Chapter 13.

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Zayn and Harry spent a whole day doing a full photo shoot that following Monday. Which they were both looking forward too. When they arrived at work that Monday morning, they'd get the few occasional stolen kisses in the staff room and cafeteria before going behind the camera.

Liam instantly knew something was different between the pair. At first, he thought it was because it was their second time doing the gay cover and they had a vague idea of what to except but then he realised that couldn't be it at all because it took Louis and Harry a couple of months to get the hang of this type if modelling, even if Harry was already openly gay. He soon figured out that it was because Zayn was a little bit more confident than before. He didn't know if that was because Zayn was beginning to know what he was doing, or because something had happened between him and Harry that changed his shyness completely. He hoped it wasn't the latter...but he was correct.

Zayn stood in front of Harry, behind the camera as he was the shortest of them both. He watched through the camera how Zayn leaned against Harry, his palms facing upwards ad Harry leaned his chin on his shoulders his hands ran down Zayns arms, until they reached Zayns hands and pressed them on top of them, entwining their fingers together. Zayn closed his eyes, relaxing a little as Harry smirked cheekily, suddenly spinning Zayn around on his feet so that they were now face to face. Zayn grunted at the movement, his eyes still closed as he pressed his forehead against Harrys, Harry gently cupping Zayns cheek. "I think it's time to get the pop corn out." Niall jokes at the side to Louis, who varies a laugh as Harrys lips were inches away from Zayn.

"Ok, that's enough for now." Liam said quickly when they were about to kiss in front of the camera, which was followed by a number of loud groans from Niall and Louis. Zayns breath hitched, suddenly aware of the fact that he was about to kiss Harry in front of his best mates- and not to mention- his boss. Harry noticed the sudden tension around Zayn and frowned curiously at him. "You all right?" Harry muttered, still stroking Zayns cheek. "I'm fine." Zayn assured him, smiling weakly. "Zayn, Harry...can I speak to the both of you, please?" Liam asked, setting the camera aside. Harry and Zayn exchanged confused glances, but nodded nevertheless.

Liam moved the camera away from the shooting zone and set it in place. "I just want to see how comfortable you both are in kissing in front of the camera. Zayns eyes widened in sheer shock, completly terrified while Harry frowned, narrowing his eyes at Liams. "Liam, I've never done that before." he pointe out softly, one arm around Zayn. "I know, I just want to try it." Harry turned to Zayn, who was avoiding eye contact with either of his co-workers as he fiddled with the hem of his t-shirt. Harry hesitantly tugged on Zayns hand, moving just behind the camera.

Zayn was still looking at the ground when Harry faced him. So Harry titled Zayns chin up, using his index finger, Zayns chocolate brown eyes burning into Harrys. "Just like our first kiss, yeah?" Harry said softly and Zayn couldn't help smirking a little, colour rising in his cheeks at the thought. Harry tilted his head to the side, pressing his lips softly against Zayns. Zayn frowned, his eyes closed as he tried to relax against his mouth. It was...difficult. It was weird, doing this in front of the camera considering they had kissed only a few times alone with no one else around. It was like their first kiss all over again.

Harry was scared, afraid that he had scared Zayn off again because he was so hesitant, but maybe that was because they were both doing this in front of the camera. But as soon as Harry nudged his lips against Zayns, Zayn gasped and they started kissing slowly and passionately. Harry smiled against Zayns lips, knowing that Zayn was finally comfortable with kissing Harry and without hesitating this time, he cupped Zayns face, pulling him closer if that was even possible while Liam took a few snaps with the camera.

Liam watched at how happy Harry was, kissing Zayn as Harrys arms slipped around Zayns waist, as if protecting him. Liam stood back from the camera and cleared his throat awkwardly, waiting for the couple to finish as it looked like they had completly forgotten that there were other people still in the room. Zayn was first to pull away, and Liam couldn't miss the disappointment that appeared on Harrys face when he did.

Liam beckoned a finger toward Zayn who sighed. "See you in a bit, yeah?" Zayn suggested and Harry nodded, pecking him on his nose quickly before departing for his dressing room.

He walked over to the clothes table to pull off the t-shirt he was wearing and folded it up neatly to avoid giving Niall any hassle and slipped on his own t-shirt and then went to Liam. "Zayn? Can I talk to you for a minute?" Liam asked politely, putting a gentle hand on Zayns shoulder. Zayn nodded and he followed his boss into his office. "I hope you remember what we talked about, at the start of your job?" Liam started and Zayn frowned, in thought. "Yeah." Zayn said honestly.

"I just...I hope you know that this job depends on you. And no one else." Liam added in a much harsher tone. Zayn looked up at Liam, biting his nails. "If you think something's going on between me and Harry...there's not." Zayn assured him, although he wasn't sure he was entirely truthful this time. He was in deep shit, wasn't he?

"Zayn, I know you two kissed...before." Liam pointed out, scoffing a little and shaking his head in disbeleif. Zayns eyes went wide. "How did you-? Niall." Zayn sighed knowingly as realisation dawned on him. "Look, just...another reminder that if you fuck Harry over at all, or confuse him in anyway, you're gone. For good." Liam said harshly.

Zayns heart started to pick up a pace, wondering if he had already done that. When they were both drunk that time at the bar, and the next day Zayn had completely avoided texting him and he came into work to find Harry in tears. He'd make sure he'd never make that mistake again, and wouldn't tell Liam. "Can't you just accept that Harry's probably happy with me?" Zayn asked, trying hard not to sound impatient. "I have. I just want you to remember our deal." Liam said simply and walked out the office, leaving Zayn alone and panicky.

writtten by karmasucks.

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