now tell me, how did all my d...

By grogusmacaron

9.4K 436 118

After an unfortunate accident knocks Cheryl out cold, she wakes to find the world is not as she remembers. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 12

317 17 9
By grogusmacaron

The rest of the weekend went slower than Cheryl would have liked. She wanted to get back to school to see Toni again; it felt as though she was finally making progress with the girl. She couldn't complain too much, being that she spent Saturday once again getting high with her friends.


"Come on," Cheryl whined. "Give it back." She reached for the pipe, which was being horded by Sweet Pea. "Isn't there a rotation rule or something?"

"I think she's addicted, Jones," the tall boy called out. "Better keep this away from her."

"Pea, share," Fangs ordered.

Sweet Pea huffed and passed it back to Cheryl, who smiled before taking a hit. She melted into the couch with a smile. "I love you guys," she said absentmindedly.

"How fucked up is she?" Jughead asked as he walked back from the kitchen, a round of fresh beer in his arms. He quickly handed out the cans before taking his seat next to Cheryl.

"Fucked up enough to say she loves us, not fucked up enough to start forgetting English," Fangs answered.

"I do love you guys," Cheryl reiterated. "You are weirdly enough my best friends. I hang out with Swanghead on the weekends! Who would have thought this would be my life? Not me."

"What on earth?" Fangs bursted out laughing. "Please never say that again."

"Yeah, Goose," Sweet Pea cringed, "we don't need a ship name, but uh... thanks."

"What about you, Juggie?" she asked her beanie wearing friend. "Do you hate it too?"

"Yes, Cher," he shook his head. "Just drink your beer, alright?"

"None of you appreciate my intellect."


Monday morning went by as all mornings had. Cheryl woke up, got ready for her day, rode to school with Jughead, and went to class. To her dismay, she didn't see Toni at the lockers that morning, but it didn't dampen her spirits. That afternoon she had English Literature, the one time she was sure to see Toni, even from a distance.

Cheryl sat next to Jughead at lunch, as usual, when Ethel came up to their table. She seemed nervous, but Cheryl had no idea why. She glanced over to Toni's table to find Heather. The taller blonde was shooting daggers at the Serpents. It caused Cheryl to stifle a laugh; it seemed her speech on Friday stuck with the girl.

She turned her attention back to Ethel, "Hey. Is everything alright?"

"Great, actually," the girl answered. "The Bulldogs haven't bothered any of us at all today. Dilton, Ben, and I just wanted to say thank you. We thought it would be best for me to say it... since... well..."

"Since we're friends?" Cheryl asked.

Ethel smiled, "We are?"

"I like to think so," she answered. "If that's okay with you."

"More than okay, Cheryl," the other redhead responded. "I can't believe I'm friends with a gang member. Is it weird that I feel cool?"

Cheryl laughed, "Not at all. It felt pretty cool to me before I joined, even if that friend was Jughead."

"Hey," the boy blurted out. "Cheap shot."

"Doesn't mean it's not true," Sweet Pea said from the other side of Cheryl. "Red sure has moved up in the friends department since those days. Right, Fangs?"

"Don't drag me into this," the boy answered.

Cheryl looked back at the girl, "Was there anything else you needed, Ethel?"

"No," she shook her head. "That was all. See you around?"

"Of course," Cheryl grinned. She watched Ethel walk away before turning her focus to her friends, "I did that. I actually made a difference."

"It's only been a day," Jughead reminded her, "but ya, I think you did, Cher. I really think you did."


"Good afternoon," Miss Rollins said as she walked into the classroom. "We have an exciting class ahead of us."

"Is this about the project?" Dilton asked, anxious to get started.

"It is," the teacher replied. "I hope you all are excited about this as I am." The comment was met with an astounding grumble throughout the classroom. "Not so much?" She laughed, "That's fine. Maybe I can sway you."

Cheryl sat listening intently, or she tried to, at least. Her attention would often drift to Toni. She'd catch herself staring at the back of her head, thinking about how soft her hair looked and how she longed to run her fingers through it.

"You all have a favorite movie right?" Everyone nodded in response. "Growing up, mine was 10 Things I Hate About You. Have you guys heard of it?"

"Wasn't that inspired by The Taming of the Shrew?" Toni asked.

Hearing Toni speak pulled her back to the present. She straightened in her chair and did best to understand what was going on, not wanting to be ill prepared for the final project.

Miss Rollins smiled widely, "Right you are, Toni. You don't realize it, but you just uncovered the basis for this project. I wanted us all to end the year with something fun. I want you all to take one of the works we have been reading this year and convert it into a modern adaptation."

"You want us to make a movie?" Reggie asked, clearly annoyed.

"A movie, a music video, a song, anything," she explained. "I want you to take your work and convert it into something you can relate to, just like Karen McCullah Lutz and Kirsten Smith did when they wrote 10 Things I Hate About You."

