Bestfriends {Zaylena} #Wattys...

By BreBeauty

115K 4.3K 661

She's my bestfriend and all I do is keep hurting her. I hate to see her cry, it's the worst feeling ever. Eve... More

*Chapter 1*
*Chapter 2*
*Chapter 3*
*Chapter 4*
*Chapter 5*
*Chapter 6*
*Chapter 7*
*Chapter 8*
*Chapter 9*
*Chapter 10*
*Chapter 11*
*Chapter 12*
*Chapter 13*
*Chapter 14*
*Chapter 15*
*Chapter 16*
*Chapter 17*
*Chapter 18*
*Chapter 19*
*Chapter 20*
*Chapter 21*
*Chapter 22*
*Chapter 23*
*Chapter 24*
*Chapter 25*
*Chapter 26*
*Chapter 27*
*Chapter 28*
*Chapter 29*
*Chapter 30*
Dedication To My Lovelies!
*Chapter 32*
*Chapter 33*
*Chapter 34*
*Chapter 35*
*Chapter 36*
*Chapter 37*
*Chapter 38*
*Chapter 39*
*Chapter 40*
*Chapter 41*
*Chapter 42*
*Chapter 43*
*Chapter 44*
*Chapter 45*
*Chapter 46*
*Chapter 47*
*Chapter 48*
*Chapter 49*
*Chapter 50*
*Chapter 51*
*Chapter 52*
*Chapter 53*
*Chapter 54*
*Chapter 55*
*Chapter 56*
*Chapter 57*
Not a Chapter !
*Chapter 58*
*Chapter 59*
*Chapter 60*
*Chapter 61*
*Chapter 62*
Authors Note/ Thank You's

*Chapter 31*

1.2K 49 18
By BreBeauty

Previously on *Bestfriends*

"Zayn" I mumble.

"Yea Haz?" He turned around and looked at me with a smile which then turned into a concern look. "Hey why are you so sweaty?" He asked.

"Bad dream" I say simply.

"Oh, so what's up?" He asked nonchalantly.

"I love Selena!" I blurted out not wanting to hold it in any longer.

He turned to face me with a lot of expressions on his face; shocked, hurt, anger, but most importantly confused.

"You what?!"



My best mate just said he loves MY girlfriend. How in hell is that possible? Only god knows but it's really weird to know this information. What if they've done something on the low? I knew something was off when I caught them all in each other's arms in kitchen the other day. Harry's going to pay! And so shall Selena!

"What do you mean you love Selena, you shouldn't love my girlfriend" I said looking at him like I was about to punch his delicate face.

"I know it's wron-"

"Super wrong! She's my girlfriend, Haz!" I cut him off.

"I know Zayn but I can't help how I feel and I really like her" he said. Harry's face had shame and hurt written all over it but I didn't care.

"Did you two have an affair?" I asked.

Harry bit his bottom lip and looked to the floor. What the hell!?! My Selena cheated on me with Harry! What the hell is really happening?

"I'm so sorry," he apologized with a sniffle or two escaping his lips. Great now he's going to cry.

"Why would you do this to me Harry?" I asked quietly.

He didn't respond but just played with his fingers and kept his eyes on the ground and that it's what got me angry. "I said why did you do this Harry!" I shout this time.

His eyes meets mine for a brief second before they land back on his hands. "Because I feel she deserves better an-"

I cut him off, "And what you believe your better than me?" I asked him incredulously.

"Making Selena happy is what I'm useful for all you do is cause pain" he shouts as if he has the courage to stand up to me.

"Can you guys shut up!" Selena groaned coming into the kitchen all groggy looking.

I rolled my eyes as Selena entered the kitchen as if she didn't here the conversation me and Harry are having. "So babe what's going on between you and Harry?" I asked.

She let out a sigh and looked at me, "Nothing, why should something be happening?" she asked clueless of what's going on.

"So you and Harry never had any sexual contact with one another?" I asked folding my arms.

Her eyes went wide and she turned to look at Harry, she turned back to me with apologetic eyes and by the look on her face and I knew that everything Harry said is true.

"Look who's the bad guy now" I scoffed walking away from the two lovebirds.

I went upstairs and locked myself in my room and cuddled myself up under the sheets. I can't believe Selena cheated on me with my best friend, I mean I cheated on her countless of times but never once have I ever went after one her friends. And I couldn't even if I wanted to, my heart hurts.

