∞Moments Of Clarity∞ (Austin...

By Kira_Lancaster

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Cara is just a normal girl going through her average life, school growing up & friends. Until her best fr... More

∞Moments Of Clarity∞
Chapter One: New Beginning
Chapter Two: Close For Comfort
Chapter Three: Morning High
Chapter Four: Awkward Silence
Chapter Five: Deadly Distraction
Chapter Six: A Whole World Ahead Of You
Chapter Seven: It was meant to be the night of my life
Chapter Eight : My World Spun Around Me
Chapter Nine: Sweet Surprise
Chapter Ten: Sometimes It Must Be Done
Chapter Eleven: Craving The Unexpected
Chapter Twelve: A Cold Breeze To Comfort
Chapter Thirteen: Caught In The Act
Chapter Fourteen: A little reassurance
Chapter Fifteen: Within a blink of an eye
Chapter Sixteen: Give Me Some Clarity I Need You
Chapter Seventeen: A World Wind Of Surprises
Chapter Eighteen: A Touch That Makes You Weak
Chapter Nineteen: Time Will Tell
Chapter Twenty: We Scream Out All Night Long
Chapter Twenty One: A Wait That Lasted Forever
Chapter Twenty Two: Everything Is Not What It Seems
Chapter Twenty Four: Clarity
Chapter Twenty Five: Patience Is A Virtue
Chapter Twenty Six: It's About To Go Down
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty Three: Take My Breath Away

229 11 4
By Kira_Lancaster

~ I approached the smiley receptionist, leaving muddy footprints trailing behind me. The receptionists eyes looked up to meet mine, her gaze made me feel week melting my posture. She beamed sweetly making me push away the lump away in my throat, my fingers fiddling at the counters surface.

This was it time to speak up.

“Hi... My name is Cara and uh I am here for an abortion” I spoke slowly. ~

The time had arrived after what seemed like forever waiting, I was called in for my procedure. I walked towards the plain intimidating room, the nurses had previously asked me questions to find out the appropriate abortion plan for me. They’d taken my blood and a urine sample. Now inside the room I made my way towards the bed adjusting my gown. I laid on my back staring at the cream ceiling above, tracing its bumpy texture in attempt to distract myself. I began twiddling with my fingers nervously. I would be lying if I didn’t feel incredibly vulnerable right now. My day dream was cut off when the doctor turned his chair around to face me, his goofy glasses and cheesy grin made me question his profession…


“Cara” I interrupted the man in front of me.

“Ahh Cara! Well evening I am Dr Colman I will be in charge of today’s procedure, I am aware you gave us a blood sample as well as a urine a nurse will be any second with those results” he stood up flicking trough my notes. “Do you have any questions about what will be happening before I begin?” his voice reassuring he’s clearly done this many a times.

“Just one actually… uh will it hurt?” I questioned looked down at my hands apprehensive.

“You'll have some period-type pain or discomfort. You'll be advised about taking appropriate painkillers when you leave. With this specific abortion, the injection to numb the cervix can sometimes be painful. After any type of abortion, you could also experience some bleeding for up to 14 days afterwards, and the period-type pains. I won’t lie it’s going to feel slightly uncomfortable, but as much as you relax the better it will be!” I nodded trying to process it all when the nurse came in with my results.

“You ready sweetie? It doesn’t take long would you like me to stay with you?” she asked sympathetically, when I nodded she put on some latex gloves and took hold of my hand squeezing it slightly. “Alrighty were all ready, if you could lie back relax we can start the procedure” he approached me snapping the gloves onto his hands making me swallow hard.

As I rested my head back inhaling a deep breath of air my phone began to ring shaking on the surface. I ignored it when it rang another 3 times, I tried blocking it out biting the inside of my mouth anxiously. “Here hunny you should answer it, whoever is calling seems to be persistent!” the nurse shoved my phone in my face. I took hold of my phone reluctantly clicking the home button, when the caller started to call again ….. it was Camila.

