The Originals: Bad Blood (Alt...

By TSPking1994

2.9K 73 12

Klaus Mikaelson had never lived without his siblings for a 1000 years even when he had daggered them and stas... More

Episode 1 - Bad Blood: Before and After
Episode 2 - Family Reunion
Episode 3 - Mother Knows Best
Episode 4 - Henrik Mikaelson
Episode 5 - A Mikaelson Family Christmas
Episode 6 - From Here to Hell Town (1/2)
Episode 7 - From Here to Hell Town (2/2)
Episode 9 - 731 Days
Episode 10 - Previously on The Originals (Season Finale)

Episode 8 - Legacies: Blood of our Blood

176 8 2
By TSPking1994

Warnings: I do not own the original content to "The Originals", "The Vampire Diaries" or "Legacies" or any of the characters from the television shows.

15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture, M/M, F/M, F/F.

It had been two years since the events of "From Here to Hell Town" and a lot had changed over that course of time especially for Hope Mikaelson who had spent the last two years training as a wolf, a hunter and a witch at the Salvatore Boarding School with the help of her aunt Davina Claire-Mikaelson who was the Magics teacher at the school and her uncle Kol Mikaelson who reluctantly joined the school to teach the young vampire students after being convinced by his wife.

She also had the expertise of vampire hunter Alaric Saltzman who was the headmaster at the school and the guidance from vice headmistress and guidance counselor Caroline Forbes-Salvatore who often helped Hope to try to have more of a life outside of the school despite Hope's protests.

Hope's relationship with her mother Hayley Marshall remained as strong as ever with Hayley visiting often when she could get breaks from ruling the city of New Orleans but her relationship with her father Klaus Mikaelson had once again become strained. Klaus' visits to the boarding school had became fewer and farther between over the course of these two years which were a relief to many attending Salvatore Boarding School but a cause of pain for Hope even though she knew her father was doing everything he could to find a way to free her aunt Rebekah from Helton better known as Hell Town.

So, Hope dedicated herself to the school and becoming the best of the best so she could one day help her father reunite with his sister and break her free from her cruel fate which had happened by her own doing.

Hope found herself running in the woods of Mystic Falls turning into a grey werewolf effortlessly during mid run before the wolf in her began running faster and faster through the woods of Mystic Falls before the ground beneath her swallowed her and she found herself falling through the dirt before crashing into an underground cave.

Hope woke up naked within the underground cave and eager to find something to clothe her started chanting something in Croatian until a ball of light appeared above her showing the underground cave to have nothing in it but a ancient cloth covering a coffin which Hope quickly wrapped round her to cover her modesty.

She found herself enchanted by this centuries old coffin with the initials S.S marked into it as she wondered why a coffin would be abandoned here by itself before noticing how she could smell something inside of it which made her grow more curious as anything other than bone should've rotted away centuries ago.

She was hesitant for a moment before deciding to open it shocked to find a desiccated male vampire with dark hair inside the coffin wearing clothing fitting of many centuries before.

"Just my luck to stumble upon a coffin while running." Hope moaned as she found herself still memorized by this beautiful lifeless man. "I guess I should probably get you to the school and see what Alaric and Caroline make of you."

"Oh my god my life is ruined!" Lizzie Saltzman moaned aloud while looking in the mirror in her joined bedroom with her twin sister Josie within Salvatore boarding school as she wore a plain white satin dress which she was clearly not amused with.

"Lizzie I'm sure you will find the perfect dress in time for our sweet 16." Josie said with a smirk while sitting on the edge of her bed clearly amused by her sister's dramatics.

"That's okay for you to say your not painfully single for you own sweet 16 although I'd rather be single than dating that she bitch Penelope Park." Lizzie replied while her white satin dress changed its color to red.

"She's not a bitch Lizzie she's just headstrong." Josie snapped back at her sister as she stood up from the bed. "Besides she broke up with me last night."

"Hold up that little slut thinks she can break up with my sister I think not." Lizzie declared while turning to face Josie. "Did she cheat on you? She did, didn't she? Don't worry Josie I'll give her the worst case of magical crabs anyone's ever heard of."

