Checkmate - RATED R

By Love_Bri94

2.1M 74.5K 59.8K

She wasn't what he was used to....he had finally met his match. More

Before It Ends❤️
Decision Day


18.7K 715 590
By Love_Bri94

Chapter Sixtynine
Tarzana, California - Christmas Morning

Christmas was different this time around. It's the first that Mya and Chris will be officially spending together, Chris now has two kids to spoil and a fiancé and it's also the most festive. Mya went all out when it came to decorating. She always loved Christmas and the fact that now she's a mom and almost a stepmom, she had to step up her game.

The smell of freshly cooked pancakes ran up Chris's nose, causing his eyes to peel open. He looked over to Mya's side of the bed but it was empty. Yawning and stretching, he sat up and rubbed his eyes. His growling stomach caused him to get up and head to the bathroom a lot faster.

Downstairs, Mya, Royalty and Mama J finished up breakfast. Landon played on his mat with his toys. Joyce was so happy that her son finally found somebody that actually cared about him. She glanced over at all the gifts Mya bought. This was something new for her as well. Chris was usually the one showering everybody, while receiving the bare minimum in return.

"Good morning everybody." Chris said while coming downstairs, running his hands over his freshly dyed, blue and green cheetah print hair.

Mya hated it.

"All I want for Christmas is for you to chose a hair color and stick to it." She said. "I'll take blonde over this."

"This is how I express myself." Chris said while pulling his fiancé into his arms, kissing her lips and grabbing her ass. "Merry Christmas baby."

"Merry Christmas."

They kissed again, then Chris went over to his mom hugging her before picking up Royalty and holding her over his head. "Merry Christmas boo boo!"

"Merry christmas daddy." She said while laughing.

Chris brought her down to his level and kissed her forehead then placed her on the floor. "Do you see all the stuff Santa brought you for Christmas?"


"You must've been extremely good this year."

"I was." She smiled then went over to help Mya.

"This food smell good as hell." Chris said while grabbing a sausage then made his way over to his son. "What you doing baby boy." He climbed down on the floor and laid on his stomach. He couldn't believe that his son would be one in five months. Landon looked up at his dad and laughed before crawling over to him. Holding on to Chris's head, Landon stood up on his knees and started smacking Chris in the face. "Dang boy!"

Landon laughed then bent down and started gnawing on his dads forehead causing his baby drool to slid down his face.

"Oh my god!" Chris said. "Landon, I just washed my face man."

He kept gnawing away. Eventually Chris picked him up, then got up to go clean his face.

"Breakfast is ready!" Royalty yelled.

After Chris came out the bathroom, he sat down at the table. Mya placed a plate in front of him. Everything looked so good, Landon started reaching at it, causing Chris to grab his hand so he wouldn't get burnt.

Once everybody sat down, they said grace then started eating.

"Mya did Santa Claus bring you a lot of gifts?" Royalty asked.

"I don't know but I'm not greedy so if he didn't it's okay."

"Well I'm greedy, I want a bunch of stuff!!" Ro said causing everybody to laugh. "I can't wait for my brother to see his gift that Santa got him. It's really cool."

"Oooou, I cant wait to open it."

"So how's the wedding planning going?" Joyce asked.

"Really good." Chris answered. "Everything is going to be dope."

"Next month, you and mom have to go try on your dresses." Mya said.

"I love the colors. Emerald and gold, it's so different. And Mya your dresses, oh my god." Joyce said.

"Dresses?" Chris eyebrows raised.

Mya looked at him. "Yes, you heard correctly sir."

"Do I get to change?"

"If you want to."

"I am. You know I'm not a suit and tie type nigga so I gotta change into something more comfortable."

"Oh no, I can't be out there looking like a million dollars while you looking like you just came from a club or something."

"Girl don't worry about me, I got this."

"Is the honeymoon planned?" Joyce asked.

"No, only thing planned is me getting Mya pregnant."

"Stop playing with me Chris." Mya side eyed him.

"We discussed this already so don't even trip. Besides by the time the new baby comes Landon will be two and doing his own thang. You ain't even gotta worry."

"Is this my uterus or yours?"

