The Mansion

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First off, I want to thank you all for the reads! This is, in my opinion, my best book! It took Forever Gallifreyan longer to get over 900 reads. Anyways, I just wanted to thank you readers for all the reads. :)

Doctor's POV

Alex, Melody's half-brother, and I had to load up the TARDIS into the back of the truck without Melody or Ella's help. Eventually, we managed to get her in the bed (laying down; she didn't really like that much) and we drove to the mansion. Of course, Melody had to get front seat, so Ella and I were shoved into the tiny backseat. As Ella pointed out, at least there was a backseat.

The Piper Mansion was as grand as I remembered it. Seven stories tall, made of grey brick, ivy growing in the front, it had been in Melody's family for generations-since the first Piper, Lazarus, was alive. Melody was the owner now, but her half-sister Jasmine lived in it, with her two kids, Kendall and Graham. I had never met either of them,neither of them had been born the last time I had been to Thorn, but I had heard stories from Melody.

Once we had pulled up to the house and into the garage, Alex and I had to unload the TARDIS, but this time, I had managed to get Melody to help me. After we got the TARDIS out of the pick-up truck's bed, Melody pushed open the door into the dusty hallway. She led us down to the dining room. 

We weren't the only one who had heard of the borders down. It seemed the whole Piper family was there. I heard hisses and muttering as I walked into the room. "The Time Lord. He's here."

Melody wove her way through the group and found a woman. "Aunt Sabrina, what's happening? Other than the borders are down, I mean."

She ignored her and fixed her eyes on me. "His kind. He's not welcome."

That was their typical greeting for me.

"He's trying to help us," Melody said. "Has Queen Alexandra said anything about the matter?"

"It's early, love. It hasn't been ten minutes."

"It took quite a short time for the word to spread and for you to gather," Ella said. That was the first time she had spoken since the beginning of the car ride.

"Word spreads fast," Sabrina said.

"For a large planet, sure," Ella snorted.

Just that moment, Jasmine had entered the room. "We just got word. They can't be put back up. The system's glitching. We're gonna have to stay here. The Evans will be keeping in touch."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Colette, Melody's other half-sister (she's got seven half-siblings, by the way- I don't remember if I've mention this) asked.

"Code red," Jasmine explained, taking the last seat. "They're targeting this part of Thorn."

"Why this part?" Ella asked.

"The High Control," Melody said quietly. "They take over the High Control, they've got the planet. The War Planet, because they'll be fighting over control."

"Who's they?" a girl with short blonde hair asked. She looked too young to be here- thirteen, maybe?

"Daleks, Kendall. And Cybermen. And Sontarans. Slitheen," Melody said.

"But how they did override the system? Assuming the system's been overridden," Kendall said.

"It has," Jasmine said. "And we have no clue. They must have a spy. A traitor to our kind."

Just then, Melissa came bursting in. "Jasmine! I have other word," she panted.

"What?" Jasmine asked sharply.

"Her Majesty Queen Alexandra the First has stated that only soldiers may stay in the mansion. All other authorities must leave and head West," Melissa stated.

"And us?" Kendall asked.

"We are to write a list of people staying," Melissa said. "She says that we should not declare a fight unless they land and attack, but it wouldn't hurt to be prepared..."

"Let's hope we don't declare a fight," Ella said. I nodded.

"I've already got part of the list. Doctor, Melody, Ella, Alex, Jasmine, Colette, and I are all staying," Melissa looked at Kendall. "And yes, you and your brother. But you two are staying in the mansion."

"Awww..." Kendall complained. "That's going to get boring."

"Better bored than dead," Melody pointed out. Kendall pouted but didn't say anything.

"Wait-why did you sign me up to be a part of this?" I asked.

"Why do you ask?" Melissa said.

"Because for one, I really don't want to get involved, and two, I thought you disliked Time Lords," I said.

"They do. I've learned a bit and that not all Time Lords are bad," Melissa said.

"I'm flattered," Ella said. "You said the Evans are going to be keeping in touch?"

"Yeah. Why-ohhhh. I get it," Jasmine slowly grinned. "That includes Natheniel."

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "Who's Natheniel?"

"Melody's boyfriend," Ella said.

"Oh, boy," Melody said sarcastically. "This is going to be fun. Being stuck in a house for God knows how long with Ella and Jasmine teasing me about Natheniel."

Ella and Jasmine laughed. I however, asked Melody, "You're dating?"

"Don't be that dad who completely disapproves of dating," Melody complained. "I hate those dads."

"Quit talking. We've got the list. Wow, you guys are all wimps," Melissa scanned the list. "Only six people signed up."

"Queen Alexandra's not going to be happy," Kendall said.

"No she won't," Jasmine said. "All who haven't signed, leave now!"

A long line of people got up and left, leaving us all in the room. "What do we do now?" Ella asked.

At that moment, Kendall's phone rang. "It's a text, telling me to turn on the radio," she read.

Melody crossed the room and turned it on. A faint voice came out saying, "....Daleks will be here by midday tomorrow. If you are not fighting, please evacuate right now. I repeat, evacuate. All soldiers and family of soldiers stay indoors until word comes. If possible, get to one of the mansions. Do not panic. Queen Alexandra will be posting a list of whose fighting on telly tomorrow morning."

The voice faded and we sat there silently. Then Kendall said, "That's really not good, is it?"

"No, love," Jasmine reached over and hugged her. "Go to bed. It's late."

Kendall nodded and dragged her feet out of the room. Once she was gone, the doorbell rang. Melody sighed and got up to get it. A few minutes later, she led a rather unkempt man into the dining room. Melissa cursed and said, "Clarence Evans. Whatever are you doing here?"

"Word from Alexandra. She's told me to tell you to remember Plan Z," he shrugged and went to leave. Once he was gone, Ella asked, "What's Plan Z?"

"Hopefully we don't get to that. I'll show you two your rooms," Melissa stood up.

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