Not Really Mine

Por zahra_ml

355K 13.7K 1.7K

"What are you getting at son?" His father watched both of us warily. "She's not really My-" the word was abo... Más



11.8K 469 41
Por zahra_ml

I gotten up way before Liam would even think about getting up just to take a decent shower. I took precautions incase of any peeping Tom incidents on his behalf. I taped up some towels on the wall with duct tape I found in my suit case, don't ask.

Since we were going to the shoot, they are providing the clothes. I threw
On a pair of jeans with button up tank top and my birkins. I was brushing out my wet curls coming out of the bathroom then paused. Sleeping beauty was up on his phone. I was trying to figure out if he had Instagram, or even any social media.

"Keep staring." He looked up from his phone then back down. I glared at him continuing to brush my hair.

"I was wondering if you had Instagram." I said under my breath. His eyes flicked back to me with his eyes drifting over my face.

"Of course." He rolled his eyes as he kicked his legs over the edge.

"Well sorry, I thought you didn't like people." I lazily parted my hair then French braided each side.

"My advisors told me it would be better for the company." He stood up to his towering height walking past me to his suit case. I rolled my eyes spinning around to face him. I was surprised he even had advisors.

"Yeah and everything is about business. Work shouldn't be the one thing you do." I argued. Since the first time I met him his head was always wrapped around work. This deal we have is work related because he didn't want a real relationship.

Liam straightened back up with a neatly folded outfit in his hand. He stared deeply in my eyes and I paused my movement. Something swirled in his eyes which I could decipher clearly.

"It is all I do, it's my life." I frowned at the sentence replaying it in my mind. The realization daunted on me and sadness tinged my heart.

Liam was lonely.

My eyebrows furrowed and I pursed my lips at the border line upset Liam.

"Well, it shouldn't be, this business trip." I put the word in air quotations since I didn't really count it as that. "Will also be a little vacation, have you ever been on vacation?" It really shouldn't have been a question since he was filthy rich.

"No." My lips fell into a straight line.

"Mon Dieu, what am I going to do with you?" I sighed. "Well we'll go on mini trip while we're in each country, like see the Eiffel Tower when we go to France." I clapped. He watched me in thought then shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay." A smile formed on my lips as I saw his approval.

"Bon, I'm going to teach you how to be normal." I claimed my non official promise to him that I was adamant on keeping. I glanced down at my watch seeing it just turned six. "Is there any food in the pantry, does this place come with food?" I was about to scoot out into the kitchen until he stopped me.

"No food, but free buffet downstairs." When he said buffet my eyes lit up in excitement.

"Hurry up then, I wanna eat." I quickly slid into by sandals shuffling to the door with my phone in hand. A few minutes passed by before Liam finally strolled out the room wearing a short sleeve button up with kakis.

"Thanks for making me look like a hobo." I frowned sliding down my shades from my head.

"You're welcome." I flipped him off before exiting out of the room- apartment. We strolled into the elevator pressing the first floor.

Silence invaded the small box as I watched the numbers decrease with each floor. After the good thirty second of silence the doors opened letting us out of the tight area. I followed Liam from behind since I had no clue where to go. To be honest I slightly checked out his butt in the kakis.

"I can feel you staring." Embarrassment flooded me as he said those words. I didn't think he would notice.

"I wasn't." I responded looking away from him.

"Yes you were."

"Oh look the buffet." I quickly changed the subject not wanting to drown in my embarrassment for much longer. I chose a booth near a corner and promptly sat down. It wasn't too crowded, it was a little chatter but not too much. Liam finally caught up looking at me with an arched eyebrow.

"You're supposed to get your food first." He jutted his thumb behind him.

"Yeah, right." I got back up. Before I could walk past him he grabbed my arm.

"You know it's alright if you stared?"suggestion danced in his eyes and my eyes narrowed slightly, I then nodded my head. He lifted up his chin up in doubt but let me go regardless. I scooted myself over to the buffet line. The aroma flooded my nostrils and I licked my lips in anticipation. I stacked as much food as I could on what I saw was appetizing.

"Isn't that a little much, Azalea?" He watched as I stacked two croissants on my already full plate.

"Liam, I'm going to eat this all." I waved over my pile of steaming food. I glanced over to his wimpy plate of an omelet and toast.

"That's pathetic." I said shaming his boring plate.

"I need to keep myself in shape." He told me as we walked back over to our booth. My face scrunched up in distaste.

"I bet you my whole bank account that you can eat whatever you want, and burn it off in the next hour." I rolled my eyes then stuffed half a pancake into my mouth.

"I was actually overweight as a child." I paused my chewing at the word overweight. He was chubby as a kid?

