Devil's Drop

By lpfan503

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When Mike Shinoda and Chester Bennington meet through a mutual friend, sparks fly between the nineteen year... More

Red + Blue = Purple
Shirt Issues
A Game for Two
Opposites Attract
Mutual Satisfaction
Wet and Hungry
Lap Dances and the Guy in the Gold Vest
Cinnamon Rolls and Rejection
A Close Call
Worlds Apart
Arrival and Departure
Picking Up the Pieces
The First Time
Hard Questions, Harder Answers
The First Sunday
More Than Colleagues
A Visit to YRS
House Rules
After Dark at YRS
A New Contract
Bound By Love
Moving Forward
A Change of Plans
Bottom to Top
Control Issues
Mike's First Shoot
Washing It Away
Palm Springs
Promo Weekend
Reality Check
Upstairs Ultimatum
Given Up
Alone in the Piano Room
A Harsh Dose of Reality
Fried Cheese and a Soapy Cock
An Unwelcome Offer
Seattle Part One: The Lucky Spatula
Seattle Part Two: Not So Sexy Drizzle
Seattle Part Three: A Forced Night Out
Seattle Part Four: Icing and Marshmallows
Seattle Part Five: Tables Turned
Seattle Part Six: Something Stolen
Seattle Part Seven: A Dark Trade
Seattle Part Eight: Jason in the Middle
Seattle Part Nine: Fireside Confession
Promise and Possession
A Hit to the Heart
The Not-So-Clear Future
Too Much and Not Enough Ryan
Between Bedrooms
A Secret Between Friends
Jaxon Deep
Dinner For None
Pushed Too Far
What's Left Behind
Mark's Secret
High Times in the Hills

A Friendly Favor

148 9 26
By lpfan503

The moment Chester heard his phone ringing, his eyes shot open. His blurry vision quickly focused on his cell phone sitting on the nightstand. He reached for it, holding it over his head, looking at it with one eye open as his pupils adjusted to the bright morning sunlight.

Ryan's name was on the screen, and Chester quickly slid his finger across the accept button. "Hello," he said quietly, his head still on the pillow as he laid on his side. Mike was behind him, his arm thrown over Chester's side underneath the thin red and black flannel top sheet they'd been sleeping under.

"Chaz, you're not sleeping are you? Shit, man, it's early. I'm sorry."

Chester shut his eyes. "No, it's okay," he said, still keeping his voice low. "Everything okay?"

"No," Ryan stated immediately. "Jay just called me and he's dying to get away from Mark."

Chester's eyebrows furrowed together before he let out a sigh. "Ry, just hang on a minute, okay?"


Chester pulled his phone away from his ear and hit the mute command. He set it on the nightstand before he laid back down. He let out another long breath as the silence surrounded him. It was Wednesday morning, and it was early. There was no need to be getting up, but he knew his friend needed to talk and vent.

He twisted a little, trying to catch a glimpse of his boyfriend's face; Mike was still fast asleep. His lips were parted just a little as he snored softly and Chester smiled. He gently picked Mike's arm up and off his side, before he scooted away from him, swinging his legs off the side of the bed. He yawned and stretched his arms, scratching his nails over his side and then his shaved head before running them through his flat mohawk. His back ached a little as he twisted from one side to the other.

He stole another glance at the clock, and the early morning hour before he took the red pair of underwear and matching red and white pajama bottoms from the nightstand, pulling them on one at a time as he stood up. He gave Mike one last look; he'd grabbed a pillow in Chester's place and was snuggling with it like it was made of flesh and bone. He's so cute.

Despite the awkward event that had happened between Chester and his lover the night that Anna and Dave had helped them move the rest of Mike's things into the loft, the couple had made their amends, and for the most part, Chester felt like things had gone back to normal. Mike had been more attentive over the last few days, but other than that, life had gone on as if nothing had happened.

Chester grabbed his phone and headed down the stairs. He clicked the phone off mute and said, "Ry, I gotta pee and them I'm all yours. Just hang on." He didn't wait for his friend to agree before he muted the phone again. He left it on the kitchen bar and headed to the bathroom to take care of first-thing-in-the-morning business.

Three minutes later and Chester felt like a new man. He'd managed to pee, wash his face and brush his teeth in record time, and now he was ready to make coffee while he listened to whatever Ryan was upset about.

"Okay, go," Chester said, when he took his phone off mute again. He balanced the phone between his shoulder and his ear, as he maneuvered around the kitchen, fixing the coffee pot up.

"It's Jason," Ryan said, his voice not quite a whimper. Yet. "They got back from their romantic weekend." Ryan's snide tone didn't take Chester by surprise. "And now Jason's going crazy. He said Mark did nothing but pick on him the whole last day they were in Malibu or wherever it was they went. . .and he's upset. He needs a break and we haven't seen each other since last week. Mark's such a dick. I hate him." His last words came out in a huff.

Chester turned the coffee maker on before he took a step back and leaned against the counter. "I second that. He's a royal dick. We all hate him," he muttered as the older man's face popped into his mind, and Chester shuddered. The maniacal quality of Mark's gray eyes, his honey sweet voice and the way he always seemed to word things just right to get anyone and everyone to do exactly what he wanted - it was too much.

Chester shut his eyes and shook his head, trying to send away the image. "So why don't you and Jason go out? Somewhere other than YRS."

"We've tried that before," Ryan replied dryly. "Last time, Mark started asking questions. The wrong kind of questions," he said, his tone dropping. "Chaz, if he ever finds out about us, like, if he finds out before we're ready to get out of there, God, I don't even want to think about it. But I hate not being able to spend real time with Jay. I'd love for us to actually be able to go out on a date. A real date. . .dinner and movie. You know, something cheesy. Something cliche. Is that so much to ask for?"

Chester's eyes drifted up toward the lofted bedroom as the coffee percolated behind him, sending the glorious aroma of the dark nectar through Chester's senses. "No, I don't think that's too much to ask for. And it's not cheesy. What if you guys go somewhere outside the city?"

"Jay won't," Ryan answered immediately. "He's scared to death that anywhere we go, somehow Mark will find out. He's paranoid, and I can't say I blame him. It just really sucks. There's nowhere safe for us to go."

"What about here?" Chester offered without too much thought. "You guys could come here and have like an at-home date. I'll cook," he decided quickly as his mind raced forward. He spun around, opening his cabinets and scanning the shelves. "I can make us a big meal and we'll watch a movie. We can even go for a walk on the beach after it gets dark. Come on, Ry, you don't get much more cliche than that."

"What, you mean like a double date? With you and Mike?"



Chester looked up toward his bedroom again. He knew his boyfriend wasn't the biggest fan of Ryan, but this was different. This would be Ryan and Jason both, and somewhere in Chester's head he justified it. Not only was he helping out his friend, but Mike had brought his friends over to the loft - Anna and Dave - and that had been okay, so he figured this should be okay too.

"Yeah," he finally said. "It will be like a double date."

"You sure Mike will be okay with that? He gives me the evil eye sometimes."

