Tainted Cinderella ✔️

By ChloroQueen_

132K 23K 864

Broken, Damaged, Tainted. More

Sneak Peak


2.9K 551 21
By ChloroQueen_


I sat in my car, watching her as she sauntered towards me. She gained weight since the last time I saw her sick in the palace. She doesn't look like a boy with a pretty face anymore. She got thick. Now she's got meat on her bones, in all the right places if you don't mind me saying. She stands around 5"5, gorgeous, flawless caramel skin, and a heart stopping smile I've only seen once and she wasn't even smiling at me.

Her last therapy session was today and the smile she gave Dr Mike made my heart tug. She got into the car, her mild floral perfume wafting into my nose. I love it.
I can tell that she's nervous. She's looking everywhere but my direction.

"Hey" I said to her.

"Hi" she said back avoiding my gaze.

"I figured we haven't quite me so My name is Mubasshir " I said to her, in attempt to ease into the conversation smoothly. Also because she calls me "the prince ".

"Nice to meet you Mubasshir " she says physically relaxing.

"Hope I won't get whipped for calling you by your first name"

okay she's got jokes.

"No you won't, because I'm not a prince anymore " I say almost absent-mindedly.

"How?" Her brows crunched up, curiosity.

"Its a long annoying story" she nodds quietly. After a moment of awkward silence, I spoke again.

"Yasmeen, I need you to tell me everything that happened from the day you set foot in the palace to the day you left. Because I plan to send that disgusting scum to jail for life"


She spoke without shaking or crumbling. Mike really did a good job. By the time she was done, i was the one shaking. He got her pregnant, then killed the child! I couldn't believe the disgusting two faced demon that he was. I am ashamed, hurt but mostly angry.

"What about your brothers?" She instantly tensed. Her brothers don't know do they?

"I-i haven't told them"

"Why?" I ask. If anything like this happens to my sister and she doesn't tell me i don't know what I'll do.

"They won't understand "

"What won't they understand exactly?" I ask, traces of annoyance in my voice. She recoils and i instantly regret my tone. I don't want her to be afraid of me again. It stung.

I wanted to apologise but i couldn't get the words past my lips. I'm so stupid. Stupid stupid!

"You should have told them immediately it happened. Atleast they would have taken you away from him after the first time"

"He would have slit my brother's throat " her voice cracked with fear at the end. He wouldn't have. One person can be that monstrous. Right?

I exhaled loudly in attempt to release the frustration bubbling in my chest. Having nothing more to say, she sits quietly observing me as i struggled with my many emotions. I fired the car engine and pulled out of the hospital's parking lot.


Tai Pan.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"Food" he says with a straight face, getting out of the car. I frowned, unmoving. Rude much?

"You know I'm not opening the door for you right? This is not a date" he stood outside the car, arms folded, irritation all over his face. I frowned. If he thinks he's going to talk to me like that then he has something else coming. I don't care if he's a prince. We're not in Rimi.

I got out of the car and started walking away from him. To hell with him and the food.

"The restaurant is the other way einstein!" I want to smack the royal shit out of him.

"I'm not hungry. I'm going home" i say without looking at him. I hear him sigh then his lazy footsteps coming towards me. Where are all the stupid taxi cars in this place?

"Lets go eat" he grumbles, startling me. I didn't hear him get so close. I summoned all the courage i had in store and turned to face him. The look in his eyes made my courage dwindle.

"Ask me" i managed to get out half confidently.


"Ask me nicely "

He rolls his eyes.

"I told you, its not a date"

"It doesn't have to be. Its how normal people talk to other people. With a little respect "

His brows shot up with surprise. Even I was surprised at my sudden burst of confidence. I stood with my hand on my waist. Waiting for him to ask. He looks amused.

"Today please "i say and he laughs a little.

"Okay, will you come in and eat so you don't starve and die?" I wanted to laugh but I morphe it into a scowl.

"Be serious!"

He groans, visibly frustrated.

"Yasmeen Sulayman Sultan will you have dinner with me?" I couldn't help the smile that tore through my face. He actually did it! I was expecting him to flip and leave me there.

"Yes. And now its a date" i said turning around sassily and walking away before he could say anything. What is wrong with me? Subahanallah.

He ordered his food and ordered mine too. How gentlemanly, I was going to talk about it but then i let him be. Atleast he has learnt to ask not inform. That's enough lesson for one day.

"Atleast tell me what I'm eating since you didn't let me choose" he looks at me like I'm crazy.

"You've never had Chinese?" I shook my head no.

"That's not possible. Everyone has had Chinese " i looked at him blandly.

"Well i don't know what's in them but there's a halal sign on the door so... i know these are "dim sum", that's tofu, some rice and i got you chicken soup. You can't tell me you've never had chicken soup. You're can't be that mundane " he says, skillfully picking up the dim sum with his chop sticks. He really likes his Chinese.

"The food goes into your mouth" he says sarcastically when i dropped a dumpling on the table by accident. I scowled at him and he rolls his eyes. He moves closer to me and grabs my right hand, ensuring i hold the chop sticks properly. Sparks flew up and down my spine. Awkward.

"Now eat" i rolled my eyes. Remind me to not thank him. We ate in silence.

He finishes long before me and he just sat there watching me eat, his gaze making me fumble. Honestly, its getting on my nerves.

"Do you mind?" I asked.

"Nope " he says popping the "p", still staring at me. I was fighting a blush.

"Staring is rude you know" i say jokingly but it seems he didn't find it funny because he snapped.

"I don't care. We're leaving" he says swiping the keys from the table top. I was shocked by his sudden change in demeanor. Its like a switch was flipped. He just got angry.

"But I'm not done eating!"

"I don't care! I told you this is not a date now let's go! I have better things to do" His words stung and my eyes pricked with tears. Why am i even still here? He's been disrespecting me since i got to his car.

"You know what? To hell with you" i stood and walked past him. People were staring at us. I walked out of the restaurant and was lucky enough to get a cab immediately.

"Yasmeen!" He thundered from behind. The audacity, calling my name like i did something wrong to him and not the other way round. I got into my taxi, ignoring him.

"W26 B, Oldham street "

Without wasting another moment, we zoom off.




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