"She didn't cheat on me she found out about my feelings for Hope." Josie responded with a sad sigh.

"Seriously? You're still crushing hard on Hope after all these years?" Lizzie asked. "Ironic how her father chased after our mother for years and now your chasing after her."

"I am on the verge of moving on from my stupid childhood crush but it sure doesn't help when girlfriends go snooping into my diary." Josie moaned.

"The she devil herself broke into your diary what a complete and utter bitch." Lizzie replied. "That's a serious betrayal of trust."

The twins' conversation was quickly interrupted by a knock on the door before the door opened to reveal Hope standing in their doorway.

"Hope Mikaelson as I live and breathe, we were just so happening to be discussing you well you and other monstrous annoyances in my life." Lizzie snapped at her clearly not happy to see the Tribrid.

"Nice to see you too Lizzie." Hope replied sarcastically.

"Sorry about Lizzie she's just annoyed because the white blushed her out and the red will never be allowed." Josie apologised for her sister who looked at her with a huffy expression making it clear she wasn't happy her twin was apologizing for her.

"I need your guys help shifting something." Hope told them both.

"And please tell us why we would ever consider helping you?" Lizzie asked as her dress changed color once more, this time to black. "Now black is a color that suits my bitchy heart."

"I need help shifting a body." Hope revealed.

"Oh, count me in!" Lizzie replied with excitement in her voice.

"Really, Lizzie?" Josie said to her twin unimpressed with Lizzie's excitement.

"Well I'm already dressed for drama and what's more dramatic than Hope killing again." Lizzie said to Josie.

"I didn't kill this one thank you very much I just found it in the woods." Hope told her stating her innocence.

"As statements go that one's pretty weak even for you." Lizzie replied while rolling her eyes at the youngest member of the Mikaelson family.

"Look are you guys going to help me or not?" Hope asked them.

"Of course," Josie replied with a smile. "This body it isn't somebody we know is it?"

"No," Hope laughed. "Although he's somebody we may want to know."

"Oh my god my babies' sweet sixteenth is going to be totally ruined!" Caroline said with a gasp after being told Penelope had broken up with her daughter Josie after learning about her feelings for Hope.

Penelope Park sat across from Caroline's desk in Caroline's office giving the vice headmistress an annoyed look making it clear through her facial expressions that she was far from impressed by Caroline's reaction to her news.

"Sorry," Caroline replied with a sigh. "I can't begin to imagine what you must be feeling right now. Emotions are heightened are your age trust me I know that far too well and maybe Josie's crush on Hope is just that."

"Yeah I think it's more than a crush," Penelope responded with an eye roll. "I'm sure you can understand why I won't be at the part tonight."

"Of course, but if you change your mind the party is open to all Salvatore Boarding School students not just the ones dating or friends with my daughters. I'd hate for you to miss out on a party over a heartbreak and when it's a party I'm planning it's bound to be spectacular." Caroline advised Penelope as Penelope stood up from her chair.

"Yeah thanks but no thanks Mrs Forbes-Salvatore." Penelope replied before walking out of Caroline's door just as Alaric stormed in past her holding an envelope and looking far from impressed.

"Please tell me this is some kind of joke!" Alaric shouted while waving the envelope about in the air.

"I guess you got Klaus' RSVP then." Caroline said with a sigh as she stood up from her chair.

"Why the hell is Klaus invited to my daughters' sixteenth birthday parties?" Alaric asked clearly furious by the thought of Klaus being at his twin girls' birthday.

"It was your idea to invite all students and their parents to this party so that no student felt left out was it not?" Caroline snapped back at him. "Last time I checked Hope Mikaelson was still very much a student your favorite student I may add and last time I checked both Hayley Marshall and Klaus Mikaelson were her parents."

"She's not my favorite student," Alaric scoffed fooling to convince himself or Caroline. "I don't have favorites."