Chester waved his hand through the air. "He'll be fine. Don't even worry. I'll talk him into being cool with it. How about tonight?" he offered next as the idea of throwing a little dinner party and hosting his friends - Jason wasn't really a friend, but he'd count for this - really started to excite him. He'd have to go shopping to get supplies, and then he and Mike could spend the day getting everything ready.

He glanced over the loft. They had been steadily working on finding a place for all of Mike's things, and Chester was rather proud of the progress they'd made. The dresser was upstairs, and was packed to the gills with Mike's clothes, and everything that wouldn't fit, they'd squeezed into the linen closet in the bathroom. They had rearranged the living room a little bit, and had made a space in the far corner for all of Mike's art supplies - his crates full of paint cans, his extra canvases, his works in progress and they had even gone out and bought a sleek, modern looking desk so Mike could sit and draw, and have a place for his jars of paintbrushes and stash of markers, pencils, and pens to sit. His boyfriend loved the space, and Chester had even grown to enjoy watching him utilize it in his spare time. Even Mike's piles of music books and compositions were tucked away inside the desk drawers, and so the loft was back to looking clean and organized. Breathable.

"Thanks, Chaz," Ryan said, his down voice picking up into something hopeful, even excited. "I'll call Jay and see if he can get away tonight. I'll text you if we can come. Thanks again," he offered before they both said their goodbyes.

Chester stared at his phone for a minute before he looked up. Now I just gotta get Sexy Boy on board.

Upstairs, Mike was slowly becoming aware that his arms were not around his boyfriend. Without opening his eyes, he reached over, his hand fumbling across the sheets in search of Chester's back, his arm, his side, anything. He cracked his eyes open to gauge just how far away Chester was so he could get a hand on him and bring them back together, but his blurry gaze landed on the empty bed. Mike shot upright, his hand groping at the night stand for his phone. "Ches?" he called out, his voice raspy from hours of non-use as he grabbed his phone. "Ches? Where are you?"

He felt the start of a panic rising in his chest as he scanned the bedroom. He didn't wake me up. I knew he was still upset from the other night. I'm such an idiot, I screwed up and now he's second guessing everything. He thinks this is too much, and I have too many clothes and paint in his space, and he's wishing I'd never moved in here because I can't control myself around a pizza guy.

Mike threw back the sheet and stood up, and the minute his feet hit the floor his brain registered the smell of coffee, the rich aroma of the dark roast Chester loved wafting over the half wall. He took a deep breath and called down into the living space, "Babe? You down there?"

Chester was just pouring himself a cup of coffee when he heard his boyfriend calling down from the bedroom. "Yeah!" he hollered as he looked up. "Just getting coffee!" He waited a moment, and in that time he considered pouring Mike a cup as well, but he didn't. If Mike wanted coffee, he'd come downstairs. He might roll over and go back to sleep. It's still fuckin' early.

He walked over to the couch, and plopped himself down as he grabbed the remote. It had been awhile since he'd been up so early, and a quiet few minutes while he sipped coffee and caught the morning news, seemed like a good way to waste the time. And if Mike gets up, we'll talk about Ryan and Jason coming over. He checked his phone, but his co-worker had yet to text him with a definite yes or no for dinner and a movie later.

The sound of Chester's voice was comforting, even if he was yelling upstairs. The fact that he was still there, still in the apartment, still making coffee like any normal day, calmed Mike's racing nerves. He shoved a hand through his messy hair and started down the steps, his bare feet making a small slapping sound as he walked. A sleepy smile drifted over his face as he spotted Chester on the couch, coffee in hand. He glanced over the coffee table and didn't see a cup for himself. "Morning, babe. Why are we up so early?" he asked, running a hand along the top of Chester's head on his way to the kitchen.

"My phone woke me up. I was hoping it didn't wake you up," he answered, twisting to watch as Mike took down a coffee cup from the cabinets. "It, uh, it was Ryan. I guess Jason and Mark are back from their romantic getaway, which didn't turn out to be so romantic." He waited a moment to see if Mike would say anything, and when he didn't Chester cleared his throat and went on. "I guess they've been arguing and Jason is needing a break and he hasn't seen Ryan all this time. I told them they should go out on a date. A real date. Not just sneaking around at YRS."

Mike didn't even look in Chester's direction as soon as he heard Ryan's name. It's kinda early for him to be calling here. Too early. But if I say anything right now, Chester will get defensive about it. It's not worth arguing over. He poured himself a cup of coffee and headed back toward the couch, his teeth worrying over his bottom lip as he walked. "That... sounds like good advice," he finally said, looking over the edge of his cup at his boyfriend as he took a sip. "Don't they ever go out?"

Chester picked up his coffee, his leg folded on the couch as he sat looking at his lover. "Not really. They've tried a few times, but Mark usually stops them. He'll start asking questions or Jason will get paranoid and call it off. It's, it's sad." His eyes dropped to the white fabric of the couch, his free hand dragging across it. "I, invited them to come here," he said, his eyes closing for a second before he looked up. "I told them I could cook a meal and we'd eat and watch a movie. Like a double date," he said with a flip of a smile crossing his face. "I hope that's okay. I kinda offered spur of the moment."

The cup of coffee was halfway to Mike's lips again when Chester spoke the words "double date." Mike froze and looked at his boyfriend. "Double date? With your boss? And your, your... " He trailed off, not knowing how to describe Ryan. Friend seemed too innocuous. Ex-partner sounded like he wanted to start a fight, which he didn't.

Chester watched as his lover stumbled over his words. "Yeah," he said, saving Mike from himself for the moment. "I know that's weird. But, I feel for them. Even though Jason's my boss, I know he takes a lot of crap from Mark. Like we all do." He dropped his eyes to the side, looking at their coffee table and the three or four magazines that were sitting there along with a coffee table art book Mike had added to the bunch. "And he's Ry's boyfriend, so he'll be here as a boyfriend, not a boss." He looked back at his coffee, taking a seriously long sip. He doesn't like the idea. I shouldn't have offered. I should have talked to him first. "I'm sorry," he said compulsively as his thoughts spiraled down. "I shouldn't have offered before I talked to you about it, but Ryan sounded so upset and desperate and I just wanted to help."

The coffee cup drifted down to Mike's leg as though it were made of lead. He could see the concern in his boyfriend's eyes, and he knew his response was critical. It didn't matter if he liked Ryan or not, or if he wanted to be around Jason at all. What mattered was Chester's big heart. What mattered was Jason and Ryan had already been invited over, and saying no now would make him look like an asshole. What mattered was the inevitable disappointment he'd see on Chester's face, or the fight that would follow if he said no. He looked at the top of Chester's bowed head, at the soft, red tipped hair he loved to touch, the tip of his nose and his ears that were showing, and he said, "no, don't be sorry. It was a nice thing you offered, Ches. I'm just surprised. And honestly, a little uncomfortable. But... I guess I have to figure out how to be around your coworkers. They're gonna be my coworkers too." Mentally, Mike slapped himself. That sounds stupid. I don't have to work with them, not like Chester. He and I are only going to work with each other. Ryan won't even matter, and Jason, how can anyone be friends with their boss?

