now tell me, how did all my d...

Od grogusmacaron

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After an unfortunate accident knocks Cheryl out cold, she wakes to find the world is not as she remembers. Více

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 11

331 15 4
Od grogusmacaron

It was a day Cheryl was both looking forward to and dreading all at once. Today was the day she would receive her Serpent tattoo. She was scared, having never had a tattoo before. It was another aspect of the initiation she had avoided the first time around. Not that she hadn't intended to get one.

Cheryl had gone on her iconic cross country road trip with Toni two days after receiving her jacket, and she had fully planned on getting hers after returning, but with the chaos of Archie's prosecution, it was postponed. And then... and then there was no need for a tattoo anymore.

This time was different. She had done every aspect of her initiation by the books, and her tattoo would be no exception. After school she and Jughead were going to Lorimer Body Shop to make her initiation official.

Before, Cheryl would have been concerned about marking her flawless body with such an adornment, but that was no longer an issue. She had scars; she had piercings. Her body was no longer the unblemished vessel it once was.

"You nervous?" Jughead asked on the drive to school.

She shrugged, "Perhaps a little. I know this body is used to needles, but I am not."

"You've got this," he told her matter-of-factly.

"I appreciate the vote of confidence," Cheryl said with a smile as she watched the houses they passed zoom by the window. "It's just slightly daunting."

"You know where you're getting it?" he asked.

Cheryl nodded. She knew exactly where she was getting it, but she didn't want to say it aloud just yet. "I know exactly where I'm getting it. I always have."


Ever since their encounter in the bathroom, Cheryl had been looking for opportunities to talk to Toni, but she didn't want to push it. Not to mention, Heather was always around. The girl may not have it out for the redhead anymore now that she was protected by her Serpent skin, but Cheryl didn't want to give her any reason to resume her torment.

Nothing was happening, much to Cheryl's dismay. Toni was as just as cold and distant, clinging to her girlfriend's side. It wasn't like Cheryl expected to win her affection overnight, but she had expected something.

She stood by her locker, listening to Toni and Heather talk about their weekend plans. They were going to Shadow Lake. Heather's parents had a cabin. It was going to be the perfect weekend.

Cheryl was going to be sick.

The redhead shoved her backpack into her locker a little too aggressively, causing her pencil case to become dislodged. The impact caused the old case to break open, and her drawing pencils scattered.

"Perfect," she scolded under her breath. Cheryl bent down and began to collect her fallen items when a hand offered her a stray pencil.

"This rolled over to my locker," Toni smiled. "Here."

Cheryl stared at her slack jawed. "Th-thanks," she stuttered as she accepted the offered pencil.

"Oh my God, Toni," Heather scoffed. "You're helping it now?"

"Sorry," Toni mouthed, causing Cheryl to laugh. She rose to her feet and went back to her girlfriend.

"Walk me to class?"

Toni glanced at Cheryl for a moment before turning her attention back to Heather. "Yeah. Let's go, babe."

It wasn't much, but it was a start. Cheryl picked up the rest of her drawing supplies with a smile plastered across her face.


"Cheryl, wait up," Sweet Pea called to her as she gathered her books. "Excited for tonight?" he asked.

She shrugged, "As excited as one can be about having dye injected into their flesh I assume."

"Right..." Sweet Pea laughed.

The pair walked from Chemistry to lunch together. They had grown closer in the week since her initiation. He was mostly infuriating, but the redhead was in no place to be picky with her friends. Cheryl actually found herself enjoying the boy's friendship.

The rest of the Serpents were already sitting at their usual table by the time they arrived. Jughead was halfway through his first burger when Cheryl sat down besides him.

"Aren't you hungry?" he asked, his mouth full of food.

Cheryl shook her head, "She talked to me."

"Okay?" Jughead asked, confused about what his friend was talking about.

"She talked to me," she repeated. "Toni. She talked to me this morning."

"Oh," he nodded. "Congrats?"

"And she helped me," Cheryl smiled. She bit down on her bottom lip, a feeble attempt to control the grin from encompassing her entire face. "I told you it was her, Jug. I knew it!"

"That's great, but seriously, Cher, aren't you going to get lunch?"

She scoffed, "I swear all you ever think about is food."

"I thought that was common knowledge," he laughed before popping a fry into his mouth. "Happy for you though."


