Dead Eye

By shachiseth

1K 183 137

What happens when you wake up some day and find out that there is no resemblance to yourself in your own head... More

Chapter 1 Beginning Or Semicolon
Chapter 2 Clues Or Puzzles
Chapter 3 Mistaken Identity
Chapter 4 Puzzles And Troubles
Chapter 5 Gratitude And Attack
Chapter 6 Merry Christmas
Chapter 7 Dream Or Memory Relapse
Chapter 8 Shocks n Surprises
Chapter 9 Messing Present
Chapter 10 To Believe Or Not To Believe
Chapter 11 First Mission
Chapter 12 Skeptical Decisions
Chapter 13 Big Bad Day
Chapter 14 Jealousy And Spying
Chapter 15 Betrayal?
Chapter 16 Fight For Freedom
Chapter 17 Fast N Furious or Speed
Chapter 18 Help From Friends?
Chapter 19 Funeral
Chapter 20 Alive And Breathing
Chapter 21 Wrong Side Of Bed
Chapter 22 Who Are You?
Chapter 23 Open Up
Chapter 24 Shelter Home
Chapter 25 Troubled Memories
Chapter 26 Plan To Avenge
Chapter 27 Being Played!
Chapter 29 Eiffel Tower Attack
Chapter 30 Different Person
Chapter 31 Friends With Benefits
Chapter 32 I Am Married
Chapter 33 Evidences in Bag
Chapter 34 Badass Cynthia!
Chapter 35 Tattoo And Its Mystery
Chapter 36 Peru Again!
Chapter 37 Dead or Alive?
Chapter 38 Get Set For Some Ass kicking
Chapter 39 The Big Attack
Chapter 40 Terrorist Attack
Chapter 41 Messenger Of Death
Chapter 42
Untitled Part 43 Not THE END

Chapter 28 Fighting Rink

15 3 1
By shachiseth

Chapter 28

Fighting Rink

"No they mean pure business" John could not ignore the adrenaline pumping in him. This was something he'd been doing since ages.

His hands tingled for a paper and pen.

"I want to solve this," he blurted out aloud.

"What?" Danny was upset "Is this a game or some math problem? You got to be kidding me."

"This is bull shit" he said irritated "they have fooled us. They are playing shit, some teenagers discussing video games.'

"What these are video games?" John asked sounding silly to his own ears. The things seemed vividly familiar "Do you have them in your phone?"

"Not all but couple of them" Danny shrugged.

"Give them to me" John said eagerly extending his hand for his phone.

"What?" Danny shrieked making John eye the place around. They did not want attention "in times like this you want to play?"

"Just give" John said and started playing the games one by one.

But after couple of games he could remember what other games were meant for.

'After all this time I should have tried self counseling' he thought to himself.

John started reading the mail sentence by sentence

"Mario brothers have three jabbers"

That would mean their gang might have three people or three guns.

"They'll pick the candies"

Candies could be children or guns.

"And deliver it to Pub. G"

"Now who would be Pub?" John wolf whistled thinking

"Or it could be a place?" Danny suggested, "some pub or something starting with name G" he air quoted his fingers "since the name of the game is Pub G

"That's a probability" John started moving the cursor on the screen, his brain working. "What is the full form of pub G?" John murmured as eh typed pubg on the google search window.

"PLAYER UNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUND" flashed on the screen and "Oh shit!" Danny said excited "this is club Battleground, a very famous club, a dark one though. They conduct illegal fights and is a famous for drug dealers. Do you think candies are drugs?"

"Where exactly is this place?" John asked "Drugs or humans they need to be grounded."

"how did you happen to know about this place?" John asked out of a sudden.

Danny was uncomfortable "Uh umm." Danny hesitated " I actually happened to go there to get drugs, my friend took me there."

"You do drugs?' john was very angry.

"Not very proud of it" Danny said softly "it was a one time thing. It was mom and dad's anniversary and he was behaving weird." Danny shuddered at the memory.

"And then?" John asked.

"Dad found the packet and he acted like he always did and made sure I stopped taking them in his own typical way." Danny said disappointed.

"That man earned a huge respect from me just now" he gave a crisp salute to his non-existent dad and then placed his hand on Danny's shoulder earning a glare from him.