"I invited Hayley and Klaus with no belief that Klaus would even come however it's Hayley who's busy with affairs in New Orleans." Caroline explained to Alaric. "Bonnie's too busy to even be here and don't get me started on Damon and Elena choosing now of all times to go on holiday with little Stefanie."

"Most of our students that know about the Mikaelson's are terrified of them it's been hard enough keeping Hope in this school because of her association to them and now you want to bring the worst one to our daughters' birthday." Alaric moaned.

"Hope is a good kid and an excellent student you tell me this all the time so her parentage shouldn't be an issue. As for the other students I'll make damn sure that Klaus is on his best behavior I'm certain he won't do anything Klaus like with his daughter around." Caroline told Alaric.

"You're right." Alaric sighed. "Klaus is Hope's father whether I like it or not, but I swear to god if he puts one foot wrong..."

"I'll make sure that he doesn't." Caroline promised.

"What was Penelope doing in here anyway?" Alaric asked.

"It's seems Josie's still very much infatuated with Hope so much so that her and Penelope have broken up." Caroline revealed before going on to say. "Is it awful that I wish this drama unfolded after their party?"

"No Caroline it's not awful." Alaric smiled before walking over to her and giving her a hug. "What's awful is the thought our baby girl could marry into the Mikaelson family and I can't even stop it because the Mikaelson in question is a great kid."

"Their teenagers one of which is only recently single let's not marry anyone off just yet." Caroline laughed while continuing to hug Alaric.

Hope, Lizzie and Josie were walking through the woods of Mystic Falls eager to relocate the spot which Hope discovered a mysterious tall dark and handsome not to mention desiccated vampire man.

"I'm not assigning any blame here but I'm just saying if you did let your murderous nature take over once again, I mean dad already covered up your last kill." Lizzie said to Hope as the three girls continued looking through the woods.

"Lizzie would you please just stop calling Hope a murderer already and actually be helpful." Josie snapped at her twin.

"Trust you to stick up for her I guess sisters mean absolutely nothing when it comes to the girl you've been crushing on most of your life." Lizzie snapped back at her sister not realizing the extent of what she said until it was too late.

"You have a crush on me?" Hope asked Josie with a soft smile making it clear she was flattered as the three girls stopped walking.

"Of course, I do," Josie replied reluctantly. "Who wouldn't?"

"Guys I think I just found the spot, thank god." Lizzie revealed while pointing over to a large hole in the ground. "Now please remind me Hope why your wolf senses didn't pick up on this way sooner?"

"Who says they didn't?" Hope replied with a sarcastic smile before a look of worry became clear on her face. "Oh no, Alaric and Caroline are going to totally suspend me."

Hope, Josie and Lizzie rushed over to the hole in the ground before looking at each other as if to signal one of them to go first.

"Normally I'm all for going headfirst into danger but dirty underground caves is where I draw the line." Lizzie stated to them both.

"Very well just be ready to pull the coffin up when you see it." Hope said before jumping down into the underground cave.

"I'm so sorry Josie I never meant to let that slip but hey I've kept that secret for like years now can't a girl get some recognition for that?" Lizzie attempted to apologize only for Josie to give her a furious stare before jumping into the underground cave after Hope. "Fine then but if you get a date for your sweet sixteenth because of my blubbering mouth I'm going to be the one pissed at you!"

Caroline walked into the front foyer of Salvatore Boarding School looking around as her students passed her by before she felt a gush of wind on her neck as Klaus vamp sped his way over to be by her side.

"I must say this place is rather impressive, but I've come to expect nothing less from you Caroline." Klaus said to her. "However, inviting me to your daughters' sixteenth was quite the shock I must admit."

"I didn't just invite you I invited all my students' parents." Caroline replied as she turned to face him. "You just happened to be amongst the parents who said yes."

"Ouch considered me deeply wounded by your words." Klaus responded with a sarcastic smile. "Can I presume a woman as wonderful as you, already has herself a date?"

"You've got to be joking me," Caroline laughed. "You're here for less than two seconds and you're already asking me to be your date at my daughters' party."