The sound of a tray clattering pulled their attention to the other side of the crowded cafeteria. It was as if everyone stopped what they were doing to focus on the source of the noise. At the center of the commotion was Heather, smirking as she looked down at Ethel. The red haired girl was sprawled on the tiled floor, her lunch tray and food scattered a few feet away.

"Guess she's moved on to someone else," Jughead cringed.

Cheryl sighed, "Better her than me."

The boy's jaw dropped, "Cher!"

"Ugh," she scoffed. "Fine!" Cheryl got up from the table and marched over to where Heather was laughing, still taunting poor Ethel as she attempted to clean up her ruined lunch.

"Oh please," Heather sneered. "We both know I did you a favor. You do not need those carbs. You should be thanking me."

"You really have something against redheads don't you, Heather?" Cheryl asked.

"Just helping the," the blonde paused, "the less fortunate. You'd know all about that wouldn't you?"

Cheryl shook her head and scoffed at the accusation. "Just because you live some sad, pathetic life doesn't give you the right to release your hate on others."

"That jacket doesn't scare me, Blossom."

"It should," Cheryl explained with a confident grin. She took a step back and snapped her right hand. Every Serpent stood from their seats, some even standing upon their chairs or the tables. The numbers were massive. "From this moment on, all students of Riverdale High are under our protection from the likes of you. If I so much as hear a whisper that you've been tormenting any one of my friends, Serpent or not, you will be in for a world of hurt. Is that clear?"

Heather seethed in anger. Cheryl could feel the rage emanating from the blonde's body and basked in her victory. She knew she had gotten through; she knew she had won.

"You don't know who you're dealing with," Heather said, her voice unsteady.

"I know exactly who I'm dealing with, and you aren't as strong as you think you are," Cheryl said. "I know who you are under that mask you wear. I know your family. I know everything about you, all your deepest, darkest secrets. I won't tell you how I know, but I know. And it's time for you to be reminded that you aren't invincible."

It was then that Toni walked into the cafeteria, her lunch tray in her hands as her eyes widen in shock. Once again her girlfriend was at odds with the Serpents.

Cheryl looked over to her for a moment before turning back to Heather, "You have some people here fooled, but I am not one of them, not anymore. One day everyone will see you for the cretin you truly are."

Heather blinked wordlessly before pushing passed Cheryl to join Toni.

"What the hell happened?" Cheryl could see Toni asking, though she could not hear due to the distance.

She turned her attention back to Ethel. Cheryl extended her hand to the girl and helped her up. "You okay?"

"Just a little shaken up."

"You need help cleaning up this mess?" she asked.

Ethel shook her head, "I've got it from here, Cheryl. Thank you."

Cheryl smiled. She remembered that first day she encountered Heather in the halls and how it was Ethel who ran to her side to make sure she was okay. It felt like they had come full circle. With that in mind, Cheryl asked the girl the same question she had been asked those weeks ago, "What about a hug?"

Ethel nodded, and Cheryl embraced her. She hoped that would be the end to the reign of terror Heather inflicted upon the school, and if it wasn't, Cheryl knew her friends would be there, having her back to help put a stop to it once and for all.


Neither the triumph of her morning with Toni nor her encounter with Heather were enough to trump Cheryl's anxiety. When the day ended, she met Jughead outside the school so the boy could drive them to the tattoo parlor. As they got closer to their destination, her heart beat faster and faster.

"You okay?" he asked.

Cheryl shook her head, "I think I'm going to be sick. Are we sure I have to do this?"

Jughead laughed, "Yes. Trust me; it's not as scary as it seems."

"If you say so."

They pulled in front of Lorimer Body Shop just in time for her appointment. Jughead had to nearly drag her out of the car and inside the establishment. A Serpent named Razor greeted her as soon as they entered.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

"Not even in the slightest," Cheryl said honestly.

Jughead chuckled, "Someone is a little nervous."

"Believe it or not," the heavily tattooed man said, "I was too before my first. Once you get one they become addicting. Look at me now."

Cheryl whimpered. "Jug," she pleaded.

"Come on, Cher," he pressed. "You've got this."

"The boy speaks the truth," Razor said. "I watched you with Rumple. Trust me, girlie, my needle is nowhere near as bad as that fucker."

"Okay," she squeaked. "I've got this. I can do this."

"That's the attitude," Jughead encouraged. "Now march back there and get your tattoo."

