Lustful Sins *Bruno Mars Fanf...

By YesItsMrsJackson

13.3K 511 704

Put it like this you know when you're wrong and you shouldn't do certain things but the temptation leads you... More

Lustful Sins
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13

Part 2

1.2K 47 69
By YesItsMrsJackson

*Bruno's P.O.V*

My phone started ring and i groaned grabbing it. I looked at it and saw Phil's name. "What do you want bitch"

"You daddy" He laughed in a girly tone.

I laughed "You're so gay... So what's up man i know you didn't call this early in the morning to tell me how bad you wanna be my girlfriend"

I joked then Phil sighed abd got into his serious tone "Me and Aliyah had a argument last night and she went out with Jessica and didn't come back home and her phone goes straight to voicemail when i called her"

I sat up a little "Damn Bro what happened"

He started to explain what happened to between him and his girl. I felt somebody move next to me, I looked over and my heart instantly stopped as i saw Aliyah sleeping next me naked. Flashes of last night popped into my head, seeing her at a club, Then pinning her against the wall fucking the life out of her. "Umm Phil man let me call you back matter of fact ima swing by over there later" I said quickly and hung up not giving him time to respond.

I lightly tapped her and whispered" Aliyah honey wake up please"

She groaned and shifted "No Phil i don't wanna go to Afghanistan i might come back dead this time"

Huh what is she talking about. "Ummm Aliyah i'm not Phil"

She groaned again "Ugh Phil leave my the fuck alone"

I shook her and she popped her eyes opened and she was abput to say something until she got a good look at me. She sat up confused then looked at her naked body under the cover "Oh my fucking god Bruno please tell me we didn't"

"Okay then we didn't" I smirked a little at my joke trying to lighting the mood because i am just as freaked out as her.

"Oh my god Philip is going to kill us! How did this fucking happen!?!?" She shouted

"Well you and your friend were at Club Red last night i was there getting my mind off my ex then you walked up on me and i bought you some drinks and some hours later your friend was sleep and you started touching on me talking about you was gonna finish what you started and we went outside and started fucking on the wall and sometime after that i brought you here."

She put her face in her hands and started crying. I gently put my arm around her "Aliyah please don't cry everything will be okay"

"No it won't be okay! I just cheated on Phil with his bestfriend! If he finds out he's gonna killed us mainly you!"

She cried and pulled her into my chest. I royally fucked up how coukd i do this to someone that's like a brother to me. "Shhh Aliyah we don't have to tell him i don't want you ruining you relationship with Phil over this and i damn sure don't want to loose my best friend"

She looked up at me and her eyes caught mines sparkling from sun reflecting from her tears. Something snapped in my head and found my self kissing her soft lips. To my surprise she kissed my back and tangled her fingers into my hair and pulled me ontop of her. And i'm pretty sure you can tell where it went from there but it was different we actually enjoyed eachothers body since we aren't drenched in alcohol.

About an hour and a half later i pulled out and came on her stomach and then laid next to her breathing heavy "Damn"

"Fuck i am a horrible person i cheated on Phil twice in the same 24 hours!" She got out the bed and almost fell due to the sensation i left between her legs.

I sat up and handed her a baby wipe to wipe her stomach off "You're not a horrible person baby It's kind of a natural thing"

"Natural! Bruno cheating is not natural!" She shouted

"Calm down Aliyah we don't have to let anybody know"

She put on her clothes on "You're right because we are not ever going to speak of this again now take me to my car so i can go home"

I nodded and got out the bed went and quickly took a shower then threw on some clothes. I drove her back to Club Red and she got out my car without saying anything and went to hers. I pulled off thinking about Aliyah and what we did. Then it hit me what if she goes and tells Phil because she feels horrible. Oh hell no i can't let that happen. I changed my route from going to my house to going to Phil's house. I pulled up to their house and Aliyah's car wasn't there yet. I got out the car and went and knocked on tbe door and Phil frantically answered "Oh my god Aliyah baby"

"Umm wrong girlfriend babe" I joked

He rolled his eyes "I Thought you were Aliyah"

"I can see that. She didn't come home yet?" I asked like i didn't know anything.

He let me in and closed the door "No man and that's strange she usually comes back within three hours of us fighting"

I went into his kitchen and fridge and got some lunch meat out and started making a sandwich "Maybe she went home with her friend last night"

He rubbed the back of his neck "I hope so man. Make me one while you at it"

I looked at him "Hell no you got two hands make it yourself nigga"

"Nigga you in mt house my kitchen making you a sandwich with my food!"