"Now Caroline one does think a little too much of themselves I was simply inquiring about your life." Klaus replied. "I'm here for my daughter and perhaps a little help from my sister in law regarding a sister of mine who along with an entire town has vanished off the face of this earth."

"Oh, I heard about Rebekah," Caroline said with a sigh. "Bonnie filled me in on Hell Town, Malus witches and the return of your long-lost brother Henrik. I'm sorry things didn't work out better for everyone."

"Yes, well that's story is far from over yet despite giving my sister many reasons to abandon me she never gave up on me and now I refuse to give up on her." Klaus admitted to her.

"Well I hope Davina has some answers for you that neither Bonnie nor Freya could find." Caroline replied with a sincere smile. "I really do."

"Thanks." Klaus replied. "Now where is my darling daughter?"

Hope chanted in Croatian re-enacting the spell from earlier while standing in the underground cave with Josie before a ball of light hovered above them both only to expose an empty coffin and a different lifeless corpse lying next to it clearly having their blood drained from their neck.

"Okay so clearly leaving opened ground with a vampire unguarded was probably not my greatest idea." Hope stated while looking at the lifeless victim in front of her. "I guess we have another killer on the loose in Mystic Falls now."

"You're not a killer Hope what happened to MG was a terrible accident." Josie told her to ease Hope's conscience. "What happened to him could've happened to anyone."

"I know that I do but it doesn't help his ghost lurks around the school for some unexplained reason reminding me everyday that he's dead because of me." Hope replied with a sigh. "And it sure as hell doesn't help Lizzie declaring me a killer all over school."

"She's just being Lizzie nobody takes her seriously when she's being a bitch neither should you." Josie explained to her.

"Did I just hear my name?" Lizzie shouted from above them.

"You're right." Hope responded with a laugh before looking Josie up and down. "Do you really fancy me?"

"We should probably focus on the vampire running loose." Josie replied with a smirk.

"Okay but then we'll have a talk." Hope agreed.

Lizzie stood above the opened underground cave staring down to see nothing but darkness before a tall dark mysterious man vamp sped to appear on the other side of the hole knowing instantly he was the vampire in question noticing his medieval clothing which was now stained by fresh blood.

"If you think I'm another one of your snacks your going to be severely disappointed." Lizzie warned him before shouting. "Hope, Josie I found the vampire."

"Vampire is that what I am?" He asked her.

"I don't know what they called you back in your day but nowadays we call your kind vampires." Lizzie said to him while trying not to notice how handsome this deadly stranger was.

"You look familiar to me." The vampire said before vamp speeding over to Lizzie, so he was now standing next to her. "May I tell you you're quite the exquisite beauty?"

"Yes, you may," Lizzie replied with a smile before touching the vampire's chest and siphoning him "but this beauty doesn't come in snack form."

Lizzie lifted her hand chanting in Croatian magically snapping the vampire's neck as Hope climbed out of the underground cave pulling Josie up with her.

"Typical show up after the vampire's been dealt with." Lizzie snapped at them both. "Now can we ditch this guy in our dungeon and get back to preparing for the party?"

The doors of the Salvatore Boarding School swung open before the unconscious body of the vampire Lizzie had just taken down flew into the school his body hitting the ground harshly as Hope, Lizzie and Josie walked into the school grabbing the shocked attentions of the students the noise making Caroline and Klaus vamp speed in from different directions of the school.

"Girls, what is going on?" Caroline asked them.

"Dad," Hope said noticing her father. "I wasn't expecting you to be here."

"Clearly." Klaus replied with a smile.

"I was just minding my business when Hope came knocking on our door desperate for me to help her chase some boy." Lizzie explained to Caroline clearly ignoring Klaus' presence.

"Your chasing boys now?" Klaus asked Hope not amused with the prospect of his daughter dating.

"He's a vampire we found in some underground cave in the forests I wasn't chasing him because he's a boy I was hunting him just like the others." Hope admitted to her father.

"We were back up in the whole hunting shenanigans." Josie admitted to her mother.

"You girls aren't supposed to hunt your too young to be hunting anything let alone some random vampire." Caroline told all three girls.