"You're kidding?" I sat there stunned. "Let me see a photo." He looked at me as his face turned into a soured one.





"No." It went on, but I was more stubborn than he was because he gave up snatching his phone out of his pocket. I bounced in my seat happily bathing in my victory. He handed me his phone and I had to fight off a snort when I saw the picture.

"Mon dieu, you were adorable!" I squealed seeing his what looked like to be his ten year old self standing there next to a younger Mrs. Walker smiling like a goof. "Where did your smile go? You looked so happy."

"She made me a custom apron and name tag. The woman fattened me up and I had to burn it off in my teen years." I giggled. He did have little embroidered apron on with his name tag. I tilted my head to the side a bit looking at the name tag closer. The name on his tag wasn't his last or first name, that I knew of. I zoomed into it seeing a different name.

"Vincent?" I handed back his phone. His eyes snapped back to me. He looked somewhat panicked about me knowing.

"It was someone else's tag." He quickly explained. A small laugh came out and I shook my head at his poor excuse.

"You told me the apron and name tag was custom made." A huge smile was plastered across my face. "What I'm putting together is that Liam, is your middle name and your real one is Vincent." He groaned putting his head into his hands.

"I don't like it." He sighed sitting back up frowning. I shrugged looking back up mischievously.

"I think it's cute, Vince." I smirked as he glared at me.

"Don't call me that." His frown went deeper.

"Has anyone called you that?"


"Vince it is." My smile spread wider across my face. He gave me a blank look before finishing his plate. I wasn't finished, only half way through the mountain. I felt his heated stare and I looked up while slurping down my eggs.

"What-" I swallowed the rest of the food in my mouth.

"How can you fit all of that food down?" He looked with slight awe and I chuckled.

"If you haven't noticed I'm not super thin. I think it goes into my thighs." I patted them. I finally got through the whole plate satisfied. I rubbed my stomach with content.

"That was nice." I sighed.

"Yeah now we have to go to the shoot remember?" I groaned slumping into my seat.

"I hate you." I muttered sliding out of the booth.

"The car is up front." He ignored my last comment getting out of the booth. We headed to the front and found the black SUV waiting for us. I started to miss driving myself after all these rides. I missed my own car. I climbed in with Vince following behind.

It took about thirty minutes to get to the building, it was hard to read the markers since all of them were in Spanish. I hopped out shutting the door behind me taking in the building. It was pretty simple compared to the others I've been to lately.

We entered the glass doors and and immediately someone guided us to a huge studio room filled with clothes and a area for the photo shoot.

"Woah." I gazed at the bright lights and cameras. The background color was a neutral grey.

A short man, around my height strutted towards us with a clipboard in hand. He was dressed in a vest with a white shirt underneath and dress pants.

"Welcome Mr. Valerian and Ms. Travers The CEO of Daz will be meeting you in Italy, so she entrusted me, Jason Davis to direct and shoot you." He gave us a tight lipped smile after his little speech. He seemed so confident which I respected. I smiled back, but Vince still remained blank.

"Thank you Mr. Davis, that's good to know." He looked at me then his eyes shifted to Vince, fear sparked in his eyes and I mentally slapped myself.

I nudged his arm for his attention. He looked down at me and arched his eyebrow. Boredom danced in his eyes which frustrated me more. I slightly tilted my head to the photographer indicating to actually talk. He looked over to him and Mr. Davis shrunk back.

"Where do we start." I rubbed my hand down my face baffled.

"Y-yes the team will get you two ready." He squeaked before leading us over to chairs. The chairs reminded me director chairs for shooting movies. It had our names sewn into the seats.

I plopped into mine and two girls scurried to me. The set down a huge box filled with makeup and hair products. The make up made me nervous just looking at it.

"I-I'm not really a make up person." I nervously laughed looking at the skin toned liquids.

"Don't worry Miss Travers, I'll make it beautiful." The brunette assured me.

"Yeah, but-" My skin literally could not handle make up, I break out too easily.

"I got this." She smiled tightly and I shut my mouth.

"Listen to her." The cold tone was toward the girl in front of me. She flinched snapping her head towards him.

"Y-yes sir." She looked back waiting for me to say something. I then proceeded to explain my problem then we spoke about how she could work around it. I apologized for Vincent's actions before I even started our conversation.

The other girl, she was my color with braids down to her back. She wanted to keep my curls for the first part of the photo shoot. I didn't really mind, so I let her at it. After she signed my curls more she clips my front part with light grey barrettes. I learned both of their names as it took an hour for them to work on me. The make girl is Macy and the hairdresser is Marcy, which I thought was funny.

After they were done I looked in the mirror and eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Do you see this?" I turned to Vince pointing towards my head. He turned to me with his curls defined to, with some handing over his forehead. He looked at me and his eyes widened a sliver before returning back.