"Back to work" John chuckled reading "Bubbles who will play pet rescue and reach Farm ville"

Now... I guess bubbles is code name of person who'll rescue or pick them and take them to Farm ville. What and where is farm ville?" he thought out loudly.

"A game duh" Danny answered still angry at John's stunt.

"Was it funny? Should I laugh?" John mocked at Danny.

Danny ignored John typing but when he did not get anything he said "it might be some village where farming is the chief occupation."

"And how many such villages to we have here?" John asked.

So Danny continued searching on villages near our areas.

Half way through his search John stopped him "wait this isn't ordinary village. Bubbles.. refers to water and farming in sea, oyster farming along with coast from where the humans would be trafficked out of the country." John was assessing in his own head when Danny shouted
"Holy shit! I just read it in papers, last year in our project."

"What did you read?" John asked.

"Nothing much but something about illegal immigration and stuff like that." He said, "I didn't do it seriously, simply copy and paste from a senior."

"Okay then we have our first chance in this pub and incase we fail our second opportunity would be the oyster farm." Danny concluded.

"Nay" John denied "we have to save them from Battle ground. If we fail they might change the second location or worst sensing the danger they might neutralize the hosts. So we have to be ready and waiting at the Battleground."

Adrenaline rush pumping in him Danny started reading himself further "also .. play... sniper3D"

"Its not important" John interrupted "it only means kill anyone who comes in your way"

"Really you cracked it already" Danny was awed wide eyed "it was that easypeasy?"

"No it wasn't" John smirked "I am that good"

"That's being cocky" Danny commented but nevertheless followed after John.


"Did you not seriously consider picking some guns or anything that could save our lives from your so called agency?" Danny asked when he saw two hulks fighting in the rink and others outside fighting each other with some relation to payment of the bet.

Apparently the favorite one had won and the organizer or the rookies were not ready to pay that huge amount to the betters so there was a squabble going on.

Considering the crowd were rowdy there were knives and guns involved too.

John and Danny kept a low profile slowly gulping the only can of beers that they could afford and observing the area waiting for the so-called Mario Brothers.

The squabble was interrupted when a huge giant like figure entered the fighting rink and the crowd started cheering him shouting his name "Jabber Jabber Jabber".

John noticed the giant fighter gesturing one of the rookies and the rookie went to work asking people to bet on him.

And as expected the giant aka Jabber lost miserably in first round when the rookie got his bets reduced.

John noticed a lot of scuffle in the office area and quickly left Danny on his own.

Danny was now lost watching the fight.

Apparently the guy who was knocking the giant fighter out attracted him a lot.

John followed where most of the workers went after the fight had started and were discreetly picking the children from the ambulance in which the kids had been transferred and taking them to a room.

It was dark and John wasn't sure if they were the same kids from the Shelter home yet he followed after them and waited till all the kids were transferred to the room and locked from outside.

John circumducted the room from outside and noticed that it had no windows and the room was sound proof.

He tried to break open the lock but it was too huge and too secured.

He thought of bringing a proficient key maker but it would be too late by then.

They were hurrying with the process

So John waited till he heard them saying "Feed the F##kers something or they'll die of hunger before they reach the actual destination."

John knew this was his only chance so he camouflaged under the stone and waited.

When a boy with huge boxes of MC Donalds came into view John stood straight.

The boy was too busy sipping his own cola so was taken off guard when John attacked him on the back of his neck.

John picked the keys from his pocket and opened the door.

Kids immediately recognized John and hugged his legs.

John hugged them back bending on his knees.

Kids were shouting and complaining but John hushed them immediately.

"Those kids are too loud" someone said the manager "Do you think we should go and check?"
"Nay" the other person denied who was busy playing the cards, did not want to break his winning edge "It would be happy meal, the f##kers are happy about their meal not knowing that this would probably their last meal. Let them squeak" he seemed drunk as he cursed "little F##kers"

"Listen kids" John pulled all the kids together "do you want to play a game?' he asked.

"No" a little girl probably five denied "I don't want to play" Lila said "I am scared and hungry"

John hugged her tightly.

"Wait a minute" John went out and brought the bag of food from where he had hit the guy unconscious and also made sure that the guy did not wake for another hour or so

"Here's food for you" he handed packets first to Lila and soon others too swarmed at him .

John's heart constricted for the hungry kids.

He wondered if anyone had yet noticed the absence of so many kids or they were given some false information about them.