Chester looked up, meeting Mike's eyes as he smiled. "It won't be bad, you'll see. And you're right, you're going to be around them a lot now. Well, maybe not so much Ryan, but you'll be around Jason. He does most of the camera work, so maybe this will be a good thing," he suggested with a shrug. "It will help you be a little more comfortable if you see him outside of work."

Before Mike could answer, Chester's phone jingled with a text message. He read it quickly before he announced that it was Ryan, and that he and Jason would be over tonight for the double date.

Chester took another sip from his coffee, his eyes darting back and forth in thought before he stood up and headed for the kitchen. "I'm going to go get dressed," he stated, his free hand running over his naked stomach as he sat his coffee cup in the sink and headed back toward the living room area. "I want to get to the store. I'm going to make a glazed ham," he said, spreading his hands out in front of him in excitement. "And some sort of potato and a vegetable. It's going to be good." He licked his lips just at the thought. "I haven't figured out dessert yet, but I got time for that."

"Ham? That does sounds good," Mike agreed, his stomach agreeing. He watched Chester as he climbed the stairs. "I want to tag along, but I've got to eat something first. Do you have time to wait for me, or do you need to get this magical ham going? How long does it take to make a ham?"

"You've got time!" Chester hollered from upstairs. "I haven't eaten either. Oh! Oh! Sexy Boy, we should go out for breakfast!" Chester rushed back down the stairs, almost tripping on the last step as he hit the living room. "We should go out. We never go out for breakfast," he said, half out of breath, his cheeks flushed a little.

Mike was still sitting on the couch, finishing his coffee. "I love breakfast. And you're right, we never go out for breakfast. I'm surprised we ever manage to even eat breakfast, since we're always occupied in the mornings." He flashed Chester a teasing smile. "Well, most mornings. Anyway, let's do it. Did you have a place in mind? Because all I know is I want a waffle. A big fluffy Belgian waffle with powdered sugar and strawberries, and syrup and bacon." The image of the breakfast he was describing caused Mike's mouth to water in anticipation.

Chester rubbed his flat stomach. All of that sounded good. "I don't know," he admitted before he ran a hand over his flat mohawk. "I gotta get ready. We can decide on the way or Google something," he suggested before he turned and headed back up the stairs. "And then we'll go to the store! For ham and lots of stuff! We're hosting, so gotta stock up on everything!"

"I guess I need to get dressed, too." Mike looked down at his plaid pajama pants absently. So much for staying in and laying around today. We went from no plans to breakfast and a dinner party, and I wasn't even awake. He sighed and stood up, walking his cup to the kitchen. "I'll be up in a minute, I'm gonna brush my teeth and get out of your way. I know how long it takes you to fix your hair." His eyes caught Chester's from across the room. He looks absolutely excited about all of this. I'm going to have to try hard when it comes to Jason and Ryan. I don't want to ruin this for him."Give me five minutes, okay?"

"Okay," Chester agreed. "And I don't take that long. I mean, only as long at it takes," he said as he pulled at his mohawk. "Maybe I should just shave it off. That would cut down on my bathroom time."

"WHAT?" Mike said from across the room. "I take it back. Take all the time you want in the bathroom, Ches, I'll never mention it again." He fluttered a hand in the air and shook his head. "Don't you dare."

Chester grinned, scraping his top teeth over his lip ring for a second as he watched his boyfriend squirm. "But think of all the money we'd save on hair care products," he said, adding an extra dose of excitement to his voice. "It could be fun!"

Mike took a few steps toward Chester, narrowing his eyes as he went. "Okay, yeah, you're right. You shave yours, I'll shave mine." He smirked as he watched his lover's eyes widen. "Don't test me. I'd do it."

Chester tried to keep himself from gasping, but it didn't work. "That's not fair," he said as he closed the space between them, his hand reaching for Mike's blue hair. "I love this. It's so, so, you!" He ran his hand down Mike's head and onto his neck, stopping to tease his earring for a second.

With a triumphant smile, Mike leaned forward and planted a kiss in the middle of Chester's forehead before he skimmed a hand over his flat mohawk. "And this is so you. And I love it, so you do what you need to do in the bathroom, and I'll shut up about it." Before Chester could say anything else, Mike pulled away and started for the bathroom. "Like I said, I'll be quick. Love you, babe."

"Mhm," Chester said as he darted after his lover, and smacked him quickly on the ass before he bolted back toward the stairs. "And I love you!" he cheered with a giggle. It was going to be a good day, he could feel it.


Jason closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, letting it out slowly. He could feel his heart racing, his stomach nervous with anticipation. It might not be the best circumstances he could think of, but he was going to spend the evening with Ryan tonight, and all he had to do was get out the door.

He felt his hands clench into fists involuntarily and he opened his eyes to catch his own gaze in the mirror. The sparkle of excitement was hard to mask, and he knew that he had to try harder. Mark would read him as easily as a children's book, and like so many times before, he'd be held hostage at home with his husband. The last place he wanted to be.

It hadn't always been that way. When he'd first come to YRS as an eighteen year old model, Mark was something mysterious. The man in charge, the boss calling the shots, the older man that doted on him and provided glitzy vacations, gave him a place to live, and gave him the attention he craved. Jason had fallen under Mark's spell quickly; Mark had found in Jason someone he wanted, and he'd pulled the younger man away from being the subject of the filming and put him behind the camera to learn the business. Mark's admiration for him had grown when he realized just how shrewd of a businessman Jason was as well. Add to that the favoritism he was showed by the boss, and it all felt an awful lot like love as he turned twenty and said yes to marriage. Committed his life to a man who would go on to tire of him in every aspect but the business. Even in the bedroom, where they had initially clicked, Mark had long since abandoned their vows in favor of the younger boys. He couldn't pretend it didn't hurt, even when he lied and claimed they were in an open marriage, that Mark could do as he pleased. Seeing him come out of bedrooms that were not theirs, knowing he'd been fucking someone else, still burned Jason even if he was now truly in love with someone else. It had been a long time since he'd considered himself in love with Mark.

Twenty. They'd been married five years now and Jason still couldn't comprehend how it had gone sour so fast, or how he'd failed to see Mark's true colors when they were just dating. Since they were married there had been an endless parade of boys he'd watched come and go when their contracts were up and they could finally run far from Mark's reach.

And then there was Ryan.

Somewhere in the midst of Mark's continuous straying, he'd found himself drawn time and time again to the comfort of their blossoming friendship. It was a friendship he'd felt was borderline inappropriate as one of Ryan's bosses, but they understood each other on a deeper level. Their conversations were meaningful and treasured, even though Jason was unwilling to go beyond their friendship for something more. But he remembered that one night while Mark was exerting his power over one of his employees in a bedroom down the hall - the night that Ryan had boldly stated that Mark was an asshole and Jason deserved better, the night he'd made the first move and taken Jason's lips in a kiss that still set his blood on fire when he thought about it. The rest had fallen into place as though it had been destined that way, and Jason could never say no.

