Investing in the Future

By Ultimate_Reader10

15K 290 34

James and Lily made sure they invested in the future of their family. Harry's just excited about the dinosaur... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eight

699 16 3
By Ultimate_Reader10

Watching the town spring up from the jungle thanks to a mix of magical and non-magical building methods was kind of awe inspiring. He'd never seen anything like it before and he was probably the best travelled of their small family. That had been another shock, being accepted into the family without hesitation. The Potters had welcomed him as a friend of James, but he had always sensed the slight holding back in their interactions with him, unlike their acceptance of Sirius. They'd known what he was and been rightly wary. There was nothing of that here, he'd been welcomed, even by the Tonks' who could recognize his scars for what they were, the golden tint to his eyes.

Seeing Harry again after so hurt but it also calmed Moony. He hadn't realized it, but his wolf had been pining for his cub since James and Lily had died. He should have fought harder to have some sort of contact with the child. Instead he had been blinded by his faith in Dumbledore, who had never mentioned the family Harry was with by name. If he had, nothing would have stopped Remus finding Harry and taking him away. He remembered Petunia and her oaf of a husband all too well, how could anyone even consider leaving any child, let alone a magical one, with them?

"Hey Moony!"

He turned and smiled as Sirius jogged over, beginning to tan under the tropical sun, with how much time they spent on the island even while the house was being finished, and looking so much healthier, freer, than Remus had seen him in a very long time. He'd been shocked and horrified by his friend's condition when he'd first seen him but now, he was healthy again, although still plagued often by nightmares, though even those were slowly lessening.

Remus stood and stretched before walking to join his best friend. They would be joining the family on a trip to Washington D.C., a learning opportunity for the kids, while Ted and Andy got everything moved into the new house on the island.


Harry finished reading, took a deep breath, and picked up the fountain pen, signing it as he had been practicing for the last few months. HRH Henry James Sirius Black Potter. The document flashed as the magic accepted his new legal name and cheers went up. Sirius had offered just after Christmas, and he had accepted, so now he was Sirius' adopted son and heir.

Dan laughed, and they all looked at him, making him shrug, "You realise there are now two royals called Henry who use Harry?"

"Yes, but Prince Harry will likely never be King unlike our Harry," Hermione informed her father.

"'re all crazy," Harry still couldn't believe they wanted him as King.

"You will be a good King, kiddo. You know what it's like to be at the other end of the line status wise, that gives you a leg up over the other monarchs. Now we need to work out a Crown!" Sirius grinned and Remus slapped the back of his head.

"Congratulations Your Highness," Ragnok, King of the Goblins bowed ever so slightly, and Harry copied him. "The ICW will be informed by magic now that the constitution has been signed, however they won't actually see the document and so will not know who the current monarch is. The non-magical governments will not be informed until you choose."

"Right," Harry nodded and then sat down, feeling exhausted which was silly since all he'd done was sign a piece of paper. "How's the setup of the Gringotts branch here going?"

"Well, we have completed the tunnels and are arranging the security. We have altered the standard above ground building to follow island laws and construction is nearing completion. We estimate the bank will be ready in another month. As you asked, we have also ensured the wading of the school so that incidents such as you reported being common in Hogwarts cannot happen," Ragnok assured him. "The warding of the remaining islands is also on schedule."

"I still say we should call it Potter Academy," Sirius grumbled, mock pouting.

"No way, I don't want anything named after me. The Sanctuary Institute is a good name," Harry disagreed quickly.

"Any word back from Professor Flitwick yet?" Remus asked and Ragnok nodded since all official correspondence was being passed through the bank for security.

"He is interested in touring the school over the summer before making a final decision," the goblin King answered.


Ian blinked as he found a very formal parchment envelope in his mail. He opened it up and unfolded the very official looking document only to blink in surprise before laughing. Chaos theory in action. He didn't even need to stop and think about it as he went to work writing out his resignation. Not even tenure could beat this kind of opportunity, even with the nearness of dinosaurs. He knew Harry had been considering wards near the islands, so he felt safe enough going. Maybe he was crazy to give up his life here for the uncertainty of a brand-new nation but there was something about Harry Potter.


It was a relief when the school year ended, and the whole family could move to the island full-time and focus solely on the work there. Harry had blushed when they jokingly called Potter House the Royal Palace, but it was the closest they had to one. The town centre had taken shape with a main street lined with empty shops, Gringotts, plus the hospital and Government buildings. The Constitution was written and signed, magically set into place. They knew the ICW would come knocking eventually, wanting them to sign on to the Statute of Secrecy but Harry would not sign. They were going to prove that magical and non-magicals could live together in peace, the world had changed since the last Witch Hunts.