I answered it hesitantly having not spoken to her a lot since our kiss, it wasn’t out of awkwardness I had actually really enjoyed it. But with everything that was going on recently I hadn’t got round to calling her.

“Finally Cara where the heck are you I’m worried sick!” Camila’s voice screamed through the speaker making me feel guilty.

“I’m busy at the minute can I call you back in a bit?” I questioned trying to get off the phone.

“NO YOU CAN NOT! Alex told me everything tell me where you are right this second, and don’t you dare lie to me!” her voice scary… but she knew everything and I couldn’t lie to her not everything’s she’s done for me in the past.

“Okay but calm down and you can’t tell anyone… but I’m at the clinic” I mumbled hoping she wouldn’t continue bombarding me with questions.

“But the only clinic within half an hour of us is the…” she trailed off her brain thinking of the rest of the sentence. “The abor- OH MY GOD NO CARA DON’T DO THIS! LET ME COME GET YOU WE CAN TALK ABOUT IT” she pleaded as I hung up the phone not wanting to hear her voice. I had already made up my mind, I wasn’t going to let anyone guilt me into changing it.

I switched off my phone handing it back to the nurse, as I lay back on the bed sighing running my fingers through my hair. The doctor decided to step outside for a few minutes so I could calm down properly. I was mad at Alex for telling Camila it wasn’t his place to tell anyone, I put my trust in him and now he’d broken that trust. If he had told Camila who’s to say he hasn’t told Austin, especially as he’d seen how upset I was.

“Everything okay in here… can I come back in? Dr Colman pocked his head in through the door not wanting to barge in. “Yeah I’m ready” I smiled weakly addressing him to come back in. Dr Colman and the nurse returned to their original places, as the procedure was finally about to take place. Everything was set up as he injected me in the cervix making me wince in pain.

Suddenly shouting was coming from outside crashing coming closer to the room when Camila stormed into the room. “Miss this is a private procedure you can’t be in here!” the receptionist shouted pulling Camila towards the door. “I know her, I know her I’m here to support her were friends!” she snapped jumping over to me grabbing hold of my hand kissing my forehead making me smile slightly. I was happy Camila was here and even happier that she was here to support me I didn’t realise how lonely it would be having to do this by myself. “It’s okay Mary the girl can stay” Dr Coleman waved her away reassuringly. Once the receptionist left Camila pulled me into a hug stroking a lock of hair out of my face.

“I didn’t want you to be alone so I raced down here. This is your decision and if this is the path you want to choose… then ill support you all the way!” she smiled sweetly rubbing her thumb across my cheek. Her being here made this feel so much better… I’m glad Alex had told her now. “Okay I’m going to start with the first step the nurse went through exactly what’s going to happen. More you relax the easier it will be and then it will be over quicker” he nodded grabbing his tools.

Camila squeezed my hand letting me know she was there, she turned away not able to watch when I felt a pit in my stomach. I’d never felt anything like it before and therefor I couldn’t just ignore it.

“Stop! Stop! I don’t want this stop!” I shouted shaking my head tears rolling down my cheek. “You want me to stop the procedure?” the doctor questioned. “Yes stop it I can’t go through it…” I panted as Camila sighed in relief. “THANK GOD I THOUGHT YOU WAS REALLY GONNA DO IT” she shouted.

I glared at her realising she’d come to trick me out of it. “I’m going to go leave you to it your clothes are in the bag so change in your own time, you going to need to sign a few forms before you can leave!” Dr Coleman spoke sternly trying not to show his clear relief in my decision. He left the room when Camila wrapped her arms around me pulling me to her tight suffocating me.

“C..c cant breath” I stumbled out the lack of oxygen getting to my head. “Oh sorry ahhh I’m just so happy” she beamed smiling like shed won the lottery.

Demi’s POV

After Mila suddenly rushed off unexplained Lauren offered to give me a ride home. The car ride home was silent but not an awkward silence there was just nothing to talk about. The car pulled up in my drive way when Lauren pulled the emergency brake, turning to me her arm out of the window. “Thanks for the ride Lauren let me know if everything with Mila is okay” I spoke soft when Lauren smirked nodding telling me she would. “Okay well guess it’s time to go… actually would you like to come in?” I questioned hoping she would accept my offer. Her eyebrows raised at my question as she ripped her keys out the ignition jumping out her side walking over to my side.