"You look nice." Someone handed him an outfit to change into then to me. I looked over the sparkling white body suit and white pant.

"Dazzling." I absently said sliding of the chair. A guy guided me to my changing room for me to change. I slipped on the outfit then checked myself out. I didn't look half bad, but my pant did go a little farther than my feet. I walked out with the pants flipping on my feet.

I heard a soft chuckle and my eyes snapped to the sound. Vince stood there in a white suit with a sparkling silver tie. He looked over my frame then crossed his arms.

"You're so short." I glared at him as a lady walked over with a pair of silver high heels. I thanked her slipping on the shoes making the pant bottoms look better and lifted it off the ground.

"Shut up." Someone came over to take out my earrings replacing them with pearls. I've never felt so high maintenance before, and I didn't like it. The Macy came back to reapply the tinted lipgloss before someone else led me to the set up with Vince.

A stool was placed in the middle of it and I stood there confused. Mr. Davis came out still with a clipboard.

"All right, now I want Mr. Valerian to sit on the stool." As long as I knew Vince, I know he hates being told what to do. A scowl formed on his face towards Mr. Davis. He raised his hand in surrender before smiling nervously.

"Or do whatever you want, it's your choice." He quickly said shuffling to the camera.

I mouth remember a sorry before Vince grabbed my hand making me follow him to the stool. He sat in it then pulled me in between his legs, but I was still standing. He placed his head on my right shoulder for a pose. I stood there awkwardly, with no idea what to do, I smiled.

"Don't smile." He whispered. I dropped my smile still confused. "Just relax yourself and go with it." I rolled my eyes before relaxing and hearing the camera shutter. I leaned back into his chest and his tilted his head to rest on the side of my face. Suddenly Vince got off the stool and someone ran to pick it up. He turned me so we were chest to chest. I placed my head onto his chest and parted my lips looking into the camera.

"You're becoming a natural." I lifted my head to meet his eyes.

"Becoming, I am a natural." I smiled, a small one formed on his lips.

"That was beautiful. We got enough with these outfits, next!" Everyone started to move again. I was pulled away and handed another set of clothes. I changed into them and it was a sparkly pale pink one shoulder bandage dress paired with white heels. The hairdresser pulled my hair into a classy bun and clipped sparkly clips into my hair.

I went out to see Vince wearing the same colored vest with a button up white shirt under it paired with white pants. I thought it looked tacky.

"That looks tacky." I voiced my thought. Everyone paused after I said it and everything went silent. My eyes widened in fear and I gulped. A few seconds past by, still silent. I immediately regretted saying that.

"Tacky!" Someone yelled and everyone moved faster. I was given another set and I moved back into the dressing room. I didn't know they cared about my opinion so much.
This time I was given a sparkly golden backless dress paired with black strapped heels. I hummed in content exiting out of the room. The same girl who took my earrings took out the pearls and changed them into hoops. Then placed silver necklace around my neck.

"I feel like I'm going to a party." I smoothed out the well made dress walking towards Vince. He was dressed better this time with a black suit and his under shirt unbuttoned one third of the way. The stool came back and he told me to sit on it. I slid up on it and crossed my leg over the other one. Another half hour passed and I was getting tired.

"One more set and you done, darling hold on for me." Davis assured. I nodded in acknowledgment stretching. Next outfit was a black high neck ruched satin dress paired with nude stilettos. My earrings were changed into dangling crystal ones and my necklace was taken off. I was zipped up and ready to go.

Lucky for Vince he didn't have to change. My face and hair was touched up before I went any further.

"Look at you with you Entourage, maybe we should hire some for you." I sighed looking at him tiredly.

"I am good." I placed my hands in front for more emphasis. He strolled over to me with his hands in  his pocket. I looked down at my dress and smirked at him.

"Two can play this game." I slid my hands into my own pockets that were made in the satin dress. He narrowed his eyes as did I.

"You're tired." He stated the obvious.

"I know, I could literally go to sleep in this dress it's so silky." I heard low laughs and I softly laughed with them. He took a step nearer, with me still standing there. He slowly leaned down and landed a kiss on my forehead.

"Didn't know it did that." I said under my breath for him to hear. He rolled his eyes straightening up ready to take more pictures. I readied myself holding his hands.

After it was finally over I was drained. They gifted me a Daz shirt and leggings I happily changed into instead of my jeans.

"See you guys." I waved at the team before leaving the room. "That was eventful." I commented as we exited the building.

"You mean tiring." He said opening the door of the car.

"That too, but the experience was over all good." I flashed a lazy smile slumping into the SUV. I leaned my head against the window watching the other cars speed by.

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