Broken Angel | ✔

By harpersr06

463K 10.1K 788

Book #1 of the Gonzalez Brothers Series Bella Garcia has spent her whole life in torture, going through agoni... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Character Briefing
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Extras : Defeating The Rogues
Extras : Say Hello To Your Sons
Extras : "I do"
Extras : Marked and Crowned
Extras : Goodbye..

Chapter 29

7.9K 188 21
By harpersr06


As I finished my speech I quickly got off the stadium and made my way through the crowd. I was trying to find Bella but couldn't see where she was. 

I had noticed her when I first came into view on the stage, she was looking stunning like always in an adorable blue romper and a white jacket. Her hair was pulled back and you don't want to know what crossed my mind when I saw that. 

But ever since that moment, I lost her. I haven't been able to see her. It was slightly easier to pass through the crowd since everyone assumed I was trying to find Bella but oddly it was still just as difficult but then I heard shouts. I tuned into the sound and heard without a doubt that it was Bella's voice. 

I started scanning every inch of my surroundings and saw to my right a little ways away Bella was being taken away by two guys who looked all too familiar. She was kicking and screaming with one of the men's hands covering her mouth. 

I felt my heart sink. I pushed passed as fast as I could, trying so badly not to shift in front of all these humans. The men had gotten Bella to their black SUV and shoved her into the back. 

I started screaming her name but she couldn't hear me. Tears were filling my eyes making it harder to see but I just pushed harder and faster, shouting at anyone who was in my way. I mind-linked Hendrix telling him what was happening, that Bella was being kidnapped and I don't think I'd make it in time to save her but got no response. 

I finally broke away from the crowd just for the men and Bella to escape. They drove off quickly and I shifted into my wolf. I could care less if any of the humans saw me, my mate's life was on the line. I had to get to her. I had to. 

I chased and chased and chased after the SUV that took the love of my life but when we started to reach the city and there were humans crawling everywhere I had to stop and reluctantly turn back. No matter how badly I wanted to chase after them, I knew I couldn't risk the entire werewolf race. This wasn't just about Bella and I now, it was about all of us and as an Alpha I needed to go back to my Pack and use our resources and connections to find her. 


When I got home I saw my Pack was on lock-down. I felt my whole world start to come crashing down around me. My Warrior Wolves were fighting rogues, but these rogues were unlike anything I've ever seen. They weren't just wolves turned rogue but they were hybrids. 

Their eyes were blood read and they seemed to be ten times stronger than my men. I quickly got myself together and charged the rogues. I'm not an Alpha that just sends my wolves out into a war to get paper notes back on their conditions and progress, I fight along side my men. I put my life on the line with them. We fight together, as a pack, all for one and one for all. 

The rogues didn't stand a chance against me. They may be hybrid's but I'm an Alpha. The blood that flows through my veins are uncanny to those of some dumb hybrid rogues. 

I took out most of the rogues surrounding the Pack Village and asked my men what in the hell happened here. No one linked me, I had no idea what was going down in my own Pack. One of my Warriors told me they were ambushed shortly after Theo left with Bella. They killed several innocent wolves, including young mothers and pups. 

I had no idea who could've done this. We haven't had a massacre this bad since...Since the day my parents and little sister died. It was only when my Warrior told me what the rogues had managed to escape with that I realized exactly who was behind this hit. Bruno. Bella's little brother was taken by the rogues. 

That could only mean one thing. Her Father and Brothers are responsible for this. And I know just how to find them; but first, I need to clean up my pack and find my brothers. 


I rushed to the pack house after defeating more hybrid rogues on the training grounds. I still hadn't seen any of my brothers so I could only hope they were defending the pack house. And thankfully, I was right. 

As I entered the grounds of the Pack House I saw my brothers and Lana fighting a few rogues in our front yard. 

"Don't you know the rules of War?" I yelled causing everyone to face me.

"Only a fool fights on another mans home ground." I shouted before ripping one of the rogues throat out. 

The fight continued, there were now five of us against four of them. Chicago and Lana took one the rogue closest to them, Theo and Hendrix took on two near them, and I took on the one closest to me. 

Within five minutes there were four dead rogues. We all shifted back and made our way inside the house. We got cleaned up, put fresh clothes on, and met in my office. 

"Why the hell didn't anyone link me about what was going on?" I demanded, glaring at the four before me. 

"I tried," Hendrix claimed. "But it was like we were all cut off from each other. I don't know what they did but I couldn't link you and I couldn't receive any of your links." He finished. 