Midge's hand went up. When called on, she asked, "Will we be picking or will you be assigning who works on which play we use?"

"We are leaving that up to fate," she answered. Miss Rollins walked to the front of the room and grabbed the two plastic cups sitting on her desk. The cups had letters written on them in thick Sharpie. "In cup A, I have everyone's names. I will drawing two names at a time to assign the pairs. Then, I will draw from cup B to assign that pairs work. Understood?"

The room nodded, and Cheryl began to stress about who she would be forced to endure working with. She hoped for Toni, but she knew to be realistic. With the way the universe treated her, she'd likely end up with Reggie Mantle.

"First up is," Miss Rollins continued, pulling two pieces of paper from one of the cups, "Midge Klump and Frankie Valdez. They will be adapting," she pulled a piece of paper from the second cup, "The Winter's Tale."

She went through the papers, calling out name after name. The numbers were dwindling down, leaving only Cheryl, Reggie, a boy Cheryl didn't know, and —

"Toni Topaz and Cheryl Blossom," Miss Rollins said, causing Cheryl's heart to stop. "You will be working with Romeo and Juliet."

Cheryl looked over at Toni, her mouth hanging open. The redhead couldn't believe her luck. She would have guaranteed time with Toni. It was everything she wanted for weeks, and the thought forced Cheryl to fight back tears.

"And lastly, Reggie Mantle you will be working with Adam Chisholm on Othello."

For the rest of the period, Miss Rollins went over the specifics for the project, including when it was due and length requirements. She wanted each team to come up with a 3 to 5 minute media presentation. Medium was up to the team, as she had previously stated, and they would present them to the class at the end of the semester.

"Class, don't forget, this will be worth 40% of your final grade," she said as the bell rang.

"You want to meet by the lockers after next period and go back to my place to get started?" Toni asked as Cheryl gathered her books.

The redhead turned to face the other girl. "That sounds amazing," Cheryl smiled. Suddenly she remembered... she carpooled. "Unfortunately, Jughead and I ride together."

"He drives right?"

"Y-Yes," Cheryl stuttered, surprised Toni had noticed.

Toni shrugged, "So, you'll just ride with me, and he can take the car."

"Okay," the redhead responded a little too enthusiastically. She blushed and continued in a much calmer tone. "I mean, that works."

"Cool, see you after next period."


Cheryl had never enjoyed an art class less. She spent the period staring at the clock, willing the minutes to pass by quicker. The redhead had guaranteed alone time with Toni, and she was determined to take full advantage of the opportunity.

She had already texted Jughead, telling him she was going back to Toni's to work on their project. Her smile had grown with every word she typed. He seemed excited for her, but Cheryl could tell his words were laced with skepticism. The boy was worried about her, and part of her couldn't blame him, but he just didn't know her Toni.

The second the school bell sounded, Cheryl haphazardly tossed her drawing supplies into her case and bolted from the classroom. She beat Toni to the lockers and quickly packed her backpack for the evening. Cheryl finished getting ready to leave in record time. She checked her appearance in her locker mirror, quickly touching up her lipstick and giving her hair a quick brush. The redhead closed the door and leaned up against the cool metal, wanting to appear casual when Toni arrived.

"Hey," Toni greeted as she reached her locker. She opened her door to retrieve her bag and necessary books for the evening. "You ready?"

"Just waiting on you," Cheryl smiled. This was everything she had wanted for weeks. Toni was talking to her in public. They had plans. Maybe things with the shorter girl were finally turning in her favor.

"Is it weird that I'm actually excited about this project?" the blonde asked as they walked to the car.

Cheryl shook her head, "Not at all. I'm excited too."

It may not be for the same reasons, but I am more excited than you could imagine.

"Rollins was right," Toni continued, adjusting the strap on her backpack, "this does sound like a fun assignment. I haven't been excited about school in a while."

"It does," the redhead agreed.

The pair walked out of the school together, casually talking about the project. Toni led Cheryl over to her car and unlocked the doors.

The shorter girl slid into the driver's seat, and a moment later, the engine roared to life. Cheryl's eyes widened at the sight of the purple LEDs lighting up the interior.

"Your car is beautiful, Toni," Cheryl said as she joined Toni in the car.

Toni shrugged, "It's alright. Thanks."

"There's no need to be modest," the redhead grinned, beyond herself with excitement.

Before pulling out of the space, Toni turned to Cheryl. "I just wanted to say thank you again... for, ya know, helping me last week. I really didn't deserve that, especially from you. So... yeah, thank you."

"It was a pleasure," Cheryl replied quickly. "I meant it, what I said. If you ever need anything, you can always talk to me."

"You're too nice, Cheryl," Toni laughed and turned her attention back to the wheel. She pulled away from the school and reached for her phone. After unlocking it with her thumb, she tossed the device into Cheryl's lap, "Put your number in there so we can keep in touch for the project. Send yourself a text or something so you have mine too."

