The Life of Emily Dolan

By justsochelsea

12.3K 236 33

After their dad died, couple of months later. Emily was forced to be with her brothers for summer which ended... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 {part 1}
Chapter 25 {part 2}
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29: Final

Chapter 19

263 8 0
By justsochelsea

Chapter 19:

Emily's POV
Ethan came to pick Sophie and I up from school today, and when we came home we found Grayson washing his cars.

Emily: hi Grayson
Grayson: hey guys, How was school?
Emily: it was okay, what are you doing?
Grayson: cleaning my car, what does it look like
Emily: but you just cleaned your car last week, aren't you getting a tad bit obsessed with your car?
Grayson: nope
Emily: really? Because your washing your car in the middle of December
Ethan: she's got a point Gray
Grayson: shut up both of you, we live in California, which is something you're not use to *says pointing towards Emily* and don't you two have homework?
Emily: we don't have to do homework for the entire break
Sophie: Christmas break baby! *highs five Emily*
Grayson: I forgot that was today
Ethan: that's why I brought the girls in a rental car
Emily: yeah everyone was so shocked about the car Ethan, thank you *kiss his cheek*
Ethan: no problem kiddo
Emily: so what are we doing for Christmas this year?
Ethan: well normally we would be in Jersey, but because we told mom we won't be celebrating with her over the holidays anymore, we have to make our own traditions here
Emily: cool, I'm in
Grayson: oh yeah Cameron waiting for you girls inside with your afternoon snacks
Emily: oh yeah, I forgot Cameron staying here for winter break
Sophie: but I wanna watch Grayson wash his car
Emily: why?
Sophie: just because...
Grayson: see, at least someone appreciative of me
Emily: okay whatever, come on Ethan

I grabbed Ethan hand and we both went into the house.

With Sophie and Grayson:
Sophie: do you need help Grayson?
Grayson: it's okay Sophie, I don't let anybody touch my car
Sophie: oh right, what can I do?
Grayson: you can make sure nobody touches my car
Sophie: well that's no fun
Grayson: fine go in the car and use the wipes to clears the mirror
Sophie: okay!

Sophie went into the car and does what she was instructed, Sophie was bored and decided to play some music, when she did it blasted loud, scaring Grayson and she immediately turned it off and said.

Sophie: sorry!
Grayson: out!

Grayson said using his fingers to motion her to get out, and she did immediately and he said.

Grayson: what are the rules about my car?
Sophie: Grayson...
Grayson: Sophie, you should know the rules, youbeen to this house multiple times
Sophie: *sighs* I'm not allowed to touch the car without permission
Grayson: good girl

Grayson went to go buy some stuff for his car, and Emily came out and said to Sophie.

Emily: want cookie?
Sophie: no thanks, I'm supposed to be watching Grayson's car
Emily: that's boring, come on inside so you don't catch a cold
Sophie: but I'm supposed to be watching his car
Emily: then will go inside his car
Sophie: are you crazy?! Without Grayson permission?
Emily: Grayson went to the store, he will be long, and won't noticed we been in their
Sophie: I don't know...
Emily: please... I done this a bunch of times and never got caught
Sophie: alright
Emily: yay!

Emily got into the front and Sophie hesitated about getting the shotgun seat, but went in anyways.

Emily: see, this isn't so bad. Let's play some music *plays music*

The girls were listening to old classic Jonas Brothers music and were singing along, without realizing the car was going in the reverse and the girls scream when they collided into the garage door.

The two look at each other, realizing the damage they done, and Emily put the car in park before carefully getting out of the car with Sophie.

Sophie: you okay?
Emily: yeah I'm fine, are you?
Sophie: yeah, you think anybody noticed
Cameron and Ethan both ran out when the heard what happened.

Ethan: what happened?!
Cameron: *gasp* what happened to Grayson car!
Emily: I don't know we found it like this
Ethan: are you two okay? *puts arm around Emily and Sophie*
Emily: yeah, we are fine
Sophie: just in a bit of shock *glares at Emily*
Ethan: where's Grayson?
Sophie: he went to go get something at the shop
Ethan: I'm gonna kill him! What was he thinking leaving his car like this?!
Cameron: you two have insurance right?
Ethan: we got insurance when I pulled a prank on Grayson once he thought he broke his car
Cameron: I don't think Grayson would do this to his own car, he love this car more than anything in the world
Ethan: *looks around* he did leave the keys in the ignition, but it's in park, unless... *looks at the girls* you two were the last one out here, did you see what happened to Grayson's car
Emily: well... you, see...

