When Love & Hate Collide [Com...

By AnnaRamakson

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Norberto Fritz is 34 & a renowned but eccentric painter. Melanie Griffin is 19 & a girl in desperate need of... More

The Story
The Cast
Chapter 1 - The Entrance
Chapter 2 - The Background
Chapter 3 - Finding Inspiration
Chapter 4 - The Reality
Chapter 5 - Reality Sucks
Chapter 6 - The Artist or the Man?
Chapter 7 - Life as his Model
Chapter 10 - Can I touch you there?
Chapter 11 - What the f...k?
Chapter 12 - A day spent at Louvre
Chapter 13 - This Is How The Rich Do It
Chapter 14 - Lust Vs Innocence
Chapter 15 - Is it Love or Hate?
Chapter 16 - To Smile or Not To Smile
Chapter 17-Sun could watch, so could the clouds, the sky, the trees, the water..
Chapter 18 - A New Encounter
Chapter 19 - Getting Dressed for the Party
Chapter 20 - The Party
Chapter 21 - A Detour?
Chapter 22 - I Cant't Wait
Chapter 23 - Before The Exhibition..
Chapter 24 - The Night of Success
Chapter 25 - Dark Night Had Begun
Chapter 26 - Devoured By Darkness
Chapter 27 - Living The Darkness
Chapter 28 - Can You Stop The Urge Inside?
Chapter 29 - F*ck Me
Chapter 30 - Bowled Out
Chapter 31 - Falling Apart
Chapter 32 - Moving On
Chapter 33 - Fashion, Here I Come!
Chapter 34 - Are You Ready For It?
Chapter 35 - What About Our History?
Chapter 36 - Tell Me Why?
Chapter 37 - Don't Do It, Please!
Chapter 38 - Its Payback Time!
Chapter 39 - Surprise! What Did You Think?
Chapter 40 - Girl On Fire
Chapter 41 - Boys Only Want Love If Its Torture
Chapter 42 - Backfire! Again!
Chapter 43 - I Want You Out in the Pouring Rain, I Want You Down on your Knees
Chapter 44 - F-ck You!
Chapter 45 - I'd Love You To Want Me
Chapter 46 - If You Want Me To Stop...?
Chapter 47 - Brightness & Darkness
Chapter 48 - Its A Love Story, Baby Just Say Yes!
Chapter 49 - Finally Free Or Is It?
Chapter 50 - No Place In The World
Chapter 51 - An Unexpected Focus
Chapter 52 - Moving Closer to Goal Post
Chapter 53 - Whirlwind Romance
Chapter 54 - Sshh.. Secrets Are Meant to Be Kept Secrets
Chapter 55 - Its Showtime
Chapter 56 - Giving In To The Enemy
Chapter 57 - Coming Back To Reality
Chapter 58 - When Love & Hate Collide
Chapter 59 - What is Love? Baby Don't Hurt Me!
Chapter 60 - This Show Is Over, Say Goodbye
Chapter 61 - Hope For A Better Tomorrow
Chapter 62 - Not Anymore
Chapter 63 - A New Beginning
Chapter 64 - Time To Move On
Chapter 65 - Big Boy!
Chapter 66 - Castle In The Dreams
Chapter 67 - The Boy, The Mother & The Precarious Weekend
Chapter 68 - F'cking Say Something
Chapter 69 - The Big Fat Lie
Chapter 70 - Can You Allow Me To Be Your Friend?
Chapter 71 - My Adorable Luck!
Chapter 72 - Or Have You Forgotten?
Chapter 73 - Keep Calm And Kiss
Chapter 74 - Mrs Noberto Fritz
Chapter 75 - Wedding Night
Chapter 76 - Pining Away For My Tormentor
Chapter 77 - Landing Face Down!
Chapter 78 - A Glint, A Twinkle Or A Hope
Chapter 79 - Was This The Plan?
Chapter 80 - Between The Devil & The Deep Sea
Chapter 81 - Heart Wants What It Wants
Chapter 82 - The Day You Stop Racing
Chapter 83 - Surprise, Surprise!
Chapter 84 - You Don't Care
Chapter 85 - We Don't Talk Anymore
Chapter 86 - Hello Again
Chapter 87 - Too Much Love Will Kill You
Chapter 88 - It All Comes Down To Love
Chapter 89 - Doubts Hidden Beneath The Shadow of Love
Chapter 90 - Things We Do For Love
Chapter 92 - Is This Really Happening?
Chapter 93 - I'll be Waiting
Chapter 94 - All That You Make Me Do
Chapter 95 - Correcting Mistakes
Chapter 96 - You Are A--hole!
Chapter 97 - Let's Play it from the Start
Chapter 98 - True Love
Chapter 99 - That First Orga*m & Other Such Firsts
Chapter 100 - Looks Like We Made it
New Story Update

