
By ashluvspups

91K 2.6K 976

Brooke Rose Everdeen never wanted to be selected. She didn't want to marry the oh so famous Jackson Schreave... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Not a Chapter :P
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Trust me. You'll want to read this.
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Im backkkk

Chapter 6

4.1K 113 55
By ashluvspups

"Lady Brooke, it is time to awake." Melody said shaking me.

I groaned. I only got 5 hours of sleep last night thanks to Jacksons stupid gorgeous eyes.

I slowly started to awake and get out of bed.

"We must hury miss, you have breakfast in a hour." Amber said.

I groaned. "I could've got 30 minutes more of sleep."

My maids all laughed.

Veronica pulled out a beautiful red dress with white flowers. It had a darling sweetheart neckline and sleeves.

"Oh it's gorgeous!" I exclaimed.

They all smiled. "Were trying to replicate the look you had yesterday, since the Prince has not seen you yet." Melody said with a smile.

I froze. "Right..."

"Are you alright miss?" Veronica asked.

"Yes..." I changed the topic."You guys can call me Brooke you know. Miss sounds to proper." I said with a laugh.

They all looked at each other and laughed.

"If you insist mi- I mean Brooke." Amber said with a wink.

I laughed as well. "Ok, well let's get me all princessfied for breakfast." I said as my feet landed on the immaculate marble flooring.

My brunette curls were a wreck from tossing and turning last night. But that wasn't a problem for my maids, they curled my hair with a medium thick barrel.

I asked if I could have a bit more of a natural look then the whole sexy, breath taking- Goodness. What in the world was I thinking.

They put on a less intense smokey eye and not as bright red stain but I still looked breath taking.

"Ok," Amber says as she applies the last coat of mascara. "I think were done here!" She says with a grin.

I slipped on the dress and it fit perfectly. My maids put me in red heels with a white pop up flower in the center.

I admitted that I looked absolutely gorgeous. Being a 5, I could never afford such amazing dresses and good quality makeup. This was honestly a fairytale.

"Thank you ladies! I look absolutely amazing!" I said with a grin.

They all smiled and blushed.

"Your welcome." Veronica said. "Now hurry along! Breakfast starts in 10 minutes!"

I hurried out if the door and reached the grand stair case.

I looked to my right to find a gorgeous hand painted vase. It was white with gold leaves and stems painted on it.

"Gorgeous, isn't it?" I heard a beautiful voice say. I turned up my left to find Princess Amberly.

I immediately curtsied "Princess Amberly."

She laughed, her blue eyes twinkling.

"Oh stop it. Amberly is just fine." She said with a smile.

I laughed too. "Sorry."

"It's fine. Your name is Brooke right?" She asked.

I nodded, shocked she knew my name.

She grinned. "Jackson talked about you!"

My eyes went huge. "Did he?"

"Yes! He mentioned you had the most beautiful eyes he's ever seen, that's how I could tell he was talking about you." She said as her red curls bounced a little.

I blushed. Jackson complimented me? To his 17 year old sister? Amberly and I were the same age and it felt like we were in a high school talking about her hot 19 year old brother.

I couldn't help but blush again.


Amberly and I walked into the Great room.

There were some jealous stares and gasps and I couldn't help but smile.

I saw Madeline in a flowery dress and sat by her. Amberly sat on my right.

Madeline immedietly stood and curtsied almost perfectly. She would make a great princess.

"Aww stop it. Take a seat." Amberly said with a warm smile.

Madeline sat down gracefully and smiled. "My name is Madeline. Its an honer to meet you, your Majesty."

"Call me Amberly. And it is very nice to meet you Madeline." She said with another heart warming smile.

Madeline blushed and gave me a small smile.

"Well I must be on my way but if you guys have fun." Amberly said.

We quickly stood and said our good byes.

"She's so ni-" Madeline started but we were interrupted by a woman who looked to be in her 30's and had perfectly curled blonde hair and grey eyes. She had a perfect figure as well.

"Hello, Brooke is it?" She asked with a bit of strictness in her voice.

I nodded and smiled.

"I am your supervisor, Jillian. Would you like to take a seat over there?" She said pointing to near rows of 35 chairs. Some if the Selected were already sitting there.

Madeline and I both nodded.

I stood up and smoothed down my dress and walked to the back row. The front and seconds row were already taken.

"Isn't this exciting?" Madeline said beaming.

"I know! This is so much to take in, in less then 24 hours!" I said letting out a sigh.

"I wonder why were here. Maybe-" Madeline was cut off by somebody walking into the room.

But it wasn't just any body. It was Prince Jackson.

My heart fluttered but I ignored it.

He was smiling but his eyes showed how truly nervous he was.

"Hello everyone. I'm sorry for keeping you from your breakfast, but I would like to interview you all individually. Please excuse me if I miss any of your names, there are quite a lot of you." He chuckles and there were lots of giggles in return.