“I thought you were never going to ask” she chuckled holding her hand out for me to take. We laughed as I pushed the door open switching the light on. “Can I get you a drink or anything?” I questioned hanging up my sweatshirt. “Nah thanks I like your house where’s your room?” she asked sneaking around looking through all the rooms. “Last one of the left” I pointed as her head shot in the direction I was pointing.

“Sweat!” she shouted running towards the door. I shortly followed entering my bedroom, to find Lauren sprawled out on my bed her eyes closed. I took advantage on that slowly creeping my way over to the bed.

“BOO!” I shouted jumping on Lauren her eyes shot open, her entire body leapt in the air. “WHAT THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING” she shouted one hand covering her mouth, while the other rested on her chest. I sat on the edge on the bed huddled over crying with laughter. I looked over at Lauren her mouth fighting to giggle.

As I went to sit closer to her she kicked me onto the floor her laughter booming through my ears, making my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. “I’m sorry I just had to here” she snickered holding out her hand to pull me up. As I stood up I turned my head making my nose brush past Lauren’s. Her eyes locked on mine my body frozen unable to look away.

Laurens hand rested on my cheek her fingers soft the pad of her thumb stroking my skin calmly. Her piercing eyes left mine only to drop and look upon my lips. Leaning in unsure what was going to happen I felt a pain rush through my stomach. I made a run for the bathroom covering my mouth attempting to contain the barf.

“Ahh bad Chinese!” I shouted as I threw up into the toilet. Once the nausea left I made me way back into my room rubbing my temples. “That didn’t sound very pretty everything okay?” Lauren asked rubbing my back as I buried my head in my hands. “Yeah… Alex and I got a Chinese last night he was sick this morning, guess my body chose now to play up…

My pov

Camila had driven me home and wouldn’t leave as she told me I needed company. We were standing in mine and Danny’s bedroom, I was flicking through my draws to find something Camila could sleep in. Finally finding something I threw it in her direction. After this long stressful there’s nothing more than I want than to throw these clothes off, and get relaxed I’m glad Camila insisted on staying.

One thing is for sure I can’t wait for this day to finally be over. As I ripped my shirt off exhausted, I threw it to the floor itching to get out of those clothes. Out of the corner of my eye I caught Camila watching biting her lip, her eyes scanning my exposed body.

“Don’t give me that look Cabello the floor can be comfortable if you can’t control yourself” I spoke sternly only joking but she seemed to take it seriously. She looked away uncomfortably slipping her fragile figure under the duvet. “Hey I’m sorry I was only kidding around… I’m really glad you’re here!” I laid beside her entwining our fingers together, my confession made her face light up like Christmas lights. “I’m glad you want me to be here, you’re really brave I see a lot of sleepovers in the future…” Camila winked wriggling herself closer to me.

“Many many sleepovers! Especially when I start to crave crazy things and need servants to get them!” I snickered Camila slapping my arm at my comment. “Has Austin tried to speak to you or something?” the mention of his name made the memories flood back, can this day be over already…

Camila laid her eyes on me waiting for my reply, I simply shook my head looking down at the duvet. “He’s just being a jerk it must have just been the shock talking. This will all blow over trust me, just give it some time some space will be good for the both of you” her advice made a lot of sense as I sat staring into space letting each word process.

“I told him I love him. You can’t get any more honest than that everything’s out there now… almost everything anyway” I sighed feeling myself get chocked up once again. Camila noticed my mood change, slipping her hand out of mine pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. “Hey don’t worry about it things will work out! You’ve got all us supporting you, let Austin register your confession and if he doesn’t at least message then he doesn’t deserve your love” her sweet words made my cheeks heat up.

