I Am Your Teacher (Severus Sn...

By DorothyGale12

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#1 Severussnape March 17th 2019 #1 HarryPotter January 5th 2020 "Because what I want to do is wrong... and I... More

Let me Explain
William Potter
Professor Snape
A Happy Yellow
Knock It Off
Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
The Perfect Dress
Finding A Date
The Ball
Malfoy's Words
Cold Rays of Moonlight
It Doesn't Matter
The Black Envelope
Is This What You Want?
You Little...
Jealous, Potter?
I Understand
I'll See you Tomorrow
Just Two Weeks
The Twins
It's Pretty
What Does Gold Mean?
Christmas Morning
Fredrick Weasley
The Truth
Draco's Questions
Extremely Inappropriate
A Surprise
The Latte Boy
A Secluded Place
What's Wrong?
My Now, REAL Date
Should I Go?
You're Okay
I Love You
No Matter What
Graduation Plans
Now We're Even
You're Not Alone
I'm Happy For Him
I'm Here For You (Draco)
Look At Me (Draco)
Breaking (Draco)
Not Now... (Draco)
Mr. Malfoy (Draco)
"Nothing" (Draco)
It's Nice to Hear From You (Draco)
How About This? (Draco)
Daisies (Draco)
Breakfast in Bed (Draco)
Cleansweep (Fred)
You Hungry? (Fred)
Spaghetti (Fred)
Hermione (Fred)
A Common Slu- (Fred)
Moving On (Fred)
His Red Sweater (Fred)
Ronald (Fred)
I Am Thankful (Fred)
I'll Try (Fred)
Steam (Fred)
I'm Gonna Need That In Writing (Fred)

Now or Never (Draco)

817 40 3
By DorothyGale12


    It's nice to hear from you. I'm doing fine. How's the new promotion coming along? Everything you expected?"

Not even ten minutes later, I saw ink forming on the paper as the small ring on my finger began to glow an intense gold.

"It's going great actually... but I was wondering if I could ask you something?" My heart picked up pace as I read his message.

"Of course." My hand shook as I wrote.

"Why haven't you taken off your ring?" I thought for a moment? Why haven't I taken it off? I decided to answer honestly.

"I guess I forgot I was wearing it to be honest. I just kind of got used to it. What about you?" I asked.

"It's a nice reminder of you." A tight smile came to my lips. This felt weird talking to Severus again. It almost felt wrong in a way, I couldn't tell why. I didn't know what to reply back, so I didn't write anything for a few minutes. Instead I just sat there, running my fingers through my hair, wishing I could talk to Draco. Just wanting some kind of distraction away from this whole ordeal.

"Somethings wrong. Are you okay?" I read as the ink bleed through the pages.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I can just tell something bothering you. Is your healer training working out the way you wanted it to?"

"Yeah, it's just as amazing as I expected it to be." I answered.

"What about living with Draco?" Severus asked.

"It's alright."

"There it is. What's going on? You can talk to me (Y/n). We can still be friends you know. You can always talk to me about anything." This felt weird. Looking at Severus like he was my friend. Was he ever my friend? I don't think I ever once confided in him before. Looking back, it feels like our relationship was purely based on attraction. Perhaps it was a good thing it didn't work out the way we hoped it would.

"I don't know Severus. It feels too weird."

"Please. It's the least I can do." He wrote as I bit my nail for a moment.

"Okay. Well, It's just Draco has been acting differently towards me lately. He doesn't want to hang out with me anymore. And I don't understand because he's my bestfriend and he used to want to be around me all the time. I don't know, I'm starting to think about moving out." I sat for a while waiting for Severus to write back to me. We already have been writing each other for a few hours.

"Well, do you remember when he started acting differently towards you?" I thought back for a moment. Draco started acting differently that day he tried to kiss me. I feel like he has been avoiding me ever since.

"I really don't want to talk about this at the moment." I wrote simply, not wanting to tell the story of what happened. It was too uncomfortable. I heard a house elf knock on the door signaling dinner was finished. I decided not to attend dinner tonight. I lost my appetite awhile ago and at the moment I didn't feel like sitting through an awkward dinner with Draco.

"Did something happen between the two of you? I meant it when I said you could talk to me. Even if you are moving on, it's fine if you are. It's been months (Y/n)." My heart twisted a bit as I read his words. Not as much as I thought it would, it just felt weird knowing that's how he felt. Just a few short months ago he would have been so upset at the thought of Draco and I. And now it doesn't seem to phase him at all. You'd think that would hurt... but for some reason, it was almost comforting.

"Well, a few weeks ago he tried to kiss me."

"Tried?" He asked.

"I told him I wasn't ready. And ever since then he just seems off, like he's uncomfortable to be around me."

"He probably is uncomfortable to be around you."

"I don't understand why though? At the time I felt like I had just gotten out of a relationship. I wasn't ready to just move on. Especially with Draco. He's my best friend. You know that." I wrote honestly. If Severus really wanted to talk about this with me then I wasn't going to hold anything back. I needed a friend to talk to right now anyway. I needed an outside perspective of what to do. Cause I honestly don't know what it the right choice at the moment. To move out and give Draco as much space as possible or...? I don't really see another option at this point, but hopefully Severus can shed some light on that. His ink began to bleed through the pages again.

"Yes, I also know that the boy has been in love with you for a while now. You friend zoned him and turned him down several times (Y/n). He probably thinks he has lost his chance with you. And It's hard to spend time with you because of the feelings he has for you." I read carefully. I guess that made sense. I just don't see Draco being that way...

"You think so?" I asked.

"That's how I would feel if I was him." I thought for a moment as I re-read Severus's last paragraph.

"I don't know what to do?" I wrote.

"Do you like him?"

"Of course I do."

"No, (Y/n). I mean really like him."

"I really don't feel comfortable talking about this with you Severus." I didn't know what else to say. I do like Draco. I like him a lot. It just feels so wrong talking to him about all of this. He was always so worried about Draco and I, I really don't want to confirm his past concerns by telling him that.

"That was a clear yes. It's okay if you like him (Y/n). All I want is for you to be happy. And I think you should talk to him about it. Tell him how you feel. I'm sure it will make you both feel better. Even if I'm wrong about everything. I think if you talk to him you will know what decision to make." I guess he was right. I should just force Draco to talk to me. Yeah. I can do that... I think?

"Thank you, Severus." I wrote before closing my small notebook. As I set it inside my drawer I slipped off my gold ring and placed it on top. I really shouldn't be wearing that anymore. That part of my life is over and that's okay. I guess it's time to see what happens next. Not too long after I sat back down on my bed, I heard a knock at my door before it opened to reveal Draco. He was holding a tray carrying a bowl of soup, some sides and a drink.

"Hey, you didn't show at dinner so I figured you might be hungry." He said as he slid the trey over my lap.

"Thanks Draco." I said quietly as he turned to walk out of the room.

"Wait!... Do you mind... sitting with me for a while?" Without answering me, Draco turned around nodded slightly and sat on the edge of my bed. My heart started to beat in my chest. How was I going to explain how I felt? And how could I be sure Severus was right about the way Draco feels. Perhaps he has moved on from me the same way I have moved on from Severus. Though, I guess I will never know unless I talk to him. So... It's now or never it seems.


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