And it would be perfect, except for Mark. I can't get away from him. And even if I could, I couldn't leave Ryan here, with him. When we leave, we leave together. They'd talked it over so many times, but leaving still seemed so far away. Just getting away for a date was nearly impossible. But not tonight. Tonight he was going to Chester's, and there was no way Mark could tell him no. His excuse was ironclad.

He ran a hand over the front of his dark red dress shirt and down over his dark jeans. It would have to do. Anything more would have Mark questioning why he was dressed up just to go talk with Chester and Mike about the upcoming weekend. Mike's first shoot. It was a perfect excuse to go over to the loft for a while. As he was rolling up his sleeves, he heard the bedroom door open, and Jason caught the panicked look on his face in the mirror. He had to calm down or he'd never get out the door. Mark would sniff out the truth if he wasn't careful.

Mark stepped into the master bedroom, his white dress shirt unbuttoned, his belt already halfway off as he went. He pulled it completely free and lazily laced it around one hand as he stepped into the doorway of the master bathroom. He waited a moment, watching as his husband fussed with his dark hair in the mirror. "So tell me again what your plan is for the evening?"

Jason kept his eyes on his hair and away from Mark's reflection. "I'm heading over to Chester's for a bit. Apparently Mike is having some second thoughts about coming back here, and Chester needs some help talking him down... and through what's going to happen at their first shoot." He reached for the tap and turned on the water, rinsing his hands off and then picking up the gray hand towel next to the sink. As he dried his hands, he turned toward Mark. "I figured it would be best for me to deal with it. You and I have already discussed how Mike doesn't like you."

Mark pursed his lips together, right into a thin line. "That won't last," he announced. "And if this is going to work, he's going to have to come around and see the light and recognize what a great guy I actually am." He took a step into the bathroom, and planted himself right behind Jason. He was taller than his husband, and could see over his head and into the bathroom mirror. "Maybe you shouldn't go over there. It might be better for us to invite Mike and Chester out somewhere. We'll take them out to a fine restaurant. Really turn their heads. Impress them." He gingerly placed a hand on Jason's shoulder. "What do you say to that?"

Inside, Jason could feel the anxiety grip his stomach. It was always like this. No matter what plan he came up with to get away, Mark managed to outwit him. There was no way he was cancelling on Ryan this time. It had been far too long since they'd seen each other, thanks to the romantic getaway stunt Mark had pulled last weekend. "I say you're reading Mike all wrong if you think a nice restaurant is going to win him over. He may be naive but he's not stupid."

Mark squeezed Jason's shoulder before he slid his thumb up his neck, just below his ear. "You're probably right. Guess you caught me," he said, bending down to whisper. "I just don't want to be alone tonight. Thought we'd finish our little romance and stay in. All the boys are gone, it's just us."

"All of them?" Jason asked, a little desperation creeping into his voice. He had to make that go away. "You sent everyone home? You never do that."

"It wasn't exactly on purpose," Mark admitted with a shrug. "More like coincidence. But either way, we have the whole house to ourselves. How often does that happen?" He pressed his lips to Jason's ear before wrapping an arm around his waist. "You're starting to worry me. . .don't you want to stay here and we can have a night alone?"

Nothing Jason could think of to get out of staying home sounded compelling enough. As his mind cast around frantically for ideas, he closed his eyes and tried to breathe calmly. Short of having a huge fight, there was no way out. He was just desperate enough to allow that to happen, even if he was a little afraid of Mark. With nobody at the house to hear them, fighting could be a critical mistake, but he decided to go for it anyway. "It's been years since you cared enough to want to spend a night alone with me." The words came out as barely a whisper, and Jason was afraid maybe he hadn't said them at all.

Mark stood up straight, his gentle thumbing of Jason's neck stopping immediately. He glared at his husband's reflection in the mirror. "That seems dramatic, considering we just got back from a full-blown romantic weekend together just a few days ago."

"Yeah? And what prompted that anyway? The fact that I've stopped begging you to leave the boys alone and pay attention to me? You decided to get my attention?" Jason's eyes popped open and he caught Mark's furious expression in the mirror. His desperation to leave for the evening had loosened his mouth too much.

Mark stood his ground, his words coming out more like a growl as he said, "Don't be such a child. You know how our relationship works. I don't know what's gotten into you," he said, his fist with the belt wrapped around it tightening, "but you can drop it right now. And take this shirt off," he ordered as he pulled at one of Jason's sleeves, tugging it hard to one side. "You're not going anywhere." Before his husband could say anything, Mark turned and headed back into the bedroom. That was it. Jason was staying home, and whatever issue Chester was having with getting his little boyfriend to join YRS, well, they'd figure that out later.

Jason looked down at the floor, disappointment crashing over his head. He never knew the right thing to say, and he never won an argument with Mark. One hand reached to fumble over the sleeve of the other arm and he could still feel Mark's sharp pull on the shirt. It wasn't a conscious thought as he went to unroll the cuff and take the shirt off. There was still a part of him that was trained to follow Mark's orders. But the image of Ryan's face floated across his mind, and Jason couldn't bear to text him again and call off their plans. He had to see his lover, he'd let him down too many times.

He lifted his head and watched Mark as he stomped angrily around the bedroom, and he knew what he was in for if he stayed. Gathering his strength, Jason walked out of the bathroom and headed for the door, keeping his eyes on Mark as he widened the space between them. "I'm not going to be gone long. You know as well as I do that there's a lot on the line with Chester when it comes to Mike. I'm going to go deal with that and I'll be back, and maybe you'll miss me enough while I'm gone to treat me like your husband when I get back and not one of your toys." His words were harsh and bitter, but he'd been holding his unhappiness in for far too long. He shouldn't have to be miserable and scared of the man he shared his bed with.

Mark stopped. His head darted around as he stared at Jason. "What was that?" he asked, but he didn't need his partner to repeat it. He crossed the room in giant steps until he was right in front of the smaller man. "Are you trying to say that I don't treat you well?" he asked, his hands curled. "What kind of utter bullshit is that?" He wasn't used to people talking back to him, and especially not Jason. It had been years since the last time Jason had stepped out of bounds, and it was both shocking and infuriating as he watched his husband stand in front of him with a different kind of look in his eyes. Not the usual look of obedience, but a look of defiance.

Jason took another step toward the door but didn't turn his back on Mark. "Bullshit? You know what's bullshit? You sleeping with everyone here when I'm married to you. Married. You wanted that and I said yes, and here we are, Mark. I'm supposed to be your equal, not your servant. I'm supposed to have a say in what we do around here. And you tasked me to bring Mike on, and I did it. I did exactly what you wanted, and now I need to make sure it stays done. Like I said, I'm not going to be gone that long. You can go a couple of hours without sex, right?"

For half a second, Mark didn't know what to say. He'd never heard Jason sound like that. Ever. Even when he was eighteen and had an acid tongue, it didn't sound like this. He watched as Jason turned away from him, and headed for the bedroom door.

