The Model [Zarry]

Od karmasucks

510K 14.6K 2.7K

Zayn has nothing. He thinks he is a nobody. He has no friends, an ungrateful family, and he's never been in... Více

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.

Chapter 4.

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Od karmasucks

Zayn started the work day off well, touring the building with a very happy Niall who couldn't stop mentioning how exciting it was to have Zayn here. Zayn liked Niall; he was a happy bloke that he could definitely get used to being around. 

Niall showed him the studio where they prepared the sets and took the photos, the office, the processing room for the photos; everything you could possibly imagine. They even had a library full of old magazines and scrapbooks of shoots for inspiration. 

"This is the staff room. You can come here between shoots and on you break. Usually all the models go off at the same time so Liam and I can get a break as well, so you will never be alone." Niall smiled as he pushed open the door leading to some kind of chic lounge looking area. There were a couple of couches, a kitchen, a restroom and a curly haired boy laying on the couch. 

Harry shot his head up at the sound of the others entering, smiling when he saw the handsome new guy. 

"Hey, Ni. Zayn." Harry winked at him, causing Zayn to gulp, feeling slightly uncomfortable. "How's your hand?" He asked, referring to it being burned earlier that morning. 

"It's fine." Zayn mumbled, putting both hands in his pocket and avoiding eye contact. 

Zayn did stupid things when he was drunk, and obviously something had happened that weekend that convinced Harry he may be gay. Why else would he be coming onto Zayn like this? Although for some reason, it was particularly hard to brush off.

"What are you lads up to?" Harry asked cheerily, clasping his hands together in front of him and staring at the Irish boy, waiting for an answer. 

"I was just showing Zayn here around the building. You know, so he doesn't get lost between shoots today." Niall replied, patting Zayn on the shoulder. 

"Shoots?" Zayn murmured nervously. It was his first day, they weren't seriously going to photograph him already, were they? 

"Just like a training session. Harry will be helping you and Li will work behind the camera. I have a shoot to finish with Louis and Eleanor though." Niall was excited to see what Zayn would do, especially next to an incredibly experiences model like Harry. He was quite bummed he couldn't take part today but he'd try to find time the following day. 

"Oh really?" Harry asked, pleased to hear that he'd have to spend some time with Zayn, even if Liam would be there. He had a cheeky smirk on his face and a glint in his eyes that Zayn didn't fail to notice. 

"I've got to set up my set. Harry, watch Zayn. Li will be ready for you both in twenty." Niall said before heading out the door, waving goodbye to the other boys. 

"Now what?" Zayn asked, taking a seat on the couch. 

"I can think of plenty of things we can do in under twenty minutes." Harry chuckled, taking a seat extremely close to Zayn, placing his arm around the couch behind him. "But I don't think they're very work appropriate." Harry leaned close to Zayn to whisper in his ear, causing unexplainable shivers to run down his spine. 

Zayn leaned away from the brush of soft lips on his ear and decided he'd prefer to stand up, proceeding to the kitchen to get a glass of water as the room suddenly felt very heated. Harry ignored the awkward tension between the two of them by laughing silently, shaking his head in disbelief. 

"You're not very good at this you know." Harry sighed, glancing at Zayn who was sipping on a glass of water. 

"At what?" 

"Flirting back." Harry teased. Zayn turned away from Harry and decided it would be best to spend the next twenty minutes as far away from him as possible. He put his glass in the sink and headed out without a word to find Liam. 


"Alright, so I just want Zayn to get adapted to being in front of the camera. I won't take any pictures today. We'll start that tomorrow." Liam explained as he adjusted a light in the far corner, both models standing a fair distance apart on the other side of the room. Liam looked at them with an eyebrow raised, sensing the tension. "Whatever problem you've had, solve it. We can't afford to have the new guy causing arguments already." 

Zayn gasped, wanting to defend himself but deciding his boss already disliked him for no apparent reason, so he wasn't going to risk losing his job over a sly comment. Too bad the smiling curly haired lad was the cause for all of this, not him. 

"Oh he hasn't caused anything, Li. He's just been looking cute." Harry chimed, grinning at Liam innocently. 

"Keep the gay down to a certain level Harry. We're at work." Liam sighed, causing Harry to stifle a laugh. Of course Harry was openly gay and they tended to tease him about it once in a while. 