He walked over to the first chair and and gave his hand out to I think her name was Charlotte. He walked her over yo a set of couches that were in a corner and also had a view of the gardens.

I noticed I would be 3rd to last.

I sighed. This is going to take a while.


Madeline was talking yo me but I was sorry to think that I didn't follow along. It had nothing to do with the fact that she was entertaining or anything, it was just that I was really nervous.

I talked to the Prince horribly last night when he was nothing but kind and polite...... And dreamy.... And gorgeous....

I immediately shut myself up.

I was not falling for him.

I've been through one heart break enough to realize that guys only want my body and not me.

Trisha, who was next to Madeline came back and told her it was her turn.

"Wish me luck!" She whispered cheerfully.

"Good luck!" I whispered back trying to match her cheerfulness.

She walked over to the couches and curtsied to Jackson.

My pulse started to race.

I was next.

How do I apologize to the Prince of IllWA?

"Don't be nervous, he's really nice!" Trisha said to me.

I looked up to find her smiling at me. Her emerald eyes filled with hope.

"Is he really?" I asked, nervousness creeping into my voice.

"Oh yeah! He's so gentle and nice and even funny!" He's absolutely the best package deal!" Trisha said with a laugh at the end.

I laughed along to. I could feel some of the nervousness melt off.

"What kind of questions did he ask?" I asked with a smile.

"Oh just questions to get to know you." She said with a smile as well.

Yeah he could already see that I was a beat that whined about being away from.home. Lucky me.

Trisha started telling me about her home and it turns out, she's a 2. I have to be honest. She's the nicest 2 I have ever met. When I perform at 2's and 3's houses they always give me looks that I don't belong. Once a 2 actually wouldn't pay me because I almost tripped during a performance. That was the last time I wore heels until now.

My heart almost stopped when I saw Madeline, from the corner of my eye, stood up and curtsied.

I tried to act as calm as possible but my eyes probably reflected a mad man.

"Brooke! It's your turn!" Madeline said taking a seat.

I smiled nervously. I stood up and smoothed down my dress.

"Good luck!" Madeline and Trisha both whispered to me.

I gave them a small smile.

I started walking and let out a shaky breath.

Here goes nothing.

The walk felt like an eternity every step felt like a century and the knot I'm my stomach was getting tighter.

I was a yard away from my destination when Jackson turned to me and smiled, his eyes brightened.

I gave him a small nervous smile and curtsied. "Hello, your highness."

He smiled again. "Hello Brooke." The way he said my name was like melted chocolate, smooth and silky.

I met his eye and he seemed to blush a bit. I smiled a little flirtatious. I have to stay here for as long as possible for me family.

He and I both took a seat.

I let out a shaky breath. "I just wanted to apologize for the way I behaved last night. It was rude to of me to act, well bratty when you were nothing but kind and caring. I also also wanted to apologize that I was outside your room. I have no idea how in the world I got onto the third floor." I said with a nervous laugh at the end.

He smiled again. "It's absolutely fine. You were upset and I understand. And no worried about being on the third floor. There have been much worse." He chuckles. He looked at me with such gentleness I couldn't help but blush.

"If it isn't too much to ask, why were you upset?" He asked.

"Uh, it's a long story." I said not meeting his eyes.

"I understand." He said with concern filling his eyes.

"Thank you." I said and I truly meant it.

He nodded with a smile. "So how are you enjoying the palace?" He asked.

"Quite beautiful. I absolutely love your art works." I said thinking about the break taking paintings.

"If it's alright to ask, what is your caste?" He asked.

"I'm a 5. I specialize in music and art." I responded.

He smiled. "And may I ask, how did you sleep last night?"

"Oh, very nice. My maids had to drag me out of bed." I said with a hint of a laugh.

His eyes brightened. "Well my dear, I'm glad."

I gave him a strange look when he said 'my dear'.

"What would you prefer? Darling? Love? Pumpkin?" We both laughed at the last one.

"Brooke's fine." I said staring to warm up to him.

He gave me a mischievous look. "I'll keep trying."

"Good luck with that." I said almost grinning.

I could feel my stomach about to rumble so I quickly stood up.

"Thank you Your Highness." I said and curtsied.

He stood up and looked a little disappointed that out time was cut short.

"Thank you for your time, my- I mean Brooke." He said sarcastically.

I laughed and curtsied rather roughly.

I started to walk away but couldn't help but turn back. Jackson had his eyes on me and was smiling with a hint of joy in his eyes.


Hi guys! Sorry this is late! My phone wasn't working :P. But to make up for it, drum roll please! I'll post 2 chapters or more tomorrow! Yea! Well I hope you enjoyed! Stay tuned my dears!

<3 Ashley

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