Planet Thorn (Yet Again)

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Doctor's POV

Jasmine seemed too happy at the fact I was coming back to Thorn, but she allowed it all the same. "No funny business, Time Lord," she growled. "I mean it."

"'Course you do," I muttered. "Why wouldn't you?"

The first thing I noticed was how little it changed, considering the invasion that had happened. Of course, it had been ten months, so I assumed they used that time to return things to normal.

Melody didn't seem to want to look around. She had taken down the street, and I knew she was going to the Piper Mansion. I sighed and ran after her, calling to her, "Melody! Wait!"

Ella and River followed me.

Melody ignored us. She had found the mansion and was unlocking the door, bouncing up and down. This gave Ella, River, and I time to catch up. "Melody, what the hell are you doing?" I demanded.

"I needed to go to Thorn," she said. "I had to. I needed to talk to Anastasia."

"For what?" I asked.

"Reasons!" she called, unlocking the door and running up the stairs. I sighed and ran after her. Ella and River made to follow me, but Jasmine and Alex had come out of the parlor, talking, and they had noticed them. Since River had never been to Thorn, the siblings had questions about who she was, so Ella was stuck answering them. That was the last of my worries. Melody was hiding something, and I needed to know what.

I sprinted down the third floor, trying to find Melody. My footsteps echoed through the hallway as I called for Melody, for Anastasia, for somebody.

I paused when I found Anastasia and Melody near a window with a seat. I noticed something about their eyes. I had seen this in Anastasia, when I first met her, but never in Melody. At least, not on a full moon.

Their eyes resembled that of cats.

I knew then Liliana was taking over. I could hear them talking, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Then Melody stood up on the window seat and whispered something-was that, "I'm ready?" it was too quiet to make out-and I could only watch as Anastasia put her hands on Melody's chest.

And push her straight out the window.

I was stunned for a second, then I realized-Melody needed help. She could've been dead for all I knew. I turned and ran, not really paying attention to where I was going.

I stumbled into Jasmine. "What the hell happened?" she demanded. "I heard glass break, then you screaming 'no'...Time Lord, what's going on?"

"Melody," I managed. "She's fallen."

"Fallen where?" Jasmine asked, her face creased with worry.

"Out a window."

Jasmine cursed and ran down the stairs, me following. Ella and River watched us, asking, "What's wrong?"

"It's Melody," she told them as she ran by.

Ella ran after me, while River stood there, trying to put the pieces of the puzzles together.

A crowd had formed around Melody's broken body. "Get out of the way!" Jasmine demanded, shoving people aside. Ella and I followed, kneeling down next to Melody. "No, no..." Ella muttered while I soniced Melody down. I examined it and said, "She's got minutes. There's no chance."

A tear streaked down my cheek and I brushed away. I turned around and yelled at the group, "Go home or wherever. This isn't any of your business! Go!"

The group slowly departed, muttering to themselves. I turned back to Melody. The occasional tear had transformed into sobs as I examined Melody's bleeding face. Why did this always happen whenever we went to Thorn? It wasn't right. It wasn't fair.

The Doctor's Daughter (#Wattys 2014)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz