Traveling (Again)

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Melody's POV

I ran through the streets of London, jumping over puddles and avoiding bumping into people-no small task, as it was Saturday afternoon and the streets were crowded- but I finally go to the alleyway where the TARDIS was parked. Dad and I had arranged to meet at 2:00 and I didn't want to be late. I had a small bag slung over my shoulder with necessaries like my toothbrush and hairbrush. I didn't pack any clothes; I was going to use the TARDIS closet. I slowed to a walk, pausing a little in front of the TARDIS doors. I waited, then I knocked.

Dad automatically swept me into his arms. "Melody! I knew you'd come!"

"Yeah, ow, Dad, you're crushing me," I muttered.

He let go of me and led me into the TARDIS. The first thing I said was, "It's changed!"

"Yeah, do you like it?" he spread his arms out wide.

"Yeah, but there's stairs," I pointed out. "I'm gonna fall down those, you wait and see."

"Yeah, I thought the same thing yesterday," he said. I dumped my bag on the little couch. "Has the maze changed or what?" 

"Nah," he said. "Why don't you go put your bag in your room?"

"Sure," I said, and left.

Once I got to my bedroom, I pushed open the door and looked around the familiar room. It didn't change at all since I had last been there, although it was a little dusty. I stepped on the bright green rug in the middle of my room and coughed when dust billowed up.

My room is frog themed. The walls are bright green and are covered in pictures of frogs. On top of the big green rug by my bed was a lily-pad-shaped rug. My canopy bed had a bright green comforter with frog-print sheets under it and green netting. Several frog stuffed animals were resting on the bed. A huge frog sat in the corner by my bookshelf, which was painted green, like my desk, which, other than being green, had cloth covering the drawers. The cloth was decorated with frogs and lily pads. The same cloth covered my swivel desk chair.

Yeah, my favorite animal is the frog.

I sighed. I guessed I should ask Dad where we were gonna go.

"Dad, where are we going?" I asked once I got to the console room.

"Probably gonna introduce you to a couple of my friends," he said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

He pulled down the lever thing.

Doctor's POV

Just when I thought Melody couldn't hit her face for one day while in the TARDIS's presence, she proved me wrong by falling off the seat when we landed. "Ow! Why can't I make a day without hitting my face on the TARDIS? Why?!"

I stepped over Melody and opened the door. I had taken Melody to the Ponds' house, and as she scrambled to her feet, Amy came out of the house and hugged me. "Oh, great," Melody complained. "More people to watch me break my nose on the TARDIS floor?"

"Melody has a tendency of tripping on the TARDIS and hitting her face," I explained.

"Melody? That's her name?" Amy said. Melody turned bright red and hid her face behind her face.

"Yeah, I know what you're thinking. I realized this a couple days ago. She looks like River and shares the name of River," I said. "Complete coincidence."

"Actually I was thinking about who she is," Amy said. "Who is she?"

"Melody Piper, my, well, daughter, this is Amy Pond," I said.

"Isn't she Kat's kid?" Amy asked. 

"How do you know my mum?" Melody demanded.

I bent down near her. "Amy is a companion, Melody. The TARDIS thought it fit last year to bring us to before Kat traveled with me full-time," I explained.

"Ohhh...." Melody nodded.

Just then, Rory stuck his head in the TARDIS. "Doctor! What are you doing here?"

"Rory the Roman! Haven't seen you in ages," I hugged him tightly. I heard Melody mutter in the background, "At least I'm not the only one he breaks ribs when he hugs." Then she said louder, "Rory the Roman? That's strange."

"It's a long story," I told her after letting go of Rory. Melody nodded.

"She is..." Rory began.

"Melody Piper. My daughter. Part were cat," I explained.

Rory cocked his head. "What the hell is a were cat?"

"Said the exact thing when her mother told me. They're very secretive. Very few people know of their existence," I told him. Then I explained what a were cat is. "A were cat is a person who is like a werewolf, only can turn into cat-like beings at the full moon. Melody, fortunately, doesn't have that ability.

"Another were-cat ability is to turn into a common house cat at will. Melody and her mother are both calico cats."

"I'm not demostrating," Melody said. "You'll see soon."

"And the last thing," I said, "is the fact that they can only spread the curse of the were cat by reproducing, and to get a fully fledged were cat, you needed a human. No biting other people to spread it."

"Well, that's a comfort," Amy said.

"Even if they could spread the curse by biting, I still wouldn't be able to," Melody pointed out. I nodded.

"Well, that's even better," Rory said. He knelt down by Melody. "She looks a bit like River." 

"Everybody keeps saying that I look like this River person," Melody noticed. "Who is this River, and how can I share a name with someone that doesn't have the same name as me?"

"She doesn't know who River is?" Amy asked. I shook my head. "Never mentioned her to Melody."

"Who is she?" Melody repeated.

"River Song's other name is Melody Pond," I explained to her.

"Pond?" Melody looked at Amy. "Didn't Dad introduce you as Amy Pond?"

"River Song is my daughter," Amy explained to Melody.

"Heh?" Melody cocked her head to the side.

"There's no point explaining things to her," I said. "She's a combination of really stubborn and, honestly, really dense."

"I'm still in the room," Melody said.

"Really dense," I emphasized.

"I hear you," Melody pointed out. "I'm still in this room and I've haven't gone deaf."

I looked at her. She stared at me back. I quickly turned away. Melody had this one stare where she'd look straight into your eyes and it'd make you feel like she's reading what you're thinking. It was very uncomfortable.

"Where are we going to go?" Melody asked.

"No idea," I said. "Where do you want to go?"

"I have no clue," Melody said.

"Why don't we just go somewhere?" Amy suggested. I shrugged.

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