Within a week Ian Malcolm had arrived, accepting the offer of citizenship. There was no university on the island, but he had agreed to head the mathematics department at the high school, which would include Arithmancy. He chose an apartment close to the school and then helped finish off the various classrooms and offices for those in his department. Three weeks later Professor Flitwick arrived and was shown around, keeping Harry and Hermione out of things, not wanting to sway his decision.

Filius was shocked by the Sanctuary Institute and completely confused as to how it was getting passed the ICW. There were chemistry labs next to potions labs and a soccer field as well as a Quidditch pitch. He looked at his guide, a goblin much to his surprise and delight. "I am a little confused by the classrooms," he admitted in Gobbledegook and Griphook nodded in understanding, he wasn't sure why the non-magical classes were there.

"This school is for all students. Magical, non-magical, human or not." Griphook answered in the same language, pleased that he wasn't having to show a human around. He did not like wizards but Ragnok had ordered his transfer to the island branch and he had obeyed his King, he had read the Constitution since and was beginning to think perhaps King Potter may be different to other wizards. Bringing a half-goblin in as Headmaster was a good start, perhaps his people would have a better life here than in other human countries but only time would tell.

"The ICW will never allow that," Filius warned with a shake of his head. It was a wonderful idea but those in power would never agree.

"They have no say Professor. The Sanctus Islands are a sovereign nation, one that has not signed the Statute and has no plans to." Griphook grinned and Filius blinked before returning the grin.

"They won't like that," he warned, Albus really wouldn't like it. He may accept Muggleborns and even 'half-breeds' like Filius and Rubeus, but that was still very different to revealing magic to everyone, even if he no longer had any say in it he could still cause problems. The ICW itself was also going to come after them for daring to be independent. Did he really want to get involved in that? The idea behind this nation was commendable...but could they actually pull it off? If they could do it..."Would I be Headmaster of the whole school?"

"The 'high school', the younger years will have another Head. There are plans for a future, small, University." A new voice joined in and Filius turned to see a man dressed in black walking up to them. He held his hand out to shake. "Dr. Ian Malcolm, head of Mathematics," he introduced himself. "I've heard a lot about you Professor."

"A pleasure to meet you Doctor, I'm afraid I've never heard of you."

"That's to be expected sir, I'm what your people term a squib. I was working at the University of California at Berkeley until I accepted the offer to work here," he explained. He nodded in greeting to Griphook who happily retreated and left Flitwick in the man's hands. They walked through the quiet town as Ian led him to the house that had been set aside for the Headmaster. "Here we are, this is the house that comes with the position. Two stories, three bedrooms plus a separate office. It's empty for now, you can bring your own furniture or order new things."

"This is all marvelous," Filius admitted.

"But..." Ian looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

"I have concerns."

"The ICW, yeah, they aren't going to like us," Ian chuckled. "But being part of something like this is worth it. The world is changing Professor, magic can't remain hidden forever. Sooner or later you won't be able to hide. Did you know there are plans for security cameras to go up in cities like London to catch crime? People these days carry cell phones, they can call in anything odd they see long before the Obliviators can get to them. There's even talk in Japan of adding cameras to phones one day."

His information shocked Filius, he did not speak to prospective Muggleborn students as often as Minerva, but he still met with several, how did he not know this? "I see...I have a lot to consider."

"Of course, you have been teaching at Hogwarts for a long time. Even if you turn the offer down, I know your suggestions would be welcomed." Ian led him to the apartment building he lived in. "The apartment next to mine is furnished and has working utilities," he unlocked the door and handed Filius the key, showing him inside where his bag had been delivered. "If you need anything just knock."

"Thank you, Dr. Malcolm."


Ian happily took a seat and accepted the plate of fresh baked rolls. "Thank you."

"How did it go?" Harry asked, and Ian took a bite, chewing and swallowing before answering.

"He's definitely interested although wary due to the ICW and their reaction to what we're trying here."

"There's no doubt they'll try something?" Dan asked, and the others nodded.

"If we make this work then we are a threat to centuries of tradition and pureblood money," Andromeda answered, and Sirius snorted.

"The British ones are already hurting thanks to us pulling out from the country," Sirius added.

"Will they come after us?" Emma asked, fearful for the children.

"Maybe," Ted admitted.

"They'll come after me, won't they? They won't let me go so easily," Harry sighed.

