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By loverofyours_

28.3K 603 159

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370 5 5
By loverofyours_

Been away for a bit, now I'm here again. This is a story about Zion and Austin which is completely fictional. Hope you enjoy🖤

"We are here today with the boys from Prettymuch", the interviewer exclaimed and looked at the boys. "Thank you for coming in today boys,", she said. "We're going to play a round of truth and truth and then we'll talk about your new ITNL: EP. Who wanna start?", she asked. "I'll take one,", Nick said and raised his hand.

He fumbled with his hand down the glass and when he finally found one, he took it out. "Who's your best friend in the band", he read. "Oh, that would be hard. All of them are my brother's but you know you always have a favourite sibling. I'd choose Brandon", Nick said and Brandon smiled.

"Why Brandon?", the interviewer asked since it was her job. "He was the nicest to me because I was really shy so I guess a friendship blossomed out of that", Nick responded. "I'll go next,", Brandon said and dug his hand down in the jar. He pulled the paper out and read it. "Who's the best dancer in the band?", he read out loud.

"I guess I'll give that one to Nick. He's probably my motivation to become a better dancer all the time so, yeah Nick", he said and Nick patted him on the back as a thank you. "Edwin, why don't you go? I see you've guys made a pattern", the interviewer said and Edwin nodded. He pulled out a piece of paper and read it out loud.

"What was the last thing you searched on your phone?", he read. "Well, the last thing I searched on my phone was ITNL: EP, search it up guys,", Edwin said and smirked at the camera. "Self-promoting I see", the interviewer joked. "Always", Edwin joked with her. "Then it's Austin's turn,", the interviewer said and smiled at him.

She had also been flirting with him before they started the camera and Zion was about to be really jealous. No one would get away with flirting with his boyfriend. Even if they weren't out yet, because of the management he could still show or tell that Austin was taken. He just didn't have to say by who.

"Who in the room would you make out with?", Austin read from his paper. "Uh, the girls in this room or the boys?", Austin asked feeling uncomfortable. "That kinda shifts with what sexuality you are?", she asked trying to get if Austin could ever be interested in her. She shifted a little so you could see her boobs on full display. 

Austin looked over at management who was doing all these different signs to tell him not to tell anyone that he was gay. Then he looked over at Zion who was looking really madly at the interviewer. He took a deep breath and exhaled again. He looked at the interviewer and then answered. "I'm gay, so I'll just say the boy I want to make out with,", he said.

The interviewer's face fell but she had to do her job. "So who do you wanna make out with the most?", she asked, not so jolly anymore. "It's easy, Zion,", Austin said and turned around to smile at him. Zion smiled back even though he was still shocked Austin just came out.

"Well, after that shocking answer it's Zion's turn,", the interviewer asked and glared at Zion.  He took a paper and read first in his head, then out loud. "Oh, I think a dare snuck in this jar. Go around the room and say one positive and one negative thing about each person", Zion read. "I guess you gotta do it,", the interviewer said.

Zion started with Nick. "He's a good dancer and a really good friend. The negative thing, he's too clean for my liking. That's why we don't share a room and Edwin's stuck with him", he said. He then went over to Brandon. "He's really fucking good at anything to do with music. He will do everything in one day if you tell him to. Negative thing, he's too much of a workaholic", Zion said.

He then moved on to Edwin. "He's really good at giving advice. I don't know how he does it but he's also ready to help. Negative thing is that he's too fucking annoying sometimes", he said. Then came second last, Austin. "Everything. Everything's a positive thing about him and there's not any negative things. Not at all", he said and took his time before walking over to the interviewer.

"She's really good at her job and the negative thing is, she won't stop flirting with my boyfriend and it's really starting to annoy me,", he said and sat down on his stool again. "Did we just discover a secret?", the interviewer asked. "What do you mean by that?", Brandon asked. "Are Zion and Austin in a relationship?", she asked.

"Yes, we are. We couldn't say anything about it because our management thought it was a bad idea, but I'm tired of hiding my love for Zion away. He's my boyfriend and I love him to the moon and back. We're really sorry that we lied to you beanz, but not anymore. All cards are laid down on the table. Bare for your eyes to see. If you support us, then thank you so much. If you don't then please keep your opinions to yourself. I just wanna be happy with my boyfriend" Austin said.

Zion kissed his cheek and smiled at him. 

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