Something inside of Mark kicked in and he rushed forward, grabbing Jason by the arm. "Wait!" he ordered, "you're not leaving. And what's all this crap about me sleeping around? We're in an open marriage," he stated, his fingers digging harder into Jason's arm. "I don't know what bug you got up your ass, but you're staying right here."

"No, you're in an open marriage. You do what you want and there's hell to pay if I look at someone twice. Let me go." Jason tried hard to keep the wince from his face as Mark's grip tightened even more. "I don't know why we have to fight every time I want to go outside of this house for more than five minutes. I told you where I'll be and why. What else do you want? Let me go," he said again, hating himself for the panic he could hear edging into his voice.

Mark's gray eyes narrowed. "Have you been looking at someone?" he asked, his grip never loosening. "You'd tell me if there was someone else, wouldn't you?" He could feel his teeth grinding together. He knew his relationship with Jason had fallen over the last couple of years, but above everything else, they were business partners. They were co-owners of YRS, and Jason knew about all the skeletons in the closets. "Tell me!" Mark demanded, jerking on Jason's arm, as a thin layer of sweat formed over his neck.

Before either of them could say more, they heard a voice calling up from downstairs.

"Mark! Jason! Are you two okay? I heard yelling!"

It was Brad, and the sound of his voice suddenly broke Mark's hold on his husband. He'd forgotten that the cook was still in the house, doing his mid-week ritual saging of the kitchen.

For just a second, Jason froze, watching the anger spread over Mark's face. He'd said too much. "For fuck's sake, Mark! There's nobody else!" he hissed, lowering his voice. "How could I ever meet anyone when you keep me here all the fucking time!" He jerked his arm away and turned for the door. "I'll text you when I'm on my way back," he said angrily, the place where Mark had grabbed his arm throbbing. He didn't look back as he practically ran down the hallway and down the stairs, calling into the kitchen, "everything's fine, Brad, I'm headed out for a while. Mark's staying here, let me know if you need anything!"

He grabbed his keys off the hook by the back door to the garage and slipped out the door before he even heard Brad's response, his heart racing. He couldn't believe what he'd just done, arguing with Mark like that and calling out all of his flaws. The evening with Ryan was definitely worth Mark's wrath right now, but he wasn't so sure if he'd be able to take it when he returned home later.

Once he'd left the property the anxiety and the fear overwhelmed him. There was no way Mark would let him get away with talking to him that way. He'd pushed too far and said too much, and it was only a matter of time until Mark figured out that Jason was up to something behind his back. Even as he put miles between them, Jason couldn't help but feel that he'd completely fucked everything up.


Chester had just put the ham back in the oven, the smell of the sweet brown sugar glaze and onions still blasting over his face as he turned around and pulled his lobster claw oven mitts off. "It's almost done," he announced, glancing at the clock on the wall. "And just in time, too. They should be here any minute."

"It smells good," Mike agreed from his desk in the living area. "I'm just about finished here. You still don't need my help?" He looked down at the scene he was shading with his colored pencils and picked up a different green to finish his work. "I feel like I've been pretty useless this afternoon."

Chester glanced over his stove top. His pot of green beans were finished, and his sour cream and chive potatoes were fork tender and creamy. No, there really wasn't anything his boyfriend could do to help. The table was already set, and the kitchen was as clean as it was going to be until everything involving food was done. But then he heard the downtrodden sound of his lover's voice, and he turned around, looking across the loft. Mike had his head hung, his styled blue hair making him look more sad than cute at the moment.

"You haven't been useless," Chester said as he put his hands on the countertop. "This place looks amazing, you did a great job getting everything cleaned, and you even made the cake!" he stated, his smile wide as he pointed to the refrigerator, where an iced carrot cake was stashed. Mike had followed the recipe and it was stuffed full of fresh bits of carrots, raisins, and a Cool-Whip icing that tasted heavenly.

Mike eyed the picture as he replaced his pencils in the case and slipped the paper into a folder, switching off his little lamp as he stood up. "I hope that cake is edible. Thanks for helping me with the carrots. And the measuring. And flouring the pans." He smiled. "For basically holding my hand through it." He walked over to the kitchen and looked over the bar at his boyfriend, a teasing tone coming over his voice. "You're so sexy in the kitchen. I can't help it if sometimes I feel like you love your appliances more than me."

Chester cocked his eyebrow. "Well, I do have a certain fondness for my mixer," he said, trying to keep a straight face, even though, yeah, his mixer was kick ass. "But none of them compare to you." He reached over, taking Mike's hand. "And none of them can give me head quite like you either," he added with a giggle.

"I certainly hope not," Mike said as a shudder moved through his body. Kitchen appliances and sensitive areas did not mix. "You're a mess," he added decisively, pulling on Chester's hand. "You got time to come over here before they arrive?"

Chester licked his lips, his tongue playing with his piercing as he flipped it from one side to the other. "I'm a mess? Oh, you don't know the half of it," he said, ready to let go of Mike's hand and come around to the other side of the bar, but he didn't get to. Someone knocked on the front door, leaving Chester with slumped shoulders and a little disappointment. "That's them," he said as he reached for his oven mitts instead of Mike's body. "Sexy Boy, let them in, will you?"

Mike sighed. It would be hours until he'd get the attention he was after. All afternoon they'd been wrapped up in cleaning and cooking, and even though he knew it was silly, he was missing Chester's undivided attention. He'd only wanted a little kiss before dinner.

"Got it," he said, moving toward the door. Even though I don't want to. He tried to clear his mind and smile as he opened the door. He still wasn't sure how this whole evening was going to go down.

Ryan was on the other side, alone, and Mike forced a smile as he opened the door wider. "Hey, Ryan, come on in."

Ryan nodded. "Thanks," he said as he stepped in, and the first thing he noticed was the sweet smell of ham. "Holy crap it smells amazing in here," he said as he beelined to the kitchen. He shoved a hand through his dark, slicked back hair before he pulled his black leather jacket off. He plopped it onto the back of one of the dining room chairs before he met Chester in the kitchen. "Ham, right?"

"Glazed ham," Chester corrected as he set the pan on a cooling pad. He pulled his oven mitts off and turned to face his friend. "Where's Jason?"

"He's coming," Ryan said as he pulled his phone from his pocket, checking the time and his last text message from his boyfriend. "He's gotta come from all the way up in the hills, ya' know."

"True," Chester agreed as he turned back to the stove to pull the foil back from the ham, steaming coming out everywhere.

Ryan stood back and watched as Chester maneuvered around the kitchen like a professional. He was neat and organized, and Ryan knew better than to get too close to the food before Chester was ready for it to be plated and consumed. He chuckled softly at the thought as he looked his friend up and down. Chester had on white socks with black polka-dots on them, but everything else was black - his jeans, his shirt, even his belt. Ryan looked down at himself. "Hey, Chaz, look," he said in amusement as he tugged at the front of his shirt, "we have on the same outfit!"

Chester turned away from the food, just long enough to look Ryan up and down before he smiled. "All black. Guess we're both being original."