"I've got this," Cheryl repeated once more as she followed Razor into the back room and out of sight.


"To Cheryl!" the group cheered. She sat around a bonfire with Jughead, Sweet Pea, Fangs, and three other younger Serpents Cheryl didn't know personally.

It was a night of celebration. Their newest initiate was now a full fledged member, tattoo and all. The group raised their drinks to cheers the redhead who was still in slight disbelief this was for her.

"Well, let's see it, Red," Sweet Pea urged.

Cheryl shook her head. "It's not in a place I feel comfortable sharing," she said, blush spreading across her pale face.

"Oh shit?" the tall boy asked. "Is it on your ass or something?"

Cheryl scoffed, but before she had a chance to respond, Jughead interjected, "Do you ever think before opening that mouth of yours?"

"What? She said it wasn't in a sharing place," he reminded. "Inquiring minds want to know."

"It's on my side," Cheryl explained, pointing over her clothing, "right about here." She had chosen that place for one specific reason: it's where Toni's tattoo resided.

"I'm sure it looks great, Cheryl," said Fangs as he pulled a bag out of his pocket. "Now, who wants to get high?"

The bag in question consisted of five pre-rolled blunts, waiting to be lit. He lit one, putting the remainder on the ground beside him, before passing it to Cheryl, who was sitting to his left.

She placed the blunt in her mouth and inhaled, smoke instantly filling her lungs. The taste of the wrapper was foreign, having only smoked from glass so far, but not unwelcome. Cheryl blew the smoke out and coughed, feeling a warmth spread throughout her body.

"Thanks," she said to Fangs before passing it on to Jughead.

"Come on," one of the other Serpents said. "Drinking games, let's go!"

"Sorry about Nitro," commented Sweet Pea, giving Cheryl a name to call the curly haired boy. "We sort of promised there would be a round of Secrets and Sins."

"I'm down," Jughead coughed, passing the blunt to the next person. "But can we do Never Have I Ever? I actually know how to play that one."

"Never have I ever not known how to play one of the most basic drinking games known to man," Fangs smirked and waited for Jughead to drink.

"Touché," responded the beanie wearing boy as he took a large drink from his beer can.

Sweet Pea went next saying, "In honor of our newest recruit, never have I ever gotten so fucked up I forgot what language I'm speaking."

Cheryl glared at him as she brought the beer can to her lips. She went next, retaliating with, "Never have I ever mocked someone for being my intellectual superior."

Jughead and Fangs burst out laughing as Sweet Pea downed the rest of his beer. Two of the other Serpents drank as well, Nitro and a scrawny blonde haired boy.

The game went around the circle for three rounds before the group moved on to Secrets and Sins. Jughead learned the rules fast, being that the only rule was to expose each others dirty laundry. The second Sweet Pea brought up the nickname Claude had given Cheryl, the redhead all but demanded they move on to a different game.

Next up was a game called Grab on Behind. It had been suggested by Mouse, the blonde boy. "Ant," he started, going first since it was his idea.

The game was simple, say a word beginning with the last letter of the previous word. If you mess up, you have to drink. It quickly became Cheryl's favorite due to the thought process involved. She couldn't help but imagine how much fun it would be to play back home with Toni.

"Train," said Sweet Pea.

Fangs went next, "Nine."

"Elephant," shouted Cheryl, a little louder than she would have sober.

"Telemarketer," Jughead laughed.

The game continued. Nitro was the first to mess up after "box" was said by Toothless, the last member of the group. The boy had all his teeth, instead named that due to his love of DreamWorks Animation's How to Train your Dragon. Fangs was the next to drink, followed by Nitro, then by Jughead.

Eventually the games died down and Nitro, Mouse, and Toothless all made their exits. Cheryl didn't mind their company but found it nice when the group was only those she considered her friends.

Fangs picked up his bag. He handed out the remaining four blunts, one for each of them. They tapped the rolled cannabis together in the same way someone would clink glasses of wine in a toast before passing the lighter around.

"This was fun," Cheryl reflected as she took a puff from her blunt.

Jughead took a hit from his own. "Absolutely," he said as he exhaled, a large puff of smoke leaving his mouth.

Cheryl felt so relaxed, almost melting into her chair as she continued to take hits of her blunt. Jughead leaned over and told her it was medicinal grade indica, but she wasn't entirely sure what that meant. All she knew was that she felt amazing. Nothing could ruin her mood; that was until Sweet Pea opened his mouth.