Liam then directed the two boys to stand in front of a green screen next to each other. "Zayn, do exactly as Harry is doing." Liam shouted, looking through the lens of his professional camera. 

Zayn noticed Harry standing slightly slanted with his hand in his pocket, staring at the camera with a blank look on his face, his pink lips puckered a tiny bit. It was an awkward pose that Zayn didn't think would work for him, but Harry looked, well... hot if he had to admit it to himself. "Just relax babe," Harry whispered, causing Zayn's stomach to flutter a little bit. 

After a few more minutes of doing this, Liam said they were free to do as they wanted while he went to find Niall. Zayn immediately started walking away, worried about that nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach. Perhaps he should go home considering he must be ill. 

"Wait," Harry yelled as Zayn brushed past him. "Would you like to come to mine and Louis' flat tonight?" He asked, fidgeting with his fingers, feeling nervous for the first time in front of the new guy. 

"Look, I don't know what you have in mind but I'm not interested in this game you're playing." Zayn said with a warning in his tone of voice. Harry confused him. He knew he was gay for sure, thanks to Liam, but why was he acting this way around Zayn? 

"No, I'm being serious. I'm not playing a game. I just wanted to know if you'd like to come over and I could give you a few pointers. For work." Harry's flirty charm had vanished as he was beginning to worry Zayn really wanted nothing to do with him when, in return, he wanted to know so much about the older boy. 

Zayn thought about it for a minute, trying to decide whether it would be a good idea to visit. But Harry looked serious when he implied it would be all business, and Louis would be there anyways, so with a shrug, he whispered "sure" before walking out the door. 


"i need instructions to your flat" 

An unknown number appeared on Harry's cell phone screen hours later and his heart jumped at the thought of seeing Zayn again. There was something so desirable about that boy and Harry couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. Perhaps it was the vulnerability he was hiding behind a hard mask, or the lack of confidence he had despite his perfect looks. 

Harry replied quickly with his address and hit send, growing more anxious by the minute.

"Calm down mate. It's just a lad. It's not like you're gay or anything." Louis teased as he walked in, immediately spotting Harry's nerves. Harry just rolled his eyes at his older friend. They shared a flat together in London and spent almost every hour of every day together. Neither of them minded though. 

"You know how I feel, Louis." Harry whispered back, fidgeting. 

"Yes and I don't understand it. You hardly know the kid. But he must be quite special if you, Harry the charmer, is getting all worked up about him." Louis sat next to Harry and grabbed his hand. "Don't worry. Just be yourself." He pressed a kiss to Harry's tousled curls before heading to the kitchen. 

A knock at the door moments later startled Harry as he inhaled deeply, getting up to answer. The tall, slender figure suppressed a smile as he spotted the other smaller one leaning against his doorframe. "Hi," was all Zayn muttered before walking past Harry.

"Would you like some tea?" Louis shouted from the kitchen, popping his head out and smiling at the boys. 

"No, I'm fine, thank you." Zayn answered as he stood in the doorway of the living room, unsure of where to go. 

"Shall we get started then?" Harry stuttered after a few moments of silence. Zayn nodded and Harry pointed to the living room where he took a seat. 

Zayn looked around the expensive flat, taking in all the pricey artifacts and furniture. Considering both boys did nothing but model for a magazine company that wasn't selling very much at the moment, they seemed to make some good cash. 

"It's a nice flat you've got here." Zayn said as he took a seat on the black leather couch. 

"Yeah it's quite large but cozy. Eleanor stays over once and a while as well. Where do you live?" Harry asked as Louis walked in, carrying two cups of tea for Harry and himself. 

"I still live at home with my parents. I can't afford to be anywhere else." Zayn shrugged, fumbling with the bottom of his jacket. He didn't really like talking about his family or his personal life.

"Not for long." Louis chimed, raising his cup of tea, causing some of the contents to dribble to the floor. "You're a good looking lad. You'll make it far in this industry if you try. I mean even Harry can't compare to your looks and he's the best we've got." Louis chuckled. It didn't bother him to know Harry was more successful than him. He was his best mate, after all. 

"That's true." Harry blushed, looking away. Zayn wasn't used to seeing a shy, vulnerable side of Harry and it was actually quite adorable. 

"So Harry, are you going to train Zayn?" Louis asked, holding back a laugh when Harry nodded much too eagerly. "Which position are you going to teach him first?" Louis winked, noticing Zayn's eyes widen at his dirty joke. 