*knock knock*

"Go away!" I shout.

The knock becomes consistent and even though it's annoying me I'm not getting up to open the door. Wait...did I lock my door?

My question was answered when the person came in. "Zayn" her now annoying voice rings throughout the silent room.

She closes the door and locks it. She walks towards my bed and when she sat on the edge of the bed my first instinct was to kick her off which is exactly what I did.

"You didn't have to do that" she said sadly.

"Take off my clothes, grab your stuff and leave" I say not looking at her face.


"Get the hell out of my house Selena!" I shout, "I don't want to see your face" I said.

"Can you stop acting like a baby" she said walking to the other side of the bed so we could be face to face but I just turned the opposite direction. So now she was looking at my back once again.

"Seriously Selena leave" I growled.

"But Zay-"

"Shut the hell up and leave! We're done. Over. Finished. Broken Up. All because of you so thank yourself" I spat harshly, dismissing her.

She started to move, she grabbed her stuff and walked out the door without saying one more thing. I got up to lock the door when I heard crying coming from the other side. I wanted to hold her but I guess Harry can take my place now.

I climbed back to bed and went to sleep feeling nothing but regret.

Selena's POV

I can't believe him but then again I can. I walked into the bathroom and changed my clothes. I came out a few minutes later ready to go home and drown myself in sorrow. I walked downstairs to see Harry rocking back and forth with tears in his eyes. Ugh! This is all his fault, also mines, but mostly his and now I just feel bad because he has to live with Zayn.

I walked over to Harry and place my arm around her shoulder and had him crying into my chest. "I'm so sorry Selly, I just couldn't hide it to myself any longer" he cried.

I rubbed up and down his arm comforting him. "It's ok Harry he was going to find out sooner or later" I mumble resting my chin on his soft hair.

"I'm selfish and I don't deserve you and I'm sorry" he whispered.

Ugh! Why does he have to be so cute! I'm supposed to be mad at him and yet he's here crying all over my boobs, apologizing, saying he doesn't deserve me and all but at the end of the day he totally does, but as a friend. I will always love Harry but not the way he wants me to love him...I don't know I'm just so confused on who I want.

"Harry listen to me I'm fine okay, I've dealt with heartbreak before I'll be fine" I assured him but not fully confident of what I'm saying.

He lifted his head up and started at me in his eyes, his nose red and stuffy, and his eyes bloodshot. Poor Guy. "I love you Selena" he said attaching his lips onto mines. I just got out of a relationship with my now ex-boyfriend who is literally upstairs and mad at us for doing this behind his back, but I can never stop kissing Harry he just has the softest lips ever. I pull away when it was about to get heated and stared Harry down wide eye.

"Um, I'm going to go now" I said in a hurry grabbing my stuff and heading home without a glance back at that house.


I get home and flop myself on the couch. Thankfully Demi and Liam weren't home to rub their happiness in my face.

"Hello?" Demi calls out and I intentionally groan.

"We're home!" Liam shouts.

I spoke to soon. Let the torture begin. I walk into the kitchen to where they seemed to have went. "Hey guys" I say weakly.

"Selly" Demi cheered pulling me into a hug.

"How was your day at Zaynie poohs house" Liam joked and Demi giggled along but when they saw that I wasn't laughing they quickly shut up.

"Zayn and I broke up because me and Harry were having an affair" I told Liam who had dropped the newly bought cereal box on the floor. His eyes went wide in shock and his jaw dropped open.

"What?" Liam asked, but Demi ignored him and turned to me with apologetic eyes.

"Hun I'm sorry but I told you this was bound to happen" Demi said walking towards the dropped cereal box and picking up to put it away.

"What?" Liam said once again and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not repeating it because I already feel bad" I pout.

"It's not that, it's just Harry and you an affair...I always thought y'all made a cute couple" Liam said shrugging his shoulders and continued to put the groceries away.

"Really?" I never really thought about me and Harry as a couple because I was or still am hung up on Zayn.

"Well I'm Zaylena forever" Demi smiled,"Harry is cute but Zayn is go- good looking" she caught herself before she said anything Liam will question her about later, but she wasn't low because Liam gave her the questionable look. I chuckled at the scene that's happening in front of me.

