The Demon Queen And The Knigh...

By Amira_Yurina

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This story is about Yoohyeon who is a Knight have a hatred toward the Demons and the queen.One day,there is a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 part 1
Chapter 18 part 2
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 part 1
Chapter 27 part 2
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (final)

Chapter 5

1K 73 2
By Amira_Yurina

Jiu has been touring Yoohyeon around the castle for a long while now.Jiu suddenly stopped as they walked through the kitchen.

"Where are you going to show me next?"Asked Yoohyeon.Jiu smirked and turned to look at the smaller girl who was washing a dirty plates in the basin.Yoohyeon recognised the girl and pointed at the smaller girl.

"I-it you!"Yoohyeon stuttering.The smaller girl has stopped what she doing and glanced at Yoohyeon who was surprised by the girl appearance.

"Ah,Yoohyeon unnie!"Nako quickly put the plate down and went toward Yoohyeon and started hugging her by her waist since Yoohyeon is way taller than her. "It been a long time since I last saw you,unnie.I missed you."Nako said. "What do you mean?It only one week though."Yoohyeon stated as she stroke Nako's hair gently.

Watching Nako hugged Yoohyeon was making Jiu felt uncomfortable.She couldn't stand seeing Nako hugged her closest friend. 

"Okay,that's enough."Jiu quickly pulled Nako away from Yoohyeon. Jiu then decided to move on to Yoohyeon's task as her servant.She told Yoohyeon to do the house chore by washing the dishes which of course make Yoohyeon surprised more.

"What?Why doing house chore??I thought being your servant is-"Not wanting the Demon Queen to get mad,Nako went toward Yoohyeon and covered her mouth to prevent her from talking anymore.

"Do not worry your majesty.I will teach her how to wash the dishes."Nako said,still covering Yoohyeon's mouth.

"Mmmghmmm....."Yoohyeon couldn't talk as Nako's grip was too hard on her.She couldn't even breathe too.

"I see...then I leave her to you."

"Yes,your Majesty,leave her to me."

Jiu trusted Nako to take care of Yoohyeon,so she smiled and glanced at Yoohyeon one more time before she left the room.

"Mmghhmmm...."Nako was still covering Yoohyeon's mouth even when Jiu has just left.She couldn't breathe,so she bashfully pushed Nako and started panting. "Yah,are you trying to kill me?"Yoohyeon asked as she was breathing heavily.

"Sorry about that.I was not trying to kill you but to prevent you from getting killed by the Demon Queen."

"What do you mean by getting killed by her?Is that Demon Queen was terrifying."Yoohyeon then remember when she told one of the demon that she is the Demon Queen's servant and that demon was terrified. "Hey Nako,how terrified is Minji anyway?"

"Very!Don't try to mess with her.She is so damn scary that even all of the demons were terrifying of her."Nako said.

Yoohyeon didn't know that all of the demons were terrified of Minji.Even Nako look like she also terrified of her.

"Anyway,we don't want her to get mad.Let's start washing the dishes.

"Okay...."Yoohyeon nodded obediently and followed what Nako has said,began to wash the dishes.

After Yoohyeon has finally done washing the dish.Nako told her to wipe the floor of Jiu's room with a cloth,so she did,quickly.After that,Yoohyeon proceed to sweeping the floor in the garden,sweeping off the leaves.

Nako then told Yoohyeon to clean all Jiu's outfits.Nako thought that Yoohyeon will fight back but weirdly,she's not.She was cleaning Jiu's clothing obediently without complaining.

Jiu was watching Yoohyeon washing her outfits from afar and smiled.She was happy seeing Yoohyeon was doing what she has told her. "I didn't know she will do it.

A few hours has passed since Yoohyeon was doing a house chore and Jiu was walking around the castle.She was amazed that the castle was cleaning perfectly. She didn't know Yoohyeon could clean it neatly and nicely.

Jiu then saw Yoohyeon laying on the couch in the living room of the castle.She approached toward Yoohyeon and noticed that Yoohyeon was sleeping soundly and peacefully.Jiu smiled and kissed on Yoohyeon's cheek softly so that Yoohyeon won't wake up.

"Since she has worked hard,I guess I should give her a little gift from me."Jiu slowly place her tip of her index finger on Yoohyeon's chest.The dark aura suddenly appeared on her finger.Then a dark aura from the tip of her finger was entering through Yoohyeon's chest from her finger.