"Weren't you and your friends trying to kill me at that age?" Klaus said while smiling at Caroline causing her to sigh once again.

"So, you're allowed to hunt original vampires, yet I'm not allowed to help out Hope." Lizzie moaned at her mother causing Klaus to laugh.

"Firstly, we never hunted them they hunted and tried to kill us." Caroline stated before smugly smiling at Klaus. "We just kept getting the better of them until they fled town."

"That's not quite how I remember it." Klaus replied.

"My point is, no hunting!" Caroline said while looking at all three girls. "Now put him in the dungeon before he wakes up and start getting ready for the party. I'll deal with the questioning."

Hope and Klaus walked into the Stefan Salvatore dedicated library within the school Hope looking clearly unimpressed with her father.

"So, suddenly you want back in my life?" Hope snapped at him. "I barely ever hear from you and now you want to attend a party at my school?"

"Hope I've always been in your life even when I haven't been around." Klaus replied wounded by his daughter's words. "You know I'm just doing everything I can to get Rebekah back I'm sorry that means I've not been around much."

"It's not my fault Aunt Rebekah's gone." Hope cried. "I just did what was asked of me I didn't know it would mean we'd lose her."

"Hope I have never once blamed you for Rebekah's situation." Klaus told his daughter before hugging her. "Rebekah knew the risk when she went back in none of this is on you."

"Then why does it feel like it's all my fault?" Hope asked as she hugged her father tighter. "I miss her so much!"

"I know," Klaus said while stroking his daughter's hair "I miss her too, but we will get her back that's why I'm here to see Davina."

"Dad, Davina doesn't know anymore than she did before." Hope replied while breaking off the hug. "Nobody seems to know anything about the kind of spell I used that day, nor does anyone know anything about Malus."

"That was before Freya finally got her act together and stepped out of her suburban life with Keelin and their twins Elijah and Nik." Klaus revealed.

"Aunt Freya has been working to find Aunt Rebekah just has hard as anyone else you can't argue her happiness with her wife and kids." Hope snapped at him. "What did she find out anyway?"

"The spell you cast though more ancient and complicated than most prison spells, was in fact a prison spell written by a witch within the Gemini Coven." Klaus admitted. "Which means a certain set of twins are more than likely the keys to getting Rebekah back."

Suddenly an arrow was launched into Klaus' chest causing him to scream in pain much to Hope's shock before falling to the ground revealing Alaric behind him holding the crossbow in which the arrow that wounded Klaus was fired.

"Really Mr Saltzman was that necessary?" Hope asked him.

Caroline stood in front of the gates within the dungeon underneath the Salvatore Boarding School looking over the unconscious vampire laying within the cage as his neck snapped back into place and he quickly rose to his feet.

"You clearly got unlucky when you came across my girls!" Caroline told him. "Now it's up to me to work out whether you deserved to be hunted by them and their friend or whether your confused and innocent."

"My name is Sebastian, I think." He replied.

"You think, how does somebody forget their own name?" Caroline asked him. "How long have you been down there?"

"Yes, my name is Sebastian, Sebastian Salvatore." He revealed much to Caroline's own horror.

"That's not possible Stefan never told me about any other vampires within his family." Caroline replied. "You're lying."

"Who the bloody hell is Stefan?" Sebastian asked making it clear he had no idea who Stefan Salvatore was.

"Caroline!" Alaric shouted from above her.

"Just great," Caroline sighed. "What has Klaus done now?"

"Release me now!" Sebastian demanded.

"I'll be back for you but first I have to deal with an original pain in my ass." Caroline told him.

"Well hurry back so you can explain to me why that witch looks so much like my Isobel." Sebastian revealed.

"Which witch?" Caroline asked.

"Blonde and very violent." Sebastian went on to say.

"That'll be my Lizzie," Caroline replied with a sly smile showing a sense of pride.

"She must be a Gemini witch then tell me does she know of the impending merge?" Sebastian asked her.

"What do you know about the merge?" Caroline quizzed him desperate for answers.

"Release me and find out." Sebastian replied with a wicked smile.

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