Mike had come back over to the bar, resting his elbows on the top as he watched Chester finish up in the kitchen. He glanced between Chester and Ryan and couldn't help but roll his eyes at Ryan's observation. So what. All black, that's not an outfit. They're wearing the same color, but Chester looks ten times better in those pants than Ryan ever could. He glanced down at his soft, comfortable jeans and his dark red and black flannel that was open over a gray t-shirt. It was standard Mike Shinoda attire, and it matched nobody else.

The amusement in the kitchen died down as Chester went back to attending to the food. Ryan checked his phone again. Late. He's late. He rubbed the back of his neck as he wandered away from the kitchen, aimlessly looking around the loft at the dark cement floors, the high overhead lights, at the couch and television and out the windows where the sun was on its way down. He checked his phone again. What if he's not coming? He promised me this time. Maybe something happened.

Chester surveyed his food, and he was happy with it. Now it was time to eat, just as soon as Jason would show up. He spun around, catching sight of Ryan over by the couch. "You did tell him seven, right?" he asked as he watched his friend check his phone.

Ryan nodded. "I told him. I just sent him a text asking where he is." He dropped his head as he walked around the couch and sat down, letting out a long sigh. If Jason stood him up again, it was going to be a horrible night. Tonight was supposed to be ours. It was supposed to be romantic.

"It's probably just traffic," Mike offered, feeling a bit of compassion for Ryan as he'd watched him pace the room, then fidget with his phone. He could hear the concern in the man's voice, and he wasn't heartless, even if he didn't care for Ryan. It was hard to not know where someone you love was, he knew all about that.

"Yeah, it's probably traffic," Chester seconded, and for a second he looked over at Mike, their eyes meeting. "How about something to drink, Ry?" he asked as he shifted to the refrigerator. "We got soda and tea and beer," he announced, but the only response he got was a quick 'I don't care'. Chester let out a sigh as he grabbed a Sprite and headed toward the couch. He handed the drink over as he stood just in front of his friend. He'd seen this same scene happen way too many times.

"He can't stand me up again, Chaz," Ryan said as he stared at the top of the unopened can. "And the part that really sucks is that I know it's not his fault. I know he wants to be with me, he just. . .he can't. I hate that asshole Mark," he grumbled.

"I know, but don't give up hope yet," Chester suggested, his eyes bouncing from Ryan's defeated face to Mike, who was still over by the kitchen table. Chester took a deep breath, ready to hand out some more hopeful words, just as someone knocked on the door. Everyone turned to look and Ryan was on his feet immediately, a massive smile scrolled across his lips.

"I'll get it!" he offered as he left his Sprite on the coffee table and bounded across the loft as quickly as he could. He hadn't seen Jason in days, and just the thought of seeing his face - of touching his warm skin and soft hair - was like a rope pulling him toward the door.

He stopped just short, taking the moment to tug at his t-shirt and make sure his hair was in place before he opened the door, love busting off his face, until he saw Jason on the other side. His boyfriend wasn't smiling back as he stood practically shaking, his arms crossed like he was hugging himself. "Jay?" Ryan asked, his arms already reaching for the other man.

"Oh, fuck, I'm glad to see you," Jason said as he stumbled forward into Ryan's waiting arms. He slid both hands around his boyfriend's waist and hugged him close, turning his face into the curve of Ryan's neck and breathing him in. "I almost didn't make it out of the house. Again. I'm so sorry I'm late." He took a deep breath in and tried to calm himself down, but he could feel the nervous energy coursing through him and his knees felt a little weak. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Ryan had his arms around Jason's back, their heads pressed together. "It's okay," he assured him. "There's nothing to be sorry about. I know it's hard." He looked down the hallway as they stood there, and one of the neighbors was just coming out. "Come on," he coaxed, "let's go inside. Chester cooked. We can sit down and eat."

Jason didn't argue, and Ryan led the way, shutting the door behind them. He kept his arm around Jason's waist as they walked. "He made ham and potatoes and beans," he said, keeping his voice low.

"Okay," Jason agreed, not really looking around at the loft or at Mike and Chester. He was relieved to be away from YRS and Mark, and someplace safe enough to really be with his boyfriend and not worry too much about anyone finding out. He wanted to just melt into Ryan's arms and sleep there in the warmth and comfort. He didn't say anything else as they sat down on the couch and Ryan grabbed his hand.

Mike watched Ryan lead Jason in and could tell immediately that something was wrong. The way Jason clung to Ryan's side, the glazed look in his eyes, it was more than just being late. He didn't know what to do or say, he barely knew either of them. He looked over at Chester, who was also watching them closely, and he shrugged one shoulder, communicating his reluctance to engage either man in conversation.

Chester gave Mike one last look before he walked over to the couch. "Everything okay?" he asked, even though he wasn't sure he wanted to hear the answer. He was pretty sure it had something to do with Mark, he just didn't know to what extreme.

"Mark." Jason let the name sit in the silence between them all for a moment, everyone in the room thinking their own negative thoughts about the YRS owner. "He's just... he won't ever let me just leave. And it almost happened again tonight, and I just, I couldn't, I didn't want to have to text you, Ry, and tell you I wasn't coming. So I did something really, really stupid." He picked at imaginary lint on his jeans as he spoke, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

Ryan still had Jason's hand, and he squeezed it gently. "No, you didn't do anything wrong," he encouraged. He wanted to say more, but he wasn't sure if he should. Not here. Not in front of Chester and Mike, even though he was pretty sure at least Chester knew most of what was going on. "He can't. . .he can't keep you prisoner there."

At the word prisoner, Mike's attention zeroed in on Jason's face. He thought about all the house rules and some of the things Jason had said to him when he convinced Mike to sign on at YRS. For the first time he was seeing Jason as someone not completely complicit in what went on at the house. He waited anxiously to hear what Jason had to say in response.

"He wasn't going to let me go, Ry, he, he had me by the arm. I said some nasty things, he got angry... I should have just shut up, I let him push me too far. And he knows I'm here. I told him I had to come talk to Mike." Jason lifted his head and looked across the room at Mike. "I'm sorry I dragged you into this, I couldn't come up with another excuse of why I needed to leave." He turned his attention back to Ryan. "And now Mark's thinking there's someone else because I picked a fight about him sleeping around, and it's all so bad. So stupid."

Ryan felt the color run from his face. "He knows about us?" he asked, his stomach twisting with sickness. If Mark found out about their relationship, it would be over before they'd have the chance to leave. He knew Mark would kick him out of YRS and he'd probably never see Jason again.

"No, no, he doesn't know. He just freaked when I told him I hated how he treated everyone, and wanted to throw this open marriage concept in my face, but you know that only applies to him. He asked if there was anyone else and I said no, but I feel like he's going to be watching me now. I shouldn't have said anything but I couldn't think of any other way to get out of there. And I wanted to come. I've missed you so much." Jason looked over at Chester. "You're so good to offer to let us come here, and to cook, too. I didn't want to ruin your night either."