"Mine when I'm—."

Mya quickly covered his mouth, knowing something foul was about to leave his lips. He must've forgotten about the young ears that were around.

"Let's go open these gifts." Mama J said while getting up and taking her and Royalty's plate to the kitchen. Ro ran over to the Christmas tree.

"What you get me for Christmas?" Chris asked Mya.

"I gave it to you last night."

"I know you ain't talking about that weak ass pussy you gave me."

Mya laughed while getting up and grabbing her plate and Chris's. "Fuck you."


Wrapping paper was everywhere. Royalty had so many toys, she didn't know what to play with first. Landon's only focus was this light ball that his grandmother bought him.

Chris and Mya spoiled mama J. She had designer bags and shoes galore and a brand new Benz waiting outside for her.

Mya had more diamonds and bags to add to her collection. But Chris had another present for her later. Chris had received jewelry, custom Jordan's that he was in love with and his favorite gift of all was a big blanket with his children's face on it that he was currently wrapped up in.

"I gotta head to my parents in a few baby." Mya told Chris.

"Alright. You want us to come with you?"

"No, stay here and enjoy. I'll be back in a couple hours."

"I'll come get you. I gotta give you your last present."

"Okay. Well I'm going to go get dressed. Do you want me to take Landon?"

"I know your family wants to see him."

"But if you want him to stay he can Chris, I can always take him tomorrow."

"I'll bring him later with me."

"Alright." Mya got up. "I'll be back." She hurried upstairs.

"So what's Mya's other gift?" Joyce asked.

"I'm not telling you! Ma you can't hold water."

"Come on Chris, I wanna know."

Shaking his head, he pulled out his phone then went and sat next to her.

"Oh my gosh. You got the one we picked out!" Joyce gasped. "She's going to love it."

"I can't wait to give it to her.

Mya Anderson
Later On - Anderson Residence.

After everybody exchanged gifts and ate the amazing food my dad made, we were all sitting in the living room just talking amongst one another.

It felt so good to put a smile on the people I love faces today and I feel so blessed to be able to provide for my family the way I am. My parents received an Escalade, my mom got her first Chanel bag and my dad got himself a vintage Rolex just like he wanted. My siblings got iced out as well. Yes, even Kayla. I have no room for anything negative in my life anymore. My nieces and nephews got phones. Their parents can pay the bills though. Mariah and Tim got brand new Benz's. I owe them a lot for having my back and holding me down.

Because of Mariah, my business is running amazingly and thanks to Tim, I'm able to keep my shit together. They are truly appreciated.

I spent a lot but it was worth it.

But we all had one more gift to give out. A gift that was long overdue.

"Alright everybody shut the hell up, I'm about to talk." Tim said. Making my momma give him evil eyes. "Even you grandma."

Granny flipped him off making us laugh.

"Those custom adult diapers, and orthopedic shoes I got you going back since you wanna do all that." He continued. This man is stupid. "Anyway, it's been a crazy ass year. A lot of good, some bad but the fact of the matter is, we all made it through. One thing for sure, we all were tremendously blessed. I almost lost my life but bounced back, Mya and Kayla back cool. Mariah been doing her thing with the boutique. We don't know what Brian got going on since he don't call but I'm sure he had a blessing somewhere. My favorite nephew was born, my sis secured the bag and got engaged to the fucking goat!"

"Why you up there making me sound like a gold digger?" I questioned.

"You not?"

I tossed a pillow at him. "Fuck you!"

"Mya." My mom called.

"Sorry. He's annoying though."

"It's a joke girl." Tim rolled his eyes. "Anyway, when you're blessed, it's always good to bless others, so with that being said. Pops! We got something for you man."

Mariah reached next to her and picked up a envelope and passed it to him.

"What's this?" My dad asked.

"Open it." Kayla said trying to control her smile.

He exhaled then opened the envelope and pulled the papers out. We all watched as he read what was on then his hand covered his eyes.

"Sam's Kitchen is now open for business." Tim said while trying not to cry himself. I was a mess, so I couldn't say anything yet.

