Broc & Summer

By WinterLafae

2.3K 213 648

This is a love story that doesn't start as a love story. It's about a man who thinks he knows what he wants... More

Thirty- Four


354 26 86
By WinterLafae


I sit snuggled up on my couch with my best friend Brittany while we watch another episode of Fairy Tail. We both are staring at the screen in horror as the Dragon Slayers fought against the Dragons.

"Please don't die Gray, Please don't die Gray." Brittany was muttering over and over. I laughed as I took another sip of my wine.

"I swear Summer, If this anime does some crazy shit and kills off my favorite character... I'm done with all anime." She pouts as she continues watching the screen carefully. Her light gray eyes laser focused on this epic battle.

"No way! They wont get rid of him! I'm rooting for Gajeel. Obvi." I pull down my blanket, showing off my t-shirt with a giant picture of Gajeel's face on it.

We both sit in a stressful silence waiting to see how the episode ends. Brittany had her head on my shoulder, we were holding hands, fingers interlaced. I loved this woman. She was truly my best friend in every way. She's been there for me through all the ups and downs of life. Besides the occasional tipsy make out session we're just very cuddly people. She's the only girl I've ever done anything with and that's fine. I prefer the male variety.

The show ended in true anime fashion, another cliffhanger. I look up at the clock 10:30 pm. Not too late, but I'm pretty sure, Brittany wants to binge on anime tonight.

"Brit, want to see what happens next?" She sits up, crossing her arms over her chest. Her long blond hair falling down her back.

"No way. This battle is way too stressful!" I laughed so hard I snorted. As I continued to laugh my ass off, Brittany's phone rang.

"Oh! It's Sean! BRB!" She ran off to the kitchen and I could hear her voice sweetly talking to her boyfriend. They've been together for nearly 2 years. Sean has been nothing but the most amazing partner around. She's his princess and you can see it in everything he does. I can only hope I find a partner on his level.

I sigh as I get up and lazily walk down the hall to my room. I lived with my brother who was rarely home. His job kept him traveling most of the time. My brother took the upstairs with two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a loft space. I have the downstairs, with the master bedroom. I truly feel I got the better end of the deal. My room is huge, with a large walk in closet, and a large Jacuzzi tub complete with separate shower. I had large shelves covering one side of the room filled with books, board games, magazines, and comics. I have a king bed that is my pride and joy. The only thing left over from my previous relationship. It's one of the few tings my ex let me have without a fuss.

"Summer! Where did you go?! " I hear her running down the hall to my room. Her kitty slippers barely making a sound against the hard wood floors. I hide behind the door, covering my mouth with my hand to stifle the giggle trying to escape my lips.

"Whats up?!" I yelled back, jumping behind her, and we both laugh as Brittany jumped when I scared her. We take a moment to regain our composer. I walk towards my bed, landing face first.

"Ok, so, Sean is going to pick us up tomorrow at 11 so we can go check out that new DnD group for kinksters!" She hopped on the bed next to me and clapped her hands. I turn my head to look at her. She had a huge smile on her face. My eyes went wide as I realized what she was saying. I've wanted to check out this group ever since I saw the post on our online social media group.

"Oh my GOD! no way! I was wondering when that was going to get started!" We both grabbed each others hands and jumped up and down on my bed. Brittany, looking like a Barbie doll with her milky skin, long blond hair, pink shorts and pink and white pull over. Me on the other hand, tattoos covering small sections of my caramel skin. My short curly hair buzzing around my head with streaks of purple. My prized anime shirt and my black booty shorts. We really didn't look anything alike, but we were like sisters.

Brittany hopped off my bed and ran to my closet. "We gotta find you something cute to wear."

She was already rummaging through my closet pulling out a couple different things and throwing them on my bed.

I sighed as fell back on my fluffy purple and black pillows. "Brit, I highly doubt I'm going to meet the love of my life at this place. I told you, I'm taking a break from the search for a bit. Either everyone I meet online is far away, or they are complete idiots who don't know what they're doing..."

She held up her hand to stop me, "Summer, you are a serious catch, but you're a little intimating, you know? Plus you never come to events with Sean and I anymore. You have know idea how many naughty single men come to these things." I rolled my eyes. Intimating?

"Brit, I am not intimating.." I giggled to myself.

"Summer, you own two businesses, you've got plenty of play time experience, you're confident, you're an absolute sweetheart to everyone. I mean you have a literal heart of gold..." I chuckled at the comment. "'re so damn smart, you read through books like they're gummy worms dipped in chocolate... mmmm." I threw a pillow at her.

"So gross brit! Also, my brother AND I, own two businesses. And you know he does most of the work..." I dramatically flip my non existent long hair, "... I'm just the creative genius." She laughed but continued on.

"Summer, you are a serious catch. If we weren't such besties I'd probably get jealous anytime Sean was around you." She lowered her eyes a bit. You'd never guess this walking barbie doll could be so insecure sometimes. I crawled of the bed and wrapped my arms around her.

