I meet River

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Melody's POV

We landed in New York City. It was pouring when we stepped out of the TARDIS. We had landed in a part of the city where the building were falling apart.

It was heaven for a old building lover like me. I looked at Dad, and he said, "Don't even think about it."

"About what?" Amy asked.

Dad sighed. "It's old buildings. Melody loves exploring them."

"And you're scared I'd get hurt," I teased.

"Yeah, I am," Dad said. I rolled my eyes and followed him. We decided to do some sight-seeing, which I hate doing, because it's so boring.

It really is, except if it's the Winchester Mansion. Then it's amazing. I'm kind of obsessed with the Winchester Mansion. It's my dream home.

So what?

Anyways, we were sight-seeing when movement caught my eye. I asked Dad if I could wander through the streets alone, and he said yes, just don't go into the abandoned buildings. I wasn't listening, however; I was already across the street.

When I was out of sight of Dad and his friends a hand was clamped over my mouth and I did the natural thing: scream and bite the hand. The hand let go of me quickly and a woman with blonde curly hair and deep blue eyes stared at me. "You bit me!"

"Who the hell are you?" I yelled, trying to get away, but she was holding my wrist with her uninjured hand. She seemed calm, however. "I could ask you the same thing. Why were you with the Doctor?"

"Because I was?" I suggested, twisting my arm to get out of her grip.

"You seem kinda young," the woman commented.

"You haven't answered my question. Who the hell are you and why are you holding me? How do you know the Doctor?"

"River Song," River said.

"He's mentioned you before," I said.


"Yeah," I nodded.

"What's your name?" River asked again.

"Melody Piper. Why?" I asked.

"Who's your mother?" River asked.

"What is this, twenty questions? I won't answer until you let go of me."

"Promise you won't run."

"Alright, I won't. I probably won't now, since I know who you are." She let go of me and I rubbed my wrist. "Why did you ask who my mother was?"

"I met someone with that last name," River explained. "She knew the Doctor, but not the Doctor I knew. She also had really sharp teeth." River checked her injured hand. It had stopped bleeding, but judging by her face, it hurt.

"Was her name Kat?" I asked. She nodded. 

"She's dead," I told her. "She was killed by a Dalek when I was two."

"So, you're a were-cat?" River asked.

"Part," I corrected.

"Part? Then who's..." her eyes widened. "Oh!"

"What?" I asked.

"Is your father the Doctor?" she asked. I nodded. "He's mentioned you before," she informed me.

"His friends-Amy and Rory-said I looked a lot like you, and I was thinking of someone younger," I said.

"Well, I thought you'd be a couple years younger. The Doctor wasn't really sure of your age," River said.


"How old are you?" she asked.


"He was off by three years." 

"Just off by a little bit," I grinned. "I need to get back to him, okay?"

I ran off in the opposite direction. I needed to get back to the TARDIS. I didn't know why, but I did.

Doctor's POV

"I'm going to see if I can find Melody. There's nothing here, nothing at all," I said after a while. Amy and Rory nodded. "You guys go back to the TARDIS," I told them. 

"Okay," they said and ran off to the TARDIS.

 I saw Melody go down an alleyway, so I decided to check out there.

And what to my surprise do I find River.

"Hello, Sweetie," she said, smiling.

"River. What-what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Listen, I'm looking for a girl, with long, curly dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. She's about-"

"Seventeen?" River suggested. I stared at her. "How did you know that?"

"She left. She said she was going to find you." River shrugged. "I take it she didn't?"

"She probably went back to the TARDIS. Do you want to come with us? Amy and Rory are here, too."

"I really want to stay in New York."

"That's fine. We'll be back," I promised, then ran to find the TARDIS.

Melody's POV

Dad entered the TARDIS last. I looked up from my book (Goblet of Fire-I'm a huge Harry Potter fan. Ella and I fight over Daniel Radcliffe on a daily basis) and said, "Did you see her?"

Dad nodded. He looked happy, I thought to myself, a little too happy.

As if he was reading my mind, he said, "So, where do you wanna go now?"

"The Winchester Mansion!"


"Please?" I begged. "You know that's the one place I wanna go." 

Dad thought for it a moment, then said, "I'll take you somewhere you'll like, after I drop Amy and Rory back home."

"What?! You're just leaving us like that?! Just one adventure?" Amy cried, but Rory said to her, "Well, maybe the Doctor wants to spend time with his daughter alone. It has been a while since he last saw her, right?" he gave Dad a meaningful glance and Dad nodded. 

Eventually, Amy gave in and we took them back home.

Once they were gone, Dad asked me, "So, where do you wanna go?"

"Somewhere with a huge old mansion. Preferably in San Jose, California."

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