Cheryl picked up the phone, her heart immediately dropping when she saw Toni's background was a photo of Heather. The redhead did her best to ignore the pain in her chest as she did what Toni requested, focusing instead on having the other girl's number.

They rode in silence, Cheryl doing her best to control the smile on her face by biting down on her bottom lip. She thought about all the things she wanted to say, that she wished she could say. They had a project to do, sure, but Cheryl was more concerned with getting to know this Toni as more than just the mean girl mask she wore. She was —


She knew this route; she knew these houses.

No, no, no.

"T-Toni," Cheryl stuttered, "wh-where do you live?"

"That big house at the end of the road behind the gate," the blonde answered. "I know it's daunting from the outside, but my mom has it decorated really homey inside."


Cheryl panicked; she knew full well what house they were approaching. She didn't know why she didn't think of this before. Their lives were reversed. She lived in a trailer on the Southside, and Toni lived in a mansion. As they pulled up to Thornhill's gate, she knew her fears were justified.

This can't be happening.

She didn't know what to do. The second the car stopped outside the gate, she opened the door and exited, running as fast as she could. Her throat was constricting, and she knew she was having one of her attacks. All Cheryl could do was run. She had left Toni without a word, but at the time it seemed better than facing what she had done.

She had robbed Toni's family.


Cheryl ran all the way back to Sunnyside. She texted Jughead to meet her at her trailer, and by the time she arrived, panting and out of breath, he was already waiting for her outside the door.

"Cher?" he asked, concerned. "What happened?"

She pushed passed him into the house, immediately heading for her bedroom. He followed and sat down on the bed, waiting for Cheryl to explain.

"I robbed Toni," she exclaimed. "That house? That was Toni's house."

Jughead's eyes grew wide, "What?"

"Do I tell her? What do I do here, Jug?"

"How could you not know those were her parents?" he asked, genuinely shocked. "Weren't they inside the same time you were?"

"I never met her parents!" Cheryl barked.

"Weren't you guys in love or something?"

Cheryl paced back and forth in the room, trying to calm herself down while anxiously picking at her nailbeds. "Her mom died in childbirth, and her dad spiraled into drugs after. He got in with the wrong people and ended up in federal prison. I'm so sorry I didn't have a way to recognize random voices when I was trying to formulate an escape plan!"

"Just... just don't say anything," Jughead suggested. "It'll only make it worse."

"I'm just supposed to lie to her?"

"No," he clarified, "just... ya know... don't randomly say 'Hey I robbed your house.' Ya know?"

Her phone dinged, and Cheryl pulled it out of her back pocket. She squeaked when she saw whose name was on the notification. The screen had lit up because of a text message from TT💕. Cheryl knew Toni didn't like the nickname here, but it was her phone, and the redhead wanted just the tiniest piece of her life back, even if it was only Toni's name in her contacts.

TT💕 [3:41pm]: I know why you ran

"She knows," Cheryl yelled.

TT💕 [3:41pm]: I don't blame you

TT💕 [3:42pm]: You deserve this in person but just know I'm sorry

"Wait," she said, causing Jughead to look at her with a confused look upon his face. "She... she's apologizing."

"It's about damn time," the boy scoffed.

TT💕 [3:42pm]: You don't need to be scared to be alone with me

TT💕 [3:42pm]: I'm sorry Cheryl

Cheryl began typing out a response.

Cheryl [3:42pm]: It's not what you think. I'm sorry for taking off like that. I had an emergency.

"What kind of emergency involves you running out of a car like a lunatic?" Jughead asked.

She glared at him, "I don't want her to blame herself."

TT💕 [3:42pm]: I hope everything is ok?

Cheryl [3:43pm]: It is now. Thank you for checking on me.

Cheryl [3:43pm]: And for the apology. Consider it accepted.

TT💕 [3:43pm]: Thanks

TT💕 [3:43pm]: See you tomorrow?

Cheryl [3:43pm]: See you tomorrow.

Cheryl tossed her phone onto the bed before plopping down beside Jughead. "Okay, so she doesn't know," she said with a relieved sigh.

"Are you going to keep it that way?" he asked.

"Yes," the girl answered. "You're right. Right?"

Jughead shrugged, "I don't know, Cher. I hope I'm right. I just don't want things getting worse for you when they've finally started getting better."

"What you said Friday... none of this is real. If we go with that, I didn't actually rob Toni. This is all just a vivid dream."

"Sure, let's go with that," Jughead nodded.

"Toni would have wanted me to have the money," Cheryl continued. "She'd have wanted me to have hot water and food. She'd have been happy I did it."

"From what you've told me, she would have," the boy agreed.

"Right," the redhead leaned back and exhaled. "I just won't tell her. She's not real; none of this is real. I didn't really rob Toni."

"You didn't really rob Toni," he echoed.

Cheryl groaned, "Except I did."

"Except you did."

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