"Zayn is what?" He asked with a smirk plastered on his face. "Because I'm the one looking like a god not Malik, got that" he said all up in Demi's face, she just nodded her head and he kissed her on her lips.

This is so uncomfortable when you just got out of a relationship with somebody, so it's like if I can't be happy neither should you of at least not to my face. "Um? This was about me not you guys" I clear my throat and the air.

They pulled away with a blush on both faces and it annoyed me a lot. "Right, anyways you make a cute couple with the both of them" Liam said and I nod taking in his words.

"I don't care how cute she looks with Harry she can't date him" Demi said and me and Liam looked at her questionably.

"Why not?" Liam asked.

"Yeah why not?" I whined.

"Because Taylor will be upset that her best friend went after her ex-boyfriend" Demi said and I can see her point.

"But if Taylor cared in which she doesn't she would've told y'all to stay away from Harry" Liam said with a comeback.

Demi rolled her eyes. "Selena is perfect with Zayn and no other directioner" she said.

"No Zayn is too much of a heartbreak. Be with Harry" Liam said.

Okay I have one saying Zayn and the other saying Harry and they're not really helping me because soon they'll start a war of who looks better for me.

"But Zayn and Selena have been through thick and thin" Demi argues.

"And Harry is her best guy friend he had to put to with the tears and emptiness Selena felt after Zayn broke her heart, countless of times" Liam fights back.

Demi groans, "First off Zayn is Selena bestfriend, but anyways Selena doesn't love Harry she loves Zayn!"

"Okay, but Selena cried her eyes out in Harry's arms when Zayn broke her, not cried into Zayn's arms. That'll be so stupid to cry in the arms of the guy who hurt you" Liam said.

"Oh whatever" Demi said.

"Selena hasn't tried Harry." Liam said defending Harry.

"Oh but clearly you have?" Demi questioned and Liam looked shocked.

He gave her that 'are you dumb look', "What the hell am I doing dating a GUY for?!" He shouts.

"I don't know."

"Selena and Harry." Liam fist bump into the air.

"Selena and Zayn" Demi said folding her arms.

"Okay! That's enough, it's my decision anyways so stop your bickering!" I yell walking out the kitchen and turning on the tv relaxing my mind.

Maybe Liam is right I never tried Harry. I wouldn't know what he had to offer and it's pretty obvious that Zayn wants nothing to do with me since he shouted at me and kicked me out of his house not even bothering to talk this through. It's so confusing when you have two great guys in your heart and you only have to choose one. This totally sucks!

I grunt loudly and stomp upstairs and flop myself on my bed, I felt the tears come, why did I ruin my relationship? Theirs no doubt I love Zayn because I truly love him, but I don't know why but my heart is screaming chose Harry. Like Zayn, Harry is also my best friend and I love him for all the hugs, forehead kisses, the words of wisdom, the smiles, the laughs and happiness he brought me. He is like the sweetest thing ever and I trapped him in so much bullshit in my life that I can't get him out and frankly I don't want him out even though he should it's just not working. He's seen me naked, kissed me, said he'd loved me, care for me and all I've ever done was use him. I'm such a bitch for using Harry, he's to sweet and sensitive for me to being using for my selfish needs...if I had any...? I don't know.

And then with Zayn...god there's to much words for Zayn. He's completely different from Harry, he'll hurt me countless of times and then apologize each time because he doesn't want to lose me in his life. He cheated, lied, tried to use me, and play me as if I'm some kind of toy. He loves me with all his heart but also takes me for granted. He cares for me and does the most romantic things ever to show it, he's able to pleasure me in both ways...he adores me and treats me like a princess. But, even though he has hurt me countless of times I'm never able to let go of him because our love is ridiculously strong but bit and pieces of my heart is stretching out to Harry. Ugh stupid heart for living everything that's nice to you!

Their amazing guys and I'm just one girl who's stuck in between really two great guys. Kill me? Well not kill me, even though that's better pain then what I'm facing now but please lord help me...


Wow what a chapter! 😂 I'm so bored right now...any who more drama to come, I can't believe I updated so early, you'll probably get another one this weekend. Oh! Who's ready for thanksgiving! I know I am. Yum! Food! Any who's, I've been meaning to ask;

Whom do you choose?



To me they're both cute but Selena can't share a heart, so it's up to you.

Comment. Vote. Share. and Love.

Later lovelies, 💙💜


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