Man of Iron *HIATUS*

By RandomAnxiety

42.6K 1.2K 464

{SEQUEL OF MUTANT CHILD} Four years ago, the Tony Stark was made to babysit to control his inner ego. Now fou... More

|Funny Introduction|
|Author's Note|
Author Note [Mayde delete later]


1.6K 63 18
By RandomAnxiety

Police cars patrolled the streets of Queens, New York, looking for the recent prisoner that had escaped. A black van was parked in a dark alley, the van camouflaging with the alley, making it impossible to tell the vehicle was there.

Cop cars coming left and right, the owner of the van knew it was dangerous to go out there. "So, Darling, what's your plan?" Janet asked, glaring at William. Price entertainingly watched has the police passed them by. "Stupid cops!" He giggled, drinking a beer.

Aggravated, Donnelley threw a stick, which she had sneaking picked up off the side of the alley, at William. "Ouch!" William yelped, running the back of his head. "That hurt."

Janet rolled her eyes. "Stop being a big cry baby" she demanded. "Now, what's the plan?"

"What plan?" William asked, playing dumb. Donnelley, who was not in the right mood for someone to "play dumb" with her, rose her hand ready to slap the man in the driver seat, but Will put his hands up in surrender. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" He yelled to her, sounding scared.

Donnelley put her hand down, seeming unnervingly calm."Okay," she said, her tone sounding calm-ish. "What's the plan?"

Putting his hands down as well, William looked at Janet, who was in the back of the van. "My cousin as gave me permission to hide you in his laboratory until you can get another safe house" William explained. "Now, to catch the kids, we made a device that can disguise you to where you don't look familiar to them and their parents. You'll look like a regular, non-familiar lady."

Janet was full interested in this plan, and looked forward. "How long has it been since the police passed us?" She Asked, realizing. Price looked it the windshield. "Uh, probably...five minutes ago" he responded.

"Well then...STEP ON I" she demanded.

Doing as told, Price put his foot on the gas, making the van swerve a bit before actually going anywhere.


The Parker's Residence was quiet, which was unusual and unverifiable for May while she brewed herself some coffee. She watched as her nephew poked his uneaten pancake and bacon.

"Peter?" May said, breaking the silence. "Is everything okay?" Peter only responded with a nod, still jabbing his food with his fork. "Peter, I know you're not okay. What's wrong?" May asked. "You do me today is your field trip to the Avengers tower, right?"

Peter nodded and shrugged. May only got out a sigh, going back to her coffee. Peter finally took a sip of his glass of milk before putting the fork down. "Aunt May?" He asked. "I have a question." May's head shot up, smiling brightly. "What's the question?" She Asked instantly, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Do you...hate me?" Peter asked, Now steering his milk with his spoon. This question made May spit out her coffee, laughing. While she laughed, Peter sunk in his chair.

Noticing this, May stopped laughing, realizing he was serious. "'re actually serious?" She Asked. Peter nodded, and the poked at a few drops of coffee that had found there way to his cheek when May spit it out. "Oh, Pete," she said, giggling weakly. She grabbed a piece of paper towel, helping Peter wipe the coffee off him. "I would never hate you! What made you think that?"

Peter shrugs."Yesterday, you rushed me out, as if you couldn't stand me anymore" he responded. May looked at Peter, heartbroken. "Pete..." May pulled Peter in a big bear hug. "I didn't...I didn't rush you out of the house cause I couldn't stand you, baby. I did it cause...I was scared." Peter separated from May, confused. "Scared of what?" He asked. May held the boy by his hips, looking in his eyes, nervous to tell him. "I was scared...I was scared cause I...the news..."

Peter tilted his head at his aunt's trouble of explaining. "The news came on...saying...Miss Donnelley....escaped jail" May said, shaking, scared of Pete's reaction.

Peter dropped his spoon in the glass, his eyes widen. "She...she escaped?" He asked. "How!?"

"Pete, I don't know, but don't wor-"

"I'm not worrying, May," Peter said, trying to keep his voice sounding calm as possible. "Just...just...why didn't you tell me!? She could be close to getting me or Ned or MJ right now! Oh my god, if they don't catch her in time, she could kill us! She...she knows where we all live, so I wouldn't be surprised since we did get her arrested and...and..." Peter's breathing heaved, causing May to pick the small nine-year-old up. "She will not get you or your friends. She will not kill anyone!" May said.

"You can't be for certain of that," Peter said, sniffling.

"I can be," May said. "Peter, I got us high tech security to keep you safe, Mrs. and Mister Leeds and Jones did so too. I promise have nothing to be worried about."

"Promise?" Peter asked.

"Promise" May answered.

After a few more minutes of hugging, May put the boy on the floor. "You should get ready for your field trip," May said, changing the subject.

Peter smiled weakly. "Yeah. I may get to meet THE Avengers!" Peter said excitedly. May giggled at the change of tone. "Yeah, so you better get ready."

"Okay!" He said, before running into his room to get ready.


A/N: I'm gonna start this by saying sorry for not updating or publishing anything for the last bit. I'm sorry. My plan was actually to finish a chapter a few days before Christmas Eve or day but publish it on one of those days, but failed to for multiple reasons, sorry.

Now, on to something funny that I just realized. William Price, the bad man, is my cousin's name. Haha. No joke.
His first name is William and his last his Price. Haha. I am so unoriginal or whatever. Haha.


What do you think Tony is gonna think when seeing Pete? Is he gonna think anything at all? Or is he gonna recognize him?

Do you think May should've told Peter on the day she figured out about Mrs.Donnelley?

What do you believe is gonna happen next?

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!

Love you all three thousand! (Yeah, I said it)

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