"Okay," the boy said, putting out his blunt on his arm chair and tucking the unsmoked half behind his ear. "Hottest Northsiders."

"What?" Jughead asked, his eyebrow upturned.

Sweet Pea shrugged, "Well I can't say hottest student, can I? I have to exclude the present company, or you all know I'd win that fight."

"That's likely," Cheryl scoffed, taking another hit before putting hers out as well.

"You doubt me, Goose?" he taunted.

She smirked, "Nous savons tous que je suis la personne la plus chaude à des miles."

"Shit we got her too high," Fangs exclaimed. "She's doing that French shit again."

"Au contraire," Cheryl added. "I am fully aware of what I'm saying. I was just explaining to Sweet Pea that I am the hottest within miles, but I knew he wouldn't be able to understand it no matter what language I used."

"She burned you dude," Jughead laughed. "And I really don't want to play this game."

"I'm ignoring Goose's cruel words," Sweet Pea said with a smug look upon his face. "We all know you would pick ponytail anyways, Jones. I pick Veronica. Seriously, I lucked out with a smokin' lab partner. Did you see her today, Red? That dress? Damn!"

"You are the embodiment of every stereotype about your gender, Peabrain."

Sweet Pea shook his head, "You just like to hurt me, don't you?"

Cheryl averted her eyes as she shrugged and took a sip of her beer. "I assure you, I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Likely," he huffed. "Your turn then."

"No, thank you," she responded. "Fangs can go since you are so adamant about this."

"We all know he has a thing for Keller," Sweet Pea said.

"Pea!" Fangs yelled, feeling called out.

The taller boy shook his head dismissively, "Like we didn't all know that already, Fogarty."

Fangs snarled, "Still, cheap shot."

"Whatever," Sweet Pea brushed him off. He leaned forward, meeting Cheryl's eyes, "I want to know Goose's answer. Hottest Northsider? Let's hear it."

"Toni," Cheryl breathed out.

"Topaz?" Sweet Pea blinked his eyes in surprise, sitting back in his seat, "Wow. You like them bitchy."

"She's not really like that," the redhead argued. "You don't know her."

"And you do?" the taller boy questioned, leaving Fangs and Jughead to exchange nervous glances.

Cheryl clenched her jaw, seething, "Yes."

"Leave her alone, Sweets," Jughead interjected before the situation escalated. He knew Cheryl didn't want to divulge how he knew her, and emotions were running high due to the alcohol coursing through their veins. No amount of indica could calm Cheryl when she got heated, and Jughead assumed that was true no matter what reality she came from.

"Just asking a question, Jones," he countered.

Fangs was the next to speak up, "Leave it, Sweets. We are here to celebrate. Enough with the fighting. We get you like Veronica, but leave the rest of us alone. Alright?"

"Yeah, yeah," he responded, running his hand through his hair. "Sorry, Red."

Cheryl took a sigh of relief and nodded. She would defend Toni in any situation, but it was hard when she couldn't be honest about why she knew there was a good person under the facade. They were right, Toni here was bitchy, at least that was how she chose to act. Cheryl knew better. Toni had shown her as much. "Apologies accepted, Peabrain."

"A change of subject, guys?" Jughead requested. Everyone nodded in response.

"Anyone got any food?" Sweet Pea asked. "The robo-munchies are probably going to hit soon, and I want to be prepared."

"Who do you think I am, Sweets?" Fangs flipped open his cooler and pulled out a shopping bag filled with single serve bags of chips, peanut butter crackers, cookies, and candy. He took a bag of Doritos for himself before passing the bag to his taller friend.

"My hero!" Sweet Pea yelled as he raided the bag, pulling out an assortment before handing it off to Jughead.

Cheryl eyes the selection when it was her turn, slightly disappointed by the lack of anything with any sort of nutritional value. She grabbed a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos, remembering how much she enjoyed them the last time, and returned the bag to Fangs. Not ten minutes later, she asked him to hand her the bag so she could claim the KitKat she had seen during her rummaging.

The minor argument was almost instantly forgotten as the four friends animatedly talked and ate their snacks. After countless bags were devoured, they each lit up the remaining halves of their blunts.

