Smallfoot: Ever-Changing

By KaylaBennett101

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Yeti and humans have gotten together after many generations of hiding from one another, leading one to be a m... More

Chapter One: Morning Snowmans
Chapter Two: Breakfast For Two
Chapter Three: Joy All-Around
Chapter Four: Nighttime Chat
Chapter Five: Midnight Terror
Chapter Six: The Truth at Dawn
Chapter Seven: The Quest Begins
Chapter Eight: Traveling North
Chapter Nine: Father to Father
Chapter Ten: Arriving North
Chapter Eleven: Grand Tour
Chapter Twelve: Planning is Key
Chapter Thirteen: Taken Down
Chapter Fourteen: Escaping Shadows
Chapter Fifteen: Forgiving You
Chapter Sixteen: Rescue Mission
Chapter Seventeen: Truth Be Told
Chapter Eighteen: War for Smallfoots Part 1
Chapter Twenty: War For Smallfoot Part 3
Chapter Twenty-one: Ever-Change

Chapter Nineteen:War For Smallfoot Part 2

426 9 3
By KaylaBennett101

They all strained down at the village in terror, especially the Smallfoot, who rode along with yetis on mammoths. Their home is up in ablaze like some sort of war zone. They felt like they got here too late. Perhaps if they got here sooner, they could prevent the damages. The north yetis villagers are disturbed that their leader, the yeti they trusted, did this. Migo and the others felt terrible.

"...My God." Hank whispers out loud.

"They're destroying everything!" Brenda shouted horror.

"We need to stop them right away!" Percy exclaimed.

"My daughter down there!" May's mother said on the verge of tears.

"I didn't want to believe that my father was going this, but..." Teal is out for words. Absolutely speechless. No words can be spoken about this. She nearly teared up herself. Cornell tried to comfort her, his stepsister.

"It's awful." Migo finished for her. Migo and Meechee gazed in their eyes in despair. They all at this point looked at each on what are they do to stop this. Then Gwangi spotted something in the distance. He squinted his eyes to see it. He pointed at it out. "Guys, look! I think I see something happening just outside the village!"

"What are they doing over there?" Fleem implored. Percy had a slight idea of what they are talking about. He promptly took out his binoculars from his backpack.

"Hey, Snowball, can you give me a boost?" Percy said with hand signals to Migo.

"Huh? Do you want a boost to see the distance with your eyewear?" Migo translated to the best of his ability. Percy nodded, he guessed Migo got it right. "Okay, little guy." Migo had Percy hop on hand and onto his head. Then look thought his binoculars to see the village. He saw a lot, that's for sure. He saw yetis guards on the backs mammoths running all over the town, capturing people, who are the streets. Not only that, but he saw a crashed helicopter and the police seaming everywhere in town. And then he saw the two Stonekeepers fighting downtown. He couldn't believe what he was looking at.

"What do you see, little buddy?" Migo asked.

"What's happening down there?" Brenda asked too.

"...The leader yeti's guards are capturing people down there. The police are everywhere. It's just pure chaos down there." Percy informed all of them out of fear himself. It got gasp out of everyone. Percy turned to Meechee and told her. "Wonder, I saw your father fighting the yeti leader."

"My fighting him," Meechee said out of breath, she worried about her father. The group is taken aback by this. Percy looks through his binoculars again.

"Wait, your father can fight?" Kolka. asked


"Guys, it looks like their evacuating the town on the westside!" Percy shouted. That's good news everyone needed to here. He also translates that to the yetis.

"That's good," Gwangi said in relief.

"Okay, that's good. That's good to hear." Hank said. That gave Migo a plan.

"Everyone, I have an idea!" Migo begins to explain along with hand signals. "We need to get all the Smallfoots to the westside of the village with the others by going around. As for the guards, they need to be shown the truth, and everyone is capable of changing just like all you did." Everyone is moved by that plan, especially Meechee and Percy. Brenda did have to tell some people the plan since some did not quite understand hand signals. But other then that, everyone understood the plan.

Both Migo and Meechee got off of their mammoths and gave them to someone else in the crowd as they prepare themself to head down to the village.

"Okay, Smallfoot, I want you to go with them to the west side, okay?" Migo told him though hand signals.

Percy shook his head. "I'm not going anywhere. For now on, we're sticking together." Migo and Meechee smiled and chuckled.

"I have a feeling you were going to say that." Said Migo.

"Percy!" Brenda shouted. It got Percy, Migo, and Meechee's action. She ran behind him from the ou. Percy turned to face her.

"Brenda? What are you doing?"

"I'm coming with you guys. You're going to need all the help you can't get."

"You are? I mean- it's going to be dangerous."

"I know. I'm not letting you do this alone, Percy." A sweet smile appears on Percy's' face. Meechee had a feeling that her friend is coming along too. Percy took off his backpack and got out her winter hat and gloves she left behind.