Chester shook his head. "Jason, it's fine. You guys stay there," he said, as he reached for Mike's arm. "We'll make you guys some plates." He tugged on his boyfriend's arm as they moved toward the kitchen. This was bad. Whatever the details were about what had happened with Mark, Chester didn't really want to hear them. Instead he figured Jason and Ryan might appreciate a few minutes alone, as they sat snuggled on the couch.

Chester picked up two of the plates from the kitchen table, and Mike did the same. "I've never seen him like this," Chester whispered. "I'm not totally sure what to do."

"Just do what you do, babe. Plate the hell out of this food and turn the mood around. I know I always feel better after you feed me, I'm sure it will be the same. It can't be that bad. Jason said Mark doesn't know anything for sure. It will be fine," he whispered back, holding his plates and glancing into the living room.

Chester nodded before he turned his attention back to the food. He sliced up the ham, taking his time as he gave everyone equal slices. He spooned out the beans and the potatoes and made sure to fetch the ketchup from the refrigerator. He looked over all four plates, and smiled. Everything looked and smelled delicious, and the last thing he wanted was to serve cold food. He turned back to Mike. "I think we need beer for this," he said as he gestured back to their fridge before looking across the loft. "Ry, you guys ready to eat?" he asked, as he carried two plates to the table.

Ryan turned in his seat as he nodded. "Yeah, I think we're ready." He patted Jason's leg. "Come on, some food will do you good. I know you've never had it, but Chester's a hell of a cook."

Mike joined Chester at the table, two beers in each hand. "It's true. He's the best out there." He flashed Chester a proud smile. "I think he's better than Brad, but he definitely tries to argue me down."

Jason managed a smile as he stood and followed Ryan to the table, their hands linked together. "Brad's a tough one to beat," he said, looking over the table. "I think you've definitely got him on presentation, though, Chester."

The room was quiet as Chester looked at his boss and grinned. "Thanks," he said before he went to get the last two plates. "Mike says I should go to school for it, but I don't think I could do the school part. Tests and teachers and homework." He shivered at the thought before he joined the others at the table. He sat down in his usual place, across from his boyfriend. He met his eyes before he lifted his foot, nudging Mike's leg. "And I don't get all the credit. Mike made the cake that's waiting in the fridge for later."

"We'll see how that turned out later, Ches," Mike dismissed with a little hint of excitement in his voice. He looked at Ryan, who looked relieved to have Jason beside him, and Jason who still looked troubled, and he swallowed down his pride a little bit. "We're happy you guys could come over tonight. Let's eat before it gets cold."


Dinner had gone quickly, and after the kitchen had been cleaned, and more beer had been consumed, it had been decided that a romantic stroll on the beach under the moonlight was a nicer option than watching a movie.

The moon wasn't high in the sky yet, but its reflection was on the water, as Mike, Chester, Ryan and Jason walked side by side down the quiet beach. There were other people around, but they were few and far between, most of them night surfers or people on blankets enjoying the warm evening breeze as they star gazed. None of them were interested in the four men and their slow pace along the water's edge.

The waves were rolling onto the beach, slow and frothy, keeping the steady sound of the ocean and its salty inhale pleasant. Mike and Chester had both changed into sandals before leaving the loft, and they were walking the closest to the water. Now and again they could feel the splash of water on their feet, or a low spot in the beach would leave one of them with wet sand around their toes, but it was warm, and neither of them minded.

Chester felt Mike squeeze his hand and he looked over to see his boyfriend's blue hair reflecting the soft glow of the moon. "I love this," Chester said, squeezing his hand back before he looked over at Jason and Ryan. The couple held hands while they carried their socks and shoes. "Didn't I tell you this part of the beach was great?"

Ryan was the first to answer, as he walked right next to Chester. "It's amazing. Just beautiful."

Mike gazed out over the ocean and smiled slightly. So far the evening had gone well, after the initial tense moments when Jason arrived. He was even feeling a little better about Ryan now, having watched him interact with his boyfriend that evening. It was a huge contrast to the night he'd been drunk in their apartment. He heard Jason agree that the beach was beautiful, and he could hear the relaxation in his voice, and he knew it made Chester happy to be able to provide this time for his friends.

He felt Chester tug on his hand and he turned to see that they were now walking alone, Ryan and Jason having stopped a few steps back. "Let's keep going, I wanna get you out here under the stars and kiss you senseless."

Chester smiled at the invitation. "Okay," he agreed as they kept going. "Thanks, Mike," he offered when they were out of earshot of their companions. "For tonight, I mean. For being cool about everything."

"It hasn't been bad at all," he confessed, dropping his head to watch their feet. "I feel bad for them, Ches. It must be really hard for them to try to stay off Mark's radar." He shuddered at the thought of Mark. "I don't like him, Chester. Despite everything, Jason seems like an okay guy."

"None of us actually like Mark," Chester said. He glanced over his shoulder to see Ryan and Jason even further back. They weren't even walking anymore, but standing side by side and looking up at the stars. "Mark is, he's just part of the job. It's something you accept and in return, everything else is pretty good." He paused for a moment, remembering the last time Mark had pulled him aside. The last time he had pushed his boss away, saying he didn't want to do anything that wasn't actually YRS work. The last time it hadn't done any good. He pulled Mike a little closer as he let go of his hand, and took him by the arm instead, sucking up his body heat.

Mike stopped where they were and slid his hands around Chester's waist, pulling them tightly against each other. He could see Chester's dark eyes in the moonlight and he ran his lips across his cheek in a quick kiss. "You don't have to deal with him anymore. I'm going to be there, and I'll take care of that. You're totally mine now, nobody else can touch you."

Chester nodded as he offered a sad smile. It sounded nice. Just being with Mike sounded wonderful, but something in Chester's brain told him that would never happen. Mark would never let up, not until Chester's contract was officially finished. "I hope so," he said, wrapping his arms around Mike's neck. "I have zero desire to be with anyone else." He leaned forward, his lips meeting Mike's in a soft peck before he pulled back. "It's funny, you know you've only been to YRS once, and you've already stood up to Mark more than anyone I've ever seen."

"Really?" Mike slipped his hands down into the back pockets of Chester's black jeans and rocked their hips together. "I just want to make sure that you don't have to do anything you don't want to do ever again. I love you so much, and I promise you I'm gonna be there until these contracts are up. And then past that. We're not gonna end there." He nuzzled his face against Chester's hair for a second and then caught his earlobe between his teeth, taking a quick, playful nip at it. "I can't wait for them to leave," he breathed into Chester's ear. "I'm glad they're getting their time together, but I'm ready for it to be just us again."

Chester's grin went ear to ear. Everything Mike was saying was perfect, and as he felt his lover's breath on his skin, a tingle shot through his body. "Mmmmm, Sexy Boy," he replied, his voice hitting an excited note, "and what do you want to do after they leave?" His fingers were already playing up and down the back of Mike's neck, knowing he liked it.