"Glad it's the weekend," Fangs commented. "No way in hell I'm getting up before noon tomorrow." He took another puff of his blunt before throwing his head back over his lawn chair.

"Same, dude," Sweet Pea agreed. "Hey, toss me another bag of Cheetos."

"Out," the boy shrugged. "This is the last one." Fangs smirked as he tossed one of the cheese flavored snacks into his open mouth. "Sowwie," he said as he chewed.

"Ugh, say it don't spray it," Cheryl gagged as she watched the particles fly from his mouth.

"Okay, so share then," Sweet Pea demanded.

"Nah," Fangs said as he ate another.

Sweet Pea got up from his seat and attempted to wrestle the bag from his friend's grasp. Fangs began throwing the remaining Cheetos at Sweet Pea's face, hoping it would satiate the boy.

"Oh that's how it's gonna be then?" Sweet Pea grabbed the bag of Fritos from his chair and began throwing handfulls at Fangs, eventually dumping the remainder of the bag over his head.

Jughead and Cheryl looked at each other, wide smiles upon their faces. "Food fight!" they yelled in unison before joining in, throwing bits of food at their friends.

"Hey, no fair!" the tallest boy yelled.

Fangs grabbed another bag out of his stash, opened it, and began throwing chips in all directions, hitting whoever he could.

It was Sweet Pea who escalated the situation. The boy grabbed a can of beer, shook it aggressively, and popped the tab. Foamy liquid erupted from the can. He aimed it at Fangs, immediately dosing him.

"Fuck you, man!" Fangs yelled as he reached for a can of his own to level the playing field.

Cheryl watched in glee. She couldn't contain the laughter that formed deep within her. She was happy. She turned to Jughead and commented, "I can't believe how much I've missed this."

"Getting high and drunk with Sweets and Fangs? We did that last weekend," the boy laughed. "I didn't realize you were that much of a pothead, Cher."

"No," Cheryl corrected with an eye roll. "Well, yes, but I meant being a Serpent. I told myself I didn't, but being here... I can't deny that it was a part of me."

"Well of course it was?" he said the statement as a question, confusion in his voice.

"Watch it!" Sweet Pea yelled as he was hit by an empty beer can launched by Fangs.

"Want to get out of here?" Jughead asked, already grabbing a few extra drinks to take with them.

Cheryl nodded and followed him away from the crowd towards her trailer. Not ready to go inside, the pair walked over to Cheryl's Tempo.

"You'd be surprised how many people believed I only joined for Toni," she explained as they walked. "Maybe part of me did, but it was more than that. I never had an accepting family, apart from JJ. Once I lost him, I was alone. Nana was there of course, but with her dementia she was in and out. There was no constant support system."

"Until Toni."

Cheryl smiled longingly. "Until Toni," the redhead affirmed. "She introduced me to a family who accepted me despite being a Blossom, who protected me no matter what." They reached the car, and the redhead leaned against the front bumper. She took a deep, calming breath.

"I'm sorry," the boy said, hoping his words could partially mend the wounds his alter ego had caused.

"I know you are, Jug," she sighed. "It wasn't you. It wasn't this you. And I can't deny my role in Toni and my banishment. The ruling was unjust, but I supplied the catalyst."

"So," Jughead started, hopping up onto the hood of Cheryl's car, "tell me more about this 'other' you."

"I'm not sure what more there is to say." The redhead moved to join him on the cool metal. She got comfortable, leaning back onto her palms, too high to care if their combined weight could cause any damage to her only means of transportation. "I could not be more different than the Cheryl you know," she answered. "Head bitch in charge, head cheerleader, your typical queen bee."

"That doesn't sound like you at all."

"It's hard to be the HIBC when you aren't in charge of anything," Cheryl shrugged.

"Still," he shook his head, "I have trouble believing you were the Heather of your world."

Cheryl's face distorted in disgust, "Absolutely not. I was, nor am, anything like that vulture. I was never a bully. I may have caused chaos on occasion, but I never went out of my way to hurt anyone. Unless, of course, they hurt me first."

Jughead raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"This one time... you, Archie, Betty, and Veronica... you all planned this weekend getaway," she closed her eyes and took a breath. "I had foolishly believed we were friends, but when I asked for the details everyone made it quite clear I wasn't wanted."

"Cher," he exhaled. "You know that wasn't me right?"