"Girl... shut up!" I gave her a squeeze. "Now show me all the outfits you've laid out."

We spent the next hour thinking about what outfit I planned to wear and Brit went on and on about who was going to be at the DnD group tomorrow. The people she knew about at least. After hearing some of her stories about some of the people coming I was actually getting pretty excited. We laid back on the bed, taking selfies of ourselves to send to Sean, per his request. He likes to make sure Brit is safe in bed, even when he can't be there. It was just after midnight by the time we settled down for the night.

"Hey Brit?" I asked as she laid next to me, both of us on our stomachs, looking at each other.

"Yea Summer?" she smiled.

"Thank you for saying all those sweet things earlier. I really appreciate how you and Sean have been so supportive of me this last year. Especially after everything that happened." She wraps her arm around me.

"Of course Summer. Sean and I would never let you get hurt again. Not like that. Brent was an asshole and every single kinkster out here knows it. It's why we don't see him at events anymore. You only deserve the best Summer."

She leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Thanks Brit." I smiled and rolled over. I felt the tears of gratitude well up in my eyes. Eventually I could hear Brittany's deep sleep breathing. I rolled over on my back, staring up at the ceiling. It's been so long since I've found anyone who really knew what it meant to be a good dominant, was single, and actually got along with my quirkiness. I sighed as I sat up in bed and started writing in my journal. Writing down the thoughts that raced through my head. I'm sure one day my Prince charming will come.


"Hurry up! We don't have all night you know." I yelled back at the guys unloading yet another large truck full of black market weapons ready to be transferred to a buyer overseas.

"Yes boss man." I saw them pick up the pace ever so slightly which made me grind my teeth. I popped anther piece of gum in my mouth, while I leaned against the black range rover parked behind the truck at that loading dock.

*buzz buzz*


Great job son. Another shipment this week, makes 8 this month.


And another scheduled for the last day of the month.

Things are looking up. Thanks to this war.


Remember we are coming to visit in the next few months.

I must make an appearance at the operation out there.


Yes father, as you wish.

Closing the messaging app on my phone I pulled up the naughty pictures I took of Brenda and Collette last night. I smirked as I remembered how needy they both got. They begged, they cried, and as I tied them both up, they shivered with need. pleading for more. These two were something else.

"Hey boss man, we're finished." I nod and wave my hand over to the other guys as they load up in the truck again.

I followed them all the way back to our office headquarters, I watch to make sure all is locked up and safe before I head back home.

Pulling up to my house I see Brenda's familiar car and I smile, looks like the girls are still here, sleeping I suspect. Walking into my quiet house I see Eres, my puppers, sitting on the couch waiting for me. He's a giant husky with fur so soft it's hard to resist loving on him. He's my best friend, the only living being in my life I love more than anything. Whenever I have to leave him my hearts hurt a bit.

"Hey buddy, how is the house huh? Did you keep it safe for me?" He ran over to the kitchen wagging his tail as he went, sitting near the fridge ready for his treat.

*buzz buzz*


Shipment received

ETA: 2 weeks in hand

Perfect, another nice paycheck in two weeks will make my finance guy very happy. Means I can make some new investments this year.

"Broc? Is that you?" Eres begins barking at the shadowy figure I recognized immediately as Brenda. Her tall thin frame moved into the light of the kitchen.

"Shush Eres, It's just Brenda, You know her." I could see Brenda frown at Eres. Eres has never liked the girls, not sure why. I move to wrap my arms around her as she melts into my arms.

"Why are you up baby?" She snuggled into my chest.

"Just happy you're home." She looked up and smiled a sneaky smile. I know that look. I know what that means. She wanted to be fucked back to sleep. I spin her around and smack her ass. I heard her yelp, then moan. Sore from yesterday I see.

"Head up stairs, back to the guest room, I'll be there in a few minutes ok?"

"Yes, daddy." She scurried up the stairs, as I felt my pants grow tighter. Exhausted from the long day, part of me wanted a warm meal and a warm body next to me, sweet small hands through my hair, my face buried in a perfect pair of feminine pillows while I fell asleep. I tried that once, Never again. I shook my thoughts from my mind.

"Come on Eres, let's head upstairs. The girls need me, then I'll head to bed ok buddy?" As we walk up the stairs and into the hallway, I unlock the door to the master bedroom and let Eres in. He jumps into is bed and huffs at me. He's peeved. I chuckle.

"Jeez Eres, Can't you be more supportive?" He huffs again laying his head down, I rolled my eyes as I close the door to the master, and make my way to the guest room where Collette and Brenda stay when they come over for the weekend.

I slowly open the door, fully expecting to see two woman, half asleep on the bed, instead I'm greeted with two naked woman. Both sitting on the floor, knees together, hands on their laps, hair pulled back. So pretty. This is perfection, this is all I need. I will get my fill, lay their tired, worn bodies down to bed and sleep like a log tonight.

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