"There's nothing they can do to get you back, they'd have to kill all of us to try and gain custody," Ted assured him. He'd made sure that neither Harry or Hermione could end up in the custody of those back in Britain, there was a long, well hidden, chain of custody which included Ian Malcolm, John Hammond and many others.


Filius walked along the beach, enjoying the warm sun and sea breeze as he considered his options. The offer was very tempting, the pay was better than he could ever dream of achieving back in Britain due to his heritage, the house was beautiful and the location...he loved his homeland, but he hated the bigotry and corruption. Hogwarts was not what it had been in his youth and he knew it, no matter how many others may bury their heads in the sand. Employing Snape had been a massive mistake, Filius had been sickened by what had come out during his trial, what he had done as a Death Eater, and he had been allowed to walk, to be around children, all on Albus' say so. While he had been walking free, terrorizing children, one of his year mates had been illegally thrown into Azkaban. Filius had always had a soft spot for the Marauders but unlike Minerva and Albus he hadn't been blinded to some of the cruelty of their actions. Then again, they had been living in a time of growing unrest and war, they could be cruel yes, but they always had a reason for targeting who they did. Snape had not been innocent in their encounters.

Maybe they had the right idea with what they were trying here, the world was advancing, leaving the wizarding world behind. Although that did raise an interesting question...who was behind this new nation? A group of muggleborns tired of their treatment? He knew his own people were not the power behind this, another Rebellion would do them no good in the current climate.

He rounded the corner and saw a beautiful, sprawling house set into the jungle along the edge of the beach. Filius smiled as he heard the sound of children playing in the surf and then the sound of a dog barking. He spotted two teens and a big black dog splashing in the waves and stopped to watch. And then he blinked before chuckling, it appeared his question on who was behind things now had an answer. And he had an answer for them.

Harry looked up to see his old Charms Professor walking towards them, oops. So much for not influencing his decision. He nudged Padfoot who quickly transformed back and offered an impish grin to the approaching teacher.

"Professor Flitwick imagine meeting you here," Sirius greeted, and Filius shook his head.

"It is good to see you Sirius, you look well," the diminutive Professor offered with a smirk.

"I'm great. Of course, you know these two trouble makers."

"I doubt they could be half the trouble the Marauders were. Mr. Potter, Miss. Granger, it is good to see you both."

"It's good to see you too Professor, would you like to join us for lunch?"

"I wouldn't want to intrude," he argued but Sirius laughed.

"We have a crowd already, one more is no problem," he shot back so Filius followed them into the house to find an interesting crowd, including Dr. Malcolm, the Tonks' and a couple he assumed to be Miss Granger's parents. Introductions were quickly made, and they all moved to the sprawling dining room.

The meal was casual, everyone chatting away happily, but the shock came when Sirius teasingly addressed young Harry as Your Highness and then glances were shot Filius' way. He was not dumb or blind, he was shocked. Why would they put that much pressure on such young shoulders? But Filius knew why, Harry was the Potter heir and the Boy-Who-Lived, he couldn't get any more famous. He had power, money and fame, and he was rather old for his age, he was the obvious choice. "Thank you for the wonderful meal but I have a lot to organized before the start of term. Dr. Malcolm I will expect a textbook list as soon as possible." Silence fell at his words and then the room exploded with cheering.


Harry got out of the jeep and looked around curiously, Nym and Remus at his back serving as bodyguards. He grinned as he took in the scattered tents and groups of people digging in the rock. He spotted a familiar figure and waved getting a wave back and then Ellie was walking over to them with a smile.

"Hello Harry, Nym," she greeted, and they hugged. "Welcome to Snakewater Montana," she then looked to Remus and offered her hand," Dr. Ellie Sattler."

"Remus Lupin, nice to meet you. These two have told me a lot about you and Dr. Grant."

"All good I hope." She led them to the camp area. "This is your tent Harry, Mr. Lupin. Nym you'll be sharing with one the students, Mary," she showed her to the other tent and they all went in to put their packs away. They then followed her to the dig office to find Alan Grant bent over some charts. He looked up and grinned at seeing them and he quickly had Harry working with him to their amusement. Ellie led them out to show them some of the finds, leaving Harry and Alan to it.


Remus watched as Harry happily dug in the dirt and rocks alongside the various students and professionals. He looked so happy and Remus wished he could always be so free and happy, but more and more responsibility kept being piled on his shoulders. He knew Sirius felt the same but everything that had been done had been done to help keep the kids safe. It was unfair, but the more power and responsibility Harry had, the safer he was.