"From top to bottom the building is brand new. You could open tomorrow if you want. We got every stocked, it's just waiting on you dad." Brian said.

"We made sure it was in a very popular spot in LA so business will be booming." Mariah added.

I nodded. "And you have a bunch of endorsements. For one, Chris. His friends as well. Tim knows a bunch of rappers and some have had your food. This is going to be a success dad." I smiled.

He shook his head. "At one point I was ready to give up on this whole restaurant. It's like I couldn't find the perfect spot or when I did it was just too much and my pride wouldn't let me come to you guys for anything. I was starting to feel like coming to Las was a bad idea and it was even starting to cause issues between me and your mom. This is the best gift that I've ever received and I love each and every one of you so much. I am overjoyed right now. All five y'all are amazing and I love you so much."

"We love you too dad." We all said.

He got up from the couch and came to hug all of us. "This is the best Christmas ever."

"Dad you used to hustle so hard to take care of all five us, it's only right that we do this." Kayla said.

"I got a question and I think we're all wondering the same thing." Tim said.

"What's that?" My mom asked.

"Kayla where did yo end of the money come from cause you ain't got no job."

"Timothy!" My mom and Mariah yelled. I put my hand over my mouth, trying not to laugh.

"I'm just saying. This was an expensive gift, how did she pay?"

"You get on my damn nerve. All you do is talk shit all day!" Kayla yelled. Her feelings were really hurt.

He walked over to her and and pulled her into a hug. "I'm fucking with you. I know that neck make you bands."

Kayla tried to push him off again but he held her tighter and that turned into the wrestling.

"If y'all break anything in my damn living room, I'm beating y'all asses!" My mom yelled.

Kayla had him in a head lock and Tim has her weave while the rest of us recorded.

I love my crazy family.


I sat in Chris's passenger seat with a blindfold around my eyes. He came and got me after I took my nap. All that food got to me. Thankfully our wedding is a year away, I have a little more time to be greedy. "Where are we going?"

"Girl be patient."

"I'm trying to be."

"You ain't trying hard enough."


"Did your dad like his gift?"

"Oh my gosh he loved it. He's so excited to get everything started. Once he gets all his licenses, he's going to start getting his staff together. I'm so happy for him."

"That was really nice of y'all."

"Thanks baby."

"This was a really great Christmas. Everybody is extremely happy. This was much better than last year."

"Definitely. This is what it'll be like from now on though, you can count on that."

"I can't wait."

He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

About 15 minutes later, his car came to a stop for a minute then I heard something unlock. He started driving again then the car stopped again and was put in park.

"Don't take that off." He said before the car door opened. Soon mine opened and he grabbed my hand and helped me out. "Alright." Chris pulled the scarf from over my eyes.

I blinked a few times then look at what was behind him causing a shocked look to fall over my face.


"Welcome home." He smiled.

This beautiful huge house stood in front of us.

"I can't believe you found a house."

"Our moms helped. I know you probably wanted to help but you've been so busy, I just wanted to take one thing off your plate."

"This is perfect baby. Oh my goodness."

"Come on, you wanna go inside?"


"Let's go." He grabbed my hand and led me in the house. I was in awe the entire time we looked around. It was breathtaking and the view was just so damn beautiful. "This house gives the perfect amount of privacy and that's something we really needed for the kids. They got a play area over on the side. I made this was perfect for everybody."

"You do a great job Chris, I am in love." I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"With me or the house."

"Definitely both."

He leaned down and kissed me. "Anything to make you happy."

"You're so good at that papi."

"That's good to know." He sat me up on the counter in the kitchen.

"If there was a bed upstairs I could've showed just how much you make me happy."

"Baby we don't need a bed nooo." He sung making me blush.

"You're right." I pushed him away and climbed down, pulling my panties off from under my dress. He took them out my hand and ran them over his nose.

"So sweet." He pulled my dress up to my waist and made turn around. The sound of his jeans unbuckling filled my ears, and then he slipped inside of me, making me bite down on my lip and close my eyes. "Merry Christmas baby." He said into me ear before lightly biting it and he started stroking. His left hand gripped my waist and his right grabbed my hair.

"Merry....Christmas, papi."


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