"Where's Bella?" Theo asked and my head sunk. 

"Sh..She's gone.." I said, my voice breaking. 

"What!?" They all gasped. 

"What do you mean she's gone!?" Theo shouted as he kicked off the wall he was leaning on. 

"She was taken by what I believe were her older brothers. I didn't get the best look at them and I couldn't reach her. I chased them for miles but had to turn back when we started to move into city grounds." I spoke softly. 

"How could you let them take her!? You're supposed to protect her! What the hell is wrong with you!?" Theo raged. 

"What the hell is wrong with me!? What the hell is wrong with YOU!? Don't you dare forget who you're talking to, Theodore. I may be your brother but I am still your ALPHA! I have let you get away with your attitude long enough, now don't you dare challenge me with me mate! I would've killed to save her but I had to think about all of us as a race! That's what Alpha's do!" I shouted back. 

"THEN ALPHA'S ARE SHITTY AND I'M FUCKING HAPPY I'M FOURTH IN LINE TO BE ONE!" He screamed back before storming out my office. 

I shook my head and took in a deep breath. 

"We need to find them. We need to find Bella. Hendrix, gather our best trackers and schedule multiple search parties. Chicago, team up with Fletcher and gather what's left of our Warriors to the boarders. We need to be prepared for another attack. Lana, I want you and the hospital staff to go around the grounds helping anyone injured and cleaning up the dead. Burn the rogues and send our dearly departed to the morgue. Let's go!" 



"Come out and face me you cowards! Is this all you got!? Some fucking silver!? Can't you be even a little bit creative!? I've dealt with this shit since I was 9!" I shouted. 

I found myself in yet another basement, this time I was chained to the wall by my wrists in silver chains and my ankles were chained up to a silver chain connected to the floor. Seems like there a tad bit scared of me. 

"Come on you bastards! I'd like to see you try and fight me now! Let's see how manly you really are!" I screamed. 

"For fuck's sake, do you ever shut up?" I heard a familiar voice come from the shadows. 

"Nope, I'm quite loud when you piss me off, Uncle." I spat. 

He just laughed and came into the light. 

"I guess that's something you and I have in common my dear niece." He smirked. 

"What the hell do you guys even want with me!? I'm sure you could another poor defenseless little bitch off the street corner to torture! Why me!? What the hell is so damn important about me!?" I demanded.

*Play the song linked from here on out*

"Now that's a question you're going to have to ask your dear ol' Daddy. I only want you to get to your mate. You see, he's the Alpha of the strongest, most powerful pack known in America and I'll need his title to help conquer your dear pack, run by that disgraceful Alazar." My eyes widened at his words. 

"W-Wait, you want to k-kill Sin?" I cried. 

"Look at that, you're not as dumb as you've been described! Yes, I want to kill your precious mate and I will succeed. As you know, I always get what I want." And with that thought, he was gone. 

I wanted to fall to my knees and cry but my hands were chained to the wall behind my back. 

Don't give up, Bella! They won't get away with this! We're stronger now. They'll have to go through us to get to Sin. Dexia declared. 

She's right. I am stronger now. I've trained and trained for this moment. I've defeated countless wolves ten times bigger than them with more training than they could ever have under their belt. This is my time to prove myself. And I'm going to make sure I do it just as I was always meant to. Without mercy. 

"Yo, douche-bags! Why don't you come face me like real wolves! Or are you too scared of your baby sister!" I challenged and of course within seconds my two big brothers were breaking down my door and standing before me. 

"Why hello, Brothers." I said with a smirk and they just glared back. 

How the tables have turned. 


3 Days Later


It's been three days since Bella and Bruno were kidnapped. My Pack has done everything in our power to track them down. We're getting closer, I can feel it. We've narrowed down a location in New Jersey.

She appears to be in some warehouse off the water. My Pack and I have been searching numerous warehouses and with each search I feel myself getting closer.

Theo's barely spoken two words to me since Bella went missing. The only time he makes eye contacting with me and speaks in full sentences is when we're talking about finding Bella and how close we are to reaching that goal.

I have no idea what's made him be so damn snappy and protective over Bella, I feel it may have something to do with her reminding all of us of Thea and he may fear losing another sister.

I've been trying to stay calm and collected for Bella's sake but I feel so sick without her. Emry is going nuts, he barely speaks to me either. I've barely eaten or slept in the past three days, I need my mate back.. I need my Bella.

"Alpha! We've located Bella. She's in the warehouse farthest to the North. Second to last warehouse on the strip." Fletcher exclaimed. 

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