Chapter 5.

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Zayn was breathing heavily the next day as he entered his work. He couldn't get what Liam had said to him out of his head. To sort the problem that him and Harry had? What kind of shit was that? It was probably the hardest task of all. Zayn didn't even know what the problem was. I mean, there was only tension between him and Harry. Tension he knew nothing about.

He thought that, if he went to Harrys flat last night then they could at least sort their 'problem' out like reasonable human beings, but no. He didn't know he would there. Louis. He hadn't really talked to Louis that much, or met him for that matter but Louis was acting he had known Zayn all his life. He had only met Louis once at the bar and even then, they were drunk. So how could Louis know everything about him? Including his sexuality?

He had heard everything they said last night. Of course he had. Let's just say, their little argument they had last night wasn't exactly quiet. That's why Zayn had to leave. He couldn't take anymore. He ignored the fact that Harry could possibly like him, he couldn't deal with that right now. Like Harry had said, he had no interest in him. Or did he? He did admit that something did happen between them when he had first met him at the bar but then again, they had been drinking.

And that Louis practically said he was confused about his sexuality. He was not confused. If anything, he was the gay one. The way Harry and Louis acted around each other...well let's just say it's not how Zayn and his supposedly best friend would act.

His train of thought was broken by the cafeteria doors swung open and in came Harry- looking quite grumpy, Zayn thought. He was definitely pissed about something. He didn't even steal a glance at Zayn as he walked past him to head to the coffee machine. He just kept his head down and did what he was doing. Hmm. Weird. Usually Harry would be all up for chatting up Zayn in what he thought was his funny, quirky way but not today.

Something inside Zayn told him that he wanted to confront Harry, to ask him what's wrong but he decided against it. Besides, Harry looked well pissed. Maybe it was best to leave him be, to let him fight his own battles. It was best Zayn stayed out of trouble anyway, Liam already hated him and he didn't want Harry hating him, too. Even though he doubted that was even possible.

Zayn cleared his throat and Harry looked up from the coffee machine, his emerald orbs boring into his. Zayn suddenly felt scared. He'd never seen Harry looked so pissed, his hard gaze held with Zayns. "Are...are you all right?" Zayn stuttered nervously. "Perfect. Never better." Harry mumbled, throwing his cup down on the surface under the machine. Zayn flinched. He didn't like this angry side of Harry. Not one bit. Zayn decided he'd talk to Harry to when he was ready to talk to him.

Harry had left swiftly out the door anyway, leaving Zayn alone again. But it gave Zayn some time to think until somebody called him for work. He did admit that leaving Harry was a bit rude, but Louis was rude as well. He shouldn't have said those things, he shouldn't be making snide comments to him and Harry if he was his best friend. Even if they were true. Zayn didn't know much about best friends but he knew for a fact that Louis certaintly wasn't acting like one. Maybe that's why Harry was mad. Maybe he wasn't mad at him after all.

His thoughts were interuppted yet again by an Irish voice calling him. "Zayn? Liam wants you now." Niall announced from the door way. Zayn sighed deeply and obeyed Nialls orderes, following him out the cafeteria. Basically what he had to for Liam was get all the clothes sorted for a new shoot that Harry and Louis were doing; it was a gay cover for some magazine. Zayn couldn't help smirking at that when Niall told him, realizing the irony of that.

But something churned inside Zayn as he watched Louis and Harry model from the clothes table. Over the past few days of knowing Harry and Louis, Zayn had began to think that they weren't just best friends. Even if Louis had a girlfriend. They were closer than close most of the time and Zayn couldn't help wishing that was him with Harry sometimes even though he knew that was ridiculous because he wasn't gay.

But today, something was definitely off and Zayn was sure it was to do with the argument they had last night. For one, Harry and Louis weren't even talking to each other. Heck, they weren't even looking at each other. Zayn could feel the tension between them grow even though Zayn was quite a distance apart, at the clothes table.

Their arms were folded across their chests, Harry was scolding ahead, his eyes burning into the wall in front of him while Louis was looking down at his feet, apparently admiring his TOMS for a long period of time. "Guys what is up with you two? You've never acted so cross with each other before." Liam finally sighed impatiently, resting against the camera. "Maybe you should ask Louis that." Harry replied firmly, his jaw clenching. Liams eyes went to Louis, whose head snapped up at the mention of his name. His was watering slightly, but he still managed to keep a strong, firm look on Harry. Had Louis wanted to apologize to Harry and Harry didn't accept it?

Liam ran a hand through his tousled hair. "Guys, you don't have to be friends but can you at least be work mates? For this?" Liam pleaded. Harrys frown furrowed as he looked at Liam then he looked at Louis who was looking just as desperate and guilty. Harry gave a curt nod, finally giving in. Liam beamed and gave Harry and Louis his instructions.

Zayn was with curiosity as Louis wrapped his arms around his waist, resting his chin on his shoulder while Harry looked completely relaxed. How could Louis do that? How could Louis act so casual around him when Zayn gets all weird and fluttery, unable to control his feelings when Harry comes close? It was mind boggling to Zayn.

"I'm sorry, I can't do it." Louis finally huffed and stormed out the industry. Liam stared after Louis, a frown on his face. Everything was falling apart from him, and Zayn felt sorry for him. Maybe he should say something? Comfort him? But his thoughts were side-tracked when Harry through off his zipper he was wearing and was about to storm off to the cafeteria.

Zayn rushed after him. He just wanted answers. "Harry, what was that all about?" he asked quickly, trying to keep up with Harrys pace. Harry didn't answer. "Harry, I know you're mad at Louis but you could at least talk to me." Zayn said impatiently and at that, Harry spun round, causing Zayn to come to an ubrubt halt. "Look maybe it's best if we keep our distance." Harry said sternly, and walked away from Zayn, leaving him stunned.

That's when Liam came up behind him. "Zayn? Can I talk to you please?"

Written by karmasucks

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