Filius packed away the last of his things, looking around the office that had been his for decades. He wasn't taking any furniture or all of his clothing, he had ordered new things that would better suit a tropical island. He had sent his letter of resignation to the Board of Governors and had one more thing to do. King Harry hadn't asked him to do this but if they were to succeed, they would need immigrants and students. And the many Muggleborn in Britain deserved the chance at a better life than the one they would have here. So, he went to an office only Minerva and Dumbledore technically had access to and went to the massive book stored within. He set up the equipment Dr. Malcolm and Remus had shown him to use and went to work, ensuring they had a full copy of the entire volume.


Hermione grinned and curtsied deeply, "Welcome home your Majesty." She smothered a grin as Harry froze and then rolled his eyes before moving forward to hug her. She was glad that Harry would now freely give hugs, unlike when they had been at Hogwarts. "You're very brown," she commented as they separated. "Had fun?"

"Loads! I handed over the check for the dig and even got Alan and Ellie to agree to come and give talks at the school this year," they chattered away as they moved into the house, both excited to share what they had been up to over the last few weeks.

Andromeda laughed as Nym and Remus dragged themselves inside, both tanned from days in the sun.

"Where does he get the energy?" Nym moaned and Andromeda laughed again.

"He's a teenager Nym, you were just as bad not long ago." She hugged her daughter. "It is good to have you all home."

Nym grinned but it faded into a frown. "Mum? What's wrong?"

"Nothing at the moment but there will be a family discussion tonight," Andromeda assured her, shooing her off to unpack.

The house was soon filled with happy voices as souvenirs were handed out and pictures looked at.

Later that night they settled into the room that had become a meeting room with a long table and plenty of seating. Sirius had jokingly transfigured Harry's chair into an elegant throne only for the others to love it and leave it as is. Harry was just grateful it was comfortable as he settled in, Hermione on his right and Sirius opposite her with the others spread out. "Okay, what happened?"

"We've been watching the situation in Britain and your Uncles have decided that the Potter luck is likely to strike," Ted answered, and Harry groaned.

"What death-defying feat am I going to get dragged into?"

"Ever heard of the Triwizard Tournament?" Sirius asked, and Harry looked to Hermione who launched into an explanation...including the death toll.

"So why do you think my luck is going to strike?" Harry asked. "Not like I'm a student at any of those schools or even in those countries."

"Because a magically binding contract to compete would be a great way to get you back into the country and there are two years' worth of assignments with your name within the school," Filius admitted. It felt strange to be a part of this, but he had seen the look in Dumbledore's eyes when he had returned to the castle after the court cases, if he could use this to retrieve Harry, he would.

"But would that work? My name isn't just Harry Potter or even Harry James Potter anymore."

"They were still written by you and would contain your magical signature," Ted answered as the legal expert. "The Goblet of Fire is an ancient artefact that no one fully understands," he admitted.

"Great," Harry huffed, arms crossed. "Only way it could be more certain would be to have it drawn on Halloween." And cue the dead silence before Harry banged his head into the table. "Please be kidding?"

"Sorry pup," Sirius grimaced, they all suspected that too was Dumbledore's doing to try and ensure Harry was entered.

"But Harry is only a fourth year, surely his name wouldn't be pulled against all the other entrants? And if it's the Triwizard how can he be entered when he isn't a student of the schools in it?" Hermione demanded.

"My source said it is being restricted to students who are of age. As a ruling monarch..."

"I'm considered of age even if I am only almost fourteen," Harry finished for Ted who nodded. "But what about the school issue?"

"Not sure," Sirius shrugged.

Harry looked to the new Headmaster. "I might need some time off school this year."

"A selection of students will go with you should this come to pass. All schools take their Head and a group of students," Filius answered, angry at Dumbledore for trying something so crazy. "Who else is behind this?"

"Barty Crouch Sr. and Ludo Bagman," Ted answered. "Crouch was considered a good option for Minister once, until the fact his son was a Death Eater was revealed. Bagman was a Quidditch player."

"Should we return to Europe?" Emma asked, she really didn't want to go back.

"No, we should be very visibly far away as we can be in the lead up, that will make it harder for anyone to say Harry somehow entered himself or had someone do it for him," Remus spoke up and she nodded, relieved. "And defence training for you two is going to become more intense to be safe."

"What about the Quidditch World Cup?" Sirius almost whined.

"Too big a security risk," Remus stated firmly, and his best friend pouted.

Both teens nodded in understanding before Harry changed the topic. "Have the letters gone out?"