Before I could open my mouth to reply her lips were pressed against mine, the sudden move didn’t click until a minute. Not pushing away I kissed back loving the feeling of her lips against mine. It made me feel complete, making my heart beat faster. Her thumb brushed away a tear on my cheek, I was unaware that had escaped. Her soft tongue brushed itself across my bottom lip asking for access.

I could feel my stomach doing somersaults in a mixture of nerves as a groan escaped her lips. Her fragile hand fell to the bottom of my back pulling me close, until I opened my eyes to see myself above her. Camila’s body lay underneath mine her fingers tangled in my hair. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I was feeling incredibly flustered. I allowed my eyes to close again when I heard a crash come from outside, causing us both to jump.

Silence fell after the crash making me wonder where it had come from, Camila shoved it off pressing her lips to mine once again. I slowly gave in forgetting about the crash letting myself slip onto another world. Camila fingers slid under my shirt tugging at the hem, quickly pulling it off above my head. Her greedy sparkling eyes flickered over my exposed skin. Her plump lips came crashing down onto my neck trailing down to my chest, the warmth they carried sent chills down my spine. The feeling her lips were giving me taking my breath away...

“Cara you here?” a voice shouted from outside making my break away from the kiss. Quickly realizing who the voice was I pounced off the bed searching for my shirt. Stumbling upon it scrunched up on the floor I flew it over my head shuffling my way to the door.

Sliding my way out of the door, which was only cracked open slightly. Slowly shutting the door behind me the click of the hinge made him turn around. His cheeky face had a smirk plastered across it.

“There you are!” Danny beamed snaking his arms around my waist making me feel slightly nauseous.  “What a day it’s been, but after a crazy day least I get to come home to you that’s the best part of my day” his cold lips kissed my forehead. “You look tired baby, you should be taking it easy now!” he winked his hand rubbed my belly, my lungs feeling as if there were to explode. “Before you say anything I visited to store and bought a few things… Ice cream because I feel like you deserve a treat, and some morning sickness tablets for you” that’s where he was wrong I wasn’t going to talk, I couldn’t talk I stood frozen still flustered at the event I just come out of. Danny’s voice continued to mumble in the background, my ears blocked him out not listening to a word he was saying. I was in my own bubble day dreaming letting my thoughts take over.

His hand placed on the bottom of my back rubbing it comfortingly. “I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and before you freak out the baby isn’t why I’m doing it” my focus came back to him confused as to what he was talking about. My confusion was cut short when his usual cheeky face turned serious, his hands pulled out of his jean pockets as he knelt down. My eyes widened at the sight in front of me Danny was down on one knee.

“I know things have been really stressful for you recently but I wanna take that away. I love you everything about it I love, and now that you’re carrying my baby I love you even more! I didn’t think I could love anyone as much as I do you, I can’t thank you enough for trusting me and allowing me back into your life again. I promise I will take care of and love you every day for the rest of your life. Cara baby… will you marry me?”

His hand lifted up presenting a small black box popping it open, the sparkling ring glittered in front of my eyes.

 I can’t explain why but at that moment Austin came into my mind-

 ‘I love you… I’m in love with you Austin, I have for a long time, thinking back I always have. It’s taken something serious to wake me up, I can’t keep it to myself anymore” I said my voice breaking as the lump now appeared in my throat. “I don’t know what to say” he said standing there in a daze. “You just did…. I shouldn't have said anything” I whispered fiddling with my fingers as I turned away.

Cara your, you’re my best friend that’s all I've really pictured you as the last 14 years. Whatever I did to lead you on I’m sorry I didn't know you felt that way! I know with everything that has gone on it kind of confused our relationship but, were friends if I knew you felt like this… I would have reminded you sooner.” he confessed. I felt my heart break was this really happening?’

“Cara...” his gentle voice broke me out my trance, his worried eyes pierced into mine awaiting my answer. I broke of the eyes contact swallowing hard, scratching the side of my forehead. Clearing my throat trying to push away Austin’s hurtful words crushing my heart, I inhaled a deep breath my eyes locking with Danny’s.

“Danny… I-

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