The family jumped when they heard an angry voice from behind them, and they all turned to find Grayson getting out from his other car.

Grayson: *points at Sophie* YOU! WHAT DID YOU DO?! *starts approaching her*
Sophie: *back away and looks at Emily then to Grayson* it was an accident!
Ethan: *stops him* dude chill out, you don't know if Sophie did it
Grayson: she was the last one watching my car, and I told her to watch the car! Didn't I!
Sophie: *gulps* yes sir
Ethan: Sophie, did you see what happened to Grayson's car?
Sophie: *looks at everyone around her* yes sir
Ethan: do you know who broke it?

Sophie took a peak at Emily, who pleaded her not to tell, and she sigh and said.

Sophie: I did it. I turned the key in the ignition to play some music and wanted to do a pretend joyride, I didn't realize I was moving around so much and the car hit the peddle and the truck went into reverse and hit the garage door. I'm so sorry Grayson
Grayson: I can't believe this! Do you know whose gonna pay for this?! Certainly not me or Ethan. This is coming out of you and your mother paycheck
Ethan: Grayson...
Grayson: no! I told her not to touch my car, and what did she go and do? Touch my car! Now look what happened
Sophie: *starts to cry* Grayson I'm so-
Grayson: *puts finger up* I don't want to hear it, Sophie this is the last straw from you. First breaking into our homes and now this??? You know what, you and Emily are no longer allowed to see each other anymore
Sophie/Emily: but Grayson-
Grayson: no! Sophie needs to learn that their are consequences to her actions
Ethan: Grayson...
Grayson: Ethan, don't try to talk me out of this, I made my decision
Ethan: alright. Come on Sophie, Will take you home to talk to your mother
Sophie: *looks at Emily, than at Ethan* okay

Sophie gave one last look to Emily, that Emily avoided before Ethan and Grayson took her home.

Emily: well... I'm going to my room now, bye!
Cameron: wait just a minute young lady
Emily: why young lady? I didn't do anything wrong
Cameron: not yet, if I seem to remember clearly, Sophie wasn't the only one by herself outside was she...
Emily: I don't recall...
Cameron: then recall this "hey, Cameron. I'm gonna go outside to see what's Sophie is up too" care to explain that?
Emily: *sighs* how did you know?
Cameron: please, you really think Sophie would do this to Grayson's car. She maybe a psychotic fan, but she's not like that anymore especially enough to ruin Grayson's baby
Emily: come on Cameron, you saw how Grayson got, he'll ground me forever, or worst give me the spanking of my life
Cameron: and you deserve it for what you're putting your best friend too. I'm very disappointed in you Emily, we raised you better than this
Emily: *sighs* I know, and I know how to make this right
Cameron: that's my girl
Emily: if I'm not back by dinner, take care of 13 for me
Cameron: Emily you will be fine, Grayson's not gonna kill you
Emily: you don't know that for sure
Cameron: Ethan and I have messed up Grayson's car before, your not the only one in this family
Emily: yeah but you didn't fess up and made your best friend lied for you or have them as guardians who can literary blister your ass
Cameron: language
Emily: grandma says I can say ass
Cameron: I think she met that for the boys young lady, and I better not hear you say that again it's very inappropriate for your age
Emily: *pouts* fine
Cameron: now stop stalling, and go tell the boys and Miss. Fergi what really happened before Sophie gets in serious trouble
Emily: I'm not stalling...
Cameron: Emily Clarissa-
Emily: okkaaayyy... no need to go full name on me

Emily said walking out the door and headed across the street. When she reached their she hesitated to ring the door bell and when she did. Miss. Fergi opened the door, looking furious.

Emily: *gulps* h-hi M-Miss. Fergi... is-
Miss. Fergi: if you're looking for Sophie, she's gonna be on punishment for a very long time
Emily: um... I'm actually here to talk to you and my brother's, I know they're still here
Miss. Fergi: alright come in

Emily comes into the home and follows Miss. Fergi to the family room and finds the twins their.