"The last went out today. Now we must wait and see who answers, we have enough staff now to cover all of the core subjects, the electives are currently very limited," Filius answered.

"The majority of shops have now been rented and will all be opened by Halloween. Once the students and their families arrive, the island's population shall have reached four hundred and that is expected to grow as the schools expand," Griphook spoke up. His King had returned home, leaving him in charge of the new branch, an incredible promotion and a lot of responsibility.


Harry took the paper that Remus had tossed down and grimaced at the headline. Right on the top was a strange picture of a skull and snake...the Dark Mark, he hadn't heard of it until Snape's trial which had led to a history lesson on the last war. "This isn't good, wasn't there security?"

"Loads from what we could find out. And yet somehow a group dressed like Death Eaters got in and tortured the mundane family," Remus sat and poured himself a cup of tea. "Thankfully they survived and were treated before their memories were erased."

"Good..." they stared as a majestic owl flew in and dropped off an ornate envelope. "Remus?"

"That's the stationary of the ICW," Remus was practically glaring at it even as he ran security spells over it. "Safe."

Harry picked the envelope up and opened it, pulling out the parchment, reading it, before passing it to Remus as the others began to appear for breakfast. When he was done Remus handed it off to Sirius since he was closest, and eventually he passed it on to Ted.

"That's actually fairly polite, all things considered. It appears without Albus there they have rediscovered actual diplomacy," the lawyer admitted, getting a few chuckles.

"So how do we apply?" Harry asked.

"I'll write up some draft replies and you can decide."

"We will all decide together," Harry emphasized, and Ted smirked.

"Of course, Your Majesty."

Two days later their answer was sent, The Sanctuary Islands would not join them or uphold their archaic laws. All they could do was wait and see how they responded.


Harry grinned and accepted Bill's hand, allowing him to Side-Along Apparate him back to Isla Nublar for the first time since the park had closed. They appeared in a spacious room with what appeared to be windows all on one side. Harry stepped away from Bill and stared out into the jungle, grinning as he spotted a grazing Ankylosaurus nearby. He cautiously reached out and touched the glass, feeling a solid wall instead. In a way it was like the ceiling in the Great Hall of Hogwarts, allowing those within to observe the outside in complete safety. "It's amazing Bill!"

"Thanks, I'll let the team know. We've set up a series of these bunkers all over both Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna so that the...dinosaurs can be safely observed and even studied. We can easily copy the design on the other islands depending on the plans for them."

"Think Charlie and his friends would like an island?" Harry asked, and Bill laughed.

"You couldn't keep them away."

"Then I guess you guys better start on the other islands. Not a park, but a Sanctuary for Dragons and any others who need it."


Harry watched as excited students moved into the school, he couldn't believe it was really happening. They didn't have students for every grade and the classes were small, but it was a start. He spotted Susan Bones and her friend Hannah, the Patil twins, Luna Lovegood...but no Neville, he'd really hoped his old dormmate would come but the others said his Grandmother would never agree for him to leave Hogwarts or the country. It seemed they were right. Blaise Zabini had been a shock, but he had been accepted despite some wariness over his reasons for transferring. The opening of the school was a big deal, they even had their own reporter taking photos, Xenophilius Lovegood, and Harry was expected to officially open things as King.

"Come on Harry," Hermione called as she moved up onto the ridge beside him. "You need to change."

Harry glanced at her. "So do you," he grinned at her dirty jeans and t-shirt. They headed back to the house to change for the opening ceremony. Harry pulled on the light weight black suit pants and jacket with an emerald shirt and black tie. The tie and breast pocket of the jacket were embossed with the Royal emblem. He slipped into black dress boots and then left his room to find Sirius waiting in the entry, a cushion held out. It had taken a lot of argument and compromise, but an appropriate crown had finally been commissioned, it wasn't flashy, a simple circlet of gold with filigree lilies worked into it and an emerald set in the centre. With a barely audible grumble Harry picked it up and settled it on his head. "Well?"

"Very royal kiddo," Sirius couldn't help feeling utterly proud, he only wished James and Lily were there to see him too. They left to find the others waiting on the porch, all dressed in their best and not a robe to be seen. They then made their way to the school, Harry mentally panicking as he brought his occlumency shields up to hide it and help firm the memory of the speech he had to give. It was going to be very weird starting class with these people after tonight. He'd never fit in at Hogwarts because of the Boy-Who-Lived garbage, surely being their King would set him even further apart? Even if it did, he had Hermione and his family.

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