Yoohyeon was finally waking up from her sleep and she just noticed that Jiu was just in front of her.She quickly back away,looking at Jiu with her terrifying eyes. "What are you doing to me?Are you trying to kill me?"Asked Yoohyeon as she covered her chest.

Jiu shook her head. "Not really.I just gave you a little gift from all the hard work you did."

"Hard work?"Yoohyeon confused.She touched her chest.She felt something different about her,as if something was inside her body.

To avoid Yoohyeon's confusion,Jiu placed Yoohyeon's hand down from her chest.She told Yoohyeon that her task for today is completed and she can go home now.

Yoohyeon nodded and quickly went home from the castle,leaving the queen behind. 

As Yoohyeon left the castle,there was a demon watching Yoohyeon left,glaring at her. "What is so good with that human anyway?Why did Queen Jiu chose her as her servant?"The demon was really jealous.His eyes was full of anger as he keep watching Yoohyeon walk.

While Yoohyeon was on the way to her house where all the Dreamcatcher members are staying,she couldn't stop thinking about Jiu.Thinking about that queen make her heart skip.

Yoohyeon then heard a footstep coming behind her.She quickly turned behind but there no one.So she thought it just her imagination and continue walking.

While she continue walking to her house,she felt that her chest was tightened.She keep touching her chest. "What the heck is happening to me?Why my chest felt so painful?"Yoohyeon murmured while she was walking with her hand on her chest.

Not long after,the demon quickly attack Yoohyeon from behind.Luckily,Yoohyeon dodged away from the demon.But her chest was so painful that she knee down to the ground.Yoohyeon felt like her chest got stabbed by a sword or a knife or any sharp weapon.

"You dodge well,human.But I won't let you live."The demon said as he quickly try to attack Yoohyeon.Yoohyeon drew her sword as fast as she could and blocked the attack.The demon bit the sword,causing her sword shattered and so,Yoohyeon was shocked for a second and then she decided to pulled away from the demon and started running.But the way Yoohyeon run is weak.

The demon clicked his tongue and started chassing the weak girl.He doesn't want to let a human like Yoohyeon to live.

Yoohyeon tried to push her leg to run fast as she could.But her chest was still painful.She accidentally stepped onto the rock and fell hard on the ground.The demon used this chance to blast his magic toward Yoohyeon.

Yoohyeon quickly dodge it and the magic that the demon tried to attacked her,causing the tree to be destroyed.

"Why are you doing this,demon?"Yoohyeon asked the demon who was forming a ball of black aura from his palm. "Thanks to you, killed my family 20 years ago."

Yoohyeon then widened her eyes.She don't know what the demon is talking about.All she knew is that the one who got killed 20 years ago was a human,and the demon is a murderer.And that's when the war between the human and the demon started.

"What do you mean?Human killed your kind?No,you the one who killed our kinds at first."

"That's because we want to avenge our families.That the reason why we killed humans."The demon threw the ball of the black aura at Yoohyeon.Yoohyeon managed to dodge it but the aura got hit on the side of her arm,causing Yoohyeon to yelped in pain. 

"If it not for you humans,we will not kill you."The demon once again threw the ball of black aura at Yoohyeon.Yoohyeon knew that she have no time to dodge.She tried to cover it with her right arm.

As the black aura hit her right arm, the aura suddenly disappear into a thin air.And Yoohyeon couldn't feel any pain from her chest anymore.

"How?"The demon shocked.He tried one more time to attack Yoohyeon with his black aura.Yoohyeon quickly blocked it with her right arm and just like that,the aura has disappear completely.

Yoohyeon didn't know what was happening,but she know she have a chance to fight against the demon. She clenched her fist and quickly running toward the demon to punch him.

The demon close his eyes shut.He scared of getting hit by Yoohyeon.But after a few seconds he closed his eyes,he couldn't feel anything like getting hit by Yoohyeon.He slowly lifted his eyes and surprisingly, Yoohyeon's fist was just an inch away from his face.


"You are a demon and I can't forgive you....but for some reason,I can't kill you."Yoohyeon put down her fist and started leaving the demon.She decided to go back to the castle to meet Jiu.She knew that Jiu might know anything about the demon and human.

At the castle,Jiu was standing near the window,watching the scenery as she drink a glass of champagne. She could sensed that Yoohyeon was walking toward her from behind.

"You came back,Yoohyeon."Jiu greeted the girl as she turned around toward Yoohyeon.

"Minji,we need to talk."Yoohyeon asked in her serious tone,causing Jiu to be confused.

_________________________ __________

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