"Of course; which is why I trust you won't be angry when I tell you how I retaliated," the redhead hesitated. "While you and Betty are the it couple of Riverdale High, second only to Toni and myself, there was a time when your relationship was fractured. Your breakup overlapped with a serial killer causing terror to our sweet town, and in the heightened emotions of that time, Archie and Betty may have... kissed... in my reality."

"Hold on," the boy stopped her. "Serial killer? What kind of place are you from again?"

"If only that was as ludicrous as things have gotten," Cheryl laughed. "We have had murders, serial killers, cults, organized crime."

"Holy shit." Jughead downed the rest of his beer before tossing the can to the ground. "And you call this the nightmare world?"

"Yes, in fact. I do."

"Wait, so what did this have to do with hurting anyone? Sounds like Archie and Betty had that covered all on their own," he sighed. "Seems no version of myself can escape that."

"It was only one kiss, from my understanding anyways," she emphasized. "But... if it hadn't been for moi, you wouldn't have known. I made a call and informed you of their little tête-à-tête. I wanted to ruin your couples' weekend as reparation."

"Oh." Jughead was silent for several moments, processing what Cheryl had told him. "Well, I mean, we weren't friends though. Right? If we were, you'd have been invited in the first place. And I like to think you'd never do anything like that to me, well this me."

"I'd never," the redhead assured. "I swear to you, Jug. The friendship you and I share is nothing like the relationship with the Jughead back home. I call that Jughead 'Hobo' for a reason."

"Right," the boy chuckled, popping the tab on another can. "So I'm different, and we know you're different. What else is different where you're from?"

"Your dad stopped being the Serpent King and is now the sheriff."

Jughead, who was in the middle of taking a sip of his freshly opened beer, spit out the cold liquid as he struggled not to choke. "I'm sorry, what?"

Cheryl shrugged, "Trust me, no one was more opposed than I was. The man did help cover up my dear brother's murder, and then he was given authority over the town's law enforcement. Not that I haven't made peace with him since then, but it still didn't mean I was okay with that."

"He did what?"

"Here, JJ died in a methamphetamine laboratory explosion, but at home, my father shot him in the head and hired FP to cover it up." Cheryl pursed her lips in an attempt to contain her emotions as she looked to her friend, "It seems in any reality my parents are responsible for Jason's demise."

"That's... that's awful," Jughead responded, his face contorted in disgust and shock. "And that my dad would have anything to do with it..."

"He's a better man now," Cheryl said, not wanting the boy to think less of his father. FP seemed to be the best version of himself here from what she'd observed. "Plus, in his defense, he was trying to help JJ escape with cousin Polly before... before it happened."

"Right, forgot you said you guys are related. Why were they trying to escape together?" he asked. "Was she in trouble too?"

"She was pregnant with his twins," Cheryl stated casually.

Jughead's eyes nearly flew out of his head, "Hold up. Your brother knocked up your cousin?"

The redhead shrugged, brushing the accusation off, "None of us knew we were related at the time. We aren't pro-incest if that's what you're insinuating."


"Indeed," she agreed.

"I've been thinking, Cher," Jughead said, breaking the silence after several minutes. The boy grabbed his beanie in his fist and ripped it from his head before running a hand through his raven black hair. "What if you're like Dorothy?"

"If you're referring to clicking my heels together three times and reciting 'There's no place like home,' I've already tried that," Cheryl scoffed.

He jerked his head to look at her, "Wait, seriously?"

"I woke up in a hell world, Jug," the redhead reminded. "It seemed as plausible a solution as any."

"I mean... I guess you're right," Jughead sighed, sitting up straighter on the hood of the car. "That's not what I was talking about though."

"Then as to what, pray tell, were you referring?"

"This is going to sound crazy," he laughed before taking a drink from his beer can.

Cheryl looked at him incredulously, "This whole thing is crazy."

"Okay, true," The boy took a deep breath before continuing, "Here goes; what if none of this is real? What if this is all in your head?"

"You're right," she said. "That is crazy." Cheryl took a sip of her own can, shaking her head. "So what, none of this is real? You aren't real? Jughead, that makes no sense."

"You're right," Jughead agreed.

"Ugh," Cheryl gagged. "If that was true, it would mean I'm dreaming of you."

"Forget I said anything," he laughed.

The redhead nodded, her eyes wide. "Of course," she said, but his words had already become rooted in her mind. There was no forgetting them.

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