Chapter 10.

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The entire weekend, Zayn ignored text messages from Harry. They were just short texts checking up on him, seeing how his hangover was and if he wanted to go out for a movie or a drink. Truth was, he wanted to do all those things. He wanted to reply to Harry then meet him at the theatre, watch a comedy together, then go to the bar and maybe find himself a girl but he couldn't because it wasn't as simple as it sounded. Somewhere in there, he'd feel something he shouldn't for the boy and he had to avoid that at all costs. He didn't know what it was he was feeling, but he was kind of afraid to find out.

Walking into the office on Monday, his hands felt clammy and he was nervous to see Harry again. How was he going to explain to him that he was ignoring him purposely all weekend? Zayn had more fun then he had in a long time at the club Friday, but he was almost positive without the alcohol he wouldn't have enjoyed himself at all. But that wouldn't explain the things he felt at the photo shoot. The tingles he got when Harry touched him, the goosebumps when Harry's soft pink lips touched his skin.

"Hello," an Irish voice greeted him when he walked in, startling him. He jumped a little bit, stopping dead in his tracks to look at the blond boy. "Hey, Niall. How was your weekend?" He took a few steps towards the boy who was going through some paperwork, not bothering to look up at Zayn.

"I got wasted last night, I totally regret it. Don't tell Liam, though." Niall whispered and Zayn threw his head back, laughing. It was the first time he'd genuinely smiled since Friday night with Harry and it felt good.

"Your secrets safe with me." Zayn said, slapping Niall on the shoulder. He began to walk away to put his stuff in the staff room, but was interrupted by Niall's voice again. "Zayn!" he shouted and Zayn turned around quickly to see Niall watching him with a serious look on his face.

"What's going on with you and Harry? He looked quite upset this morning and Friday you guys seemed to be having such a good time.."

"I don't really know, Niall. To be honest, I have no fucking clue what I feel and it's tearing me apart because I'm not gay but I can't help but feel something special around him and fuck, why am I saying all of this." Zayn squeezed the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes and sighing heavily. He was a lad that typically kept to himself, why was he suddenly revealing his feelings to Niall.

"Are you sure you're not gay, Zayn?" Niall said, stepping forward. He didn't want to push the boy away from him by making him speak of something as personal as his sexuality, but he felt like Zayn needed help. "I mean anyone can label themselves as straight, but your feelings could label you as something completely different."

Zayn groaned and ran his hands through his hair. He hadn't really bothered to style it that morning so it was mostly flat and soft, probably not as soft as Harry's though... "Fuck. I need a coffee, and perhaps I need to sort my life out as well. Later, mate." Zayn waved his hand and headed to the staff room, frustrated that Niall just made everything even more difficult.

Zayn made his way to the staff room, desperately needing some caffeine to make up for the lack of sleep and the stress he was feeling. It's bloody difficult to sleep when you've got images of a handsome curly-haired bloke running through your mind. 

He shrugged his leather jacket off and hooked it onto the coat rack near the door, turning on his heel to go right into the kitchen. On his way, though, he spotted a curly tuft of hair popping over the back of the couch and thought he heard sniffling. Wait, was Harry crying? 

As much as he wanted to ignore him, Harry was crying and Zayn did have feelings sometimes, so he had to see what was up. "Harry?" he said quietly, and the other boys head darted up in shock but Zayn was still standing behind him and could only see him wipe his eyes with the back of his hands.

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