Chapter 21.

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Harry buried his face in Zayn's shoulder, feeling him shake beneath his touch. He couldn't imagine how scared he must be. He had stopped crying around fifteen minutes ago, but he was still shaking tremendously. "I thought you would've left. As soon as my dad slammed the door, I thought you'd leave me. Because you were too scared." Zayn admitted with a sniff, shakingly pulling back from Harry.

Harry frowned at Zayn. "Baby, I'd never leave you. I'll always be there for you. Okay?" Harry replied softly, gazing longingly at Zayn, stroking his face. Zayn nodded slowly, his eyes on shut. "I'll take you to my place, okay?" Harry offered and Zayn repeated a nod, unable to find his voice again. They broke apart so that Harry could start the car and they drove off again.

Zayn had calmed down quite a bit after that, but he was still unable to talk to Harry. In fact, he even fell asleep half way there. His palm rested against his cheek as his head lay against the cold window. He looked the cutest the thing, despite the fact he looked extremely troubled in his sleep and a few cuts and bruises here and there.

Harry was scared to waken him after he pulled up the driveway of the flat, but he did it gently. Zayn stirred, feeling Harry's touch on his arm and his long lashes fluttered open. "We're here," Harry spoke softly when Zayn looked at him. Zayn sat up. "I have a sore head." Zayn mumbled suddenly, rubbing his sleepy eyes, making Harry pity him. "We'll get you something as soon as we get in." Harry promised and stepped out the car before taking Zayn with him.

Like before, Harry supported Zayn all the way up to the door and he was about to unlock it, but it looked like Louis was already in. Harry took Zayn inside and sat him on the sofa. He then made his way over to the kitchen and poured a glass of water before handing it back to Zayn. He smiled gratefully and took a sip, placing it back down on a coaster. "Where does it hurt?" Harry asked softly, his hand on Zayn's shoulder. It took a moment for him to answer. "Everywhere," he finally croaked.  Harry smiled sympathetically. "Can you be more specific?" he asked hopefully. 

"Mostly my stomach...and...and my neck." Zayn replied, his eyes closed again as he leaned back on the couch. Biting his lip, Harry carefully lifted up Zayn's t-shirt and stared. His sides were badly bruised; a sort of green and yellow colour and his stomach was bruised and cut too, from being flung on to the table. "Is it bad?" Zayn asked, too afraid to look at the damage. "Stay here." was all Harry could demand and he headed back in the kitchen to grab an ice pack from the freezer.

He placed it on Zayn's torso when he returned, his muscles tensing at the cold touch when the ice pack made contact with his skin. Zayn's hand then suddenly reached out, cupping Harry's face, the pad of his thumb running over his right dimple. Harry couldn't help smiling at that, despite the situation they were in. He leaned into his touch, smiling up at Zayn as he pressed the ice pck to his stomach. 

"Thank you for...taking me out of there." Zayn breathed softly. It was all he could  manage, but it was enough. "I  had to." Harry replied simply, moving closer so he could then place the ice pack around his neck. Zayn was about to open his mouth when they heard approaching footsteps and Louis stood at the bottom landing of the stairs. Harry's head turned round to see what Zayn was staring at, and his face paled. "What happened?" Louis frowned, walking over to them and sitting on the coffee table opposite them. Zayn didn't want to answer, giving Harry a desperate look. He wasn't ready to open up to Louis yet, as much as Zayn trusted him, so it was Harry who answered.

"Zayn's father is a bit...homophobic if you like. I took Zayn home from work after we talked to you and - let's just say, things got a bit out of hand." Harry admitted, nodding toward Zayn's cuts. Louis face fell, looking at Zayn sympathetically. "Losers like that aren't worth your time, mate." Louis said softly, peering at Zayn. "He saw us kissing." Zayn blurted out, ignoring Louis' reassuring tone as his eyes started to water. "It was right before Harry-" Zayn stopped dead, staring at Harry, his heart hammering fast. Right before he was about to say I love you Zayn thought in his head. 

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