Among the Stars ✔️ [Completed...

By KateEmily789

162K 11.1K 3.6K

*** Spoiler Alert - This is book three in the trilogy, so please do not read below until you have read Out o... More

Quick Question...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Author's Note

Chapter 29

2.3K 172 65
By KateEmily789

"I'm so glad you changed your mind about driving today." I grin subtly. "This way we don't have to worry about finding somewhere to park on top of you worrying about being recognised!" I then smile towards Lawrence who beams back at me through the rear view mirror.

Daniel lifts his head up from his phone. "I know, I know!" He immediately lowers his head to type on his phone again.

"You OK?" I ask, wondering what's got him suddenly so distracted.

He rubs his hands through his wayward hair. "Just my mom... she says she can't understand why we didn't view that third house... she thinks it would be perfect for us. She's offered to view it for us."

I bite the inside of my cheek to stop a snide comment falling from my lips. "What did you say back to her?" I ask diplomatically.

He shrugs nonchalantly. "Just put that we didn't think it was right for us, and there are two other houses we really like... it's not really any of her business, so no, we don't want her to view it. I don't get why she's so worked up." He finishes typing before putting his phone away with a sigh.

Because she's a bitch, I almost say. "No idea." I imagine that Madison is fuming by Daniel's response which makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. "Anyway... do you still want to find out the sex of the babies?" I blatantly change the subject to the topic of conversation that hasn't really stopped all morning.

"I don't think your Mom would forgive us if we didn't!" His face softens at the memory of my mom's joyous reaction on FaceTime this morning at our intention to find out.

"Lawrence, did you find out with your girls?" I ask as I lean forward.

"No, not with any of them. There is something magical about meeting your baby for the first time and not knowing beforehand." He says simply, but through the rear view mirror I see the emotion in his expression.

I sit back in my seat pondering Lawrence's words.

"I hadn't thought of it like that." Daniel rubs his hands together rhythmically.

"We're here." Lawrence comments while indicating and stopping outside the hospital doors. Daniel places his baseball cap on his head, pulling it down firmly. "Just ring me when you're ready and I'll be here."

This time Daniel leads me through the hospital reception with ease. The lift is just as busy as the last time we were here, so we turn to ascend the stairs. Daniel smirks as he jogs up each flight of stairs, while I climb slower with each step.

"Dr. Isaac is waiting for you." The receptionist greets us warmly when we finally make it to the fourth floor.

Once we have said our hellos and Dr. Isaac has reviewed my notes, I lie back on the bed. Lifting my top, the familiar blob of cold jelly is placed on my ever expanding stomach. Daniel grips my hand firmly as Dr. Isaac places the ultrasound transducer on my stomach.

"OK... there is twin one..." he glides the transducer across my stomach so we can see the first baby. The outline becomes clearer as it wiggles and kicks on the screen. "And... here is twin two..." the second baby comes into focus as it too moves around the screen. I just lie back and watch them move in conjunction with a smile on my face. "I'm just going to take a few measurements, so I'll be quiet for a while. Nothing to worry about, I just need to concentrate."

I nod before turning to glance at Daniel. My heart flutters as I watch the way his eyes study the screen intently, absorbing every movement our babies make with a childish wonder.

"So, sixteen weeks and everything looks beautiful. Your bloods all look normal, and you have said you're feeling better physically. All good things! Now, I want to see you every four weeks from now on, just so I can make sure the babies are still happy. This is normal with twins and the closer we get to your due date, it's likely I'll want to see you much more regularly. The aim with twins is to keep them in there as long as possible, but once we get to about thirty-two weeks, they may have other ideas. So, it's best to review you as often as possible so there are no surprises!" He nods reassuringly. "My last question for today... do you want to know what you're having?"

Daniel unexpectedly pauses, and so do I. We look at each other with wide eyes unsure what to say now we're on the spot. Although it would be wonderful to be prepared, my heart says I don't want to know. "Team yellow?" I ask nervously.

Daniel's face breaks into an enormous smile, exposing his dimples. "Team yellow." He repeats before kissing my forehead. "No, thank you, Dr. Isaac. I think we would like to keep the surprise until we meet them in person."

"My lips are sealed." Dr. Isaac grins. "Please make the next appointment on the way out... four weeks."


Once we are back at home, I sit hunched over my handwritten list of pros and cons of both houses. The pros for both houses well outweigh the cons.

Daniel reaches across the dining table and takes the list from my fingers. "How long are these lists?" He laughs mischievously. "I swear nothing has really changed since the first list you wrote last night... you've just moved things around!"

"Shut up!" I bob my tongue out at him while reaching for the list, knowing he's right. Daniel effortlessly holds it away from my grip. "This is the biggest decision of our lives!"