Sure Sarah would have called if she'd found anything missing.

"Look children" John tried to grab the attention of munching children "we have to get out of here and soon. I don't know when the fuc... bad boys" he corrected himself immediately would be here. So will you be brave enough to help me and yourselves from bad people."

"I will help you" Lilac said and leapt to give a quick kiss on his cheeks.

John felt uncomfortable with the cheese filled kiss on his cheeks but maintained a smile on his face.

"I will also help you" another boy named Saraf said soon the rest three too came to kiss john with "Me too me too" in chorus.

Now John had ketchup, cheese, chocolate and probably mayo spread all over his face.

He was about to wipe it off with the back of his sleeve when someone from the door shouted "Who are you? Where is Tim?"
'Tim.. " John stammered for a bit, all the kids immediately tried to hide behind him "Tim went to pee." John said all of a sudden.

"Pee? And who are you?" the guy asked and came towards John

All the kids started screaming and holding John tightly

"Who are you?" he asked John again and realized that John was an intruder.

John immediately lifted his elbow towards his jaw and made him fall on the floor.

The guy stood up immediately and he now had a huge knife in his hand.

The kids screamed in fear.

Another guy came in asking "why are kids shouting so much Tim? Control them"

But when he found his man fighting hand to hand with John he joined in too.

John immediately went on full Hollywood Siver Stallone mode and kicked both the guys out.

The kids were scared but yet they held on to Johns trousers.

John took them with him to the ambulance in which they were driven there.

"Lie on the floor." He commanded "Lilac you are the leader what they call.. Monitor" he said calmly "Make sure no body talks or makes noises. I'll be back before you guys know and take you back. Okay?"

"Don't go" Lilac muttered slowly begging "Please"

"I will be back in no time" John convinced her "But remember you are the leader, you have to take charge and be brave"

"Okay" Lilac murmured softly and lied down on the floor "come soon" she said lifting her head from the floor, tears staining her cheeks.

John took a deep sigh "I will" he said looking into her yes and then at all the children who were lying helplessly on the floor.

"Where are al the children?" 'Where are the f##kers?"

"I told you this Tim is an idiot"

"but some one was there inside or did the two fight each other"

"I wouldn't know"

John ignored all the panic talks and went inside the club to get Danny.

To his shock Danny was inside the rink getting his ass kicked by some fighter, the crowd booing.

"what the f##K" John shouted before jumping into the rink himself.

"Go Run Danny " john shouted

Danny nodded but when he tried to jump from the rope of the rink but the giant Jabber lifted him from his waist and pulled him inside.

John simply nodded his head in disapproval.
"Fight with me" John took a fighting stance and teased Jabber by waving his hands to call him like one calls his pet. "Or are you scared of me pussy?"

Furious at John's antics Jabber threw Danny like he weighed nothing and went to attack John.

Jabber attacked John with his punch but John dodged easily, he tried again but missed and again and again but John was quick with his reflexes.

When the giant was on a low John took his chance and kicked him hard on his abdomen.

Jabber took a jab and bent for a second before getting up and punching John on the face.

John wasn't quick enough and took the blow falling on the floor.

Danny dropped in between John and Jabber and tried to hit Jabber by continuously hitting him on his abdomen but the giant didn't budge at all instead he kicked Danny so hard he fell out of the rink.

Worried about Danny John stood up to look at him but was immediately pulled back by Jabber.

Having no other way John took all the strength in him and started hitting Jabber till he was out of breath.

Jabber was however distracted when someone told something in his ears.
"Where the f##k did they go? What! You sissy guys can handle some five year olds. Son of .." and he marched out of the rink.

The crowd started getting furious at lack of proper fight or result but Jabber did not care and left the court.

Soon there were hassles in the club, people were yelling, screaming and throwing random things on the rink.

John quickly located Danny and ran out of the club towards the ambulance where all the kids were waiting for him.

But once he reached the parking he saw all the kids standing at the door looking out of the ambulance looking at John as the van moved away from him.

"Shit! They are abducted again....


Thank you so much if you have finished reading this part of the story.

a little incentive to vote for the story.

please press the STAR button to earn a dedication and lot of love by the author

special thanks to @MozibulMilon 


@Waghwani for their continuous and consistent support to the story

love you guys

Good bye and God bless xoxox

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