"Well, we are about to enter into a literal war zone that will change everything we know about yetis, but we at least need to stay warm." Percy handed her hat and gloves. She smiled and took the glove and hat and puts them on. "Thank you, Percy." He nodded in satisfaction.

"Stay safe, everyone," Meechee said to the crowd who are about leaving for the west side of town on mammoths.

"You guys stay safe in the village too." Gwangi wished them well.

"Will come and find you once the Smallfoots are safe and sound," Kola assured them both.

"Try not to die!" Fleem shouted as encouragement. And with that, they all rode away on mammoths to the west side, leaving giant footprints in the snow behind them. They watch them as they leave. Then they went to face the storm blow that is waiting for them.



They made their way into the damaged village - Percy and Brenda on their yeti friends' shoulders. They remained quiet and cautious of their surroundings. No doubt, the village looked like a war zone. Percy and Branda even saw their favorite noodle shop is in shambles. The windows are shattered, the building lost some bricks, and it lost charm. They walked past their apparent building who too, are damaged just like most of the buildings are.

"They did worse to the village then I thought," Migo said worriedly. But he quickly changes persona. "But don't worry, we'll help all of you repair once all this is over." He assured them both. They nodded.

"What should we do now?" Meechee asked.

"Now we're supposed to tell all the guards that the Smallfoots are no longer a threat and became friends," Migo explained. But then realized their something wrong with his plan, he did not think this thought. "Oh, no..."


"What's wrong, Migo?"

"The guards are too spread out; we need to tell them all at once to get that same...impact the north villagers have," Migo explained to her. Meechee hummed in understanding the problem.

"That's simple; all we need to do is get all their attention all at once. Now the question is, how?"

"Hm." Then Migo's eyes landed on the gong that's halfway across town. An idea popped in Migo's head. As a former going ringer, those can grab anyone's attention. "We can ring that gong over there, that's a real attention grabber!" Migo pointed out.

"A gong! Of course!" Meechee exclaimed. They started running down to the gong with great determination in their hearts. All of a sudden, two yeti guards jumped right in front of them. The two slid to a stop, and the two Smallfoots end up tumbling off their shoulders and onto the hard ground.

"Freeze! Will take those vermins off your hands!"

"Run, you two! Run!" Migo told the Smallfoots. Percy and Brenda quickly got up and ran right underneath the guards before they could catch them and ran. Before the guards could go after them, Migo and Meechee stop them so they can getaway. "Leave them alone, their our friends!" Meechee told the guards.


Meanwhile, Percy and Brenda ran to get far away from the guards as possible. Then Brenda notice Percy is limping while he is running. Brenda stops him. "Percy, your hurt!" Percy hissed in pain, his right ankle hurts.

"Ah, nevermind that. We have to keep going to ring that gong." Percy dismissed. She wanted to object that, but she knew they are running on time. Brenda lets Percy lean on her. She sighs.

"Okay, but were going have that checked out once this nightmare is over," Brenda stated. And with that, they kelp going forward to their destination.

Elsewhere, the two Stonekeeper still fought. The two managed to land a few hits on each other. There are both exhausted for fighting for so long, but they couldn't stop. Their bodies are not strong and mobile like it used to, that's for sure. The North Stonekeeper pushed his brother to the ground with tremendous force.

"Give up, brother! You can not continue fighting what's already set in stone for these terrors!" He discourages him. Then the good Stonekeeper tripped him with his foot and got up with his staff.

"I will never stop fighting for what's right! And things are never set in stone!" He growled at him. Then suddenly, the gong starts going off nonstop like a madman. Who could be ringing the gong? Both of the Stonekeepers look to gong to see who is ringing it. Brenda is ringing the gong with a mallet while Percy yelled for the guard's attention.

"Hey! Come on over here! We something huge to tell you all!" Percy shouted from the top of his lungs.

And it worked.

All the guards in the village turn to the shore of the sound. Two Smallfoots are making a racket. All the guards sprinted there with no question. Some guards even spared the Smallfoot they were going take. The good Stonekeeper recognized the two Smallfoots an instant. If they are here, then that means Meechee and her friends have saved the Smallfoots. They did it. Then again, he very confused about why the two Smallfoots are attracting attention to themselves.

"Where Snowball and Wonder!?" Brenda asked desperately as she hit the gong with the mallet over and over. The guards are coming their way and fast from corners.

"I don't know!" Percy shouted back. Panic has begun to rise as the yeti got closer to them. Brenda stopped ringing the gong and gestured Percy to back up to her. The two scruffily hid behind the gong, despite knowing it won't do much. From afar, the North Stonekeeper smiled darkly as the guards get closer to them.

"Finish them!"

"No!" The good Stonekeeper yelled.

The guards changed at them. Percy and Brenda hugged each other tight, preparing for their untimely demise. Until...