Chapter 91 - Yeah, I'd Die For You

1K 47 16
By AnnaRamakson

A/N - Third chapter in three days! Well, that's a record, certainly an ambitious one that is not going to be broken any time soon by me. But I really wanted to get this out to all you lovely people as my New Year's present after the long hiatus I had put us all under. Hope you enjoy.


Unaware of my shock, Chris continued his explanation with absolute debauchery and perverted relish. "I don't know why Norberto wouldn't share it with you but you play the pivotal role in this story. I am actually awed at how Norberto's life and his death revolves around you darling. But let me get back to the story. You were right. I hated Norberto, but just not strong enough to want to kill him and that's what held me back all these thears but then you walk in and spiced up everything with your sexiness. I must say, I was initially surprised to find an attractive woman trying to destroy Norberto. Usually sexy women  threw themselves at him. But that's where I missed the real truth. I got misled by these innocent eyes and sharp curves."

His hand moved across my side, tracing my body as he said those words. Disgusted with that touch and those words, I cursed him. "Keep your hands away from me!"

"Would you rather I use them on Norberto? To hit him ofcourse!" He asked raising his hand to signal another  kick when I begged him to stop.

"I thought so. Now where was I, yeah those curves. I got fooled enough to hatch a plan with you but just as things started heating up, you back tracked. I was disappointed but more with myself for falling for your lie. Anyways, after our last discussion, I had still moved on seeing you both were lost in your own cat and mouse game which wasn't worth my time. I had left him alone, just as I had promised you, sweetheart but that's when Norberto spoiled everything."

Chris was holding me tightly across my waist, making it difficult to look at his face to see whether he was telling the truth or not but I could see Norberto face twisted in anger and pain as he watched Chris hands move across my body. But Chris wasn't bothered about that at that moment.

"You remember, I told you about my son, the one doing Astrophysics in US and wanted nothing to do with the fashion world? Happens, he loved me more than I thought I knew. The way you rushed into that Albert's arms few days after our so called break up and all the aftermath those cheap pictures caused on the internet, my dear son thought I was taken by a golddigger. He came back to Paris to search you down and make you suffer for all the agony he thought you had caused me. He believed I had fallen for another pretty young thing and was heart broken because of your betrayal. That's why my dear son had to punish you for causing his father pain. But Norberto! Norberto couldn't let that happen to you, now could he? He told everything to my son about our joint plan to destroy him, our fake engagement, and and our fake breakup. My son who was proud of what I had made of my life single handedly, was destroyed with this discovery. Grief stricken, my son was disillusioned with our relationship and since that day he has cut all his ties with me. He refuses to talk to me or even look at my face! He told me he cannot believe, I am his father! My son! My son refuses to have anything to do with me and all because Norberto got hots for one bitch."

He raved and ranted on top of his lungs, while pushing me mercilessly on the ground. My head hit the concrete flooring and a sharp pain shot through me causing everything to black out in front of eyes. But even as I drifted into the painful blackness, the next second I was swirled around and Chris came crashing down on me to hit me across my face.