"I want to taste every inch of your body," Mike said, his tone hungry. "I just want to lay you down and have my way with you. Now that I've had a little taste I just want more." He felt a shiver of arousal run down his spine as Chester's fingers found his earring, the spot behind his ear that turned him on so much. He caught his boyfriend's bottom lip and sucked it into his mouth, playing his tongue across the lip ring as he kept their hips aligned. He knew Chester could feel his erection coming to life and he could feel the other man's as well. It was time for Jason and Ryan to go home.

Chester moaned inside their kiss. It was all just too much. Between Mike's encouraging words about the future, and their bodies being pressed together under the moonlight, and now his lover was sucking on his lip ring, and he was in ecstasy. Their lip lock broke, and Chester immediately went to sucking and kissing down Mike's neck. "You can do anything you want to me," he said, his whisper coming out husky as he dropped one of his hands to Mike's hip, his fingers clawing through the belt loops that were there. "It's been days, which feels like years," he mumbled, which he hadn't exactly planned on saying out loud.

"Sorry... I'm sorry I was an ass the other night. I just can't stand the thought of you being with anyone else. I'm sorry I get so jealous." Mike loved the feel of Chester's damp kisses on his neck. His eyes were closed as he turned his mouth back into his boyfriend's. Their kiss went slow and deep for a few moments, the sound of the ocean and the wind in the background. It was almost like they were the only two people out on the beach, the feel of Chester's body and his kiss making Mike forget everything else.

But further down the sand, Jason and Ryan were still there, also lost in their own world together. Whatever it was, the waves, the feel of the sand under his feet, the moonlight, the fact that he was finally alone with Ryan... Jason figured it was a combination of all those things that made him feel so light and happy. He felt free, standing there on the beach with Ryan's fingers laced through his, right there in front of anyone who could pass them by. Nobody cared, nobody was looking, but it was exhilarating all the same.

"Ry?" he said after a few moments of silence between them. "This is amazing, being here right now. I wish we could do this more often."

Ryan turned just enough to plant a small kiss on the side of Jason's head. "Me too," he whispered. "You'll probably think me cheesy, but this is the kind of stuff I daydream about. Just you and me out doing things like this. Or going to the movies, or to an art show. Or a play," he added as he thought over all the scenarios he kept locked away in his mind. "One day, Jay, we'll get to do all of it."

"I want that. So much. I'm so scared it's never going to happen. I said a bunch of things tonight I shouldn't have said. We're going to have to be careful." He shook his head, mentally chastising himself for being so careless. "I just wanted to see you so badly. I wanted to be alone with you. Being at Chester's has been great, but I need you." Jason looked at Ryan for a second and then down the beach, spotting Chester and Mike, too far away to hear what he was saying. "I've got some cash on me, Ry. Why don't we tell them good night and go get a nice hotel room for the night? My treat. I'll figure something to say to Mark tomorrow."

The thought of being alone with his lover in a nice hotel was something that Ryan had never really considered. The only place they ever got to be truly alone together was at YRS, and even that wasn't alone. That was under racing heartbeats, and other people close by. That was with Amir or Chester standing guard so they could quickly have time together. On the few occasions they had been able to be out together, their time was always limited, under the fear of Mark finding out. It was the same reason they never went back to Ryan's small apartment. He had a roommate who never seemed to leave, and the walls were thin, all of which equalled no privacy.

Ryan pulled Jason around so they were face to face. "I love that idea," he said before he leaned in, taking a preliminary kiss from Jason's lips. The night was about to bring so much more, and Ryan didn't want to waste anymore of it on the beach. He pulled back, his heart already beating a little faster with anticipation. "Let's go tell them we're leaving."

Jason nodded, a relieved smile crossing his lips. "This is beautiful, but it's not going to compare to spending the night with you. God, I can't wait." He stepped out of Ryan's arms with a happy sigh, grabbing his hand as he started walking to catch up with Chester and Mike. Once they were within a few steps he could see Mike's hands possessively in the back pockets of Chester's jeans as he ran kisses over Chester's neck. He felt guilty interrupting them. "Chester?" he called, still a few steps away from the couple.

It took a few seconds for it to register in Chester's mind that someone was calling him, and it didn't help that Mike hadn't let him go. He was still pulled tightly up against his boyfriend's body as Mike's lips and tongue continued their work. Chester managed to turn his head, just enough to see Jason and Ryan standing not too far away. "Sorry, guys," he said, a playful giggle mixed with his words as he kept his arm laced around Mike's neck. "I think we're good here if you guys want to keep walking."

"We're going to head back, actually," Jason said, his eyes taking in the picture of Mike and Chester together in the moonlight. They really were going to look good on camera, the thought coming unbidden before guilt followed. It just seemed wrong to exploit what appeared to be a genuinely loving relationship, but he didn't get to have a say in how that all went down. He dismissed the thought quickly as unpleasant business, and he didn't want to think about business right now. "I hate to ask you this, as generous as you've been tonight," he started, noting the frustrated look on Mike's face as he finally stepped back a little bit.

Mike was more than ready for Jason and Ryan to leave, and he didn't think twice before he interrupted with, "do you need us to walk you back?" He didn't know what else there was to talk about. If Jason wanted to leave, that was fine with him.

"No, no, you guys can stay here. We know the way. We just, well," Jason looked at Chester. "We're going to spend the night together, and Mark thinks I'm at your place. If he calls looking for me, can you let me know?" He was glad it was dark outside to conceal the shame on his face. Asking his employee to cover for him - again - was something he wished he didn't have to do.

Chester's eyes bounced from Jason over to Ryan, who looked like he was on cloud nine. "Sure," he agreed, even though something nervous was already forming inside of him. If Mark called and got angry or suspicious, the thought of him coming to the loft to search for Jason wasn't a good one. If he knows I lied, he'd get pissed at me. He'd. . . he swallowed away the thought as he glanced at Mike. Mike's here though. We're stronger when we're together. Mark wouldn't do anything. He nodded slowly, knowing that he couldn't say no. "Are you sure you don't need us to walk you back? I locked up the loft, and your guys' stuff is there. Ry, your jacket is still on the back of the chair," he said, motioning to his friend.

"Oh, that's right," Ryan realized his hands going to his chest and stomach, like he was making sure he wasn't actually wearing his jacket already. "Sorry, Chaz, is that okay?" he asked, looking over at Mike for a moment. "We hate to pull you away from this so early." His blue eyes shot out over the ocean and the breathtaking view of the waves and endlessness.

Chester waved his hand through the air. "It's not a problem. We, uh, we wanted to get back anyway." He cocked a quick sly eyebrow Mike's way before he offered for Jason and Ryan to lead the way.

The two couples headed back, all of them ready to leave the sandy beach and crashing waves for more carnal pleasures. Chester slid his arm around Mike's waist as they went. "You know," he said, leaning close so his lover could hear him, "as soon as they're gone, I think we need to take a shower together. Wash all this sand off our feet, and we can make sure to clean every other part of each other too."

"Perfect," Mike whispered back, his mind already thinking about running his hands over water and soap slickened skin in the shower. "Too bad I can't race you back, I might win this time. I want to be home now."

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