"Lizzie, sweetheart! You need to stop working yourself up. It's not good for the babies. The biggest decision you ever made was finally agreeing to go on a date with me... with the exception of our children, everything after is just the small print." Daniel gently takes my chin in his hand, lifting it up so he can kiss me. "Tomorrow, we go back to both houses and then we see how we feel. OK? No pressure!"

I nod, leaning forward to kiss him again. This time his tongue grazes across my lower lip making me groan.

"As much as I'd love to have you right now, Oscar and Harriet will be here any minute." As if on command, the door knocks.

"Eurgh!" I moan dramatically. "I have needs, you know!"

"I think the whole street knows you have needs!" He winks devilishly before he bites the soft spot between my shoulder and my neck. Daniel playfully slaps my backside before he turns away from me. "Now, control yourself woman... I know you find me irresistible!"

Before I can respond with a sarcastic comment, he strides to the front door and warmly greets Oscar and Harriet.

With flushed cheeks, I make my way into the hallway. "Hi guys."

"Look at you, Lizzie! You look beautiful!" Harriet says as we embrace.

"Shit, Lizzie! Daniel wasn't joking... you're huge already!" He chuckles with an alarmed expression before I playfully swat his arm.

"Dinner should be ready in around half an hour. So, who wants a drink?" I ask turning back towards the kitchen. I reach into the wine cooler, and hold up a bottle of champagne. I also fetch two bottles of beer out of the fridge. Daniel kisses my temple before taking them from me, and handing one to Oscar.

"Oh, God! Yes please." Harriett responds while I open the bottle of champagne and begin to pour her a glass. "Isn't it killing you not drinking?" She asks as I place her glass before her.

"Erm..." I think carefully, and realise that no, I haven't particularly missed drinking. "Not really to be honest. I think because I know why I'm doing it. I've tried dry January in the past and lasted about three days, but this is so different." I can't help but grin while I poor myself an apple juice.

"I'm not sure I could... nine whole months!" Harriet grimaces painfully. "Anyway, how are things with you two? I hear the house hunt is going well?"

"Oh, Harriet. How did you adjust to the budget?" I whisper so the boys can't hear from over by the dining table.

"Honey... you just have to! I guess I just saw it as part of who Oscar is and that if I wanted things to progress between us then I had to accept that he could earn in a day what I could ever hope to earn in a year!" She steps forward and supportively rubs my arm. "Why? Is that what you're struggling with?" She's so close in front of me that the boys begin to watch us talk.

I nod. "Yeah, among other things!"

"What are you two gossiping about?" Oscar asks with a devious smirk.

"Nothing that concerns you two!" She chuckles, but leans into his arms

As they embrace, I notice the gold rings on both of their left hands. Shrieking excitedly, I grab hold of Daniel's arm. He looks at me like I've suddenly lost my mind. "Are you two married?" My voice is little more than a squeak. Daniel's eyes open wide in shock when he too notices the gold rings.

"Yes!" Harriet screams, making me scream and then do a little dance on the spot.

I practically lunge at her to give her a tight hug. "Where? When? Why didn't you tell us?"

She releases me, and I see Daniel and Oscar hug each other before Daniel slaps him affectionately on the back. We swap to allow me to kiss Oscar on the cheek while Daniel does the same with Harriet.

"We got married the day after your party in New York, so about a month ago now! Just us, with my agent and publicist as witnesses!" Harriet's smile is so wide, it covers most of her face.

"You sly fuckers! Why didn't you say? We could have stayed an extra day!" Daniel shakes his head in disbelief.

"Mate... we didn't know ourselves until after you'd left. Honestly though... we were talking about you two when we decided!" Oscar's tone becomes serious.

"Us?" I ask with my voice full of concern.

"Yeah... just what you've been through, what's happened to you and somehow you're stronger than ever! We agreed that you don't know what's round the corner or what could happen... all I know is I want to be with Harriet for the rest of my life! So, we got out of bed, flew to Las Vegas and got married!" Oscar kisses Harriet and my heart melts at the sight of how happy they are.

I cover my mouth with my hands, and desperately fight the tears that threaten to fall. "Please tell me it was an Elvis wedding?"

They both look at each other before bursting out laughing. "Yep!"

"You have to show us the photographs!" Daniel bellows with laughter as he pours two full glasses of champagne, followed by one for me with a small amount in the bottom. "Just to toast with." He whispers into my hair before returning his attention to our friends. "To Oscar and Harriet! Here is to a lifetime of happiness, health and love!"


Hey guys!

Happy new year 🎉

I'm so sorry for the slow updates, but I've had a lot on my plate! I promise I'll be back to updating more often and will be catching up with all of my reading too.

What did you think of this chapter?

I hope you enjoyed it and I would love to hear what you think.

Thank you for sticking with me and please tick the little star too. Love T x -

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