Both Norberto and Albert who had been crouching on ground in two opposite corners sprang up towards him to kick his ass for the brutality unleashed on me but the men surrounding them quickly pinned them down. At the same time, Chris brought out a sophisticated small gun from his jacket and pointed it at me.

"If either one of you move again, I will kill her," he said staring at Norberto and Albert. I was still reeling under the effects of my head hurting as if it would split open, but following Chris's words I looked at Norberto and Albert and saw colour disappear from their faces. It was only then I saw the revolver pointed at me.

"I only wanted Norberto to suffer but then you came in and spoiled everything for me and my son. Since that day, I had been wanted nothing but Norberto to die in the most painful and disgusted way. But now I realize, I had been firing at the wrong target. The best way to get my heart's desire is through you. Yes, that's perfect. You are the reason why my son wouldn't call me his father and you will be the reason for Norberto's fatal destruction as well."

Seeing naked hatred in his eyes, I was suddenly too afraid of his intentions. I tried scurching up, getting away from his hold. But instead of stopping me, he let me slide up and squeeze my knees up to get back on my feet.

Just as I thought, I was finally free, he lunged forward, grabbing me at my thigh. The torn slit in the gown had split up to reveal my naked leg and he used the perfect opportunity to push his hand under the skirt and pulled it apart in opposite directions. The delicate fabric tore up easily under the vehement attack, making split open up all the way up to the tight bodice just below my breasts. I was left vulnerable to his ugly eyes with just a thin lace panty covering my modesty waist down. I was sure, in another split second, he would tore it up too. I had to find a way before that.

"Chris, no! Stop!" I tried sitting up, pushing my knees between him and myself.

"Stop? Did he stop?" He asked pointed the gun at Norberto.  "Did you stop? Why should I stop now? I will finally get my revenge tonight," he screamed like a mad taken man. I had to find a way before he unleashed that madness on Norberto or Albert.

"Listen to me, yes you are right. You should get your revenge and I must pay for my mistakes. I won't stop you. You can whatever you want with me-"


Two voices shrieked at my sheer madness but I had to go on ignoring them.

"Yes, I mean it. I want to be with you too but before that, before that, you must listen my one request, Chris. Please, here, I am all yours," I grabbed his hand and placed it on top of my naked waist. I was too afraid of him hitting me again or worse pushing me away but there was no other option. Fortunately, the moment his hand connected with my heated skin, I felt a faint tremble. Pinning all my hopes on that livid manhood, I moved further close to him and getting on my knees, rubbed my body suggestively against his.

"Aah! You are still the seductress, darling. I can see why Norberto cannot resist that sexiness," Chris exclaimed breathlessly as his hand grabbed my butt and pulled harder to feel his hardness, while his eyes were grinning looking at Norberto.

Norberto's eyes turned red with rage and he bawled, "You are fucking gonna die for this." Using his body for weight, he crashed the man holding his right hand into the wall behind him. The man yelped in pain as he cracked against the wall and released Norberto to grab his head which was bleeding like a fountain. The moment his right hand was freed, Norberto picked up a metal bucket lying on the ground and jammed it on the other guy's face with full force. The painful shrill that filled the basement and blood all over his ugly face were proofs that his nose was broken, apart from whatever else.

Norberto struggled for balance and limped forward towards Chris and me. It was all too fast and Chris was shocked at the way things had changed but he pulled himself out of the shock and shouted at Norberto.

"Not so fast, Norberto! You forget, your queen of hearts is still with me," and with this words he directed the gun back at me. Norberto's body stilled as words swam, turning the basement back into its earlier calm, except for the groaning from the two injured men.

"Chris, please, listen to me. I told you I am here for you. You can do whatever you want with me. You can take your revenge but please you must agree to let Norberto and Albert leave," I used the opportunity to get Chris's attention back but before he could react whether he had taken my bait, two voices thundered through the basement.

"Have you gone mad, Melanie!"

"I will fucking kill him before he touches you again!"

