Do The Math...{ Married To My...

By truant_Delilah_xx

64.3K 1.9K 402

What happened when infront of the full  mandap  of people suddenly your groom called off the wedding due to t... More

Do The Math...{ Married To My Professor }
Chapter1~the marriage 'minus' groom
Chapter2~making of a new 'problem'~
A/N * please read *
Chapter3~the addition of the unknown element~
Chapter5~the summation of me & him~
Chapter6~union of different feelings~
Chapter7~closing a chapter of my life-
Chapter 8~crazy mother-in-law UNION crazier siblings-in-law

Chapter4~Combination of 2 taking 2 at a time~

4.4K 208 57
By truant_Delilah_xx

A/N::::: Read  the first poem of mine written in wattpad called
The boy on the bus...(link>>)
and  the new story called Husband..

read the meanings of the italic non-English terms after the chapter...



" Marriage is the golden ring in a chain
beginning is a glance and whose
ending is Eternity."

~ Kahlil Gibran ~


" Anudi remove the betel leaves..."



2 degree...

10 degree ...

30 degree...

45 degree... I'm opening the two leaves uncovering my face..

61 degree...

73 degree...

80 degree...


The uncovering parts reach 90 degree separately exposing the sight infront of me...

and I gradually look up to him....

~end of recap~

Chapter4~Combination of 2 taking 2 at a time~

I look up to him or I must say I look up to his eyes and immediately meet with a pair of grey orbs reflecting the trance of a cloudy night...

then a straight nose and then oh oh oh boy! How can an innocent face contain such a mischievous smile lingering lips!

Whoosh! without specs I observed him...

and observed this nerdy-specs wearing guy very clearly..

And if I had not been informed about the fact that he is a professor I surely mistook him for his hair as some guy from some rock-band...

His black, thick hair which is  passed through the margin of short hair is full of smallest curls I have ever seen..

And the first thing comes on my mind after seeing his hair is that a pony will suit him like nothing else..

A pony-

The stirring of the piri brings me back from my thought..

Oh man! Really! Why was my mind acting like a hair-dresser in my wedding!!

The sound of shankh and ulu  filled the air. I once again look at him..but not to his his attire...

the dhuti-punjabi  hugs his tall, toned body very much...

After some rituals the exchanging garlands ceremony came..

I'm still up on air...

My uncles lift me a bit more such that I can put the garland on him...

Man! he is tall!!

Generally a nornal height guy can easily tower me..and beside this guy I will look like a heap of white-ant beside the Himalaya...

Holding the garland I prompt to put it on him...but boy! he is a naughty professor!

he straightens up more and leans away a bit to make his height impossible to reach for me...

And he is smiling...

The bloody tall guy is smiling making fun of me!!!

My poor uncles lift me a bit to make the putting garland thing easy for me...

But being the mischievous the guy is he keeps making the thing hard for me...

Enough  joking!!

Yeah every groom used to do that 'I'm-not-gonna-low-my-head-but-you-have-to-put-garland-inspite of-this' thing.

And this has been a fun in every wedding I know but today no mood of 'fun' is left in me...

and I'm feeling humiliated...

Just before the moment I thought to throw the garland on him not caring about its landing he lows his head for me in a very smart way with the very mischievous smile still lingering in his lips...

We exchange garland...

I put it on him...he puts it on me..and again I put it on him...

The third time he is being a good boy not doing any teasing by leaning away...

Then we sit for the rituals again...

The priest is pronouncing some hymns which are all incoherent to me but my groom seems repeating all these with so much interest...

Ohhh! I just can't believe all the series of events have happened today...

And a few moments ago I've exchanged garlands with some freaking professor who is no doubt handsome but enough irritating to get under my skin!

Mala nudges me suddenly...

" Now WHAT?"

"Give your hand to the groom."

Oh I missed the priest's direction.

I'm supposed to put my hand on the guy's palm now...

Grhhh! Rituals can be stupid seriously!

Reluctantly I place my hand on him...

And immediately the priest wraps our hand together by some stuff... but inspite of the presence of so many things engulfing our hands together the touch of his warm skin does not irritate me which I've thought it would..But a nice feeling swims through my heart and in the simple touch of his palm in the back of my hand I feel....home.

After some more rituals he puts the shidoor on my shithi...

I feel goosebumps under his cloudy orbs when he is putting the shidoor...

But then he backs away finishing his duty and I sigh in relief..

I see his grey eyes are flicking under the lights..

But I can't sense still what leads him to marry me not even seeing me once!!

After some time

we complete the 7 rounds of moving circling the fire...

The rituals are going on with chanting mantras..

The night is also starts to getting deeper...

Atlast the ritual of 'pouring puffed rice in fire' comes followed by the ending of it. .

He hugs me from my behind lightly and cups my cupping hand holding puffed rice...

We pour it in the fire and the same time I start to shiver..shiver for this guy's touch in this way though it us too light to be concerned...

*      *       *

Now me and him are brought to dine...but my hunger has died down a long ago..

But he is pretty hungry I guess...

I touch one item from the dessert  and after finishing half of it I push it away...

He gives me a questioning look..

I shake my head gesturing I'm not hungry..

He finishes his plate pretty neatly and finishes my plate also for which I'm grateful...

Then he grabs my half-finished dessert...

" I've eaten from it!"

" I know.. I thought you're not gona eat anymore..."

This is the first time I hear my husband's voice...and it is DEEP AND HUSKY like the boys in bad boys' stories!!...

"N-nah I'm not going to eat..."

God!! From where this startling is coming in me!!

" Then it's gonna be waste!

Better I use it!"

with this he starts to eat.


I nevet touch anyone's eaten food...and he is eating my eaten food..yuck...Is not this unhygenic!

Though my friends do this often and in friend circle this is common but I was never in this...

But heyy why is he eating mine!!

I'm not even his friend!

"Do you always finish if some of your friends left his food?"

" No "

Huh! what!

" And I'm not even your friend so why you're eating....ummm my left over then?"

He pauses his eating for a few moments then looks at me like I've grown horns in my head!

"What?? Why you're eating this?"

I ask him again..

But what he says I've not expecting this though it is pretty normal...

" Cause..."

" Cause...?"

"'re my wife..."


¤shankh- conch..

¤ulu- a sound made my Bengali women with their tounge during any sacred occasion...

¤ dhuti-punjabi- Eastern dresses for men...

¤ sithi- partition of the hair...

¤ shidoor- vermilion...

¤ Shiva- Hindu God...


**not edited**

**written on my phone**


**dedicated to @veni7842 for being a lovely reader to my stories...





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