"Stop! Don't hurt them!" Cried Meechee. Migo and Meechee got in front of the two Smallfoots to protect them. The guards are stunned. The North Stonekeepers is in disbelief that Migo and Meechee are here. They must have all escape, those monsters... including his stepdaughter, Teal. The North Stonekeeper rushed down there while the good Stonekeeper is right behind him to stop him.

"We don't need to fight anymore!" Migo declared with emotion.

"Why? Their monsters!"

"And they took everything from us!"

"Yeah, the Stonekeeper said so!"

Unfortunately, what they said is true. The yetis past with the Smallfoot was extremely rough and cruel. It's not a lovely event to remember; they have to admit. However, just like what happen to Migo and the whole village, there's a misunderstanding that everyone in the North village needed to understand. Although, the North Stonekeeper has blamed in this too.

"Your right! The Smallfoot did those terrible things to us." Meechee said, just to prove their point. "But the truth is that Smallfoots did those things to us because they see us as monsters."

All the guards gasped in surprise. The two Stonekeepers got to where the guards are gathered up. But instead of interrupting, they listened. The North Stonekeeper wanted to hear what they have to say. Percy and Brenda came out from their hiding place to watch. A guard scoffed.

"Monsters? Why would they think we're monsters? We wouldn't-"  He cut himself off when they looked at the damage they done to their village and the Smallfoots they capture in their sack. They came to a realization. "Oh...maybe were monsters to them after all."

"It doesn't have to be like this; we can all be friends," Migo explains. Migo lets Percy hop on his hand and shows him off to them. The guards are fascinated when they saw the organism in his hand. Meechee also allows Brenda on her hand to show her off.

"Me and this Smallfoot are best friends. We do everything together." Migo continues, "Just like all of you, I used to think he was an enemy because of what happened with our ancestors. But then he saved my friends and me from his own species, who too we're terrified of us. But all that can change right here, right now, it starts with all of us." Migo finished his compelling speech.

Convshions begins to form. Change is happening. The guards let the Smallfoots go from the sack they carried and apologize to the. Percy and Brenda looked at each other and smiled warmly. Everything felt like it's going be okay again. The North Stonekeeper anger grew within him at a fast rate.

"What are all you doing? Attack them now!"

"No." A guard replied abruptly.


All the gruds took down their armor in a sign of peace and that there are done. "This whole thing was a huge misunderstanding from the start, you see?"

"You were wrong about the Smallfoots, Stonekeeper." A guard added. The North Stonekeeper is losing power and his command.

"You honestly all believe what they are saying is true!?" Few the guards nodded while others are unsure.

"It's true." The good Stonekeeper confirmed. "All of it is truth." The North Stonekeeper grew furious; he clenched his fist in anger. Completely speeches. He had no idea clue what to say; he felt like he is going lose his mind at any second.

"Y-Your all fools! Fools!" He said out of breath. Then his red eyes gaze at a Smallfoot that wore red that Migo held. Then his eyes darted to Brenda that the Stonekeeper daughter held. The two felt the tension in them, the yetis notice it too.

"Brother, please recon-" Before the Stonekeeper could finish, he got a punch to the face by his irritated brother, causing him to fall over. Everyone gasped.

"Daddy!" Shouted Meechee. She immediately hurried to her father with Brenda to make sure he wasn't hurt.

"All of this ends now." His eyes fall on Percy again, but this time it stays there. He was shooting daggers at him. He started charging at Migo. The guards tried to stop him, but he knocked them down with his horns without a sweat. Migo tried to back up away before he got closer to them, but it was too late. The North Storekeeper ram into him, knocking Percy out of his hand. The Noth Stonekeeper caught him in his grip. Everyone gasped.

"Migo!" Meechee screamed.

"And it ends with him!" The Stonekeeper backed away from him and everyone. Percy tries to break out of his tight grip

"Percy!" Brenda cried out.


"Smallfoot! This has nothing to do with him. Let him go!" Migo takes a step forward to him with his hands up.

"Don't take another step! Any of you! Or I will squeeze him to a pulp!" He threatens as he takes a step back with Percy. The sun has begun to set, giving everyone and everything the tallest shadows as the standdown continues.

"Don't!" The Stonekeeper coughed.

Then unexpectedly, North ran off with Percy in a dash. No expected such action from him. The guards went after him, leaving Migo standing shocked as ever.

"Go, I got my father. Go save our friend." Meechee told him. Migo nodded. Brenda then walks up to Migo with determination, wanting to come with him. Migo nodded at her. With that, the two went after the North Stonekeeper to save Percy from his grasp.

To Be Continued...


Holy Cow! This chapter is a long one, and we're only nearly halfway through the climax.😬

I was thinking of finishing the climax here, but then this chapter would be over 3000 words and that it would be too long of a section to read.🤯

So that means Part 3 ladies and gentlemen! Woo! 😮

So anyways...

🌠Have an incredible day🌠

See you in Chapter Twenty: War For Smallfoot Part 3 😎

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