Ignoring both of them, I urged to Chris again, "This won't ever end. You know it won't. No matter how much you want to hurt Norberto, he will not go down easily. Your two men down already. Do you really wanna use that gun to control him? This this fight will go on forever till one of you gives up and you know it's not gonna be Norberto. The best way to destroy him without sulking your hands is through me. You know how much he loves me, nothing will break me more than knowing I am with you. Think about it Chris! This is the most effective way of getting your revenge. Please let them leave."

"Hell! I am not going anywhere woman!" Norberto thundered with silver grey eyes looking they were about to eat me up alive.

"See, I told you. He wouldn't leave me alone. This is your revenge, Chris," I used Norberto's rage to convince Chris. Adrenaline was running high and I knew I had to get them to safety before everything went out of control. I couldn't possibly imagine Chris hurting Norberto any more than what he had already done. Not on my dead body, I promised to myself silently while taking Chris's disgusting arm in my hands.

"Come on, tell your men to take them out. Don't you want to enjoy the fruits of your revenge without audience," I continued seductively, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Shut the fuck up! And remove your fucking arms!"

"No, she won't. I like them here," Chris finally spoke up enjoying Norberto's miserable condition. "And have you forgotten who is giving the order here," he pointed at the gun in his hand and laughed like a maniac. Then pointing towards his men, he said, "Get them out!"

"Chris, you honestly think this would work out? That we'll leave Melanie and walk out?" Albert spoke out seeing there was no point convincing me.

"That's what she wants. And I can't say I have a problem with that," he replied rubbing his hand across my back.

"And what about your son, is this what you want him to remember about you?"

"Albert, stop it! Please take Norberto with you. He needs, he needs a doctor quickly," I cut in between before Chris could react. I needed both them safe and out from here before Chris changed his mind.

"I don't need a fucking doctor," Norberto gritted his teeth, as if every word I was saying was estranging him from me.

"Why won't you just leave?" I implored to him through my eyes.

"You are fucking still the most naive woman I have ever met in my life," Norberto commented and then without bothering for my reply, he looked at Albert. There was a quick exchange between the two and the next second, the man was taken aback with the a crushing hit across his face out of nowhere. The two men were too absorbed in the dramatic nonsense happening in front of them that they lost a track of their reason to be present there.

The other man quickly recovered and lunged forward to hit Albert but he was ready for him already. Picking up some ropes from the ground, he twisted them around the man's extended arm and then hurled him in a full three hundred and sixty degrees fall. Then man went flying across the small room to land reverse on his back.

Norberto on the other hand, used the distraction to limp painfully towards Chris and me. I was horrified with what was happening in front of me like it came right out of an action thriller but what shocked me the most was that though Norberto was limping but he was using both his legs, without any support! It was obviously not clean and must be causing him immense pain but in those precious moments, he walked if not run, to free me from the clutches of Chris.

But Chris who had been shocked with the turn of events, struggled to gain control back. Pulling me back, out of Norberto's reach and screamed,

"Stop right there or I will shoot!"

And then seeing Norberto still not bothered with his warning, he pointed the gun back at my head just as Norberto had reached a step away from us. But that action froze him on the spot and Chris used the opportunity to kick him hard on his left knee, making his crumble down.

"No!" I screamed seeing him in pain and lurched forward to hold him. But Chris wouldn't let me go to and shoved me behind him. He was seeing with how the night of his revenge was quickly turning into something beyond his control. Losing this last vestige of rationality, he came to a hasty conclusion.

"Enough of your hysterics. I have had enough of this nonsense. You will all pay for it now. All of you starting with you!" He screamed and pulled my arms throwing me on the ground. "This is where it all ends," he said and pulled the trigger. 

A loud shot reverberated across the basement, drowning all other sounds as well as every other sense in me.


Dear Lovely Readers,

So here comes the end or is it?

Will this how the epic love story end? Well, they did try their best but looked some things are pre-decided.

Till next time, a very happy New Year 2020 to all you guys!!!



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