An Omega's Alpha

By clester92

288K 11.9K 5.7K

Izuku Midoriya is an Omega who has refused to bond with any Alphas. No one can compare to the Alpha he met in... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Sequel Pending

Chapter 15

9.4K 386 117
By clester92


I'd been living with Kacchan for a month now and to say it was bliss, was an understatement. He was everything I could have ever wanted. Except for one thing. We constantly argued about me working. He didn't like me working for the police department. Not that he didn't think I was capable, he just was worried about my safety. And I did get it, I worried about him all the time too. Even though he'd quit undercover work and was just a detective now it was still dangerous work. But I wasn't willing to give up my spot at the police department. I'd worked too hard to get where I was. I had tried to compromise by giving up undercover work as well, and I decided not to become a detective. I was just your average traffic cop now. But even that wasn't good enough for him.

I was getting ready for work one morning, while Kacchan lounged on the bed in his boxers. I'd pulled up my pants and was just buttoning my uniform shirt, when he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed the side of my neck, making me shiver, as his hands came up to cover mine.

"You know that I support you working, right? But can you please do something different? It's not safe for you to be a cop. I can't protect you."

I let out a sigh and stepped away from him, continuing to button my shirt. I didn't want to have this conversation again. Why couldn't he understand how much this meant to me? It was so frustrating for me that he couldn't let this go.

"Kacchan, I know you mean well, but I'm not quitting. I was just fine before you came along and now I'm not even doing anything dangerous. Let it go, ok?"

"Damnit, Deku! I just want you to be safe! What's wrong with that?"

I could hear the anger and frustration in his voice so I turned and wrapped my arms around him. This was hard for him too. He was trying to overcome his instincts and I just needed to be patient. If he really wanted to, he could use his alpha voice and just command me to quit. As his omega, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from listening. But he hadn't done that. So he really was trying. I nuzzled his chest, taking his caramel scent into my lungs. Immediate calm filled me and I let out a sigh of contentment before standing on my tip toes to nip his chin.

"I'll think about it, ok? Now, I need to head into work and you need to get ready. I'll see you for dinner."

It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him I loved him, but he wasn't ready for that. As tender as he could be sometimes, I think those words would probably scare him.

"Fine. Be safe."

I rolled my eyes and received a smack on the ass for my troubles. He just smirked at me, arms crossed and eyebrow raised, when I narrowed my eyes at him. I turned away, shaking my head and finished collecting everything I needed for work. On my way, I decided to stop for a donut. Shut up! I know its a cop stereotype, but I'm pregnant so leave me alone. As I was opening the door to the donut shop, a guy comes barreling out and knocks me over. Without even muttering an apology, he glances at me and takes off running. Before I can wonder how strange that is I hear commotion in the shop. A woman wearing an apron rushes out, clearly distraught.

"Someone, help! I've just been robbed."

Well crap! I hop up from the ground and take off after the guy. While I'm chasing him, I wish I was in full uniform so I can call for backup. Thankfully, I'm in decent shape and I catch up to the guy rather quickly. He makes a quick turn into an alleyway and I run in after him.

"Stop! You're under arrest for robbery!"

I'm not prepared for his quick turn and don't have time to duck before he hits me in the face. Pain bursts behind my eyes and I almost go down, but I've trained for this. I dodge his next swing and step forward, trying to grab his arm to grapple him to the ground. A glint of metal in his other hand has me nearly freezing, but I get my arms up in time and the knife slashes across my forearm. It stings, but I know I need to take this guy out. Thankfully he isn't an alpha, or I'd be in real trouble.

I finally manage to disarm him and have dodged most of his attacks. I can tell he's starting to get worn out. I see and opening an go for it. He oversteps into a punch and I manage to grab his wrist and swing around to his other side and steadily apply pressure until he's down on his knees. I'm panting, adrenaline surging through my veins, by the time the guy gives up. Luckily, I at least have my cuffs on me so I can restrain him. Once he's restrained, I take out my cell phone and call the police. When they arrive, I go over everything that happened and let them take over.

After promising to get looked at, I'm allowed to leave. I've already called my boss and told him I wasn't making it in today and he's given me the next few days off. When I get back to my car, I drive to the hospital and get checked out. The cut on my arm is cleaned and I'm given and immunity booster and some painkillers, then sent on my way. By the time I make it back home, I'm exhausted, my arm is throbbing and my eye has swelled shut. I want nothing more than to just take the pain meds, hop in the shower and go to bed.

When I open the door, Kacchan is pacing in the living room. He looks equal parts worried and furious. He rushes over to me and grabs my biceps in a tight grip. His eyes search my face and his hand comes up to gently stroke my swollen cheek. Then he pulls me into a tight hug and buries his face in my neck, inhaling deeply.

"You're quitting tomorrow. You can just stay home. It will be better in the long run anyway."

"What? No I'm not. This didn't even happen while I was working."

The atmosphere in the room shifted and the scent of caramel coated the air. Kacchan pulled away from me and held me at arms length while looking into my eyes. His pheromones had me wanting to drop to my knees and whimper that I was sorry for upsetting him. Biology is stupid. It was everything I could do just to maintain eye contact.

"You are quitting!"

His Alpha voice boomed over me and I found myself nodding. Tears leaked from the corner of my eyes. This wasn't fair. As an omega, I didn't have a way to fight against my alphas wishes. I had to comply. Insufferable alpha! I tore myself away from him and stormed over to the stairs. He didn't try to stop me as I made my way to the room. I stripped and threw my clothes in the hamper before getting in the shower. After my shower I pulled on a pair of athletic shorts and one of his shirts. Even angry with him, his scent was still calming.

I laid in bed, covers pulled up to my chest and silently fumed. I could hear a crash and the sound of something shattering but didn't move from the bed to check. A single harsh expletive rang out and then there was silence. A few minutes later, I could hear his footsteps on the stairs, then coming down the hall until they stopped at the door to the bedroom. I heard his sigh before the door opened and closed behind him. I kept my back to him as he opened drawers and didn't say anything when the bathroom door opened and the shower started up. The water cut off and I could hear to subtle sounds of him getting dressed then his soft steps as he walked over to the bed. The bed dipped with his weight, but I still didn't turn to look at him.

I felt the heat of his body as he scooted closer, and while part of me wanted to turn to him, the other part knew I needed to stand my ground. I couldn't let this be the precedent for our relationship. Just because he was my alpha, didn't mean he got to make my choices for me. It was an equal partnership.

"Deku, I only did that because I'm worried about you. What happened today, could have been much worse. And you didn't call me to tell me. I had to hear about it from someone else."

"Just because you are my alpha, doesn't give you the right to take away my choices. Like I said, this didn't even happen on the job. Just because I'm an omega doesn't mean I can't protect myself. I did just fine today. And being a detective is more dangerous than being a traffic cop. Are you going to quit too?"

"Damnit! That's not the same fucking thing! I'm an alpha!"

And that was the crux of it. He would never see my point of view because he was an alpha. I sighed and moved closer to the edge of the bed. I didn't want to keep talking because I didn't want to say something I'd probably regret. After a few minutes he rolled away from me. That small separation sent a pang to my heart and silent tears fell down my cheeks. Stupid pigheaded alphas! They didn't always know best. After an hour of trying to sleep, I gave up. I was equally angry and sad and needed to vent. So without further thought, I got up, got dressed and left. I headed to the one person I could always count on to cheer me up. Uraraka.

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