Time Bomb ♡Koli♡

By syko_lost_his_halo

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Kellin has a wishlist he's set on finishing with in a year... Be happy Experience Love Have a picnic in a fie... More

1. Pink
2. Black
3. Red
4. Blue
5. purple
6. Green
8. Gray
9. yellow
10. Rainbow
11. Orange
12. brown
13. scared
14. sleepy
15. carefree
16. cute
17. sadness
18. lovely (where i need to pick up on editing)
19. concern
20. relaxation and some tears
21. hope
22. hopeless
23. gems
24. invincible
25. baby blue
26. list
27. Red white and blue
28. second list
29. perfect
30. bittersweet
31. pastel pink
32. Alternative Ending

7. hot pink

187 20 112
By syko_lost_his_halo

Are you scared I'm going to reveal some kind or past trauma or make him (or oli) go through something horrible?

Or are you just happily ready this happy story?

Now are you nervous because I asked this?

I'm at the fair taking pictures of everything pink and let me tell you, it's a lot. Everybody here looks to be so happy and carefree.

I look at my parents that are holding hands. They love each other so much. I hope I get to experience that kind of life. Will I make it to my 40's and be able to say I've been with my husband for years and every year has been perfect?

I sure hope so...

"Honey, do you want to ride anything?" My mother asks nervously.

I look at all the scary rides and each one of them I can imagine a horrible scenario too. Anxiety builds up in the back of my throat and weaved into my soul. I shake my head no and take a picture of them.

They pose different ways as I take a few pictures and collect them all as they print out of my camera. I take pictures of everything pastel and or pink. After a while of walking around and taking pictures, I start to pout.

"I'm hot, tired, my throat hurts, I don't want to be here," I say as tears brim to my eyes. Sometimes my moods shift really fast. Then minutes ago I was happy and energetic but right now I feel like I might fall over and die.

"Oh dear, I told you this wasn't a good place to take him," my mother says and holds out her hand. I take it and she takes me back to the car and drives home. Once we are close to home and I see Drop Dead I tape my Dad's shoulder and point.

"You wanna go finish some of it?" He asks and I nod. My throat hurts too much to talk and they understand I get like this sometimes. He pulls over and I get out. I pout to our home and shoo him away.

"Bye kelly," my dad says and I wave them bye and go into the tattoo shop.

I go to Oli's 'office' station? I don't know, where he works. He looks at me and smiles. "Back for more?" He asks and winks at me. I smile but it doesn't reach my eyes. When I nod I go to the chair and he looks at me with a frown.

"You're quiet.. I don't know you but you seem upset. What happened, love?" He asks coming over next to me.

I shrug and he gets the equipment ready. "If you don't talk I'm going to assume your mad at me and that you're ignoring me," he says and I pout.

"M-my throat hu-rts," my voice cracks proving my point. He then touches my throat softly and then his hand is on my neck. I blush and look away as he stares into my soul.

"You're so soft," he says and I pout.

"Don't squeeze at a-all," I say knowing it will hurt even if it's soft.

"Oh, oops," he says pulling his hand away and blushing slightly. My heart races at how attractive that was. I pull down the pink fishnets I'm wearing and pull up my skirt on the tattoo side.

The does some stuff and then he's tattooing me. "Well since you're throat hurts and I work better when I'm commuting I'm just going to talk and ask yes or no questions so you won't have to talk," he says and since he's working on my thigh I don't have to lay down.

"Did you have fun today?" He asks and I pull out the pictures I took today and give than to him. He pauses on the tattoo and looks at them. Most are aesthetic pictures but I do have a lot of me smiling with my parents and a few pictures of me in the mirror being cute and confident.

He smiles at one and when I see which one I almost die. Some of these are from yesterday I guess because I didn't think that picture what In that pile.

I snatch it away blushing. My throat not longer hurts, maybe I don't care that it hurts. "Oh my god, I didn't think I had those pictures on me," I say taking the other pictures he has back because if this ones here that means the others are too.

"You are fucking gorgeous, let me see those," he says wanting the pictures back.

"But, um.." I say shyly.

"Are you completely naked in any?" He asks and I shake my head no.

"Then let me see, I'll give them back. I just want to see how aesthetic they are," he says and I pout.

"But.. I don't know you," I pout looking at them. None are too bad but it's embarrassing.

"You don't have to, it's not like I'm taking them home to jerk off to," he says and winks at me.

"I guess.." I say and he takes the pictures back.

I have five 'sexy' pictures of me in the twenty or so pictures of aesthetic stuff. He looks through them all and I blush heavily.

"These are all beautiful," he says handing me them back. I smile and put them in my camera bag.

"Thank you," I say and he starts tattooing me again.

He saw my pictures.. not I'm not exposing my private parts or anything but those pictures are definitely not something I go flashing around.

He called me beautiful...

Wellpppp, kellin must feel embarrassed and shy now XD

What do you think about Oli?

What vibe do you get from him?

What's the whole story's vibe?

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