"That don't mean i have to make you one! I said while putting on a piece of pepper jack cheese ontop of my ham.

Phil was about to say something until we heard the front door open. Phil ran out the kitchen "Aliyah baby where have you been"

I put my top piece of bread on my sandwich and walked out the kitchen to See Phil practically in tears kissinh Aliyah over and over. Out of nowhere seeing them kiss made me feel a little weird. I mean i have seen them kiss before and never have been phases by it but this time is different.

Phil stopped kissing her "Baby i am so sorry for last night"

"It's okay baby i'm sorry i didn't come home last night"

He kissed her forehead "I was worried something happened where were you?"

She looked over his shoulder and looked at me like she saw a ghost. "I um slept in my car i got too drunk last night and Jessica left me"

More like you left Jessica and went home with the sex dragon, But we're not going to get into that. She pulled away from Phil "Baby ima go get cleaned up"

She kissed him making my stomach turn. She went started walking upstairs and flashed me a death glare. I watched her walk up the stairs and i never noticed but shawty got a ass on her i see why Phil says he loves laying on her booty shit i wanna lay on her booty. Stop it Bruno she's your best friend's fiance' and you wouldn't want to do anything else that will fuck up your friendship with him nor want to fuck up his relationship with his girl i mean he loves the shit out of her she freaking weaes his heart on her army sleeve. I was broken out of my thoughts when Aliyah disappeared into their bedroom and Phil called my name "Bruno!"

I snapped my head and looked at him "What?"

"I asked you did you wanna watch the game. What the fuck were you looking at?" Phil Raised eyebrow

I shook my head "Uhh nothing i was thinking... Sure i'll stick around to watch the first half of the game then i gotta run i told Eric i'd babysit"

He laughed pretty much believing what i just said. We walked into the living room and sat on the couch and Phil turned on the Bengals vs Patriots game. I ate my sandwich until Aliyah came down into the living room wearing a U.S Amry sweat shirt and some tight gray shorts that makes her ass look even bigger then before. She walked passed me and i coughed almost choking on some ham. She slowly sat down on Phil's lap "What cha watching babe"

Phil kissed her cheek "Pre- Recorded Cincinnati Bengals and New England Patriots game"

"So i'm guessing you would like some snacks to go along with it"

Phil smirked "You already know baby how about some sour cream and onion pop chips and a beer"

She smiled "That can be arranged"

She got up and walked passed me and my eyes were glued to that ass of hers. Shit Bruno stop it you have never looked at her this way before and you are not going to start now. She walked out of tbe room but made a turn away from the kitchen. I turned my attention back to the game until my Phone buzzed. I looked at and it was a text from Aliyah.

'I need you to come to the guest room bathroom right now!'

I gulped and looked at Phil "Umm can i use the bathroom"

He looked at me like he was about to slapped me "First you come to my house uninvited then eat my food without asking then you wanna asked to use my bathroom? you know where all five bathrooms are, you not a guest"

I nervously laughed and got up and went upstairs to the only guest room with the door closed. I went inside and closed the door and locked it behind me. The bathroom door was slightly opened i walked into the bathroom and saw Aliyah sitting on the edge of the tub. "What's up?"

She looked at me "Me not being able to get you out of my head is what's up"

"You can't get me out of your head" I smirked

"Wipe that smirk off your face this is not cool! I've always saw you as a brother but last night and this morning you just"

"I rocked your world didn't I"

She rolled her eyes standing up "Just put it like this i want more but i can't hurt Phil he's been nothing but a good man to me"

I stepped closer to her where there was only a inch between us "What are you trying to say Aliyah?"

"Umm that uh, Um i um"

i chuckled a little "Just shut up"

I grabbed her face and kissed her passionately. I know what i'm doing is wrong but it feel so damn right!. She let out a soft moan as i broke the kiss. "Look baby squirrel this is what's gonna happen me and you we're gonna have this thing going where we just fuck no feelings involved because i'm not gone lie you are the best i ever had and i'm not giving it up for shit. So whenever that nigga down there piss you off come give a dragon a holla and this will be our dirty little secret okay"

She nodded and i winked at her before leaving the bathroom and the room and went back downstairs and joined Phil for the rest of the game. About 15 minutes later Aliyah came back down and into the living room with the pop chips and beer. She sat my beer on the table and sat back on phil's lap and gave him his beer "Here you go baby"

He stroked her hair "What took you so long baby"

Aliyah looked over at me and i winked at her and watched her blush which is one of the prettiest thing i have ever seen.

"Oh nothing babe but Jessica".....

Thanks For Reading :)

Next Part Coming Soon!!!!!!

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