I'd Die Without You

By AnimalCrackersRule

4.9K 14 8

Christabelle has a normal life, until Mel, her best friend makes her go to a five minute dating game at her s... More

I'd Die Without You Chapter 1
I'd Die Without You Chapter 2
I'd Die Without You Chapter 3
I'd Die Without You Chapter 4
I'd Die Without You Chapter 5
I'd Die Without You Chapter 6
I'd Die Without You Chapter 7
I'd Die Without You Chapter 8
I'd Die Without You Chapter 9
I'd Die Without You Chapter 10
I'd Die Without You Chapter 11
I'd Die Without You Chapter 12
I'd Die Without You Chapter 14
I'd Die Without You Chapter 15

I'd Die Without You Chapter 13

191 2 0
By AnimalCrackersRule

Chapter 13 -

I sat in my bed watching Dr. Seuss' When The Grinch Stole Christmas. Two words : best movie ever!!! Ok that's three words, but still. I had been trying all day to distract myself from Brandon, but nothing was helping. My mind kept wandering back to him, and I wondered if I would be this wa the rest of my life. That's a long time to worry. If he doesn't come back soon I think I go crazy; which couldn;t be good for my sanity. 

I sighed and stared straight up at the ceiling. I was almost done with waiting, about to go to see Ali when I heard my phone ring enthusiastically. I frantically scrambled to the bed side table and pressed answer.

"Hello?" I asked into the reciever.

"Chris! Why haven't you been at school? And where's all your stuff? I went by your house, and you and Ali were gone. What's up?"

"Oh my gosh Mel! I totally forgot to tell you! We moved, it was sudden, and I've just been so busy. I'm soo sorry I forgot to tell you!" I said sadly. How had I forgotten to tell my best friend that we had just leftt? She must have thought I'd been kidnapped or killed.

"What? Why would you need to leave?" Mel asked confused, gosh did I hate to lie to her, but I couldn't help it. There was no way I could tell her.

"Well first, Richards dead! He got hit by a bus, Ali is devataed, we had to leave, there were just too many memories for her. She couldn't take it anymore. I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you Mel!"

"It's alright hun, well I have to go; I have a hot date soon." I could hear the mischief in her voice, and somehow I knew she'd be all right, well as long as I don't kill everyone first.

I sighed and sat back down, and thought of my friends at home. Would I ever see them again? I was starting to doubt it.

I got up and headed to Ali's room, but when I got there I felt something off. I crept past the door and peered in, it was eerily quiet, and Ali wasn't there as far as I could see.

I walked down the hall to Beth's room and once again nothing. I was beginning to be afraid. Something had obviously happened to them, whether by thier will, or not. I was freaking out, and if they were taken against thier will it was very possible the captors were still in the house.

I searched each room in the apartment, bat in hand, and came up with nothing. Where ever they were, they weren't here. The color drained from my face, I ran upsairs and grabbed my phone.

I couldn't wait any longer, I dialed Brandon's number and waited the longest 60 seconds of my life.

"Hello? Chris? What's wrong?" I heard Brandon's weary voice ask.

"Ali and Beth are gone!" I screamed, it was really dawning on me and I was flipping out.

"What? How? Why? Where? Chris what's going on?" Brandon questioned anxiously into my ear.

Tears blurred my vision, but I answered none the less. "I don't know." I couldn't hold back the floods anymore, I started sobbing. Where were they?!

"Christabelle, it's ok, it's ok. I'll come home. Don't cry, it'll be fine." Brandon continued to try to soothe me, but I just tuned him out. My sister and niece, gone. Poof, into thin air, just like that. Why do bad things always happen to me?

I continued to sob, unitl I heard heavy footsteps, I instantly tried to shut myself up. Alarmed, I rolled off the bed and quietly got under the bed.

"Brandon? I think there's someone here. I'm scared." I whispered wimpering.

"Chris. It's ok, I'm on m way, be as quiet as possible, please, just be ok." He said the worry in his voice so evident I could have shot it with a rifle through the phone. I heard a car starting and lots of honking.

The stairs were creaking louder, and I tryed to stay my breath as best as I could, but I could feel it. I was about to be kidnapped.

"Brandon." I whispered. "I love you."

"What? Christabelle! You'll be fine, I'm almost there I promise."

He could have been ten minutes away, but it wouldn't have mattered. I saw two huge boot clad feet in front of me.

(AN I was going to stop there, but I want to write more, and since I haven't updated for practically an eternity. I'm going to write more. (: (: )

I squeezed my eyes shut. I was too scared to do anything else. There was nothing else I could do actually. I was doomed.

"Hey pretty lady? Now why would you be hiding under that bed? You know it will just be harder." A really creepy voice said.

I didn't answer, I was too scared.

"Come on now, baby, come out like a good girl."

I shuddered in digust.

"Chris! I'm here!" I heard Brandon yell through his phone and in the apartment.

"I'm in my bedroom! Hurry-" I was cut short I screamed the loudest I ever have. The man had my leg.

I heard running feet, pounding up the stairs. I twisted like crazy to get out of his grubby hands, but he was strong.

Suddenly I was being ripped away from this nasty mans grasp. I clasped my hero tightly as the man ran away. I was safe.

"Chris! Are you ok? Did he hurt you?"

Tears once again breached my eyes, but I nodded.

"Honey, it's ok. I'm sure we'll find Ali and Beth soon. I promise. You're ok, and safe, and I won't ever leave you again."

I nodded again. My eyes hurt from all the tears, and now that Brandon was back, I was exhausted.

"It's ok sweetie, you can sleep. You're safe now, I promise." So with his permission, and being exremely tired, I drifted to sleep.

Ali :

I didn't want to leave Grant or Christabelle, but I knew, I knew I had to. For Beth. She needed a stable envirioment to grow up in. I might be selfish to leave my sister, with little more than a note, but I couldn't bear to say goodbye to her face to face. I knew somehow she'd get me to stay, well her or Grant.

It was too much for me, and how did they expect me to cope with this, especially right after Richard. I just couldn't do it. I would see them again, once it was all over. I knew they would fix it. Christabelle was a strong girl, and she was determined to do the right thing. Besides now I know I won't be leaving her alone. Brandon would be there for her.

I really felt the worst about leaving Grant. I know he's my soulmate, my other half. But I can't except it yet. I know he'll be the one in the most torture right now, and it tears me apart, but Ali needs protection much more than I do.

I heard Beth cry as we drove away in my rented car. I put her binki back in her mouth and patted her foot. This poor kid has been through so much. She needed a stable life, family even, and I needed to provide it for her.

(AN : I hope this is long :) I really want it to be long. I can never seem to do that. I hope you liked it. Whoevers reading. :D) 

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