melody and I had fun, traveling to cool places in the last four months, and only running into trouble once, but after Melody watched her friend Avery get touched and transported back in time, it's really come to me that it's dangerous having a thirteen-year old with me.

September 16th, 2011 (or 1994)

Amy met Kat, back in time. We found out that Karen, the twin's foster mom, was this vampire thing. Oh, and now the twins are Time Lords. This just got weird. Really weird. I showed Amy a picture of Melody the last time I saw her. I also told her about me being Melody's father, which was very hard.

June 17th, 2013

I saw Melody for the first time in four, almost five, years. She's a teenager now, just finished school. She didn't recognize me, which I figure just as well, considering I had regenerated. 

June 19th

Melody's traveling with me again. I cannot believe she's almost eighteen. It makes me a bit sad that she's almost all grown up. She seemed a little nervous and upset, though.

July 13th

I introduced her to the Ponds. She also met River.

July 17th.

We ran into Karen again. We left her on Pluto, but she got back and was living under London. River and Melody had a fun time with that, since Melody got bit.

July 22nd

We just went to Thorn. The borders are down there, and it's a code red.

I grabbed a pen and quickly wrote:

Queen Alexandra made an army, and Melody's in it. I don't want her to fight, but she's insistent on fighting. I can only cross my fingers and hope she doesn't go the way Kat did.

Speaking of Kat's fate, Melody and I visited her grave. All of a sudden, Melody had left. Later, I heard her speaking with a girl named Anastasia about some one who visited her in the cemetery. She sounded like she was telling the truth, but no one was outside because of the code red. When I asked her about it, she lashed out and told me that it wasn't any of my 'damn business'. What is going on?

The enemy has come. I saw them. I'm almost scared for Melody, and I wish I could protect her. But I can't.

I capped the pen and closed the book. There was something going on, and I couldn't ask Melody. Jasmine would've bit my head off if I asked. I realized who I could ask: Ella.

Ella's POV

"I don't know," I said.

The Doctor had just asked me about what had happened, and I had to lie. Of course I knew what was going on. It had to do with Liliana Potts. But Melody had ordered me not to tell him.

"I just don't get it! It makes no sense." the Doctor kicked the dresser.

"You're overthinking it," I said calmly.

It seemed to work. His shoulders slumped and he said, "You're right. She may have not been talking about this recent trip. I want-was that the door?"

He rushed to the window and gasped. I joined him. It was nighttime, and it was raining, so we couldn't really see very well. But I could make out somebody carrying a body. "Who is that?" 

The Doctor didn't answer. He had left the room. I could hear his footsteps. I sighed and followed him.

We got to the living room in no time flat. Jasmine and some boy were hunched over someone while Alex stood over her. "We don't know where it came from," he was saying.

Jasmine turned around, and the Doctor saw who it was. He shoved Jasmine away to be by the person's side. He pressed his lips to her bloodied forehead and asked Alex, quietly, "What happened?"

"She was attacked," Alex  said simply. "She had seen movement, so she went to investigate. She screamed, and Nathaniel and I had ran back to find her, bleeding under some elephant ears. Her forehead had been slashed. We got her back here as soon as possible."

"We don't know what attacked her," the boy said. I realized this must've been Nathaniel.

I didn't recognize her under all the blood, but I soon realized who it was, and I felt stupid about not realizing it before.

It was Melody. Melody had been attacked.

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