"You're such a bastard Louis." Harry teased, smacking his friend on the back of the head. "Care to fetch us a camera?" 

"Of course. I'm not sure where it is so I've got to find it. Just give me a few minutes. Be safe while I'm gone!" Louis placed his tea cup on the side table and walked out the door. Zayn quickly noticed how perky his ass was.

"So..." Harry rubbed his hands on his thighs nervously, scooting a little closer to the other boy. "Let's start." Zayn felt uncomfortable until the younger boy stood up, encouraging him to do the same. 

"Basically, you've got to be natural. Mysterious at times. But not too mysterious. If Liam tells you to smile just make it look genuine. You get to choose a lot of your clothing so you'll always be comfortable." Harry started, unsure of how to teach another man to model. It was something that just came naturally to him.

"Don't look over posed or like you're trying too hard. Try to stand a little like you are right now." Harry smiled, noticing Zayn with both hands in his jean pockets, slouched over just enough. He was tapping his foot though, an obvious sign of nerves. 

"Ah, most importantly; confidence. You lack confidence. Why, Zayn? You're so beautiful." Harry murmured, his low husky voice almost making Zayn moan. There was just something special about this boy that seemed to drive him crazy, but he wasn't gay so he didn't understand it. 

He reached his hand to Zayn's chin and lifted it up. "Chin up, babe. Try to start off by always looking at the camera." Zayn noticed Harry's hypnotizing green eyes as he hovered only an inch or two over him in height. His stomach seemed to do a little flip at the nickname Harry seemed to be making a habit of. 

"Relax. Just breathe. You'll only be with Liam, Niall and I for the shoot tomorrow. You're getting nervous over nothing." Harry laughed at how cute Zayn was, reassuringly rubbing his arms, hoping to calm him down. 

"Liam hates me though," Zayn mumbled, barely loud enough for Harry to hear him. 

"Nonsense. He's just protective of me is all." Harry smirked, feeling the heat radiating from Zayn's face. "He's worried I'm going to get too attached." 

Harry inched closer to Zayn, feeling the older boy tense as their chests nearly pressed together. "But I told him it wasn't a problem, and that I'd try my best to stay away." Harry slurred seductively. Zayn's brain was yelling warning signs, telling him to back away but he couldn't bring himself to do it. 

"And I really am. But you're making the task almost impossible." Harry shook his head and took a step back, looking Zayn up and down, trying to forget about the feelings he seemed to be having for him lately. 

"Can we... Move on?" Zayn gulped, referring to their 'training' and hoping to change the subject. 

"Yes. Sorry." Harry cleared his throat to continue, but Louis walked in with a small camera in his hand.

"Oh good, I'm glad you're both fully clothed. Knowing Harry, he'd have you stripped down to nothing in seconds if he could." Louis gripped his stomach as he bent over, laughing alone. 

"Louis." Harry warned.

"I've already caught him wanking to a photo of you and you've only met what?...twice?" Louis felt tears in his eyes as his chest shook with laughter. 

"Louis!" Harry was embarrassed. He could tell Zayn was uncomfortable as he shifted awkwardly in the corner, staring at his feet, biting his bottom lip. "Could I speak to you in private?"

Louis nodded at Harry's request and stepped out into the hall with him, leaving Zayn alone in the living room. 

"Fuck Lou. Forget the camera. You're such a fucking idiot. You've never even caught me wanking to his picture, you liar." Harry spat through gritted teeth. He didn't want Zayn to hate him, not in the least, but Louis was making this awkward for them. 

"So you're implying you actually have, but I just haven't been fortunate enough to witness it?" Louis couldn't hide the smirk off his face as he covered his mouth with his hand, muffling the sound of his laughter. 

"Louis, he's straight as a pole. He's not even slightly interested. This is so embarrassing." Harry really liked Zayn. More than he probably should. 

"He's not straight, Harry. He's unsure of what sexuality he really is. You're just so irresistible." Louis teased., receiving an eye roll from Harry in response.

"What are you, a sexuality guru? You know nothing about him! Louis, just please leave us be. I want to get some actual work done with him without him thinking I'm creepy and obsessed." Harry said sternly before turning around and walking back to Zayn, instead finding nothing but an empty living room.

Written by ZaynsMyBloke

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