Ethan: Emily what are you doing here?
Emily: I need to tell you guys about something, and you're probably not gonna be happy with me
Grayson: what is it it Emily? I'm already not in the mood, so I'll just punish you for whatever it is later
Emily: it actually has something to do with the car... *sits down on the love seat*
Grayson: my car?
Emily: *nods head slowly*
Grayson: well speak up little girl, I don't have all day
Emily: *gulps* um... Sophie wasn't the one that wreck Grayson's car...
Miss. Fergi: oh thank god
Ethan: alright who did then?
Emily: *mumbles* I did...
Grayson: what?
Emily: please don't make me repeat it
Grayson: no seriously what, I couldn't understand you
Emily: I did it, not Sophie
Ethan: Emily did you really do it, or are you just covering for Sophie
Emily: no, I was the that convince Sophie to touch the car, I was the one that was behind the wheel, it was my responsibility

Grayson sighs and grabbed his hair in frustration and Emily said.

Emily: I'm so sorry
Ethan: *sighs, to Miss. Fergi* I'm very sorry about this
Miss. Fergi: it's alright, Sophie still on punishment for this because she has her own mind and she knows how to use it
Ethan: you don't have to pay for the damage Miss. Fergi
Miss. Fergi: how about half?
Grayson: no need, Emily will be doing that
Emily: say what? I can't get a job at 13
Grayson: with your allowance, and you will be helping Miss. Fergi out for the next month for all the damage you caused
Emily: but that's not fair!
Grayson: what do you mean that's not fair little girl! You let your best friend lied for you and got her in trouble, you don't think you deserve the same treatment as well??

Emily shrink down in her seat as Grayson tower over her.
Emily: *squirms* no sir
Grayson: apologize to Miss. Fergi and Sophie and get your sorry little butt home. I'm not done with you yet
Emily: *gulps* yes sir

Grayson stepped away from Emily and Emily slowly got up and protected her bottom from Grayson swat, and went over to Miss. Fergi.

Emily: Miss. Fergi, I apologize for everything I done, and if you want Sophie to stop hanging out with me, I totally understand
Miss. Fergi: Emily, I have met a lot of trouble teens that are far worst than you're. If I had to choose out of all the girls I want my daughter to hang out with, it would be you. You may get in a tone of trouble at home, but it's not like you're stealing or robbing a bank
Emily: yeah... like I never done that before...
Miss. Fergi: plus you're the only friend of Sophie that got her to finally get out of the house every once in a while, instead of spying on her idols, which btw I'm very sorry for boys
Ethan: hey, that was in the past, Sophie is a lot calmer now
???: I am!
Emily: Sophie?
Miss. Fergi: young lady I sent you to your room
Sophie: I heard Emily's voice and Grayson yelling
Grayson: sorry...
Sophie: I'm sorry what was that Grayson?
Grayson: don't make me repeat it huh?
Sophie: it's okay, I forgive you
Emily: Sophie, I wanna apologizes for getting you in trouble, you didn't have to cover for me
Sophie: I know, but you're my best friend and we help each other out, and I'm sure you would have done the same for me
Emily: yeah...
Sophie: you would do the same for me right?
Emily: of course! *hugs Sophie* I love you
Sophie: I already know you're lying, but hey I'll take it
Grayson: alright Emily you had your apology with Sophie, now take your sorry butt home and wait for one of us in your room
Emily: *frowns* do I have too?
Grayson: yes little girl, go!

Emily hugged Sophie one last time before walking back home, when she made it home she found Cameron and she noticed her and said.

Cameron: hey, I'm guessing you told the boys
Emily: yeah and Grayson is pissed, exactly like I knew he would act
Cameron: I'm sorry Emily, but I couldn't let you get away with something like this
Emily: I know, you were just looking out for me
Cameron: of course, now head to your room before Grayson has a fit when he gets back
Emily: right

Emily heads to her room to wait on her punishment.

Chapter End Notes:
Been working on my YouTube channel, that's why I haven't updated any of my chapters in a while. Yes I still upload video stories to my YouTube TwightHeart, so go check that out 😜

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