The Weeping Angels

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Doctor's POV

"What are you typing?" I asked Melody, who was writing away on her laptop.

"Telling Emily to not blink, not to turn away, and not to look in the statue's eyes. I also suggested that if she had a mirror, she could hold it up to the statue's eyes." Melody shrugged. "It's the most I could do. Oh, I also mentioned that I would be there ASAP. That sound good?"

"Yeah, that's fine." I turned back to the console as Melody hit send. "Where is your friend, anyways?" I asked.

"She just received the e-mail and said that she's in a closet with no statues. She's locked the door and is using her laptop that she brings everywhere to send e-mails to me." Melody tilted her head. "Emily had gotten a picture of the angel and sent the picture to me." Melody looked at me. "The picture's of a Weeping Angel with the eyes covered." Melody looked back and frowned. "That picture wasn't like that before. Dad?"

"We're here!" I announced. Melody threw open the door and found herself face-to-face with an Angel. "Well, then!"

She slowly moved around it, keeping her eyes trained on the Angel. "This is gonna be difficult with all these Angels. Oh, wait, hang on a sec-" Melody dug into her pocket and pulled out a compact mirror. She squeezed herself in front of the Angel and took some string out of her pocket. She tied the mirror to the Angel's eyes. Then she ran off to find Emily. I fixed the mirror and followed her.

Melody threw open a door at random. "Is she there?" I asked.

"No, it's just a bathroom-" Melody realized what she was saying. She ran over to the mirror and unhooked it from the wall. "I'm gonna go find Emily," she said, with the mirror tucked under her arm, Melody ran from the bathroom. I followed Melody, but automatically ran into an Angel. I kept my eyes on it as I scooted around it, then walked backwards, keeping my eyes on it. Unfortunately, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, and all of a sudden, my foot slid off an edge. Too late, I realized I was at the top of the staircase and I lost my balance. I slid down the stairs and laid, curled, at the bottom. I slowly got up and saw that the Angel had gotten closer. To top it off, there was an Angel right behind me. I made sure I was at the bottom floor, then slowly ducked under the Angel's arm and kept my eyes on it. I bumped into a door knob and I opened the door.

There was a teenager with short, black hair holding a compact mirror up. She was trembling, but when she asked me, "Who the hell are you?!", her voice was steady.

I knelt down by her. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"I said, who are you, not, are you going to harm me!" the teenager wasn't looking at me, but at the Angel.

"I'm a friend of Melody. Well, her dad, but that's not important." I helped her to her feet. She had a book bag slung over her shoulder.

"I'll ask questions about that subject later. What are those things?" she asked.

"They're called Weeping Angels. Don't take your eyes off of them, and don't look them in the eye. If they touch you, you're transported back in time."

"Is that what happened to Kelli?" she asked. I nodded. 

"What's your name, anyways?" she asked.

"The Doctor."

"Again, I'll ask questions on that subject later. I'm Emily."

"Emily, Melody's here, but I don't know where she is. I know you don't either, but can you help me find her?"

"Alright." Emily shrugged and followed me out of the closet, her eyes still on the Angel. The Angel on the second floor had moved down a step. Emily stuck close to me. I could tell she was scared. We climbed the stairs, avoiding the Angel on the top step. "She's probably on this floor," I told Emily. She nodded.

We saw Melody at the end of the hallway. She had Angels surrounding her. She spotted me and ducked under two Angel's outstretched arms. "Emily!"

"Melody!" Emily cried, hugging her younger friend. Melody pulled away and hugged me. "That was terrifying."

Melody's POV

Dad nodded at these words. "I need to check on something. You guys make sure no Angel touches you."

I nodded and Dad left. Emily said, "He's your Dad?"

I nodded. "It's sorta...difficult to explain."

Emily grinned. "I am so glad that's over."

"Not really. There's still more Angels." I looked at Emily straight in the eyes. "Why were you and Kelli here?"

"We were bored." Emily shrugged. "It was Kelli's-"

And she disappeared. I saw an Angel with it's arm outstretched, and I knew what had happened. "Dad! DAD!"

Doctor's POV

I heard Melody screaming my name and I realized something was wrong. I was in the TARDIS, but now I left, running as fast as possible, ignoring all the Angels. 

That was my worst mistake. I felt a cold stone finger in my back and before I knew it, I was transported back in time.

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