I Am Your Teacher (Severus Sn...

By DorothyGale12

417K 16.1K 6.7K

#1 Severussnape March 17th 2019 #1 HarryPotter January 5th 2020 "Because what I want to do is wrong... and I... More

Let me Explain
William Potter
Professor Snape
A Happy Yellow
Knock It Off
Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
The Perfect Dress
Finding A Date
The Ball
Malfoy's Words
Cold Rays of Moonlight
It Doesn't Matter
The Black Envelope
Is This What You Want?
You Little...
Jealous, Potter?
I Understand
I'll See you Tomorrow
Just Two Weeks
The Twins
It's Pretty
What Does Gold Mean?
Christmas Morning
Fredrick Weasley
The Truth
Draco's Questions
Extremely Inappropriate
A Surprise
The Latte Boy
A Secluded Place
What's Wrong?
My Now, REAL Date
Should I Go?
You're Okay
I Love You
No Matter What
Graduation Plans
Now We're Even
You're Not Alone
I'm Happy For Him
I'm Here For You (Draco)
Look At Me (Draco)
Breaking (Draco)
Not Now... (Draco)
Mr. Malfoy (Draco)
"Nothing" (Draco)
It's Nice to Hear From You (Draco)
Now or Never (Draco)
How About This? (Draco)
Breakfast in Bed (Draco)
Cleansweep (Fred)
You Hungry? (Fred)
Spaghetti (Fred)
Hermione (Fred)
A Common Slu- (Fred)
Moving On (Fred)
His Red Sweater (Fred)
Ronald (Fred)
I Am Thankful (Fred)
I'll Try (Fred)
Steam (Fred)
I'm Gonna Need That In Writing (Fred)

Daisies (Draco)

757 37 9
By DorothyGale12

I walked out of the building after a long day at work. I felt a bit exhausted and overwhelmed by all the patients I had to assist today. Of course, I'm not complaining, I loved the career field I was choosing, it just proved to be a very stressful choice. As I turned the corner on my walk home I was met with a cleaned-up Draco Malfoy. His hair slicked back, a nice black jacket with a small handful of white daisies clutched in his palm. I couldn't help but instantly smile.

"What is this?" I asked while beaming. He handed me the small flowers as he linked his arm in my mind as he swept me away and continued my walk.

"I'm taking you to dinner." He stated formally as our steps fell to a matching rhythm beside each other.

"Like on a date?" I asked as a blush crept its way to my cheeks. I felt his arm tighten around mine as he smiled down at me.

"Yes (Y/n), on a date." He grinned as I couldn't hold in my excitement. I've never truly been on a 'real' date before. Fred didn't really count, mainley because of the way it had ended. And whenever Severus took me anywhere his main concern was someone would catch us together. Being with him, there was constant anxiety surronding us when ever he was near me. We couldnt go anywhere, or be seen together. Honestly, it was exhasting. Here, right now with Draco, I don't have a single thing to worry about. It's just us, going out... on a date. I looked down at my clothes, seeing the nursing scrubs I was wearing from work. Without another thought, I muttered a small enchantment that changed my clothes into a small elegant red dress. I felt Draco's eyes one me, my confidence rising by the second.

"Thought I should look as nice as you do," I said as Draco intertwines his hand with mine.

"You look beautiful (Y/n)." Then, not much longer Draco was leading me into a busy, fancy restaurant. I've never once stepped foot into a place where you had to make reservations to eat. The place was bustling with witches and wizards, all dress in a higher class fashion. For a moment I felt out of place until I remember who I was herewith. Of course, Draco was used to places like this. It's kind of weird seeing him outside of Hogwart and his home. It's like he leaks some type of elegance around himself. Something I only wished I did as easily. I sat down across from Draco as we ordered, our food appeared as we spoke our order. I stared at Draco as he cut into his steak, his eyes searching his plate as he seemed so content with where he was.

"What?" He smiled as he caught me staring.

"Nothing," I said quickly adverting my gaze to my food.

"Like what you see?" He joked as he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Yeah, I do," I said with a smile as his expression dropped for a moment, only to be replaced by pink cheeks.

"I'm not used to this quite yet." He said before chewing on his food.

"Use to what?"

"You actually showing interest in me. I feel like I've waited for this day for so long. I honestly never thought it was going to happen." He said as I took a sip of my drink. After I set down my glass, I rested my arm against the table and took his hand in mine.

"I'm sorry it took me so long," I said as he gently squeezed my fingers.

"Don't be. I would have waited an eternity."


We made our way home after dinner, as Draco walked me to my bedroom door. Our hands swayed together as we walked. When we finally reached my door, we stopped as he turned to face me.

"Wait... Draco?" I asked.


"Would you care if I-... stayed in your room tonight?" A devious smirk grew on his face as he cocked one of his eyebrows. I lightly smacked his shoulder as I laughed.

"Nothing like that, I just... I don't want to be away from you." Draco then wrapped his arm around me as he pulled me towards his room.

"Oh stop kidding yourself, you know you want me." He joked as I walked into his room, sitting on the softback comforter that covered his bed.

"Maybe," I said as a shocked expression appeared onto his face. I smacked his shoulder lightly, laughing as I pulled him onto the bed with me. I quickly cuddled into him as I ran my fingers through his blonde locks, combing out the gel he had placed in it.

"You are such a tease."

"Ew, no I'm not!" Draco slightly tickled me as I tried my best to push him away.

"Remember when everyone thought we were together? And you yelled in front of the entire school that you wanted to..."

"Shut up. We don't need to bring up one of my embarrassing moments." I poked his forehead, attempting to change the subject.

"Embarrassing? I look back quite fondly on that moment." He grinned at me. I forcefully rolled my eyes with a smile.

"Of course you do." He laughed as he turned to lay on his side, his head resting on his hand as he looked at me. His face then lost all of his silliness it once held. I could see a serious thought had passed him within the moment that was happening between us.

"I never want this to end (Y/n)" He whispered as his thumb gently rested against my ear.

"Then it doesn't have to," I whispered back as I let my lips softly connect to his.


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